Xian Qing’ercomplexionchanging suddenly, in a twinklingbecomesincomparablyfierceugly, the body of thislittle girlinflates, the lower part of the bodysends outto scoff at the sound, jointruggedlegspunctureherskirt, clankgripsin the ground, the bodybecomesthickandlong, likelyisonebigcentipede comprised of the bone!仙清儿脸色陡变,霎时间变得无比狰狞丑陋,这个小女孩的身体膨胀起来,下身发出嗤嗤嗤的声响,一条条骨节嶙峋的腿刺破她的裙子,铮铮扎在地面上,身体变得又粗又长,像是一只由骨头组成的大蜈蚣!Behindherupper bodyhasbonearmorto stick outhigh, makingherbodyricketsget up, the arm that skeletonscomposeopens, phalanxsharp claws, sharpincomparable!
After herbrain, hasto growantlercurvingspurs, on the face the earthen moundgullyable to move unhindered, the fearfulness of not being able saying that in the mouthmade the incisivesound, was the cry that countlesswomenshouted oneself hoarsemixes uplikely, saidfierce: „Youcome to me!”
她的脑后也有长出一根根鹿角般弯曲的骨刺,脸上丘壑纵横,说不出的可怕,口中发出尖锐至极的声音,像是无数个女人声嘶力竭的叫声混在一起,厉声道:“你给我进来!”Qin Muraised the headto size upthisto be covered with the womancentipede of skeleton, reveals the surprisedcolor, shakes the head saying: „Does not enter.”秦牧抬头打量这个长满骨骼的女人蜈蚣,露出惊讶之色,摇头道:“不进。”
The monster in templeair/Qiwhooshesagain and again, legswalk randomlyrapidly, walkedin the templeone after another, plunged the ancient templegatewayfiercely, at this timeactuallyheardcrash-bang the soundto transmit, thisoasisvibrated, thickchainsrocked.
庙中的怪物气得嘶吼连连,一条条腿飞速游走,在庙里走了一圈又一圈,猛地扑向古庙门户,此时却听得哗啦啦的声响传来,这座绿洲震动一下,一条条粗大的锁链晃动不已。Qin Mulookshastilythatsees onlythesechainsendsinkingrivers, the chaintwinesthatbiggold/metal in temple, but the end of chainsactuallylocks the body of monsterin the temple.秦牧连忙看去,只见这些锁链一端沉江,链子缠绕住庙中的那个大金佛,而锁链的这一端却锁在庙中怪物的身上。Onthatmonsterhangsgolden ring, the chainsis bucklingonthesegolden ring, whenshemustkick out the gateway of templethento be pulledby the chains.
那怪物身上挂着一个个金环,锁链正是扣在这些金环上,当她要扑出庙宇的门户便又被锁链扯了回来。Thatmonstermakes threatening gestures, butis unable to go out of the temple gatehalfstepthroughout.
那怪物张牙舞爪,但始终无法走出庙门半步。Sitting down that Qin Muis calm and composed even in press of work , to continue to breathe the expiration and inspiration, practice„Overlord Body Three Elixir Art”, restoresstamina.秦牧好整以暇的坐下,继续呼吸吐纳,修炼“霸体三丹功”,恢复体能。Passed the moment, heis after death peaceful, thatmonsteris unable to work loose the chains, suddenly the booklet, fires intogold/metal in temple, called out: „Baldy Monk of daykilling, suppresses the old ladyhere! Do youwant the starving to deathold ladyto be inadequate? Thischildhas not offered incense in worshiptoyou, whydoesn't makemeeathim?”
The image of Buddhawas dashedbyit, stands one's ground steadfastly, thatmonsterviolent anger, rovesregarding the image of Buddha, behindthatimage of Buddhadoes not know that manybones of the deadwere hitto flybyit.
佛像被它冲撞,岿然不动,那怪物暴怒,围绕佛像转来转去,那佛像后面不知多少具白骨被它撞飞。Qin Muturns headto lookthatin the heartis startledsecretly, therebones of the deadunexpectedlyare the human bones, does not know that many peopledieinthissmallruined temple!秦牧回头看去,心中暗暗吃惊,那里的白骨竟然都是人骨,不知有多少人死在这个小破庙中!Alsoshortly afterward, inthattemplemonsteris peaceful, picks upthesebones of the dead, hidesingold/metalbehind, staresis covering entirelyblood threadQin Mu of outside eyeobserving closelytemplestubbornly.
