TOHG :: Volume #18

#1722: The situation will go

You are Xing An.” “你是星犴。” Imperial Preceptor Jiang Baigui first salutes upon meeting to Shang Sovereign Sword God Bai Qu'er, to easy lithophilic to salute upon meeting, this arrives in front of Xing An, sizes up his one eyes, recognizes him, said: You help Shang Sovereign Sword God, destroyed completely Shence Zuo Wei?” 国师江白圭先是向上皇剑神白璩儿见礼,又向易石生见礼,这才来到星犴面前,打量他一眼,将他认出,道:“你帮助上皇剑神,灭掉了神策左卫?” Xing An stands up, the body is tattered, everywhere is the wounds, but his actually not ache sense, his body is also the body of assembly, all ache senses had been cancelled by him. 星犴站起身来,身体破破烂烂,到处都是伤口,但他其实并无疼痛感官,他的这具身体也是组装的身体,一切疼痛感官早已被他抹去。 In fact, he rarely has the emotion of human. 事实上,他很少有人类的情感。 The Eternal Peace two 500 years a sage face-to-face, Xing An side looks at Jiang Baigui finally, sizes up several, feels him to be repulsive in appearance, somewhat is unexpectedly similar , the repugnancy of not being able to say. 延康两个五百年一出的圣人终于面对面,星犴侧头看着江白圭,打量几眼,觉得他面目可憎,竟然与自己有几分相似,说不出的讨厌。 This dislike, came from the rays of light of rational and wisdom in Jiang Baigui eye, Xing An also has rays of light of this rational and wisdom, the road that but two candidates select the main points is different. 这种厌恶,来自于江白圭眼中的理性和智慧的光芒,星犴也有这种理性和智慧的光芒,不过两人选择要走的路不同。 You came late. This war, I hit for you.” Xing An puts aside the vision, light say/way. “你来晚了。这一战,我替你打了。”星犴移开目光,淡淡道。 Jiang Baigui nods. 江白圭点了点头。 At the present Yuan World has become the scorched earth, Eternal Peace is the final peaceful place, Xing An, your ability, protects Eternal Peace, protects your future Confucian orthodoxy.” “而今元界已成焦土,延康是最后的安宁之地,星犴,你一身本领,守护延康,就是守护你未来的道统。” The Jiang Baigui vision also avoids him, arrives at his left, stands with him shoulder to shoulder, but two people actually face the opposite direction, said: Heavenly Court must defeat without doubt, in the future the Eternal Peace political reform, will carry out entire Yuan World, All Heaven Myriad Realm. You have bright prospects.” 江白圭的目光也避开他,来到他的左侧,与他并肩而立,而两人却面对相反的方向,道:“天庭必败无疑,将来延康变法,会推行到整个元界,诸天万界。你大有可为。” You is a sage, I am not.” “你是圣人,我不是。” Xing An shakes the head, kicked the box, said: I am only one ask person of , regardless of Eternal Peace Eternal Peace or Heavenly Court win, I can go on living. The human nature that in I very lousy heart survives, this human nature makes me make not the sane action, this time, I then nearly destroyed my so many annual collections entirely, how could to do again the second time? You came, I will then leave Eternal Peace, leaves Yuan World, in addition seeks place to live.” 星犴摇了摇头,踢了踢箱子,道:“我只是一个求道之人,无论延康还是天庭赢,我都可以活下去。我很讨厌自己心中残存的人性,这人性让我做出不理智的举动,这一次,我便险些把我这么多年的收藏统统毁了,岂能再做第二次?你来了,我便会离开延康,离开元界,另觅一个安身之地。” Sage?” “圣人?” Jiang Baigui laughs: You thought that this world really does have the sage? Actually is not. So-called 500 years a sage, but in 500 years were born to high wisdom, wisdom highest that person. The person like you and me, the wisdom in the respective 500 years is highest, even if first pushes for 1 million years to boost for 1 million years, we are still the wisdom highest that group of people.” 江白圭哈哈一笑:“你觉得这世间真有圣人吗?其实并不是。所谓五百年一出的圣人,只是五百年内出生的至高智慧,智慧最高的那个人。