Qin Mufalls intodarknessat presentfiercely, when the consciousnessregains consciousness, discoveryownconsciousnesswith amazementunexpectedlyinstone statuewithin the body!秦牧眼前猛地陷入黑暗,等到意识苏醒,骇然的发现自己的意识竟然在石像的体内!„What happened?”
“发生了什么事?”Heopens the eye, triesto rotate the eyeball, suddenlydiscovered„” the eyeballcanrotate, thenhehas leaned the head, discovered that ownconsciousnessreallyhad the head.
他张开眼睛,试图转动眼珠,突然发现“自己”的眼珠能够转动,接着他侧了侧头,发现自己的意识竟然有了头。Helooks down, discoveredownconsciousnessfuses togetherwith„stone statue”unexpectedly, „stone statue” the hands and feetbecamehishands and feet!
The consciousnessdoes not have the physique, butcurrently his consciousnessreallyhad the physique, thiswas too strange!
意识是没有形体的,而现在他的意识竟然有了形体,这太古怪了!Hefelt that this„stone statue”is a spirit, resembles the energynon-energy, resembles the soulnon-soul, strange, is very difficultto explainclearly.
他感觉到这“石像”就是一种灵,似能量非能量,似魂魄非魂魄,古古怪怪,很难解释清楚。„Spirit Embryodivine treasure, Spirit Embryodivine treasure...... stone statueismySpirit Embryo, myconsciousnessentersstone statue, will makeSpirit Embryoawaken? Spirit Embryodivine treasure, refers toisthis?”
“灵胎神藏,灵胎神藏……难道石像就是我的灵胎,我的意识进入石像,才会让灵胎觉醒?灵胎神藏,指的就是这个?”Qin Mu'sSpirit Embryoblinks, the flashwantsto understandmanymatters.秦牧的灵胎眨眨眼睛,一瞬间想明白了许多事。In the human bodyhasSeven Great Divine Treasures, Spirit Embryodivine treasure is firstdivine treasure, butthisdivine treasureis close, the average personis unable to opendivine treasure, naturallyis unable to makeSpirit Embryoawaken.
人体内藏有七大神藏,灵胎神藏便是第一神藏,不过这个神藏是封闭的,普通人无法打开神藏,自然无法让灵胎觉醒。ButSpirit Bodydivine treasurenaturallyisopens, Spirit Blood that thereforeonlyneedsto correspond, thencanenterinSpirit Embryousing the Spirit Bloodguidanceconsciousness, makingSpirit Embryoawaken.
而灵体的神藏天然就是开启的,所以只需要对应的灵血,便可以利用灵血引导意识进入灵胎之中,让灵胎觉醒。Spirit Embryo, refers toisthisholds the consciousnessSpirit Embryo.灵胎,指的就是这个容纳意识的灵胎。divine treasure, is not the godgrantsto the personSpirit Embryo, butis the godgets upto the sealSpirit Embryointentionally?神藏,难道不是神赐予给人灵胎,而是神故意将灵胎给封印起来?Hejustthought ofhere, suddenlyorigin qiwells upfromoutside, entersup the sea, theseorigin qi threadsilk, bysmallSpirit Embryoinspirationwithin the body, continuouslyorigin qiinhisnostrilsafraid to say a word, is very comfortable.
他刚刚想到这里,突然元气从外涌来,进入光海,那些元气丝丝条条,被小灵胎吸入体内,一缕缕元气在他鼻孔间吞吞吐吐,很是舒适。ButSpirit Embryoeachbreath, hisorigin qibecomespure!
而灵胎每一次呼吸,他的元气就会变得精纯许多!Moreover, Qin Mualsodiscovered that golden light in Spirit Embryoinabsorbinglightsea, golden lightandorigin qipass and outinhiswithin the bodytogether, selectpointgolden lightto embellishorigin qi, does not know that hasanythingto affect.
不仅如此,秦牧还发现灵胎在吸收光海中的金光,金光与元气一起在他体内进进出出,点点金光点缀元气,不知道有什么作用。HisattemptmakesSpirit Embryostand, discoverythisyoungbaby is actually not ableto stand up, is unable to move the body.
他试图让灵胎站起来,却发现这个小小的婴孩无法站起,更无法挪动身子。„Does Spirit Embryomove? Un, after going back, asksVillage ChiefandGrannythey.”
“灵胎怎么移动?嗯,还是回去之后问问村长和婆婆他们。”Qin Mu is just thinking, suddenly the consciousnessreturnbody, opens the eye.秦牧正想着,突然意识回归身体,张开眼睛。In the templebroadcastsfiercecoughsound, thatmonsterhas not died, is lyingbefore the image of Buddhacoughs up blood, in gulpsspurts the bloodoutward. Qin Muthinksthattakes a stepto walk into the temple gate.
