TOHG :: Volume #18

#1723: Lan maple tree decisive battle

Qin Mu sits in the inner and outer coffin, turning the head slowly, that 50 unite the god of journeys nail to hurt, making him move to feel every time touches somebody's sore spot ache. 秦牧坐在棺椁中,又慢慢的转过头来,那五十根戮道神钉着实疼,让他每移动一下都感觉到扎心般的疼痛。 But is good because of having to unite the god of journeys nail, suppressed three Young Master to the say/way wound that other party becomes, making him have the sufficient energy to study Dao Art divine ability that in a wound contains. 但好在有戮道神钉,压制了三公子给他造成的道伤,让他有足够的精力去研究道伤中蕴藏的道法神通 He with the aid of reopening divine treasure, remoulds the Primordial Spirit opportunity, erases divine treasure and Primordial Spirit wound, is only left over the wound on physical body. So long as solves this point, he then can cultivation base completely duplicate/restores, even won the past. 他借助重开神藏,重塑元神的机会,把神藏元神的伤抹除,只剩下肉身上的伤。只要解决这一点,他便可以修为尽复,甚至更胜从前。 Three Young Master that move of divine ability, are more/complete Palace master person for divine ability that to cope with day lord opens, coping with me indeed was also enough, is only the road and day lord my practice is different, therefore no wanted my life.” “三公子那招神通,是弥罗宫主人为了对付天都之主而开辟出的神通,对付我也的确足够了,只是我的修炼之路与天都之主不同,因此没有一下要了我的命。” He observes the say/way wound in wound carefully, suddenly smiles to make noise in the coffin: Three Young Master non- wisdom, I obtained more/complete palace Dao Mark, he actually delivered my so many Dao Mark, big divine ability of teacher!” 他细细观察伤口中的道伤,突然在棺材里笑出声来:“三公子不智,我只是得到了一个弥罗宫道纹,他却送了我这么多的道纹,还有老师的大神通!” In the Eternal Peace Lan maple tree valley land is having many old friends to walk, plans to examine his situation, hears in the coffin to hear the laughter, look at each other in dismay. 延康岚枫谷地中正有不少故人走来,打算查看他的情况,听到棺材里传来笑声,不由面面相觑 I know that cannot die.” “我就知道死不了。” Very much Village Chief regrets said to Butcher: Good person non- longevity, disaster thousands of years. How does Mu'er possibly die?” 村长很是惋惜的对屠夫说道:“好人不长命,祸害千万年。牧儿怎么可能死?” Butcher nods again and again. 屠夫连连点头。 Nearby the Ling Yuxiu half step arrives, sees only Qin Mu to sit in the coffin, complexion wax yellow, loves dearly extremely. 灵毓秀快步来到跟前,只见秦牧坐在棺材里,脸色蜡黄,不禁心疼万分。 Qin Mu said with a smile: Madame, my wound has not obstructed greatly, the long ten years, the short five years, then can recover.” 秦牧笑道:“夫人,我的伤没有大碍,长则十年,短则五年,便可以痊愈。” Ling Yuxiu saw on him to insert the coffin nail, on the top of the head also inserted five completely, cried, sobs: This coffin nail is the Xing An writing skill, he is so ruthless, owes I also to kindly treat him......” 灵毓秀见他身上插满了棺材钉,天灵盖上还插了五根,不由落泪,哽咽道:“这棺材钉是星犴的手笔,他这么狠,亏我还善待他……” Originally is the Xing An writing skill.” “原来是星犴的手笔。” The Qin Mu surprise, said: I said that is who leaves behind such big flaw to me intentionally. The Xing An surface cold-hearted hot warmheartedness, I formerly wrongly accused him actually.” 秦牧诧异,道:“我说是谁故意给我留下这么大的破绽。星犴倒是个面冷心热的热心肠,我从前错怪他了。” His strategy is freely exceedingly high, but does not know that Xing An actually kept 1% flaws to him, Tai Chu/Highest Beginning misunderstood the meaning of Xing An, left behind the percentage hundred flaws. 他尽管智谋通天,但是也不知道星犴其实只是给他留了百分之一的破绽,太初误会了星犴的意思,才留下了百分百破绽。 