SSG :: Volume #56

#5579: Seizes the shed?

revered master?” dragon azure profound somewhat stunned looks at Su Hang, after all the fish small day made into like this, Su Hang also blocked him unexpectedly. 师尊?”龙青玄有些错愕的看着苏航,毕竟鱼小天都打成这样了,苏航居然还拦他。 don't be impatient, the small day can deal with.” Su Hang gave comfort words. 稍安勿躁,小天能够应付的。”苏航给了一句安慰的话。 Nearby dragon Qiaoqiao is also some worries, but hears this saying, immediately was calm and steady. 旁边龙巧巧也是有些担心的,但是听到这话,顿时安稳了许多。 dragon azure profound deeply inspires, since revered master said that although he worried, but also can only look, he believes, has Su Hang, definitely does not look that the fish small day brings death. 龙青玄深吸了一口气,既然师尊都这么说了,他虽然担心,但也只能看着了,他相信,有苏航在,肯定是不会看着鱼小天去送死的。 Said above that arena, the fish small day pants, for a long time regained a consciousness, stood diligently, both hands are grasping that long stick, that long stick almost somewhat could not support his body. 却说那擂台之上,鱼小天气喘吁吁,好久才堪堪的恢复了一点知觉,努力的站了起来,双手握着那根长杖,那长杖几乎都有些支撑不住他的身体了。 cough cough......” 咳咳……” The fish small day coughed several, front prominent several blood froth, look up the rampant rash, comes, then comes again.” 鱼小天咳了几声,突出几口血沫来,抬头看着面前嚣张的孟浪,“来呀,接着再来呀。” Some rash accidents/surprises visit him, „, you like this, but also come?” 孟浪有些意外的看着他,“呵,你都这样了,还来?” The fish small day scratched the blood of corners of the mouth, „, although does not know that you used what method, in short Time promoted so many cultivation base, but, I believe that thing that picks, not president is definitely long, I do not believe you also to display the favorable balance of trade the 100,000 trillion wild vigor strength......” 鱼小天擦了擦嘴角的血,“虽然不知道你用了什么法子,短时间内提升了这么多修为,但是,我相信,捡来的东西,肯定不会长久,我不信你还能发挥出超过十万兆荒劲的力量……” Picks? These characters, making the rash feel some ears. 捡来的?这几个字,让孟浪感觉有些扎耳朵。 Good, this is you brings upon oneself, even if today I put together the severe wound, must step on you in the under foot!” “好,这可是你自找的,今天我就算拼得重伤,也要将你踩在脚下!” Rash cold snort/hum, the violence floods into, the whole body skin was supported the crack again, surrounding Space was pressed by the huge pressure again twists. 孟浪冷哼一声,暴力涌入,浑身皮肤再一次被撑裂,周围的空间被庞大的威压再度压得扭曲。 The fish small day depth inspires, the stick stick stands, the pupil light becomes incomparable earnest and sharp. 鱼小天深吸了一口气,杖棍而立,眸光变得无比的热切和犀利。 So many years, he had not run into the opponent, recently cultivation base has grown slowly, he needs to break through, but the fight is the best breakthrough way, therefore, this to him, perhaps is an opportunity. 这么多年了,他从来没有遇到过对手,近来修为已经增长缓慢,他需要突破,而战斗就是最佳的突破方式,所以,这对他来说,或许是个机会。 revered master!” 师尊!” Under the stage, dragon unreliably was blue anxious, in his opinion, fish small day this was prepares to go all out! 台下,龙青玄急了,在他看来,鱼小天这是准备拼命了! Su Hang actually shakes the head, hinting him is calm. 苏航却是摇了摇头,示意他淡定。 Obviously, Su Hang is waiting for anything, as if during all are grasping. 明显,苏航在等着什么,仿佛一切都在掌握之中。 By strength that the rash displays, with the present fish small day, is only same, he is not worried about the fish small day the safety, although the fish small day present range asks the boundary also to have a very long distance, but , he if can seize this opportunity, could proceed to walk a stride again. 