SSG :: Volume #56

#5581: Why saves me?

Therefore, this evil thought must exist, can only make him more and more weak, tempers his strength, similarly, the evil thought of destiny is also so. 所以,这邪念是必须存在的,只能让他越来越弱,削弱他的力量,同样的,命运的恶念也是如此。 Su Hang and Meng Nan two give the opposite party to process oneself negativity, is if traded the main body to process, will have lots of troubles. 苏航和孟楠两个将自己的负面情绪交给对方来处理,便是因为如果换了本尊去处理的话,会有很多的麻烦。 Now, this evil thought was by Su Hang tidying up, later the evil thought of that destiny, but gave Meng Nan to handle, how to handle as for the Meng cedar, that did not need Su Hang to go to the manages, after all, Meng Nan strength may be stronger than Su Hang, Su Hang can process, Meng Nan have no reason good. 现在,这丝邪念算是被苏航给收拾了,之后那命运的恶念,可就交给孟楠去处置了,至于孟楠如何处置,那就不用苏航去管了,毕竟,孟楠的实力可比苏航更强,苏航都能处理,孟楠没理由不行。 This Gold Core, Su Hang will not certainly return to Meng Nan, because such is too dangerous. 这颗金丹,苏航当然也不会交还给孟楠,因为那样太危险。 revered master.” 师尊。” At this time, fish small day leaping one stood up, arrived at side Su Hang's, looked up in the Su Hang hand is lifting up high that Gold Core, revered master, was actually this evil thing what thing?” 这时候,鱼小天腾的一下站起身来,走到了苏航的身边,抬头看着苏航手中高举着的那颗金丹,“师尊,这邪物究竟是什么东西?” Meng Nan said that a brother's evil thought that has subdued, later gave you to take care.” Su Hang does not need to conceal at this time, the whole story of matter simply speaking, along with, even if threw in Gold Core in hand the fish small day hand. “孟楠道兄的一丝邪念罢了,现已收服,以后就交给你来保管了。”苏航这时候也不必隐瞒,把事情的原委简单的讲了一下,随即便将手中的金丹扔到了鱼小天的手中。 Evil thought of Meng cedar Old Ancestor? No wonder is so powerful. 孟楠老祖的邪念?难怪如此强大。 The fish small day stares, subconscious put out a hand to hold that Gold Core, felt that Gold Core was somewhat hot, almost without lost directly, heard the Su Hang's words, he was the pale complexion becomes was paler, revered master, your...... I how......” 鱼小天一愣,下意识的伸手抓住了那个金丹,感觉金丹有些烫手,差点没有直接丢出去,听到苏航的话,他更是苍白的脸色变得更加的苍白了,“师尊,你这……我如何……” This thing is powerful, Gold Core will obliterate his strength, but, this strength cannot waste, you raise his accumulated in within the body, I pass on your mnemonics later, later you then can borrow strength cultivation that Gold Core wears down.” Su Hang said. “这东西强大得很,金丹会磨灭他的力量,但是,这力量可不能浪费了,你把他蕴养在体内,我稍后传你一篇口诀,以后你便可以借用金丹消磨出来的力量修炼。”苏航道。 Fish small day hears word, immediately one happy, to the end does obeisance hastily, disciple thanked revered master.” 鱼小天闻言,顿时一喜,连忙倒头就拜,“弟子叩谢师尊。” Su Hang beckons with the hand, the vision then fell on front rash. 苏航摆了摆手,目光转而落在了面前的孟浪身上。 At this time, rash situation bad risk, previously he was lucky the merit, the huge strength lets his mortal body collapse, after Meng evil leaves, he can only restore the mortal body by his strength, but he consumed before too seriously, the entire body almost pulled out spatially, at this time the unusual danger, will have crashed momentarily. 此时,孟浪的情况十分的凶险,先前他强行运功,庞大的力量让他的肉身崩溃,孟邪离开之后,他只能凭借自身的力量去修复肉身,但他之前消耗太严重,整个身体几乎被掏空,此时已经非常的的危险,随时都会崩塌。 