Madame, you look up, when the Xuandu war ended, then when is Eternal Peace counter-attacks.” “夫人,你抬头看,当玄都战事结束,便是延康反攻之时。” Qin Mu said with a smile: At that time, we then can want the child.” 秦牧笑道:“那时,我们便可以要孩子了。” Ling Yuxiu complexion slightly red, spat one, said in a low voice: Elders.” 灵毓秀脸色微红,啐了一口,低声道:“长辈们都在。” Outside the coffin transmits coughs, Qin Mu is unable to turn the head, cannot see all around, but listens to this cough sound then to know that outside the coffin should stand the person. 棺材外传来一声声咳嗽,秦牧无法转头,看不到四周,不过听这咳嗽声便可以知道棺材外应该站满了人。 Superior honest material.” “上等的好料。” Grandfather Ma serious is measuring the coffin, pretends not to hear, praised: I had also hit many coffins before, but the needed materials are so good, is actually the first time sees. This Artifact Refining method, only feared that was less inferior than Mute.” 马爷一本正经的量着棺材,装作没有听见,赞道:“我以前也打过许多口棺材,但用料这么好的,却是头一次见。这炼器手段,只怕不比哑巴逊色了。” Blind also came, observes the rune mark on coffin, praised: Really is a good coffin! What a pity lay down by Mu'er, otherwise I must lie down to enjoy happiness!” 瞎子也来了,观察棺材上的符文印记,赞道:“真是一口好棺材!可惜被牧儿躺了,否则我一定要躺进去享享福!” Mu'er really has the good fortune.” 牧儿真有福气。” Deaf loud acclaiming: Apothecary, you said that is?” 聋子大声的赞叹:“药师,你说是不是?” The Apothecary sound conveys, should stand behind the Qin Mu's head, is observing Qin Mu injuries and that coffin nails, said careless: Is is extremely extremely. On Mu'er is inserting coffin nail also extraordinary, this type of nail can the town/subdues corpse town/subdues god, even if Emperor's Seat were nailed to staple one, is unable to turn into the corpse monster.” 药师的声音传来,应该是站在秦牧的脑袋后面,正在观察秦牧身上的伤势和那一口口棺材钉,漫不经心道:“是极是极。牧儿身上插着的棺材钉也都非凡品,这种钉子能够镇尸镇神,就算是帝座被钉上一口,也无法变成尸妖。” Grandma Si stared their one eyes wickedly, Village Chief planned to tease several, saw that shuts up hastily. 司婆婆恶狠狠瞪了他们一眼,村长原本打算打趣几句,见状连忙闭嘴。 Woodcutter Wen Tiange walks, said: Mu'er said in the principle, situation that this fights in Xuandu, so long as Xuandu falls into the Eternal Peace control, your couples can indeed have a child safely.” 樵夫闻天阁走来,道:“牧儿说得在理,这一战的大势在玄都,只要玄都落入延康掌控,你们夫妇的确可以安心生孩子了。” The Ling Yuxiu complexion blushes. 灵毓秀脸色羞红。 „The war of Xuandu is important, but Heavenly Court now or the potential is big.” 玄都之战至关重要,但是天庭现在还是势大。” The woodcutter vision twinkle , to continue saying: My three disciple Jiang Baigui, tall of Yousheng strategy in me, his control to time continuously compared with me. He for a long time has not arrived at Lan maple tree valley land, certainly went to Xuandu. The Heavenly Court well-trained and equipped army, the god demon is numerous, is far ultra Eternal Peace, at the present has the Realm advantage. Side Hao Heavenly Emperor also three big Heavenly King, can go to the Xuandu support momentarily. Therefore, we cannot keep Lan maple tree valley land.” 樵夫目光闪烁,继续道:“我三弟子江白圭,智谋之高犹胜于我,他对时机的把控一直比我强。他这么长时间还未来到岚枫谷地,一定是去了玄都天庭兵强马壮,神魔众多,还是远超延康,而今更是占了境界优势。昊天帝身边还有三大天王,随时可以前往玄都支援。因此,我们不能留在岚枫谷地。” First Ancestor knits the brows: „Is the meaning of teacher?” 初祖皱眉:“老师的意思是?” Initiateds an attack, shares the pressure on Jiang Baigui!” “主动出击,给江白圭分担压力!” Woodcutter Wen Tiange this saying, being present everyone was silent. 