SSG :: Volume #56

#5580: Gold Core eliminates evilly!

„, Does the boy, you dare to be cloudy I?” “啊,小子,你敢阴我?” Frightened, Meng evil sends out a scream of terrifying, immediately looked like by the flame firing was the same, released dazzling golden light from top to bottom. 恐惧,孟邪发出一声恐怖的尖叫,顿时就像是被火焰给灼烧了一样,浑身上下释放出耀眼的金光 Is painful wailing! 紧接着就是一阵痛苦的哀嚎! Fish small day looks at present this, at this time he responded, under Gold Core, is revered master lets own take that Gold Core? 鱼小天愣愣的看着眼前这一幕,这时候他才反应过来,金丹,是师尊让自己服下的那颗金丹 revered master has expected this evil thing to seize itself, therefore made the protection early? 难道说师尊早就料到了这邪物会夺舍自己,所以早做了防备? Saw the appearance that front Meng evil pain wails, fish small day long breathing a sigh of relief, is certain, this boy by the Gold Core strength plotting! 看到面前孟邪痛苦哀嚎的样子,鱼小天长长的舒了一口气,可以肯定,这厮是被金丹的力量给暗算了! Infinite golden light suppresses stubbornly on the Meng evil black silk, looks like a golden sharp sword to puncture equally from Meng evil, that terrifying wailing sound, really makes the fish small day feel scared. 无限的金光将孟邪身上的黑丝压制得死死的,就像是一柄柄金色的利剑一样从孟邪的身上刺出,那恐怖的哀嚎声,真是让鱼小天都感觉到胆寒。 Boy, bestowing of today, another day will certainly hundred times present also!” “小子,今日之赐,他日必将百倍奉还!” Suddenly, Meng evil throws down an aggressive statement, changes to together the light group, left the fish small day mortal body rapidly. 突然,孟邪丢下一句狠话,化作一道光团,迅速的离开了鱼小天的肉身。 The general idea/careless, was plotted unexpectedly! 大意了,居然被暗算了! Meng can only acknowledge that the punishment is deserved evilly, this time may really be try to steal a chicken only to end up losing the rice used to lure it, within the body golden energy, his severe wound, had feared that must spend on many Time to restore. 孟邪只能认栽,这次可真是偷鸡不成蚀把米,体内这股金色的能量,已经将他重伤,怕是要花上不少的时间才能恢复了。 He now only then an idea, that is hurries to leave here, finds a safe place, within the body the golden strength of the terrifying compelling. 他现在只有一个想法,那就是赶紧离开这里,找一个安全的地方,把体内的这股恐怖金色力量给逼出来。 Under the arena, everyone is gazing on the stage closely, they do not know that had anything, but saw that the fish small day whole body shivers, the body blooms suddenly golden light, then saw that one group of dazzling golden light as if are binding one group of black glow, leapt up from the fish small day body. 擂台之下,所有人都在密切的注视着台上,他们都不知道发生了什么,只是看到鱼小天浑身颤抖,身上突然绽放出一股金光,紧接着便看到一团耀眼的金光仿佛是裹着一团黑芒,从鱼小天的身体里面蹿了出来。 thing in that golden light, obviously has the consciousness, one is separated from the fish small day body, then rapid wants to flee. 金光之中的东西,明显是有意识的,一从鱼小天的身体里面脱离,便迅速的想要逃离。 Bang!” “嘭!” However, flees as if not that easily, that golden light hit above the counterfort of arena, instantaneously, the counterfort also bloomed the golden ray, unexpectedly directly that golden light keeping off. 然而,逃离似乎并没有那么的容易,那金光撞在了擂台的护壁之上,瞬间,护壁也绽放出金色的光芒,竟然直接将那金光给挡了回去。 „? Is who? Is who is plotting against me?” “啊?是谁?是谁在暗算我?” Is you, Meng Nan?” “是不是你,孟楠?” That golden light proceeded along no particular course several times, the counterfort is still stable, times kept off it, immediately the people hear in that golden light to transmit in an anger to have the pain to call out. 