庙里传来剧烈的咳嗽声音,那个怪物没有死,正趴在佛像前咳血,大口大口的向外喷血。秦牧想了想,迈步走入庙门。Thatmonstersaw that hewalks intoancient templeunexpectedly, in the heartdoes not know that isstartledishappy, strugglesto set outhastily.
那怪物见到他竟然走入古庙,心中不知是惊是喜,连忙挣扎起身。Qin Muwalkstowardit, whileread aloud: „Qi ke duosa mo ye, prajñā prajñā sa mo ye, Qi ke duowisdomsa mo ye!”秦牧一边向它走去,一边念诵道:“奇可多萨摩耶,般若般若萨摩耶,奇可多般若萨摩耶!”„Evil creaturealsodarespresumptuous!”
“孽障还敢放肆!”Thatmonsteris absolutely terrified, onlylistens tobackgold/metalfromrocking, golden lightputsgreatly, the chainscrash-bangmakes noise, pullsitkneelsto bend downin the place!
那怪物毛骨悚然,只听背后的金佛又自晃动起来,金光大放,锁链哗啦啦作响,将它又扯得跪伏在地!„ân, ma, ne, bā, mī, hōng!”
The Buddhasoundrings out, thatmonsterwas built upspits blood, dispirited.
佛音大作,那怪物被炼得吐血,萎靡不振。Qin Muno longerread alouddemonic sound, gold/metalBuddhasoundalsoonlymade a soundthento stop. The monster under image of Buddhawhistlingpuffs, will stand, in the Qin Mumouthspreadsdemonic soundonce more, thatmonstercalls out in alarm, hidesbehind the image of Buddhahastily, unexpectedlydemonic sound in Qin Mumouthonlyputs out1-2bytesthennot to continueto read aloud.秦牧不再念诵魔音,那金佛的佛音也只响了一句便停了下来。佛像下的怪物呼呼喘着粗气,正要站起来,秦牧口中再次传出魔音,那怪物惊叫,连忙躲到佛像后面,不料秦牧口中的魔音只吐出一两个字节便没有继续念诵下去。„Youare the demon......”
“你是魔……”Thatmonsterpokes head inquietly, panic-strickenlooksto walk intoQin Mu of templemain hall, the soundis hoarse: „Youare the demon! Youaregreatlyominouslygreatlywickeddevil!”
那怪物悄悄探出头来,惊恐的看着走入庙堂大殿的秦牧,声音沙哑:“你才是魔!你才是大凶大恶的魔头!”Qin Mudid not answer, before arriving atimage of Buddhawithout consulting anybody, hesitantmoment, finally the decisioncomplied the direction of BlindthisoldJianghu, saidrespectfully: „Since childhood, this little one has weak kidneys and frail body, Primordial Yangpremature ejaculation......”秦牧不答,径自走到佛像前,犹豫了片刻,终于决定还是依从瞎子这个老江湖的指点,恭恭敬敬道:“小生自幼肾虚体弱,元阳早泄……”Thatmonsterhears, the eyeballstaresperfectly round, coughs up bloodsaying with a smile that whilehums and haws: „Young man, youtoimage of Buddhawas saying that the kidneyis empty? The image of Buddhawill not pickto make upyou!”
那怪物听到,眼珠子瞪得滚圆,一边咳血一边吭吭哧哧的笑道:“小后生,你对着佛像说肾虚体弱?佛像才不会采补你呢!”Qin Mustaresitsone: „Qi ke duosa mo ye......”秦牧瞪它一眼:“奇可多萨摩耶……”Image of Buddhavibration: „Evil creature!”
佛像震动:“孽障!”Thatmonsteris startled, asked for mercyhastily, called out: „Do not read! Forgives!”
那怪物魂飞天外,连忙告饶,叫道:“不要念了!饶命!”Qin Muno longerread aloud, butthatgold/metalreadtrue words, refinethatmonsterspits blood.秦牧不再念诵,只是那尊金佛还是念了一句真言,将那怪物炼得吐血。Qin Mufourtransferred, has not discoveredanygoodthing, but after the image of Buddha, thatpiled upbones of the deadhad a scarehim, obviouslydoes not know that manypeopledieinthisruined temple, was killedbythismonster.秦牧四下转了一遭,没有发现什么好东西,不过佛像后那堆积成山的白骨还是将他吓了一跳,显然不知有多少人死在这个破庙中,被这个怪物害死。
The youthshake the head saying: „Bones of the deadhideafter the image of Buddha, the image of Buddhaalsohas becomeyouraccomplice, helpingyoucoveryourmistakemoreto be swindled. IfIrefineyouwith the image of Buddhahand, on the contraryhas becomeimage of BuddhaKarmic Virtue, Isuchwill not do. Does evil spirit, inyourthistemple, whatvaluabletreasurehave?”