樵夫闻天阁这话一出,在场所有人都沉默了下来。 A Lan maple tree valley land war, has made the Eternal Peace casualty serious, at this moment initiateds an attack, only fears by attacking somebody stronger than oneself. 岚枫谷地一战,已经让延康死伤惨重,此刻主动出击,只怕是以鸡蛋碰石头。 The goal of woodcutter they understand that constrains the Heavenly Court main force by the military force of Lan maple tree valley land, letting Heavenly Court is unable to rush to rescue Xuandu, Jiang Baigui then has the opportunity to attack and capture Xuandu! 樵夫的目的他们都明白,那就是以岚枫谷地的军力拖住天庭主力,让天庭无法驰援玄都,江白圭便有机会将玄都攻克! However, the Eternal Peace military are too really few, wants to constrain the Heavenly Court main force, almost fills in the life, does not know that will have many people dead in this war! 但是,延康的兵力实在太少,想要拖住天庭主力,几乎是拿命来填,不知道会有多少人死在这一战中! Long time, no one opens the mouth. 良久,没有人开口。 The woodcutters looked at people one eyes, said: In any event, cannot make Heavenly Court idle. My Carefree Village army, can be the vanguard.” 樵夫看了众人一眼,道:“无论如何,不能让天庭闲着。我无忧乡的军队,可以打先锋。” The people corner of the eye jumped jumping, Carefree Village was the cutting edge, only feared that was gone with no return. 众人眼角跳了跳,无忧乡做先锋,只怕是有去无回。 Suddenly, Qin Mu said: Hits Heavenly Court, must hit. However your pressures should not be too big, this war, must make the downfall of the nation the strength to hit, with Eternal Peace all strengths, constrains Heavenly Court, letting Jiang Baigui can win in Xuandu!” 突然,秦牧道:“打天庭,必须要打。不过你们的压力也不要太大,这一战,要倾国之力去打,用延康一切力量,拖住天庭,让江白圭能够在玄都获胜!” Wei Sui Feng said: Junior Brother, is your meaning?” 魏随风道:“师弟,你的意思是?” Discards all defenses, full power attack!” “舍弃一切防御,全力进攻!” Qin Mu said decisively: West Emperor White Tiger and Dragon Qilin attack from the West, North Emperor Black Tortoise and big Senior Brother attack from the north, the Eternal Peace Capital City falls, asking my father-in-law Emperor Yanfeng to command troops , helping with Earth Virtue Yuan Monarch Gongsun Yan with great speed, walking the teleporation gate speed is quicker! Earth Virtue Yuan Monarch must set out the true body! Dao Sect, Xiao Yujing (Little Jade Capital) and hears Daoyuan, Imperial College, Heavenly Saint School, Li River School and other major School schools, as long as is Gods, enters the army entirely!” 秦牧断然道:“西帝白虎龙麒麟从西方进攻,北帝玄武和大师兄从北方进攻,延康京城弃守,请我岳父延丰帝率兵,与地德元君公孙嬿火速来援,走传送门速度更快!地德元君必须出动真身!道门小玉京、闻道院、太学院天圣学宫漓江学宫等各大学宫学院,但凡是神祇,统统入军!” The people are once again silent, the Eternal Peace Capital City indeed army, is also led by Emperor Yanfeng, but must send out including various graduate school School Gods, if this war declines, the inheritance of Eternal Peace only feared that must end! 众人又一次沉默下来,延康京城的确还有一支军队,由延丰帝主导,但是连各大学院学宫神祇也要出动,万一这一战败落,延康的传承只怕也要终结! Nether must send out.” 幽都也要出动。” Qin Mu said solemnly: Celestial Exalt You, King of Hell, Qin Fengqin, attacks the Heavenly Court army from Nether, the Earth count Life and Death book and six sheaves, can use. The teacher is carrying my coffin, delivers to the frontline me! The pressure that this fights although is very big, but situation in me.” 秦牧沉声道:“幽天尊,阎王,秦凤青,从幽都进攻天庭大军,土伯生死簿和六道天轮,都可以动用。老师抬着我棺材,把我送到前线!这一战的压力虽然很大,但大势在我。” The people silent moment, the voice of profound emperor conveys, said at a moderate pace: „Is Celestial Exalt Mu betting Eternal Peace Empire to transport?” 