金光乱撞了几次,护壁依旧稳固,一次次的将其挡了回来,随即众人就听到那金光之中传来一个愤怒中带着痛苦嘶喊。 Startled! 惊了! In the arena has third to exist unexpectedly! 擂台上居然有第三个存在! People incomparable accident/surprise, but Meng that several people, are the complexion big changes. 现场众人都无比的意外,而孟家那几个人,更是脸色大变。 They know what that is exists, Meng was evil surrounded unexpectedly? 他们可是知道那是什么存在的,孟邪居然被困住了? Meng was one of the leaping stood, looked around everywhere, was Meng Nan acts? If Meng Nan acts, that said, Meng Nan has known all that they do? 孟凡更是腾的一下站了起来,四处张望,难道是孟楠出手了?如果是孟楠出手,那岂不是说,孟楠已经知道他们干的一切? golden light attempts to break through in all directions in the arena, is unable to flee. 金光在擂台之中左冲右突,始终无法逃离。 Above the arena, the rash and fish small day look at this, both people somewhat could not speak. 擂台之上,孟浪和鱼小天都看着这一幕,两个人都有些说不出话来了。 But at this time, the fish small day found, a form appeared in own front. 而这时候,鱼小天发现,一个身影出现在了自己的面前。 dragon azure profound and dragon Qiaoqiao looked at side, Su Hang had disappeared, when did not know, has appeared above the arena. 龙青玄和龙巧巧看了看旁边,苏航已经不见了,不知道什么时候,已经出现在了擂台之上。 Is you!” “是你!” Sees Su Hang, Meng evil looked like knows anything immediately, like finding expression opening, turned toward Su Hang to shoot directly. 看到苏航,孟邪立刻就像是知道了什么,如同找到了宣泄的口子一样,直接向着苏航射来。 Looks at his stance, probably wishes one could to perish together to be the same with Su Hang. 看他那架势,好像是恨不得和苏航同归于尽一样。 The fish small day is just about to remind, actually sees Su Hang to extend a hand, slowly grasps forward. 鱼小天正要提醒,却见苏航伸出一只手,缓缓的向前抓去。 That golden light looked like falls into the mire general, the speed was getting more and more slow, unexpectedly by Su Hang that grasping easily in hand. 金光就像是陷入了泥沼一般,速度越来越慢,竟然被苏航就那么轻易的抓在了手中。 Carefully looked, what in Su Hang is pinching is a golden pill pill, before previously him, gives the fish the small day that to exorcise evil spirits Gold Core! 仔细一看,苏航手里捏着的是一颗金色的丹丸,正是先前他之前交给鱼小天的那颗辟邪金丹 Meng evilly black qi, is wrapping Gold Core, wants to escape, golden light that but above Gold Core sends out, actually limits stubbornly Meng evil, how whatever he struggles, is unable to flee. 孟邪所化的黑气,包裹着金丹,想要逃脱,但是金丹之上散发出的金光,却是将孟邪限制得死死的,任由他如何挣扎,都无法逃离。 Don't waste your energy, perhaps if you heyday, can make me spend several points of hands and feet, but, acts bashful you now, easy!” Su Hang light said one. “别白费力气了,你要是全盛时期,或许还能让我费几分手脚,不过现在呢,拿捏你,轻而易举!”苏航淡淡的道了一句。 Despicable!” Meng evil crack cursed. “卑鄙!”孟邪破口大骂 Su Hang gives a calm smile, you just attempted to seize to abandon the mortal body of my apprentice, I have not said you to be mean, so-called type because of obtaining enlightenment, this others, can only blame you no wonder, blaming you being too greedy, blamed you being too brave, where also did not have a look is, dares to burst in!” 苏航淡然一笑,“你刚刚企图夺舍我徒弟的肉身,我可没说你卑鄙,所谓种因得果,这怪不得别人,只能怪你,怪你太贪心,也怪你太胆大了,也不看看是什么地方,都敢乱闯!” Bah, actually you are, what advantage does that to you have?” Meng scolded evilly. “呸,你究竟是什么人,这么做对你有什么好处?”孟邪骂道。 