少年不禁摇头道:“白骨藏在佛像后,佛像也成了你的帮凶,帮你掩盖你的过错让更多的人上当。我若是借佛像的手炼死你,反倒成了佛像的功德,我不会这么做。妖精,你这庙里,都有什么宝贝儿?”Thatmonsteris gingerly, said: „Where do Ihavewhatvaluabletreasure? Iby the Baldy Monksuppressionhere, valuabletreasurehad been plunderedbyBaldy Monk.”
那怪物战战兢兢,道:“我哪里有什么宝贝儿?我被贼秃镇压在这里,宝贝儿都被贼秃搜刮了去。”„Qi ke duo......”
“奇可多……”„Do not read!”
“别念!”Thatmonsteraccompaniesto say with a smile: „Mytheseyearsmanagehere, except foroccasionallydesire of the fullargument, pouredalsoobtained by search a goodthing, gaveyou are.”Said that crawlsreluctantly, limpsto crawlto the top of main hall, heldgently, sees onlythatmain hallto have a dark check of leaf of activity, was heldbyit.
The thing that in the dark checkdepositscrash-bangfalls, issomeweapons, armorand so on thing, in addition, severalclothes, manyare the bellybands of female, butlooked that the material qualityshouldbe the clothes that the riches and honorothersabilitywears.
暗格里存放的东西哗啦啦掉落下来,都是些兵器,还有铠甲之类的东西,除此之外,还有几件衣裳,多是女子的肚兜,不过看材质应该是富贵人家才能穿的衣裳。„Only thenthese.”Thatmonsteraccompaniesto say with a smile.
“只有这些了。”那怪物陪笑道。Qin Muknits the brows, saiddisappointedly: „Only thenthese? Doesn't havenoSpirit Pillwondrous medicineand so on?”秦牧皱眉,失望道:“只有这些?没有什么灵丹妙药之类的?”„HadSpirit Pillwondrous medicinealsoto be eatenbyme.”
“有灵丹妙药也被我吃了。”Thatmonsterstretches the centipedebody, the jointmakes noise, hēi hēisaid with a smile: „Iwas detainedherewas too long, whatwantsto eat, the Spirit Pillwondrous medicinetasteis better than the taste of thesepeople, how could do Ilet off? Do not belittletheseweapons, is the goodthings. Theseweapons, areinSix Directionsdivine treasureabilityare pregnant the freshtreasure, inbornare raisedbyownorigin qiaccumulated, the mightis astonishing, is calledspirit armament!”
那怪物舒展一下蜈蚣般的身体,骨节啪啪作响,嘿嘿笑道:“我在这里被关押太久了,什么都想吃,灵丹妙药的滋味比这些人的滋味还好,我岂能放过?你不要小觑了这些兵器,都是好东西。这些兵器,是六合神藏中才能孕生的宝物,天生就被自身元气蕴养,威力惊人,叫做灵兵!”Qin Muis half believing and half doubting, puts out a handto pick up a wild goosewingblade, startsheavilyastonishing, wantsto be heavier than hisbackSlaughtering Pig Blade. Howeverwhat is strange, Slaughtering Pig Bladeseems like this ordinarybladewantsto be bigger , the weight is actually inferior tothiswild goosewingblade.秦牧将信将疑,伸手捡起一口雁翅刀,入手沉重惊人,比他背后的杀猪刀还要沉重许多。但是奇怪的是,杀猪刀比这口看似普通的刀要大许多,重量却不及这口雁翅刀。
The wild goosewingbladeis long and narrow, Slaughtering Pig Bladeis generous.
雁翅刀狭长,杀猪刀宽厚。Qin Mutakes downSlaughtering Pig Blade, collideswith the wild goosewingbladegently, onlylistensto work aslangone, the wild goosewingbladebreaksaround the middle, the tool bitfallson the ground.秦牧取下杀猪刀,与雁翅刀轻轻碰撞一下,只听当啷一声,雁翅刀拦腰断去,刀头掉在地上。Thatmonsterstares the looking blankeyeball, looks atSlaughtering Pig Blade in hishanddull, could not speak.