又过不久,那庙中怪物安静下来,将这些白骨一根根捡起,藏在金佛身后,瞪着布满血丝的眼睛死死的盯住庙外的秦牧。„Baldy Monk, the meat of delivering, the after meat of delivering......”itarrives at the temple gate, is staring at the Qin Mu'sback of the head, the salivais the brookis likely continuous.
“贼秃,送上门的肉,送上门的肉啊……”它又来到庙门后,盯着秦牧的后脑勺,口水像是溪流般绵绵不绝。In a while, itturns into the little girlXian Qing’erappearance, the clothinghalfsolution, eatsto say with a smile: „Youth, comestogetherashamed”
The Qin Mustrength in meditationis good, turns a deaf ear, restored the strengthfinally, origin qialsoreturned to the peak, onlythinks of this dayhad not the smallprogressafterpainstaking cultivationorigin qiagain.秦牧定力好得很,充耳不闻,总算恢复了力气,元气也重归巅峰,只觉经过这一天的苦修元气再有不小的进步。Inhisheartmoves slightly, stirsorigin qisimply, read silentlydemonic sound, attackedSpirit Embryo Wallonce more.
他心中微动,索性鼓荡元气,默诵魔音,再次冲击灵胎壁。„Qi ke duo, sa mo ye, prajñā prajñā sa mo ye, Qi ke duowisdomsa mo ye......”
“奇可多,萨摩耶,般若般若萨摩耶,奇可多般若萨摩耶……”Hisorigin qijustfired intoSpirit Embryo Wall, suddenlyin the ancient templetransmitsthundersintermittently, the unusualtexturebloodlightcirculations under thatbiggold/metalgold foil, the bloodlightwas coveredby the gold foilunexpectedly, the gold foilhas sent unexpectedly also outshininggolden light!
The image of Buddha that in the fiercevibration, the copperembryogildedopens the eyeunexpectedly, the dreadfulimposing mannerbursts out, in the Qin Mueartransmits a dignityto beat and shout atimmediately: „heretical path of the devils! Darespresumptuousin front ofesteemed me, read aloudDevil and God Incantation, lawless! IfallyoubyBuddha Incantation!”
剧烈的震动中,原本铜胎贴金的佛像竟然张开眼睛,滔天的气势迸发,秦牧耳中顿时传来一声威严棒喝:“邪魔外道!胆敢在本座面前放肆,念诵魔神真言,无法无天!我以佛门真言降你!”Thatmonstercomplexiondrastic change in temple, sees onlythatgold/metalto lift the handunexpectedly, pulls taut the chains, pullsthatmonstercannot stopfigure, cannot help butwas pulledbefore the image of Buddha.
庙中的那怪物脸色剧变,只见那尊金佛竟然抬手,扯住锁链,将那怪物扯得止不住身形,不由自主被扯到佛像前。pūtōng.噗通。Thatmonsterwas kneltto bend downby the gold/metaldignifiedpressurein the place, kneelsbefore the image of Buddhajust in time, cannot move.
那怪物被金佛威严压得跪伏在地,正巧是跪在佛像前,动弹不得。„ân, ma, ne, bā, mī, hōng! ân, ma, ne, bā, mī, hōng! ân, ma, ne, bā, mī, hōng......”
“唵、嘛、呢、叭、咪、吽!唵、嘛、呢、叭、咪、吽!唵、嘛、呢、叭、咪、吽……”Thatgold/metalopens mouth, sends out the intermittentsinging in praise of the Buddhaunexpectedly, was reading aloudlike a genuineBuddhareads the true words, thatmonsterheard the Buddhasoundis similar toby the invisiblestrengthcrushsoul, was painfulhissinghissing the pitiful yell.
那尊金佛张口,竟然发出阵阵梵音,有如一尊真正的佛陀在诵念真言,那怪物听到佛音如同被无形的力量碾压灵魂,痛得嘶嘶惨叫。Butoutside the temple, Qin MubythatBuddha Incantationbombardment, the mindchaos, actuallybeforethis timehisorigin qirushes toSpirit Embryo Wallexactly, beyond the Nine Heavenstransmitsintermittentdivine sound, liketallJugodssutrasbeyond the day.