像你我这样的人,在各自的五百年内智慧最高,就算前推百万年后推百万年,我们也是智慧最高的那一批人。” Xing An is sideways to come to see him, the doubts said: Originally you understand this point, I also think that you pose as the sage. Since you understand, must know in this world to be able by us to be looked the pleasant person are not really many, because the whole world filled the idiot, therefore appears the different kind, to others, we are the odd person. We thought that our behaviors handle matters very normally, but they will then feel us too rational but inhuman. Actually human nature, but is the stupid performance.” 星犴侧过身来看他,疑惑道:“原来你明白这一点,我还以为你以圣人自居。你既然明白,应当知道这世界上能够被我们看入眼的人着实不多,因为整个世界充满了蠢材,所以们显得异类,对其他人来说,我们就是怪人。我们觉得我们的行为处事很正常,但他们便会觉得我们太理性而无人性。其实人性,不过是愚蠢的表现罢了。” Jiang Baigui turns around, two people finally upfront relative. 江白圭转过身来,两人终于正面相对。 But this world has the sage.” “但这世间是有圣人的。” Jiang Baigui said: Sage did not lie in the birth, but lay in its word and line. I am not 500 years a sage, but I can achieve the sage.” 江白圭道:“圣人不在于出生,而在于其言与行。我并非是五百年一出的圣人,但我可以做到圣人。” Xing An laughs, shakes the head saying: Unity of knowledge and action? Idiots. What advantage is the sage to you? Can let your become Dao, can guarantee you not dead? You are inferior to me, I am more comfortable than you, are more than method that you maintain life.” 星犴哈哈大笑,摇头道:“知行合一?蠢材。做圣人对你有什么好处?能让你成道,还是能保你不死?你不如我,我比你自在,比你保命的方法更多。” Jiang Baigui said with a smile: I have three to stand. establish enlightenment, Eternal Peace pushes the education broadly, carries out the world, making people no longer ignorant, no longer flatters the god, making people know it however to know its reason why, in the heart the nature is fearless. establish glory by writing, then sets up the knowledge, teaches the knowledge, teaches the cognition, the body can be decayed, Primordial Spirit can annihilate, but the word can last forever, words of wisdom knowing and doing. establish merit, is the matter that I do now, the great merit, carries out the say/way of Later Heaven/acquired, is popular the economical combat readiness broadly, prosperous Later Heaven/acquired life. The minor mourning, then extinguished Heavenly Court. After three stand, I become Dao.” 江白圭笑道:“我有三立。立教化,延康广推教育,推行天下,让人们不再无知,不再媚神,让人们知其然知其所以然,心中自然无惧无畏。立言,便是立知,传授知识,教授认知,身可以腐朽,元神可以湮灭,但言可以永存,知言可知行。立功,便是我现在做的事,大功,推行后天之道,广兴经济战备,繁盛后天生灵。小功,便是灭了天庭。三立之后,我将成道。” Xing An calmly listened to him saying that his idea, passed the moment, said: In this world you and me similar are too few, I admire you, but does not approve you. Does not need to keep me, you cannot leave behind me, I.” 星犴静静听他说完他的理念,过了片刻,道:“这世上你我同类太少,我钦佩你,但并不认同你。不必留我,你也留不下我,我去了。” He takes a step to leave, box dá dá side running up to Bai Qu'er, rubbed girl's leg, said goodbye with her, then caught up with Xing An quickly. 他迈步离开,箱子则哒哒哒的跑到白璩儿身边,蹭了蹭女孩的腿,与她告别,然后快步追上星犴 Jiang Baigui gazes after him to go far away, takes back the vision, said: White senior, the Shang Sovereign officers are praiseworthy, the following war then does not need to be exhausted you.” 江白圭目送他远去,收回目光,道:“白前辈,上皇的将士令人钦佩,后面的战事便不必劳烦你们了。” Bai Qu'er shakes the head: This is all previous Shang Sovereign wish, is my wish.” 白璩儿摇头:“这是历代上皇的心愿,也是我的心愿。” Jiang Baigui detected that her intention, no longer persuaded, said: Such being the case, we start instantly.” 江白圭察觉她的心意,不再劝说,道:“既然如此,我们即刻启程。” changed/easy Shisheng nine Shang Sovereign Heavenly Emperor income inner and outer coffins, seems like in anticipating his these Senior Brother can change to the corpse monster in the inner and outer coffin, however, this was almost the impossible matter. 