TOHG :: Volume #18

#1724: Counter-attacks Heavenly Court

Misty Maple Valley, first batch of numerous super craftsmanships that arrived here reinforcements on the contrary is Mute and Eternal Peace, after arriving here, then bustles about immediately, by the 2nd day, teleporation gateways was stood by them. 岚枫谷地,第一批来到这里的援军反倒是哑巴延康的一众天工,来到这里之后,便立刻忙碌开来,待到第二日,一座座传送门户被他们立了起来。 What the second batch come here is Lin Xuan Dao Lord and Dao Ancestor and other Dao Sect's technique of calculation expert, after they arrive, immediately adjusts technique of calculation of each teleporation gateway, is connected with other Eternal Peace Divine City teleporation gateways. 第二批来到这里的是林轩道主道祖道门的术数高手,他们来到之后,立刻调整每一座传送门户的术数,与其他延康神城传送门户相连。 Many Apothecary that walks from the teleporation gateway is the third group of reinforcements, after these Apothecary come here, then takes out the respective pill furnace immediately, the refinement maintains medicine stone that the teleporation gateway needs. 传送门户中走出来的诸多药师是第三批援军,这些药师来到这里之后,便立刻取出各自的丹炉,炼制维系传送门户所需要的药石 When these complete, Misty Maple Valley teleporation gateways with many Divine City connections of Eternal Peace, the Eternal Peace major Divine City god demon armies start methodically from the teleporation gateway have walked. 等到这些做完,岚枫谷地的一座座传送门户已经与延康的诸多神城连通,延康各大神城的神魔大军开始有条不紊的从传送门户中走来。 The teleporation gateway using the treasure that teleporation divine ability designs, uses the teleporation divine ability ultra long-distance transmission, consumes magic power extremely, when Qin Mu kills celestial being with noble rank clone(s), cannot withstand. 传送门户是利用传送神通设计出来的宝物,使用传送神通超远距离传输,极为消耗法力,即便是秦牧袭杀灵官分身时,也承受不住。 The teleporation gateway consumes is medicine stone. 传送门户消耗的则是药石 Like Eternal Peace this large-scale transporting military, the consumption is quite huge, will therefore transport the military rarely using the teleporation gateway, only if the situation will be urgent. 延康这种大规模的运送兵力,消耗极为巨大,因此运送兵力很少会利用传送门户,除非事态紧急。 Now, is the most urgent time! 现在,便是最紧急的时刻! Celestial Exalt Yue and Lang Wo God King hurries back, woodcutter Wen Tiange then knows that Jiang Baigui had arrived at the Xuandu battlefield, therefore their two people have the opportunity to catch up. 月天尊阆涴神王赶回来的时候,樵夫闻天阁便知道江白圭已经到了玄都战场,因此她们二人才有机会赶来。 Carefree Village! Dispatches troops-” 无忧乡!出兵-” Misty Maple Valley Divine City gateways open, the officers of Carefree Village surviving go to battle, Empress Yiyue, the azure sovereign, Emperor Shi Tian, Tian Shu, Yan Yunxi, the oar tea and elderly fisherman, with the veteran who Founding Emperor Heavenly Court fortunately survives, leads the army to have Misty Maple Valley respectively, sets out to the Heavenly Court big camp. 岚枫谷地的一座座神城门户开启,无忧乡残存的将士出征,帝译月、青皇、帝释天田蜀烟云兮、濯茶、渔翁,与开皇天庭幸存下来的老将,各自引领大军出岚枫谷地,向天庭大营进发。 Many days of divine power gentlemen lift the Qin Mu's inner and outer coffin furiously, walk in the forefront. 诸多天神力士奋力将秦牧的棺椁抬起,走在最前面。 Ling Yuxiu and various Eternal Peace army officers stand on the tower over a city gate, gazes after the Carefree Village army to leave Misty Maple Valley. 灵毓秀延康各军将士站在城楼上,目送无忧乡的军队离开岚枫谷地 The Carefree Village army is the vanguard, the vanguard is a dagger, is used to tear the enemy, if unable to tear the enemy, then the dagger will then break off! 