At this time, the Su Hang vision swept one on the rash body, put out a hand a direction in the rash forehead, instantaneously, golden light passed. 这时候,苏航目光在孟浪的身上扫了一眼,伸手一指点在了孟浪的眉心,瞬间,一股金光透了进去。 Under the stage, the Meng people startle greatly, thinks that Su Hang must be disadvantageous to the rash, immediately went to the arena in abundance, encircled a circle, encircled Su Hang in the middle. 台下,孟家众人大骇,以为苏航是要对孟浪不利,当即纷纷上了擂台,围成了一个圈子,把苏航围在了中间。 Surnamed Su, you dare to move wave!” Meng pointed at Su Hang to bellow. “姓苏的,你敢动浪儿一下!”孟凡指着苏航大吼了一声。 The Su Hang principle does not have to manage him, the direct big sleeve wields, more than ten big shot of Meng, including Meng Fan, completely by Su Hang's sleeve wind sweeping arena. 苏航理都没有理他,直接大袖一挥,那孟家的十多个大佬,包括孟凡在内,全部被苏航的袖风给扫下了擂台。 The people are panic-stricken, is this what kind of strength? 众人惊骇莫名,这是何等的实力? The big shot of these more than ten Meng, the strength in the immortal spirit ranking, their is not powerhouse in powerhouse, even several possibility might as well heavenly prestige first fish small days, but each strength is without a doubt above the rash. 要知道,这十多个孟家的大佬,实力都不在仙灵排名榜上,他们的都是强者中的强者,就算有几个可能还不如天威第一的鱼小天,但是每一个的实力都是毫无疑问在孟浪之上的。 More than ten, such existence, was wielded unexpectedly conveniently, thinks dust same was swept leaves office? 十多个啊,这样的存在,居然被人随手一挥,就想灰尘一样的被扫下了台? Too strong, was this person too strong? 太强了,这人太强了? Regarding sudden Su Hang, knew on the spot his person is few, at this time is surprised inexplicable, started from just that Meng evil, today this fight, makes everyone a little unable to understand, some people until at this moment, blurry, does not know completely had anything, the head is single-minded. 对于突然出现的苏航,现场认识他的人很少,此时都是一个个的惊讶莫名,从刚刚那个孟邪开始,今天这场战斗,都让大家有点看不懂了,有的人直到此时此刻,都还迷迷糊糊的,完全不知道发生了什么,脑袋都转不过弯儿来。 Meng every and the others were swept leaves office, is the mind gets muddled, a moment is completely muddled, somewhat could not find north. 孟凡等人被扫下台,更是头脑发蒙,一时间晕头转向,都有些找不到北了。 In these person of hearts is equally panic-stricken, they know the Su Hang's status, knows that Su Hang is very strong, at least compared with them, but they have not thought that Su Hang unexpectedly strong to such situation. 这些人心中同样惊骇,他们知道苏航的身份,也知道苏航很强,至少比他们强,但是他们万万没有想到,苏航居然强到了这样的地步。 Looks up to the arena, on arena, let their anchorage. 抬头看向擂台,擂台上的一幕,让他们定住了。 Sees only golden light to cover the rash, the rash of seemingly incomparable pain, bathed at this time completely in golden light, the whole person seems like unexpectedly is enjoyment. 只见金光笼罩着孟浪,原本看上去无比痛苦的孟浪,此时完全沐浴在金光之中,整个人看上去居然是十分的享受。 Blood at rapid scab, breakage mortal body also rapid restore under bathing of golden light, speed very rapidness, naked eye obvious. 身上的血在迅速的结痂,破损的肉身也在金光的沐浴之下迅速的修复,速度非常之快,肉眼可见。 Originally, Su Hang is saving him. 原来,苏航是在救他。 The Meng people were stunned, at this time not further movement, on the one hand seems like Su Hang and has no evil intention, on the other hand, they come up even again, perhaps cannot be victorious, assigns by the result that a palm of the hand sweeps. 孟家众人都错愕了一下,此时都没有再进一步的动作,一方面看起来苏航并没有什么恶意,另外一方面,他们就算再上去,恐怕也是打不过,指定还是被一巴掌扫下来的结果。 