众人沉默片刻,玄帝的声音传来,不紧不慢道:“牧天尊是在赌延康国运吗?” „It is not the gambling!” “不是赌!” Qin Mu stands firm the state of mind, the vision is bright as snow: But was we have with the ability that Heavenly Court contended with. The war of Xuandu, has river Junior Brother to manage personally, this fought is impossible to lose.” 秦牧稳住心境,目光雪亮:“而是我们已经有了与天庭抗衡的能力。玄都之战,有江师弟亲自主掌,这一战已经不可能输了。” He wants to set out, actually cannot move, said solemnly: The key that this fights is, the opposite party has Tai Chu/Highest Beginning, Empress and Celestial Exalt Hao these three become Dao. This is the opposite party biggest trump! But after river Junior Brother to Xuandu, Celestial Exalt Yue and Lang Wo will then return, this side us, the strength of Heavenly Venerable level, has moon/month and jade, quiet, azure and profound, military, white, empty and governing, yan, Taishi. God of the Living in Xuandu, excludes.” 他想起身,却动弹不得,沉声道:“这一战的关键在于,对方有太初帝后昊天尊这三个成道者。这是对方最大的杀手锏!而江师弟到了玄都之后,月天尊阆涴便会归来,我们这一边,天尊级的战力,有月、琅、幽、青、玄、武、白、虚、御、嬿,还有太始。天公玄都,排除在外。” Woodcutter Wen Tiange said: „The opposite party Heavenly Venerable level strength, has Tai Chi/Highest Extremity ancient God, right Shence, left Longwu, right Longwu, left invincible might, right invincible might, left imperial guards, right imperial guards. The Heavenly Venerable level strength, we occupy superiorly, but needs some people to cope with become Dao, the bad risk is enormous.” 樵夫闻天阁道:“对方天尊级战力,有太极古神,右神策,左龙武,右龙武,左神威,右神威,左羽林,右羽林。天尊级战力,我们占优,但是需要有人对付成道者,凶险极大。” Qin Mu said: About the imperial guards are responsible for sending under custody my inner and outer coffin to Ancestral Courtyard, was actually intercepted by Xu Shenghua, about the imperial guards are impossible to come back. This was short of the armies of two big Heavenly Venerable level strengths. Taishi!” 秦牧道:“左右羽林军负责押送我的棺椁前往祖庭,却被虚生花截获,左右羽林已经不可能回来了。这样就少了两大天尊级战力的军队。太始!” Taishi gathered up to come. 太始凑上前来。 The Qin Mu facial color sinks, sincere say/way: Dao Brother, Tai Chi/Highest Extremity ancient God in any event, was impossible to become your fellow daoist.” 秦牧面色微沉,语重心长道:“道兄,太极古神无论如何,都不可能成为你的道友了。” Taishi was silent. 太始沉默下来。 Qin Mu said: They have become ten Heavenly Venerable, becomes ten Heavenly Venerable, is unable to turn head forever. You could not save them, they were impossible to awaken.” 秦牧道:“他们已经成为十天尊,成为十天尊,便永远无法回头。你救不了他们,他们也不可能醒悟。” Taishi astringent sound said: I understand.” 太始涩声道:“我明白。” Qin Mu is staring at him, said solemnly: „Under you need the killer, cannot be forgiving! If you show mercy, will die more people! Your these people, may die because of you!” 秦牧盯着他,沉声道:“你必须要下杀手,不能留情!你若是手下留情,会死更多人!你身边这些人,都有可能因你而死!” Taishi looked at the faces of all around people, got hold of the fist, however said astringently: You could rest assured that I will not be forgiving!” 太始看了看四周众人的面孔,握紧拳头,涩然道:“你放心,我不会留情!” Qin Mu closes the eye, lies down good-fittingly slowly, said: Gentlemen, you can prepare. Helps me close the coffin lid, do not sew the nail, I need to prepare some time, to prepare this war.” 秦牧闭上眼睛,合身缓缓躺下,道:“诸君,你们可以去准备了。帮我关上棺材盖,不要钉钉,我需要准备一段时间,以备这场大战。” Woodcutter Wen Tiange knits the brows, asks: You said Heavenly Venerable just now, how become Dao has not dealt!” 