无忧乡的军队是前锋,前锋是一口尖刀,用来撕裂敌人的,倘若无法撕裂敌人,那么尖刀便会被折断! The Carefree Village army trip will face an unprecedented tough battle, person who at the present goes out of town, many can live is still being the unknown number! 无忧乡的军队此行将会面对一场前所未有的硬仗,而今出城的人,多少能够活着回来尚是未知之数! Since this Heavenly Court has invaded, Eternal Peace or Carefree Village, are the passive defensive, Heavenly Court attack, Eternal Peace and Carefree Village defend. 自从这次天庭入侵以来,无论是延康还是无忧乡,都是被动防御,天庭来攻,延康无忧乡来守。 At the present, is the first active offense, it can be imagined being furious of Heavenly Court and counter-attacks is fearful! 而今,是第一次主动攻击,可想而知天庭的震怒和反扑是何等可怕! However, this war wants to win, needs Carefree Village this dagger to puncture ruthlessly, punctures the Heavenly Court seemingly invincible leather bag! 但是,这一战想要获胜,需要有无忧乡这口尖刀狠狠刺出,刺破天庭看似无敌的皮囊! Li Youran!” “李悠然!” Scarlet Emperor Qi Xiayu all alone goes out of town alone, calls Emperor Shi Tian, said: You are Li Youran!” 赤帝齐暇瑜孤身一人独自出城,唤住帝释天,道:“你是李悠然!” Emperor Shi Tian shakes the head: Donor does not need dedicated in name/reputation with, me to be a Buddha of indignation, Buddha is Rulai, regards all living things equality, does not have nameless.” He commands the army to go far away. 帝释天摇头:“施主不必执着于名与相,我是一尊忿怒的佛,佛是如来,视众生平等,无相无名。”他率军远去。 The Scarlet Emperor Qi Xiayu stimulation of movement phoenix ship flies, stands asks on the ship downward: „Did you forget in the past?” 赤帝齐暇瑜催动凤凰船飞来,站在船上向下问道:“你忘记过去了?” Emperor Shi Tian raised the head, looks out her happy appearance, said: Donor, you have the phoenix clan, does not need rigid in individual emotion. If you thought that I am Li Youran, then I then am Li Youran, Rulai loves greatly endless, lovable all living things, is lovable you. Goes back.” 帝释天抬头,遥望她美好的容颜,道:“施主,你还有凤族在,不必执着于个人情感。你若是觉得我是李悠然,那么我便是李悠然,如来大爱无疆,可爱众生,也可爱你。回去吧。” Qi Xiayu stares the big eye, gazes after him to go far away. 齐暇瑜瞪大眼睛,目送他远去。 Above the Misty Maple Valley tower over a city gate, Emperor Yanfeng walks, stands side Ling Yuxiu, said solemnly: „The first war, must tear an opening the Heavenly Court big camp, Carefree Village this goes, danger numerous.” 岚枫谷地城楼之上,延丰帝走来,站在灵毓秀身边,沉声道:“第一战,必须要将天庭大营撕裂一个口子,无忧乡此去,危险重重。” Ling Yuxiu saw own father, Emperor Yanfeng also appeared somewhat the senile, transformed the middle-aged ruler who carried out the political reform to appear the vicissitudes compared with past that firm will, however his vigor was very abundant, is in high spirits. 灵毓秀看了看自己的父亲,延丰帝也显得有几分老态了,比当年那个锐意变革推行变法的中年帝皇显得沧桑了许多,但是他的精气神还很充沛,神采飞扬。 Father sovereign, this fights you to direct.” Ling Yuxiu said. “父皇,这一战你来指挥。”灵毓秀道。 Emperor Yanfeng shakes the head, says with a smile: You is a qualified leader, if not you must marry surnamed Qin, I do not want to meet the Eternal Peace outdoor shop. You are inferior to me in the boldness, but is more careful than me, has the patience compared with me, understood that hides one's incompetence by remaining silent, hidden point. This war, you dispatch. I must go forth to battle to kill the enemy personally!” 延丰帝摇头,笑道:“你已经是一个合格的领袖了,若非你要嫁给姓秦的,我也不想接延康的摊子。你在魄力上不如我,但比我细心,比我有耐心,更懂得藏拙、藏锋。这一战,你来调度。我要亲自上阵杀敌!” Ling Yuxiu nods, then said: Grandpa Blind, the Eternal Peace formation attainments, no one can have your right, your God Eyes Wu Shuang/Unparalleled, now is Eternal Peace formation Heavenly Teacher, you keep side me.” 