易石生将九位上皇天帝收入棺椁,似乎是在期待他的这些师兄能够在棺椁中重新化作尸妖,然而,这几乎是不可能的事情了。 „Does Imperial Preceptor plan to Lan maple tree valley land?” Bai Qu'er asked. 国师打算前往岚枫谷地?”白璩儿问道。 Jiang Baigui shakes the head, said: Lan maple tree valley land is my master Wen Tiange guards, his wisdom is higher than me, he can defend. The war of true collapsing, not in Lan maple tree valley land, but in Xuandu.” 江白圭摇头,道:“岚枫谷地是我师闻天阁镇守,他的智慧比我高,他能守住。真正的破局之战,并不在岚枫谷地,而在玄都。” He looks up upwardly, in sky innumerable Sun far away from Eternal Peace, even so, the air is also incomparably hot, Eternal Peace many places were roasted the scorched earth. 他抬头向上看去,天空中无数太阳远离延康,即便如此,空气也是无比炽热,延康许多地方都被烤成焦土。 These Sun like the galloping-horse lantern chaotic revolutions, that are Celestial Exalt Yue and Lang Wo exhaust ability to constrain Xuandu Sun Guardian Moon Guardian generally, but is unable to constrain so many armies completely. 那些太阳如同走马灯一般乱转,那是月天尊阆涴竭尽所能拖住玄都太阳守月亮守,只是无法完全拖住那么多的大军。 Nether has fallen into the control of Eternal Peace, Xuandu, if also falls into the Eternal Peace control, then the general situation may decide.” 幽都已经落入延康的掌控,玄都若是也落入延康掌控,那么大局可定。” Jiang Baigui said: Lan maple tree valley land, even if wins, is still only the minor victory and hard victory. My goal, does not block the Heavenly Court offensive, but eradicates Heavenly Court! Xuandu is important! Had Xuandu and Nether, the potential of offense and defense different!” 江白圭道:“岚枫谷地即便获胜,也只是小胜、惨胜。我的目的,不是挡住天庭的攻势,而是把天庭连根拔起!玄都至关重要!有了玄都幽都,攻守之势异也!” Xing An moves toward nearby Spiritual Energy Connecting Bridge with the box, probably thought aloud, seems like speaks to the box, said: Yuan World did not suit me. Now, Hao Heavenly Emperor and Tai Chu/Highest Beginning think that I have died, Cult Master Qin favor, hugely big, no matter what I roam through. I do not owe anybody.” 星犴带着箱子走向附近的灵能对迁桥,像是自言自语,又像是对箱子说话,道:“元界不适合我了。现在,昊天帝太初认为我已死,秦教主的人情也还了,天大地大,任我遨游。我不欠任何人。” The box follows him, the cover opening and closing, seems like with him talks. 箱子跟着他,盖子啪嗒啪嗒的开合,似乎是与他对话。 Because of the spirit, the lifetime collection changes for a while destroyed, do you also love dearly?” Xing An smiled. “因为一时意气,毕生收藏化作乌有,你也心疼吧?”星犴笑了。 He arrives at other Heavens through Eternal Peace Spiritual Energy Connecting Bridge, takes a broad view to look, knits the brows, sees only many Heavens people to flee from calamity, the Heavenly Court god demon army seizes other Heavens lives everywhere, regards the grain , the looting wealth, made that other Heavens are fishy. 他通过延康灵能对迁桥来到其他诸天,放眼看去,不禁皱眉,只见许多诸天的人们正在逃难,天庭的神魔大军到处抓捕其他诸天的生灵,当成粮食,又洗劫财富,弄得其他诸天乌烟瘴气。 Xing An passes through more than ten Heavens, knits the brows, these Heavens also no longer suited him to engage in scholarship. 星犴走过十几个诸天,不禁皱眉,这些诸天也不再适合他做学问了。 People some that these flee from calamity flee to other quite remote Heavens, some even flee to Yuan World, many god demons to Eternal Peace, plan and Eternal Peace form an alliance, altogether anti- Heavenly Court. 那些逃难的人们有些是逃往其他较为偏远的诸天,有些甚至逃往元界,更有许多神魔前往延康,打算与延康结盟,共抗天庭 Xing An to world situation many interests, had not seen some ways even at this time. 星犴即便对天下大势没有多少兴趣,此时也看出了一些门道。 Jiang Baigui worthily is for 500 years the most intelligent character, saw the billowing situation. Hao Heavenly Emperor perverse actions, the popular sentiment completely loses, Eternal Peace becomes the place of where the popular will inclines, the time lapse, the military will be then getting stronger and stronger. Heavenly Court, perished.” 