那怪物瞪直了眼睛,呆呆的看着他手中的杀猪刀,说不出话来。Qin Muis disappointedextremely, throws the wild goosewingbladeone side.秦牧失望万分,将雁翅刀丢到一边。„Yourthiscutting boardsameblade, iswhorefining up?”
“你这口菜板一样的刀,是谁炼的?”Thatmonstercalls out in alarm, eats saying: „spirit armament that Six DirectionsRealmexpertaccumulatedraises, touchesbreaks, yourthiscutting boardsamebladeis not the average personcanrefineabsolutely!”
那怪物惊叫起来,吃吃道:“六合境界的高手蕴养的灵兵,一碰就断,你这口菜板一样的刀绝对不是普通人能够炼出来的!”Qin MustrokesSlaughtering Pig Blade, the knifeis very cool, cold airenters the heart and lungs. Slaughtering Pig Bladeisvillage'sblacksmithMutehelpshimhit, Muteisneighbor the famousblacksmith, the thing that hitsis very marketable, person who hasoutside the villagefrequentlylooks forMutebuilds the kitchen knife and hoeironplowand so on thing.秦牧抚摸杀猪刀,刀身很凉,一股寒气直入心肺。杀猪刀是村里的铁匠哑巴帮他打的,哑巴是附近有名的铁匠,打出来的东西很抢手,经常有外村的人来找哑巴打造菜刀和锄头铁犁之类的东西。„Itusesis noteveryiron!”
“它用的不是凡铁!”Thatmonstermouthspits the foam, wantsto go forwardto size upcarefullydoes not dareto go forward, for fear thatQin MuagainreadthatstrangeDevil Language, called out: „Do youtrace, do have the cold air? Has the cold airwords, iscold irongold crystal!”
那怪物口吐白沫,想要上前细细打量又不敢上前,生怕秦牧再念那稀奇古怪的魔语,叫道:“你摸一摸,有没有寒气?有寒气的话,就是寒铁金晶!”Qin Muis surprised, nodded: „Indeedhas a cold air.”秦牧惊讶,点了点头:“的确有股寒气。”Thatmonsterloses the sound track: „Buildssuch a cutting boardwithcold irongold crystal? Moreovergood does suchrefinementtechnique, build the cutting boardsamebladeunexpectedly? reckless waste of natural resources, wastes the craftsmanship!”
那怪物失声道:“用寒铁金晶打造这么一个菜板?而且这么好的炼制手法,竟然打造菜板一样的刀?暴殄天物,暴殄手艺!”Qin Mustaresitsone, places the backSlaughtering Pig Blade, thenpicks up other weaponsandtreasures of ground, puts out the ruined temple, before placing the temple gate.秦牧瞪它一眼,将杀猪刀放在背后,然后将地上的兵器和其他宝物捡起,一件一件拿出破庙,放在庙门前。Thatmonsterwas angry, called out: „Youhad such goodweapon, why can also carry offmythesethings?”
那怪物大怒,叫道:“你已经有了这么好的兵器,为何还要带走我这些东西?”„Granny said that mustcarry offdepending on the thing that skillsnatchesentirely.”
“婆婆说了,凭本事抢来的东西一定要统统带走。”Qin Muturns head, smiles: „YourthesethingsareIsnatchdepending ononeselfskill, must therefore carry offcompletely.”秦牧回头,憨厚一笑:“你这些东西都是我凭自己本事抢来的,所以一定要全部带走。”Thatmonsterair/Qihalf dead, does not dareto get angrywithhim, can only lookhelplesslyhemoves the treasure of laboriouscollection.
那怪物气个半死,又不敢与他翻脸,只能眼睁睁的看着他将自己辛辛苦苦收集的宝贝搬个一空。„Whatyourherehas the burden?”Suddenly, Qin Mucollectsto come, asks.
“没有!”„Oh.”Qin Muretractsto go.
“喔。”秦牧缩回头去。Thatmonstergoes out of the main hallcautiously, sees onlyoutside the templeQin Muto chop the bamboo on island, has made in a while then a bamboo raft, placesonthesevaluabletreasure the bamboo raft, howeverbacks-up a longbamboo punt-poleto driveto the upstream.
那怪物小心翼翼走出大殿,只见庙外秦牧正在砍岛上的竹子,没过多久便做了个竹筏,将那些宝贝儿放在竹筏上,然后撑着一根长长的竹篙向上游驶去。„Does badchild who whoteaches, dareto take by forceincludingme?”
“谁教出来的坏孩子,连我都敢打劫?”Thatmonsterflies into a rage, finallydaresto scoldto make noise: „Lawless? Alsomay I askmeto want the burdento wrapstolen goods, air/Qi the ghostI!”
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