樵夫闻天阁皱眉,问道:“你适才说了天尊,还未成道者如何应对!” The Qin Mu's sound conveys from the coffin: Business Monarch deals with Tai Chu/Highest Beginning, Xu Shenghua Lan Yutian meets head-on Empress, as for Celestial Exalt Hao, I will crawl from the coffin, copes with him personally. Do not disturb me, I need to recuperate.” 秦牧的声音从棺材中传来:“商君应对太初,虚生花蓝御田迎战帝后,至于昊天尊,我会从棺材里爬出来,亲自对付他。不要打搅我了,我需要休养。” The people lift the coffin lid, burying the god of journeys coffin closes up. 众人抬起棺材盖,把葬道神棺合拢。 In coffin a tranquility, does not have any sound. 棺材中一片宁静,没有任何声音。 Qin Mu closes the eye, falls into the dreamland gradually, the single layer heavy dreamland in burying the god of journeys coffin sends out, changes to single layer heavy Heavens, innumerable exquisite Qin Mu walk from his dreamland, is busy in his wound place, mutual exchange. 秦牧闭上眼睛,渐渐陷入梦乡,一重重梦境在葬道神棺中散发开来,化作一重重诸天,无数小巧的秦牧从他的梦境中走出来,在他的伤口处忙来忙去,相互交流。 Woodcutter Wen Tiange leads the numerous to leave, suddenly said: Empty fellow daoist, Mu'er wound how?” 樵夫闻天阁率众离开,突然道:“虚道友,牧儿的伤到底怎么样?” Xu Shenghua said: „Very heavy, but Primordial Spirit unobstructive. However the physical body injury is too serious, is unable to take a walk. Moves slightly, then can say the wound to recur, may endanger to his Primordial Spirit.” 虚生花道:“很重,但元神无碍。不过肉身伤势太重,无法走动。稍微一动,便会道伤复发,有可能会危及到他的元神。” Woodcutter startled: He said a moment ago the quickest five years can cure......” 樵夫怔了怔:“刚才他说最快五年可以治愈……” Xu Shenghua to Qin Mu is the understanding, said: What he meant was that his five years fall asleep, the poor all wisdom and methods, may cure a wound. But if contends with Hao Heavenly Emperor......” 虚生花秦牧最是了解,道:“他的意思是,他五年入梦,穷一切智慧和手段,才有可能治愈道伤。但若是与昊天帝相争……” He knits the brows slightly, said: Injury possibly recurs, will affect Primordial Spirit. Wanted to cure is difficult.” 他微微皱眉,道:“伤势可能复发,会波及元神。想要治愈就难了。” The woodcutters also knit the brows, look to Apothecary, Apothecary shakes the head: „The Mu'er medical ethics is not weak in me, his wound, I could not have understood.” 樵夫也不禁皱眉,看向药师,药师摇头:“牧儿的医道不弱于我,他的伤,我已经看不懂了。” Mu'er this is going all out.” Grandma Si said in a low voice. 牧儿这是在拼命。”司婆婆低声道。 In this time, who isn't going all out?” “在这个时代,谁不是在拼命?” Ling Yuxiu takes a step toward Lan maple tree valley land walks: Gentlemen, we step up preparation, should inform Emperor Yanfeng notice Emperor Yanfeng, should see going of a sense of urgency West Emperor White Tiger. When army simultaneous/uniform arrive, is leaves to fight a decisive battle!” 灵毓秀迈步向岚枫谷地走去:“诸君,我们加紧准备,该通知延丰帝的通知延丰帝,该去见西帝白虎的抓紧前去。等到大军齐至,便是动身决战之时!” She for the emperor many years, in the people the control ability was strongest, transmitted orders: Grandpa Apothecary, called Eternal Peace best Apothecary, treated the wound to the wounded person! Grandpa Blind, leads a chart that various army divisions patch to damage! Grandpa Butcher, Grandma Si, you give all officers to exchange newest divine weapon/divine army, the god armor, ruined the divine weapon/divine army god armor on them returns to the Eternal Peace overseeing the manufacture of factory, lets all oversee the manufacture of the factory to patch full power!” 她毕竟为帝多年,众人之中统御能力最强,传令道:“药师爷爷,召来延康最好的药师,给伤员治伤!