江白圭不愧是五百年来最聪明的人物,看出了滚滚大势。昊天帝倒行逆施,民心尽丧,延康成为民心所向之地,时间推移,兵力便会越来越强。天庭,灭亡不日了。” His vision flashes, goes to Ancestral Courtyard, in the heart said silently: Jiang Baigui really can become the sage, but I will not compare him to be bad. The Heavenly Court god demon, I basically study thoroughly, various brains also collect, does not need to continue to keep Heavenly Court. Now only has a place to be very attractive to me.” 他目光闪动,向祖庭而去,心中默默道:“江白圭真的可以成为圣人,但我也不会比他差了。天庭的神魔,我基本上研究透彻,各种大脑也收集完毕,没有必要继续留在天庭。现在只有一个地方对我很有吸引力。” He walks in the starry sky, staggers with Xu Shenghua exactly, therefore does not have the opportunity to know in the Dao Ancestor courtyard the accident. 他行走在星空中,恰恰与虚生花错开,因此没有机会知道祖庭中发生的事故。 Even if he knows, only feared will not retreat, instead even more dances with joy. 即便他知道,只怕也不会退却,反而愈发欢欣鼓舞。 Xu Shenghua with the Qin Mu's inner and outer coffin, making a long and wearisome journey, when the war of Lan maple tree valley land is most frigid arrives at Eternal Peace. 虚生花带着秦牧的棺椁,长途跋涉,在岚枫谷地之战最为惨烈的时候来到延康 Lan maple tree valley land has turned into the battlefield that the blood dyes, here withstood the Heavenly Court the major attack of god master and naval forces, do almost all people, have to comprehend the Ancestral Courtyard Dao Boundary system whether or not, all goes forth to battle, Taishi, Lan Yutian, First Ancestor, Village Chief, Empress Yiyue, South Emperor, North Emperor and the others also entered to slaughter! 岚枫谷地已经变成血染的战场,这里承受了天庭的神师和水师的主力攻击,几乎所有人,无论是否有没有参悟出祖庭道境体系,悉数上阵,太始、蓝御田初祖村长帝译月南帝北帝等人也入阵厮杀! Although Eternal Peace expert is numerous, but the military is serious, wants to defend the front really difficultly extremely. 延康虽然高手众多,但是兵力严重不足,想要守住战线着实困难万分。 Xu Shenghua holds to bury the god of journeys coffin to arrive at the battlefield, buries on god of journeys coffin to unite the god of journeys nail to be opened by him, the coffin board was lifted the frontline, inside divine light is dense, sends out from that slit. 虚生花托着葬道神棺来到战场,葬道神棺上的一根根戮道神钉被他打开,棺材板被掀开一线,里面神光氤氲,从那一线缝隙中散发出来。 The say/way prestige that the heavy/thick say/way prestige suppression present age, in the inner and outer coffin spreads shocks everyone immediately, anybody can feel that terrifying Great Dao dignity. 厚重的道威镇压当世,棺椁中传出的道威立刻震惊了所有人,任何人都能感觉到那股恐怖的大道威严。 Celestial Exalt Mu inner and outer coffin!” 牧天尊的棺椁!” Two Tai Chi/Highest Extremity ancient God beat the gong to signal retreat immediately, strictly observes the battle formation, anxious looks at Xu Shenghua. 两位太极古神立刻鸣金收兵,严守阵势,紧张的看着走来的虚生花 Xu Shenghua makes an effort, will bury the god of journeys coffin to shoot, this giant god coffin howls from a both armies forward flight, thump falls before both armies. 虚生花用力,将葬道神棺掷出,这口巨大的神棺呼啸从两军阵前飞过,咚的一声落在两军阵前。 Two Tai Chi/Highest Extremity ancient God gather together immediately, is divided into two halves the associated most precious object Tai Chi/Highest Extremity sand table to close up immediately loudly, the Dao of Tai Chi say/way prestige fills the air, the sand table Yin-Yang revolves, was promoted the pinnacle by two ancient God, prepares to deal with the mishap at any time. 两位太极古神立刻聚在一起,分为两半的伴生至宝太极沙盘立刻轰然合拢,太极之道的道威弥漫,沙盘阴阳旋转,被两位古神提升到极致,随时准备应对不测。 Millions of god demons concentrate all one's attention on, anxious looks at that god coffin. 