以孟浪发挥出来的实力,与现在的鱼小天,只是半斤八两而已,他并不担心鱼小天的安危,虽然鱼小天现在距离问道境还有很长的一段距离,但是,他如果能抓住这一次机会的话,说不定能往前再走一大步。 Su Hang can look at the fish small day plan, will therefore not naturally intend to break him at this time. 苏航看得出来鱼小天的打算,所以自然也不会在这个时候出手去打断他。 Above arena, as two people fight to one, Space crashes again, goes black. 擂台之上,随着两人战至一处,空间再一次崩塌,陷入黑暗。 Under the stage the people stared in a big way the eye, wish diligently saw clearly anything, what a pity, the realm disparity was too far, this fight was doomed is nothing watches the experience. 台下众人都瞪大了眼睛,努力的想要看清楚点什么,可惜,境界差距太远,这一场战斗注定是没有什么观看体验的。 Flickers! 一瞬! True fight, only then flickers, Time comes finished speaking not to have the concept regarding powerhouse of this rank, in a flash, they have been able to on innumerable moves. 真正的战斗,只有一瞬,时间对于这一等级的强者说完全没有概念,一瞬之间,他们已经可以对上无数招。 After flickering, above arena again tranquil, picture clear gradually. 一瞬之后,擂台之上再度平静,画面渐渐的清晰。 Two people, sit cross-legged to sit on the ground, sat facing each other, separates was two zhang (3.33 m) away probably. 两个人,都盘腿坐在地上,相对而坐,隔了大概有两丈远。 The rash whole body is bathed in blood, creakying, is obviously badly injured, but is still transporting the merit fast restore body. 孟浪浑身浴血,摇摇欲坠,明显是伤得非常的厉害,但还在运功快速的修复身体。 Another side, the fish small day is to also sit cross-legged to sit, on the face flickers, probably inexplicable black qi are flowing. 另外一边,鱼小天也是盘腿坐着,脸上忽明忽暗,像是有一股莫名的黑气在流动。 In the foreheads, has several points of pain, seems making the resistance with what thing. 眉宇之间,带着几分痛苦,似乎在和什么东西做着抗争。 Saw this, Su Hang that under the stage sits, the corners of the mouth showed a smile. 看到这一幕,台下坐着的苏航,嘴角露出了一丝笑容。 At this time, the fish small day situation is worrying, he with the rash fierce battle, has not just been thinking that suddenly passes black qi from the rash body, sneaked in his body directly. 此时,鱼小天情况堪忧,刚刚他正和孟浪恶战,没有想到突然从孟浪的身上透出来一股黑气,直接钻进了他的身体。 From the beginning, he also thinks that is what method that the rash causes, but is quick he to discover that he made a mistake, that black obviously has the consciousness, moreover consciousness to intrepidly letting him trembles. 一开始,他还以为那是孟浪使的什么手段,但是很快他就发现他错了,那股黑色明显是有意识的,而且意识强悍到让他战栗。 Evil thing? Is this that evil thing that revered master said? 邪物?难道说这就是师尊说的那个邪物? This thought just had time, the fish small day feels, this consciousness is corroding his consciousness, rushed to his intent sea of consciousness directly! 这个念头刚起的时候,鱼小天就感觉到,这股意识在侵蚀他本身的意识,直接奔他意识海去了! Seizes the shed? 夺舍? How many fearful thoughts in fish small Tianxing (Heavenly Heart) raises, but oneself will existence of heavenly prestige first, one day be seized the shed unexpectedly? 鱼小天心中升起几个可怕的念头,自己可是天威第一的存在,居然有一天会被人夺舍? This obviously is early deliberate, the rash fights with him at risk of life, his severe wound, when he weakest, this evil thing while enters randomly, unexpectedly wants to seize his mortal body? 这明显就是早有预谋的,孟浪拼死和他一战,将他重伤,在他最虚弱的时候,这邪物乘乱而入,居然想夺他的肉身? At this time, the fish small day could not have attended to other, can only exhaust the complete energy to deal in within the body evil thing. 此时,鱼小天已经顾不得其他,只能用尽全部的精力来应付体内这一邪物。 What is good because of being, the rash at this time is also the severe wound, moreover to the support of that evil thing, the grief was heavier, cannot threat the fish small day! 