Su Hang does not pay attention, slightly fine motion spiritual sense, that Gold Core in hand shines the ray greatly, blooms a violent suction, along with the Meng evil pitiful yell, black qi of that group of twist deformations was attracted by that Gold Core quickly completely. 苏航并不理会,微微动一神念,手里的那颗金丹大放光芒,绽放出一股猛烈的吸力,伴随着孟邪的惨叫,那一团扭曲变形的黑气很快就被那金丹给完全吸了进去。 You put me to go out!” “你放我出去!” Miserable call that in Gold Core, transmits Meng evil, sounds extraordinary sad and shrill and angry. 金丹之中,传来孟邪的惨呼声,听上去出奇的凄厉和愤怒。 The Su Hang two hand fingers pinch that Gold Core, on the face are revealing wipe the smile, honest is treating, this Gold Core strength of exorcising evil spirits, can gradually wear down your evil aura, relax, although cannot extinguish you, but your in the future day , will be very perhaps difficult to be free.” 苏航两根手指头捏着那颗金丹,脸上露出一抹笑容,“老实的待着吧,这金丹中的辟邪之力,能将你身上的邪气逐渐消磨,放心,虽然灭不了你,但是你往后的日子,恐怕也很难再自由了。” Actually you are, why can do that?” Meng evil loudly is bellowing, that sound is really makes one be afraid, who you are, your outcome is who?” “你究竟是谁,为什么要这么做?”孟邪放声的大吼着,那声音真的是让人不寒而栗,“你是谁,你究竟是谁?” Who am I?” Su Hang shaking the head of gently, „don't you want to enter the destiny galaxy? You also asked that who I am?” “我是谁?”苏航轻轻的摇了摇头,“你不是想进天命星河么?你还问我是谁?” Destiny, are you destiny?” In Gold Core, hears to angrily roar, obviously, Meng evil has guessed correctly the status in Suzhou and Hangzhou. “命运,你是命运?”金丹之中,传来声声怒吼,显然,孟邪已经猜到了苏杭的身份。 The Su Hang's corners of the mouth showed the happy expression of pondering, quick, the Su Hang finger pinches, innumerable will refer to will make definitely shortly, got innumerable seal above that Gold Core, that Gold Core sound of railing, will then vanish to disappear quickly. 苏航的嘴角露出了玩味的笑意,很快,苏航手指掐动,无数个指决顷刻打出,在那金丹之上打上了无数的封印,那金丹中的谩骂之声,很快便消失不见了。 Perhaps he is still scolding, but, his railing, outside could not hear. 或许他还在骂吧,只不过,他的谩骂,外面是听不到了。 Gold Core removed the ray, is a pigeon egg size, the shining gadget, pill medicine is probably same, but above covered entirely many seal engraved inscriptions. 金丹褪去了光芒,也就是一个鸽子蛋大小,金灿灿的玩意儿,像是一颗丹药一样,只不过上面布满了许多封印铭文。 So is simple, then Meng Nan this evil thought obliterating, but compared with imagination in also wanted simply. 就这么简单的,便将孟楠这一丝邪念给磨灭了,可是比想象中的还要简单了许多。 Naturally, Su Hang completely has the strength completely to destroy this evil thought now, but, Su Hang cannot do, this evil thought must remain, he can only keep tempers his strength, but cannot make him vanish completely, because, if this evil thought vanishes, Meng Nan main body slowly breeds the new evil thought again. 当然,苏航是完全有实力现在就将这一丝邪念给完全摧毁的,只是,苏航不能那么做,这丝邪念必须留着,他只能不停的削弱他的力量,而不能完全让他消失,因为,如果一旦这丝邪念消失,孟楠的本尊就会慢慢的再次孕育出新的邪念来。 When the time comes, perhaps is not so good to tidy up, after all, this is a negative mood, Meng Nan cuts him, does not want to make him affect cultivation, if this mood in the body rebirth of Meng cedar, when the time comes, Meng Nan can also cut him again? If no, by the evil thought about, that may not be present Meng Nan. 到时候,恐怕就不是这么好收拾的了,毕竟,这是一种负面的情绪,孟楠将他斩掉,就是不想让他影响到修炼,如果这股情绪在孟楠的身上再度重生,到时候,孟楠还会不会斩掉他呢?如果没有的话,被邪念左右,那可就不是现在的孟楠了。
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