数以百万计的神魔屏气凝神,紧张的看着那口神棺。 Xu Shenghua before Heavenly Court god demon army passes through, moves toward the tattered Lan maple tree valley land. 虚生花天庭神魔大军前经过,走向破破烂烂的岚枫谷地。 He loses Qin Mu before both armies, has not brought the coffin to the plan of Lan maple tree valley land. 他把秦牧丢在两军阵前,没有把棺材带到岚枫谷地的打算。 Both armies are completely silent, the innumerable both eyes light are staring at the god coffin, only then from the beast summon the immemorial giant beast exudes the anxious low roar. 双方大军鸦雀无声,无数双目光都在盯着神棺,只有从兽界召唤来的太古巨兽发出不安的低吼声。 Even if Xu Shenghua graceful bearing Wu Shuang/Unparalleled, no one looks at him, their attention were captured by the god coffin. 哪怕是虚生花的风姿无双,也没有人去看他,他们的目光都被神棺所吸引。 The officers who the Heavenly River naval forces and Heavenly Court god causes are numerous, many sweat and bloody water mix up, falls from the forehead of officers, lowers on the broken god armor. 天河水师和天庭神使的将士众多,很多人汗水和血水混在一起,从将士们的额头上滑落,低在残破的神铠上。 The beads of sweat on two Tai Chi/Highest Extremity ancient God faces are also getting more and more, want to send people to go to inspect the god coffin, actually does not dare to order. 两位太极古神脸上的汗珠也越来越多,想要派人前去检查神棺,却不敢下令。 The atmosphere is very depressing. 气氛无比压抑。 The distant place, in the Heavenly Court big camp, Hao Heavenly Emperor and Tai Chu/Highest Beginning are also staring at that god coffin stubbornly, a heart clutches more and more tightly. 远处,天庭大营中,昊天帝太初也在死死盯着那口神棺,一颗心揪得越来越紧。 Hao Heavenly Emperor was still complaining Tai Chu/Highest Beginning to independently decide, puts to death Xing An Heavenly Venerable, now saw that Xu Shenghua holds the coffin to come, this knows that wrongly accused Tai Chu/Highest Beginning. 天帝原本还在埋怨太初自作主张,诛杀星犴天尊,现在见到虚生花托棺前来,这才知道错怪了太初 Suddenly, several fingers find out from the coffin seam. 突然,几根手指从棺材缝里探出。 Everyone's pupil shrinks suddenly, sees only that several fingers to hold the coffin board to move gently, buries the god of journeys coffin to make creak the sound, seems especially grating in the silent battlefield. 所有人瞳孔骤缩,只见那几根手指抓住棺材板轻轻拨动,葬道神棺发出咯吱咯吱的声响,在寂静的战场中显得格外刺耳。 Bang! 嘭! The coffin lid falls to the ground, Heavenly Court god master naval forces' millions of officers simultaneously retrocede several steps, gets hold of the divine weapon/divine army demon soldier in hand. 棺材盖落地,天庭神师水师数以百万计的将士齐齐后退几步,握紧手中的神兵魔兵。 Suddenly immemorial giant beast in a army expresses the heaven-shaking, earth-shattering long cry, turned around then runs, washed out the lineups of many officers. 忽然一头军中的太古巨兽发出惊天动地的长鸣,掉头便跑,冲散了许多将士的阵型。 Do not take a walk!” The moon empress voice is hoarse, does not know that hears. “不要走动!”太阴娘娘声音沙哑,也不知道有没有听见。 That buries in the god of journeys coffin, Dao Light shoots up to the sky, the vault of heaven, unfolds like a piece of Dao Light act drop continually slowly, sees only in Dao Light World Tree to raise slowly. 那口葬道神棺中,道光冲天而起,直连天穹,如同一片道光大幕徐徐铺开,只见道光中一株世界树冉冉升起。 However actually no one looks at that World Tree, everyone's vision stubbornly is staring at the coffin mouth. 然而却没有人去看那株世界树,所有人的目光都在死死的盯着棺材口。 A form sits up from the inner and outer coffin slowly, profile to Heavenly Court god master naval forces, then turning the head slowly. 一个身影从棺椁中缓缓坐起,侧脸对着天庭神师水师,然后慢慢的转过头来。 Crash-bang- 哗啦- The Heavenly Court god master naval forces officers immediately startled change, a piece clamored, turns around to scatter in all directions to run away. 天庭神师水师将士顿时惊变,一片喧哗,转过身去四散而逃。 