好在的是,孟浪此时也是重伤,而且离了那邪物的支撑,伤痛更重,已经对鱼小天构不成威胁了! Fish small day body in slightly is shivering , the vibration is gradually getting quicker and quicker, looks, he is bearing the enormous pain. 鱼小天的身体在微微的颤抖着,渐渐的,抖动越来越快,看得出来,他在承受着极大的痛苦。 Boy, do not do again senselessly struggled, your skill, but also insufficiently gives me the stops up gap between teeth, obedient give away your mortal body, the main body can also make you happier!” “小子,不要再做无谓的挣扎了,就你这点本事,还不够给我塞牙缝的,乖乖的让出你的肉身,本尊还能让你痛快一些!” The Meng evil voice, resounds in the fish small day mind. 孟邪的声音,在鱼小天的脑海之中响起。 Immediately, a shadow incarnation in the fish small day mind, is Meng evil. 随即,一个黑影化身在鱼小天的脑海中,正是孟邪。 The fish small day also consciousness change form, looks at each other in the mind and Meng evilly. 鱼小天同样也意识化形,在脑海中与孟邪对视。 High and low is taking a look at front the person, cannot see clearly his appearance, but, the fish small day can induce to terrifying and great strength of person of front. 上下打量着面前之人,看不清他的面貌,但是,鱼小天能够感应到面前之人的恐怖和强大。 Only is that imposing manner, has made him tremble! 光是那份气势,就已经让他瑟瑟发抖! „Who are you?” The fish small day asked. “你是什么人?”鱼小天问道。 Meng evil hā hā smiles, you do not need to know that who I am, you only need to know, your body, was belongs immediately my, as for you, in this world will not have your any mark in the future again, but you could rest assured that I will use your body, life well, can be you radically not unimaginable level in the future!” 孟邪哈哈一笑,“你不需要知道我是谁,你只需要知道,你的躯壳,马上就是属于我的了,至于你,将来这世上不会再有你的任何印记,不过你放心,我会用你的身体,好好的生活下去的,将来还能达到你根本无法想象的层次!” Wishful thinking!” “痴心妄想!” The fish small day angrily rebuked. 鱼小天怒斥了一声。 Boy, you are not very polite!” “小子,你很不礼貌!” Meng evil cold snort/hum, Time is precious, he does not want to waste here, if causes complications, that may on the gain does not equal the loss. 孟邪冷哼一声,时间宝贵,他可不想浪费在这里,万一节外生枝,那可就得不偿失了。 Direct Divine Ability then anchorage fish small day consciousness main body, fish small day at this time originally weak, where can work loose, at all is not an opponent. 直接一个神通便定住了鱼小天的意识本尊,鱼小天此时本来就虚弱,哪里能够挣脱,根本不是对手。 Frightened! 恐惧! The fish small day felt unexpectedly fear, he was understands now those words that Su Hang spoke, did not want, because you were heavenly prestige first, can be arrogant and conceited, the strength of this evil thing, terrifying to had surpassed his imagination. 鱼小天居然感觉到了恐惧,他现在算是明白了苏航说的那句话,不要因为你是天威第一,就可以目空一切了,这邪物的实力,已经恐怖到了超过他的想象。 Sees only Meng evil jié jié to smile, the neck extends, the head increases suddenly, opens an incomparably exaggerating big mouth, bites directly toward the fish small day consciousness main body, might entire swallow down to be the same the fish small day. 只见孟邪桀桀一笑,脖子一伸,脑袋骤然变大,张开一张无比夸张的大嘴,直接往鱼小天的意识本尊咬去,像是要将鱼小天整个吞下去一样。 However, above at this moment, the fish small day body golden light cheats suddenly. 然而,就在此刻,鱼小天的身体之上突然金光诈起。 Dazzling golden light, the flash makes Meng feel evilly was not right, subconscious wish receives the hand, but, that said that golden light has left from the fish small day body, entered his mouth directly, 耀眼的金光,一瞬间就让孟邪感觉到了不对,下意识的想要收手,但是,那道金光已经从鱼小天的身上脱出,直接进了他的嘴里,
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