灵毓秀点了点头,回头道:“瞎爷爷,延康阵法造诣,无人能出你之右,你神眼无双,现在起便是延康阵法天师,你留在我身边。” Blind patted clapping, Eternal Peace many practice formation young goes forward, Blind said: „A human understanding is short, in this age, the knowledge Dao Art large explosion growth, only depending on individual, very difficulty to have achieved the versatile person in a domain. I need these children to help my helping hand.” 瞎子拍了拍手,延康许多修炼阵法的年轻纷纷上前,瞎子道:“一人智短,在这个年代,知识道法大爆炸般增长,仅凭个人,已经很难在一个领域做到全才了。我需要这些小朋友们来助我一臂之力。” Ling Yuxiu bows: Has work Grandpa Blind.” 灵毓秀躬身:“有劳瞎爷爷。” Her relaxing body, orders, in Nether, the innumerable paper boats set out, on the ship the paper with deities leaps the bow unceasingly, dashes about wildly in darkness Nether. 她直起腰身,一声令下,幽都之中,无数纸船进发,船上纸马不断跃出船头,在黑暗幽都中狂奔。 But conducting the back of paper with deities died in battle the god demon in this catastrophe, although dies still the fierce battle, fighting intent is dreadful, enormous and powerful, charges into the Heavenly Court camp. 而纸马的背上则是战死在这场浩劫之中的神魔,虽死犹酣战,战意滔天,浩浩荡荡,冲向天庭阵营。 On that paper boat, Celestial Exalt You are raising the lantern, the shining front path. 那一艘艘纸船上,一个个幽天尊提着马灯,照耀前方的道路。 Sky over billions of paper boats, Earth count Life and Death book golden light is shining, like piece of a spirit money that does not have the thickness, shines. 在数以亿计的纸船上空,土伯生死簿金光灿灿,如同一片没有厚度的金纸,照耀下来。 But in the rear area of Celestial Exalt You clone(s) army, Qin Fengqin Three Head Six Arm, each head long has three eyes, the top of the head lives two horns, follows in his behind. 而在幽天尊分身大军的后方,秦凤青三头六臂,每颗头上长有三只眼睛,头顶生有双角,跟在他的身后。 Qin Fengqin behind, is howls six sheaves of rotation, sheave six revolve to the different directions, is following him. 秦凤青身后,则是呼啸转动的六道天轮,天轮六道向不同方向旋转,跟随着他。 Bang! 轰隆! In Misty Maple Valley Divine City spout the long brilliance, the start, goes to the Heavenly Court big camp slowly. 岚枫谷地中一座座神城喷出长长的光焰,缓缓启动,向天庭大营而去。 In the city, large ship big ships soar, the speed be faster than Divine City, methodical driving out of Divine City, in the decks of these large ships is arranging rows of speeding cars, on the large speeding car has Apothecary from Eternal Peace to step up to debug the pill furnace of speeding car, but other officers in rapid move toward the speeding car on all kinds of divine weapon/divine army sharp weapons. 城中,一艘艘楼船大舰腾空,速度要比神城快了许多,有条不紊的驶出神城,那些楼船的甲板上排着一排排的飞车,大型飞车上有来自延康药师正在加紧调试飞车的丹炉,而其他将士则在飞速将各种神兵利器往飞车上搬。 When reorganizes to them, large ship greatly shipboard commanding generals order, the pill furnaces of speeding cars start, depart the large ship, the speed wanted quickly much compared with the large ship, the speeding car army howled to go. 待到他们整理完毕,一艘艘楼船大舰上的主将一声令下,一辆辆飞车的丹炉启动,飞出楼船,速度比楼船要快了不少,飞车大军呼啸而去。 The Village Chief stimulation of movement vitality, like a youngster, the waist is matching the divine sword, against the wind however vertical. 村长催动气血,如同一个少年,腰间配着神剑,迎风而立。 He stands on a frontline speeding car, the speeding car army are practice sword technique Sword Art and Sword Dao Eternal Peace hero. 他站在最前方的一辆飞车上,飞车军多是修炼剑术剑法剑道延康英杰。 Hū—— 呼—— The Scarlet Emperor Qi Xiayu phoenix ship vibrates the wing, departs Divine City, the rear area is the army of phoenix clan, but each phoenix conducts the back is standing more than ten Eternal Peace officers, shoulders a person of long sword respectively. 