Cared that very much the rash security, a both vision gazes at that to bathe the rash in golden light. 都很关心孟浪的安全,一双双目光都注视着那沐浴在金光中的孟浪。 Quick, the rash makes a comfortable sound, when golden light restraining slowly, are not many then has completely vanished, rash bloody scab rapid shedding, reveals the brand-new skin. 很快,孟浪发出一声舒服的声音,金光缓缓的收敛,不多时便已经完全消失,孟浪身上的血痂迅速的脱落,露出崭新的皮肤。 ! 呼! The rash puts out long foul air, the whole person just like newborn general, slowly opened the eye, on the face also revealed several bloody, no longer before the resembles, such terrifying. 孟浪吐出一口长长的浊气,整个人宛如新生一般,慢慢的睁开了眼睛,脸上也露出了几次血色,不再像之前那么的恐怖 Looks up Su Hang, although he just situation danger, but had anything, he is very clear. 抬头看着苏航,虽然他刚刚情况危险,但是发生了什么,他还是非常的清楚的。 „Do you, why save me?” The rash stood up the body. “你,为什么救我?”孟浪站起了身来。 Su Hang visits him, I save you, is not because you are may save the person, is only because of your father's commission.” 苏航看着他,“我救你,不是因为你是个可救之人,只是因为你父亲的嘱托。” My father.” The rash hesitated, he why don't come?” “我父亲。”孟浪沉吟了一下,“他为什么自己不来?” Can look, in rash heart regarding some Meng cedar obstructions. 看得出来,孟浪心中对于孟楠还是有一些芥蒂的。 Su Hang shakes the head, your father cares about you compared with anyone, but he is not good at expressing, the rash, you felt, your time matter, is done right?” 苏航摇了摇头,“你父亲比谁都关心你,只是他并不善于表达而已,孟浪,你觉得,你这次的事情,做得对么?” Rash hears word, has not responded for a long time, obviously, he was afraid, this time matter, too bullshit. 孟浪闻言,许久没有回应,显然,他是心虚了,这次的事,太坑爹了。 Su Hang deeply inspires, you know obviously that thing has terrifying how, but you took risk to release him, but the goal actually merely for in compared in fighting won, but to obtain the unwarranted reputation of position of life palace palace lord of this day? An unwarranted reputation, you have thought that if today made that evil thing work, to the destiny palace, how many disasters will bring to the entire immortal spirit?” 苏航深吸了一口气,“你明明知道那东西有多么的恐怖,可你还是冒险把他释放了出来,而目的却仅仅只是为了在比斗中获胜,只是为了得到这天命宫宫主之位的虚名?一个虚名而已,你有没有想过,今天如果让那邪物得逞了,将会给天命宫,给整个仙灵带来多少灾难?” The rash listens, deeply inspires, I have not thought so many, I only know, the position of this palace lord, regarding your such powerhouse, perhaps is only an unwarranted reputation, but, to me actually different, I want to prove me, without my father, I can grow stronger, be stronger than anybody similarly, a fish small day, presses in my head so many years, always others raised me, only said that I was second, I am unable to endure......” 孟浪听完,深吸了一口气,“我没有想过那么多,我只知道,这个宫主之位,对于你们这样的强者来说,或许只是一个虚名,但是,对于我来说却不一样,我只是想证明我自己,没有我父亲,我同样能变强,比任何人都强,一个鱼小天,压在我头上那么多年,从来别人提起我,都只说我是第二,我无法忍受……” In this world, is most difficult to get rid, nothing but is corrupt tian is crazy, if you can get rid, actually, realm will have very big sublimation, although at present I restored your mortal body, but, that evil aura to your injury, but restored the fur/superficial knowledge.” “这世上,最难摆脱的,无非就是贪瞋痴,你若能摆脱,其实,境界会有很大的升华,眼下我虽然修复了你的肉身,但是,那邪气对你的伤害,只是修复了皮毛。”
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