而在庙外,秦牧被那佛门真言轰击,心神大乱,却在此时他的元气恰恰冲到灵胎壁前,九天之外传来阵阵神音,有如高居在天外的神明诵经。divine soundhas met the Buddhasound in temple, immediatelybecomesloud and clear, contendswith the Buddhasound, makinghisorigin qipressurereducegreatly.神音遇到了庙中的佛音,顿时变得洪亮起来,与佛音抗衡,让他元气的压力大减。„Good opportunity!”
“好机会!”Qin Muwithout hesitation, in the mouthmakessound, read aloudreadsdemonic sound, loudly said: „Qi ke duosa mo ye, prajñā prajñā sa mo ye, Qi ke duowisdomsa mo ye! Qi ke duosa mo ye, prajñā prajñā sa mo ye, Qi ke duowisdomsa mo ye!”秦牧不假思索,口中发出声音,诵念魔音,高声道:“奇可多萨摩耶,般若般若萨摩耶,奇可多般若萨摩耶!奇可多萨摩耶,般若般若萨摩耶,奇可多般若萨摩耶!”Inthattemple the Buddhasoundrings out: „ân, ma, ne, bā, mī, hōng! ân, ma, ne, bā, mī, hōng!”
那庙中佛音大作:“唵、嘛、呢、叭、咪、吽!唵、嘛、呢、叭、咪、吽!”Meanwhile, thatbeyond the Nine Heavensdivine sound that the Qin Muforeheadtransmitsfromis also resounding: „View, clear(ly), endandpeace, did not haveandthink, river, by! Day, sometimes, resentment, prestige, spiritandanger!”
与此同时,秦牧眉心传来的那九天之外的神音也自高亢起来:“观、明、端、靖、无、思、江、由!天、时、怼、兮、威、灵、怒!”Threesoundsmix up, hefires into the hindrance of foreheadSpirit Embryo Wallto disappearimmediately!
三种声音混在一起,他冲向眉心灵胎壁的阻碍顿时消失!Qin Muin one vigorous effort, stimulates to movement„Overlord Body Three Elixir Art”, stirsallorigin qito flush awaytoSpirit Embryo Wall!秦牧一鼓作气,催动“霸体三丹功”,鼓荡着所有的元气向灵胎壁冲去!Crash-bang
The Surging Riverriver waterrushes, the rough seascrackshore, the great wavespatQin Mu'sSpirit Embryo Wallin the ashore have crash-bang a bang, loudly the avalanche, makinghisorigin qibreak inSpirit Embryodivine treasureenormously and powerful!涌江的江水澎湃,大浪裂岸,浪涛拍在岸上时秦牧的灵胎壁也发出哗啦一声巨响,轰然崩塌,让他的元气浩浩荡荡冲入灵胎神藏!Then, wilderorigin qispews outfromhisSpirit Embryodivine treasure, in a twinklingpasses throughwhole bodyall the limbs and bones, evenlinksinhissendingskinalsoto clashis swingingrushingorigin qi, the roots of the hairrootraises up!
接着,更为狂暴的元气自他的灵胎神藏中喷涌而出,霎时间贯穿全身四肢百骸,甚至连他的发肤之中也冲荡着澎湃的元气,头发根根竖起!Spirit Embryo Wall, nothing left!灵胎壁,荡然无存!Breaking Wallsucceeds!破壁成功!Qin Mustayed, stopsreading aloudreadsdemonic sound, butthatdivine soundalsosuddenlyvanishes, in the temple, thatgold/metalBuddhasounddid not have the match, stopsto rest, the image of Buddhareturns tonormal, motionless, only thenthatmonster under image of Buddhawas built upby the Buddhasoundacts recklessly, liesis motionless there.秦牧呆了呆,停止诵念魔音,而那神音也陡然消失,庙宇中,那尊金佛的佛音没有了对手,也止歇下来,佛像又恢复正常,一动不动,只有佛像下的那个怪物被佛音炼得不知死活,趴在那里一动不动。In the Qin Muforehead, thatpreventshimto open the Spirit Embryodivine treasureinvisiblebarrierto vanishfinally, Spirit Embryodivine treasureexposesfinally, does not haveanyhindranceagain!秦牧眉心中,那面阻挡他开启灵胎神藏的无形壁垒终于消失,灵胎神藏终于展露出来,再无任何阻碍!„IunexpectedlyrealBreaking Wall?”