赤帝齐暇瑜的凤凰船震动羽翼,飞出神城,后方是凤族的大军,不过每一个凤凰背上皆站着十多个延康将士,各自背负一人多长的战刀。 Their waists also wear the blade pouch, inside has blade pellet. 他们的腰间还佩戴有刀囊,里面藏有刀丸 Butcher body tall and strong, stands in conducting the back of phoenix, nearby two phoenixes fly, Divine Blade Luo Wu Shuang/Unparalleled appears in his left, monster blade Zhe Huali appears in his right, Ba Shan in following is pressuring the enemy to the extreme catches up fiercely. 屠夫身躯魁梧,站在一头凤凰的背上,旁边两头凤凰飞来,神刀洛无双出现在他的左侧,妖刀哲华黎出现在他的右侧,霸山正在后面穷追猛赶。 Behind the Eternal Peace four broadsword gods, is young one generation of Eternal Peace practice Blade Skill blade say/way. 延康四大刀神背后,是延康修炼刀法刀道的年轻一辈。 „Did he come?” “他怎么也来了?” Zhe Huali then shot a look at Chancellor Ba Shan one, knits the brows: He is not our divine blade camp, what he walks is the way of battle spell confluence. Rebels!” 哲华黎回头瞥了霸山祭酒一眼,皱眉道:“他又不是我们神刀营的,他走的是战法合流的路数。叛徒!” Chancellor Ba Shan flies into a rage: Brat, has the ability you to stop!” 霸山祭酒勃然大怒:“臭小子,有能耐你停下!” Do not pay attention to him.” “不要理会他。” Butcher has not turned head, said: You more pay attention to him, he is happy, the voice is bigger. Mu'er and Tian Shu are not , can only draw to make up the number him.” 屠夫没有回头,道:“你越是理会他,他越是开心,嗓门越大。牧儿田蜀不在,只能把他拉出来凑数。” Chancellor Ba Shan is blue the face, called out: Teacher, your elbow turns outward, isn't sore? The good and evil I am your one's own apprentice!” 霸山祭酒青着脸,叫道:“老师,你胳膊肘往外拐,不疼吗?好歹我是你亲生的徒弟!” The Butcher complexion is pale. 屠夫脸色铁青。 Luo Wushuang is puzzled, the heart said: „Is Heavenly Blade what kind of heroic spirit heroic feelings? Learned, has a ready pen, how is his apprentice actually a big uneducated person?” 洛无双不解,心道:“天刀是何等的豪气豪情?满腹经纶,出口成章,怎么他的徒弟却是个大老粗?” Heavenly River departs, Heavenly River is getting more and more long, surging forward, profound emperor Emperor Wu changed to huge Black Tortoise, in the mainland like the river, hovered in Heavenly River. 一段天河飞出,天河越来越长,汹涌澎湃,玄帝武帝化作巨大的玄武,如同河中大陆,在天河中游动。 But Black Tortoise and Soaring Snake behind, are driving huge great lake, that is ancestral ground of Black Tortoise two emperors. 玄龟腾蛇身后,拖动着更为庞大的大泽,那是玄武二帝的祖地 In ancestral ground, from the profound Demigod of clan and military clan is full of energy, found own partner respectively, is a man and a woman, accompanying ties. 祖地中,来自玄族和武族的半神们精神抖擞,各自找到自己的伙伴,都是一男一女,相伴结阵。 In the sky, Wei Sui Feng flies high the flight, the big sleeve is floating , is thousands of imperial guards, flutters the flight. 天空中,魏随风凌空飞行,大袖飘飘,身后则是数以万计的羽林军,振翅飞行。 Emperor Wu thousand wing Soaring Snake raised head, says with a smile: Emperor cloud, this war carefully, be careful style shows the man!” 武帝所化的千翼腾蛇仰头,笑道:“云罗帝,这场战事小心点,当心人如其名!” Bah!” “呸!” Wei Sui Feng laughs: I am in the world a few can display Unchanging Divine Ability, although is remnant, but also maintains life sufficiently! Actually your couples, must be careful are!” 魏随风哈哈大笑:“我是天底下少数几个能够施展出不易神通的,虽然是残的,但也足以保命!倒是你们夫妻,一定要当心才是!” Most favorable auspices.” “大吉大利。” Profound emperor Black Tortoise raised the head to say with a smile: I am good at practicing divination, have calculated an trigram, the trip extraordinarily good luck!” 