瞎爷爷,率领各军阵师修补破损的阵图!屠爷爷,司婆婆,你们给所有将士换上最新的神兵,神铠,把他们身上破败的神兵神铠送回延康的督造厂,让所有督造厂全力修补!” Her transmissions of order: Lets all Holy Land and School Gods, comes into the army as soon as possible, familiar combat readiness and formation! Dao Sect Dao Ancestor and Lin Xuan Dao Lord, the Xiao Yujing (Little Jade Capital) king immortal, Heavenly Saint Cult Heavenly King and Protector, all move!” 她一个个命令传达下去:“让所有圣地学宫神祇,尽快前来入军,熟悉战备、阵法道门道祖林轩道主,小玉京王仙人,天圣教天王、护法,悉数调来!” First Ancestor, wears the person to go to invite Grandpa Mute, instigates ten ten thousand Eternal Peace super craftsmanships to come, at the maximum speed constructs ten to oversee the manufacture of the factory in Lan maple tree valley land, patches divine weapon/divine army momentarily! Also must in one month, complete here all heavy God Artifact patching!” 初祖,着人前去请哑巴爷爷,调拨十万延康天工前来,以最快速度在岚枫谷地建造十个督造厂,随时修补神兵!还要在一个月时间内,把这里的一切重型神器修补完成!” Grandpa Deaf, the Painting Saint Pavilion artist moves completely, assistance Grandpa Blind draws up the recent chart! Moreover, draws up some charts to escort to Nether, gives Celestial Exalt You! Asked Celestial Exalt You clone(s) to come to see me!” 聋爷爷,画圣阁的画师全部调来,协助瞎爷爷绘制新的阵图!另外,多绘制一些阵图送往幽都,交给幽天尊!请幽天尊分身前来见我!” Wei Senior Brother, you assign/life the person to transfer Eternal Peace Divine Ability Practitioner and ensure the rear all teleporation gateways and Spiritual Energy Connecting Bridge operate, each gate, each bridge, cannot be cut off! The further orders envoy to major Heavens, wants them to ship in more commodities, but must have more god demons, coming to here to enter the war!” “魏师兄,你命人调动延康神通者,确保后方一切传送门户、灵能对迁桥运行,每一座门,每一座桥,都不能断掉!再命使者前往各大诸天,要他们运来更多物资,还要有更多神魔,来这里参战!” When she arrives at Lan maple tree valley land, various orders have then issued, in Lan maple tree valley land bustles about immediately, all officers implement her order methodically. 她走到岚枫谷地时,各种命令便已经下达完毕,岚枫谷地中顿时忙碌起来,所有将士有条不紊的实施她的命令。 After a while, Celestial Exalt You clone(s) comes, Ling Yuxiu asked: „Can Heavenly Venerable relate evil no Qi and Ming Ya Crown Prince?” 过了不久,幽天尊分身前来,灵毓秀问道:“天尊可以联系到邪无岐和铭崖太子吗?” The Celestial Exalt You associative compound, turns around to leave. 幽天尊会意,转身离开。 Ling Yuxiu turns head, looks to horizontally in Lan maple tree that between valley lands and Heavenly Court big camps buries the god of journeys coffin, the vision is complex, mutters: Everyone is going all out, everyone......” 灵毓秀回头,望向横在岚枫谷地与天庭大营之间的那口葬道神棺,目光复杂,喃喃道:“所有人都在拼命,所有人……” - The Tales of Herding Gods also activity forgot, on July 27, was the birthday party that the beginning official held! The beginning official celebrates a birthday to Qin Mu, everyone does not forget to participate! Before birthday party, but also invited everyone in the APP Tales of Herding Gods home page, to Qin Mu compared with heart, can increase the label, improved the Qin Mu's image, fact and title, the compilation chronicle, the punch-, posted, selects to praise, can increase the star shining value and honor value! --牧神记还有一个活动忘记说啦,七月27号,是起点官方举办的秦牧会!起点官方给秦牧过生日,大家别忘记参加!生日会之前,还请大家在APP牧神记首页,给秦牧比心,也可以添加标签,完善秦牧的形象、事迹、称号,编写大事记,打卡,发帖,点赞,都可以增加星耀值和荣誉值! Pig Nerd thanks politely! 宅猪拜谢!
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