“我竟然真的破壁了?”In the Qin Muheartcannot represswild with joy, cheersin front of the temple.秦牧心中按捺不住狂喜,在庙前欢呼。HisfourSpirit Blooddrankdid not knowmany, cannotawakenOverlord Body, butnow, relies on the goddemonBuddhathreesoundsto fightunexpectedlymutually, butBreaking Wall, hissmallchestwas filled upby the hugesense of achievementimmediately.
他四灵血喝了不知多少,一直迟迟未能觉醒霸体,而现在,竟然凭借神魔佛三种声音相互打斗而破壁,他的小小胸膛顿时被巨大的成就感填满。Soon, Qin Muis then peaceful, the heartsaid: „Spirit Embryo Wall, Spirit Embryodivine treasure, sinceisdivine treasure, thatinsidecertainGods existleavesmyvaluabletreasure......”
不久,秦牧这才安静下来,心道:“灵胎壁,灵胎神藏,既然是神藏,那里面一定有神留给我的宝贝儿……”Hecloses the eye, „looked at”toforeheadinshininggolden light, hisconsciousnesscautiously„entry”thismysteriousdivine treasure, saw onlySpirit Embryodivine treasureis a strangespace, insideeverywherewasshiningrays of light, likelywasancientincomparablegrotto-heaven and blessed land.
他闭上眼睛,“看”到了眉心间的灿灿金光,他的意识小心翼翼的“进入”这个神秘的神藏,只见灵胎神藏是一个奇异的空间,里面到处都是金灿灿的光芒,像是古老无比的洞天福地。Hisconsciousnesssneaks, Spirit Embryodivine treasureprobablyis a lightsea, rays of lighteverywhere, is ordinarylike the fairyland, consciousnessis moistenedbyrays of light, is very comfortable.
他的意识潜入,灵胎神藏好像是一片光的海洋,光芒遍地,有如仙境一般,意识被光芒滋润,很是舒适。How longhisconsciousnessfliesin the sea of thispiece of golden lightdoes not know, throughoutdoes not haveanydiscovery.
他的意识在这片金光之海中飞行不知多久,始终没有任何发现。„Did not say that isSpirit Embryodivine treasure? Howinsidewhatthingalso? Did the difficultgod of journeysgivingmytreasuretake away?”
“不是说是灵胎神藏吗?怎么里面什么东西也没有?难道神把给我的宝贝拿走了?”Qin Muwonders, Spirit Embryodivine treasurewas opened, thendivine treasurewhere?秦牧纳闷,灵胎神藏被打开了,那么神藏何在?Suddenly, heseesin the lightseaunexpectedlyalsostone statue, alonetoweringin the lightsea, is very towering.
突然,他看到光海中竟然还有一个石像,孤零零的耸立在光海之中,很是突兀。„InSpirit Embryodivine treasurewill havestone statue? Is thisdivine treasure?”
The Qin Musurprise, consciousnessregardingstone statuedances in the air, high and lowsizes up, hethendiscovered that strangeplace, stone statueis onlyhismisconception, is not the stonecarves.秦牧诧异,意识围绕石像飞舞,上下打量,他这才发现怪异之处,石像只是他的错觉,并非是石头雕琢。This„stone statue”resembles jade not jade, resembles stone not stone, glittering and translucent carving, butgivespeople a softfeeling.
这“石像”似玉非玉,似石非石,晶莹剔透,但又给人一种柔软的感觉。Whatis strangest, „stone statue” the appearancehasseveralpointsto be an excellent likenesswithhimunexpectedly, butis more like the Qin Mubabytime, 2 or 3 years oldage!
最为古怪的是,“石像”的模样儿居然与他有着几分神似,不过更像是秦牧婴孩时期,两三岁的年纪!„InSpirit Embryodivine treasurehasmystatue? Is the godknows that Ihave the appearance, has carvedmylooks like, hidesinmySpirit Embryodivine treasure?”
“灵胎神藏中有我的雕像?难道是神知道我长得模样,雕了个我的像,藏在我的灵胎神藏中?”Qin Muwonders, hisconsciousnessmovesstone statuegently, suddenlyinconsciousnessuncontrolledinflowstone statue!秦牧纳闷,他的意识轻轻触碰石像,突然意识不受控制的流入石像之中!
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