玄帝所化的玄龟抬头笑道:“我善于占卜,算过一卦,此行大吉!” Misty Maple Valley Divine City increases speed gradually, in the valley land, Mute leads thousands of super craftsmanship opening newly-built to oversee the manufacture of the factory, exercises divine weapon/divine army, to prepare consumes. 岚枫谷地神城渐渐提速,谷地中,哑巴率领数以万计的天工开启新建的一座座督造厂,锻炼神兵,以备消耗。 At the same time, many Divine Ability Practitioner come and go, ships in Spirit Pill wondrous medicine and Divine Gold god ore from Eternal Peace. 同一时间,还有许许多多神通者来来往往,从延康运来灵丹妙药神金神矿。 In the sky, 110 Divine City are welcoming the setting sun afterglow, sets out to the Heavenly Court big camp. 天空中,百十座神城迎着落日的余晖,向天庭大营进发。 But under Divine City, Grandma Si leads the Eternal Peace ground army, the Eternal Peace officers marches, while the stimulation of movement summoned divine ability, the sky under Divine City split unceasingly, presents beast that length and breadth boundless world. 而在神城下方,司婆婆率领延康的地面大军,延康将士们一边行军,一边催动召唤神通,神城下的天空不断裂开,出现兽界那广袤无垠的世界。 A leader antique giant beast pokes head from another world, falls from the sky. 一头头太古巨兽从另一个世界纷纷探出头来,从天空中落下。 Grandma Si leads myriad officers to mount a leader giant beast broad back, the giant beast gallops, steps on the land to shiver, the speed is getting more and more fast. 司婆婆带领着万千将士登上一头头巨兽宽广的后背,巨兽奔腾,踩得大地颤抖,速度越来越快。 Grandma Si looked around one, sees only Young Patriarch Wen Yuan and Hua Xuan Xiu stands back of a giant beast, quickly said: Wen Yuan, looks after your Junior Sister! She is our Heavenly Saint Cult saintess!” 司婆婆看了旁边一眼,只见少年祖师文元花萱秀站在一头巨兽背部,连忙道:“文元,照顾好你师妹!她是咱们天圣教的圣女!” Wen Yuan Patriarch is somewhat suffering, the heart said: Old phoenix is inferior to the chicken, at the present my status also develops rapidly after a sudden turn, I and Mu'er same when people grow old become worthless......” 文元祖师有些委屈,心道:“年老的凤凰不如鸡,而今我的地位也急转直下了,难道我和牧儿一样人老珠黄了……” Grandma Si somewhat is worried about the Hua Xuan Xiu safety, to the Jiang Yun by-path: cloud gap/between, your cultivation base is high, takes care of you to spend Junior Sister!” 司婆婆还是有些担心花萱秀的安危,向江云间道:“云间,你修为高,照顾好你花师妹!” Among Jiang Yun the facial color serious nod, his leading army is four emperor divine weapon/divine army armies, on each officers carries four emperor divine weapon/divine army, such as Five Thunders Pot and other thing. 江云间面色严肃的点头,他此次率领的军队是四帝神兵大军,每一个将士身上都背着四帝神兵,如五雷壶等物。 Wen Yuan Patriarch and Hua Xuan Xiu behind, then the army who comprised of the Heavenly Saint School scholars, Directorate and Chancellor, these people often from past Heavenly Saint Cult, had Heavenly King, Protector and other senior statesmen. 文元祖师花萱秀身后,则是由天圣学宫的士子、国子监祭酒组成的大军,这些人往往是来自当年的天圣教,有天王、护法等元老。 After Qin Mu makes Cult Master, reforming Heavenly Saint Cult is Heavenly Saint School, the Heavenly Saint Cult reputation was not good, is called Heavenly Devil Cult, at the present was washes white. 秦牧教主之后,改革天圣教天圣学宫,天圣教原本名声不好,被称作天魔教,而今算是洗白了。 Wen Yuan Patriarch is this first generation Cult Master, enrolling head. 文元祖师是这一代教主,也只是挂个名头而已。 Various Eternal Peace group of armies all set out on the 2nd, march forward, the Heavenly Court big camp are in sight, but at this point, Carefree Village army already army front impact with Heavenly Court big camp! 延康各路大军悉数进发,行进两日,天庭大营在望,而在此时,无忧乡的大军已然与天庭大营的军队正面碰撞! The first war that Eternal Peace counter-attacks, eruption! 延康反攻的第一战,爆发!
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