Two Tai Chi/Highest Extremity ancient God quickly ordered, restrained various army officers, but where some people listened their? 两位太极古神急忙下令,约束各军将士,但哪里有人听他们的? Under the extremely frightened control, everyone also flees together with the antique giant beast respectively, rushes to the Heavenly Court big camp! 在极度恐惧的支配下,所有人连同太古巨兽也各自亡命,奔向天庭大营! Meanwhile, in the Heavenly Court big camp transmits Hao Heavenly Emperor decree, making Tai Chi/Highest Extremity ancient God repulse the enemy. 与此同时,天庭大营中传来昊天帝的旨意,让太极古神退兵。 Two ancient God are unwilling, then looked that to had been hit the badly-damaged Lan maple tree valley land, welcomed the Qin Mu's vision. 两位古神心有不甘,回头看向已经被打得残破不堪的岚枫谷地,却迎上了秦牧的目光。 In two ancient God hearts one startled, immediately retrocedes. 两位古神心中一惊,立刻后退。 Hao Heavenly Emperor saw that like tidal rushes to the god demon army in Heavenly Court big camp, in the heart suddenly has a game is as good as lost dismal feeling. 天帝看到如同潮水般涌向天庭大营的神魔大军,心中突然有一种大势已去的悲凉之感。 Immediately, he spirit inspires, said silently: I have the opportunity! So long as three Young Master break open the red knot to buckle seal, I then can overturn! So long as for these years, defended the Heavenly Court situation to be able!” 随即,他又精神一振,默默道:“朕还有机会!只要三公子破开红绳结扣印,朕便可以翻盘!只要这几年,守住天庭的局势便可!” Celestial Exalt Mu!” 牧天尊!” In Lan maple tree valley land bursts into the heaven-shaking, earth-shattering cheers suddenly, the Eternal Peace Carefree Village god demons is cheering, the previous sound is very noisy, but everyone's sound gathered a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering mighty current afterward! 岚枫谷地中突然爆发出惊天动地的欢呼声,延康无忧乡的神魔们在欢呼,先前声音还很嘈杂,但是后来所有人的声音汇聚成一股惊天动地的洪流! Celestial Exalt Mu! Celestial Exalt Mu!” 牧天尊牧天尊!” This mighty current, is ordinary just like the Eternal Peace political reform, such as the spark sets the prairie afire to spread generally, transmits to Divine City, evolves for loudly and clearly a more stirring call. 这股洪流,宛如延康变法一般热烈,如星火燎原一般蔓延开来,传递到一座座神城中,演变为更加洪亮更加震撼人心的呐喊。 Xu Shenghua walks into Lan maple tree valley land, Lan Yutian quickly goes forward, the doubts said: Empty fellow daoist, how my brother sits there does not set out, moreover is the movement that turns the head very also slow?” 虚生花走入岚枫谷地,蓝御田急忙上前,疑惑道:“虚道友,我哥怎么坐在那里不起身,而且转头的动作也很慢?” Cult Master Qin turns the head is so slow , because on him has 50 very long god nails, sews in his wound.” 秦教主之所以转头这么慢,是因为他身上有五十根很长的神钉,钉在他的伤口中。” Xu Shenghua said: He sets out, has hurt awfully, the body is still shaking mostly. Turning the head time was awfully, the nail was very long.” 虚生花道:“他起身的时候,已经疼得要命,多半身体还在抖。转头的时候更是要命了,钉子很长的。” Ling Yuxiu also caught up, hears these words to worry, said: Husband was lost there......” 灵毓秀也赶了过来,听到这句话不由更是担忧,道:“外子被丢在那里……” Will not have an accident.” “不会出事的。” The Xu Shenghua comfort said: Cult Master Qin even dies, the remaining prestige still, also does have the one breath let alone?” 虚生花安慰道:“秦教主即便是死的,余威犹在,更何况还有一口气?” - Fellow reading friends, Tales of Herding Gods held this chapter to say the activity the beginning, the activity time from July 6 to July 11, welcome everyone to participate! Has the activity reward, the beginning coin and cash! The actual activities rule, will have single section to introduce later! --各位书友,牧神记在起点这边举行本章说活动,活动时间7月6号到7月11号,欢迎大家参加!有活动奖励,起点币和现金!具体活动规则,稍后会有单章介绍!
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