SSG :: Volume #28

#2717: Am I also living?

???? But, you could rest assured that I will not kill you, at least, kills your is not I.” How many minute of cruel smiling faces Hong true corners of the mouth show, such as you said that before I obtain the Luo Tian profound merit, is not and heaven tears to pieces the facial skin the time, therefore, can only make Liu Old Daoist be this unprincipled person, I believe, by Liu Old Daoist manner, he should be glad to do this matter very much, you said right? Liu Laogen?” ????“不过,你放心,我不会杀你,至少,杀你的不会是我。”洪真的嘴角露出几分残忍的笑容,“如你所说,在我得到罗天玄功之前,还不是和苍天撕破脸皮的时候,所以,只能让刘老道来做这个坏人了,我相信,以刘老道的为人,他应该很乐意做这事,你说对么?刘老根儿?” ???? Right, pole pair.” inside the tower broadcasts Liu Old Daoist sound, appears exceptionally excited, I had killed this boy, takes thing that I wanted, the Luo Tian profound merit gives everything one has to give surely.” ????“对,极对。”塔里传来刘老道的声音,显得异常的兴奋,“等我杀了这小子,取了我要的东西,罗天玄功必定倾囊相授。” ????? hā hā hā......” ?????“哈哈哈……” ???? Hong Zhenwen said that hā hā laughed, the right hand found out, the tower withstood/top that stone to be inhaled in Hong true hand directly. ????洪真闻言,哈哈大笑,右手探出,塔顶那颗石头直接被吸入了洪真的手中。 ?? Bang!” ??“轰!” ??? Almost is instance that the exquisite stone puts aside, the tower shakes greatly, explodes loudly, Hong true moving quickly draws back, along with, even if sees a form to appear the superhuman flying shape, flew from everywhere crushed stone mist and dust. ???几乎是玲珑石移开的瞬间,塔身巨震,轰然爆开,洪真飞身而退,随即便见一个身影呈超人飞天状,从漫天的碎石烟尘之中飞了出来。 ??? hā hā hā, your grandpa I came out finally.” ???“哈哈哈,你爷爷我终于出来了。” ???? Falls to the ground, Liu Old Daoist hā hā laughs, such as a wild animal of leaving, smiles incomparably dark green crazy. ????落地,刘老道哈哈大笑,就如一头脱笼的野兽,笑得无比的苍狂。 ??? This with one another is quite fierce, a fist has exploded Linglongta unexpectedly dry/does, in the tower this is also stranded other is existing, instantaneously changes into the fragment powder in this moment. ???这厮好猛,竟然一拳把玲珑塔给干爆了,塔中本还困着一些其他存在,也在这一刻瞬间化为齑粉。 ????? fellow daoist, remaining gave you.” At this time, Hong true sound light transmitting. ?????“道友,剩下的交给你了。”这时候,洪真的声音淡淡的传来。 ???? Relax, I am more unbearably anxious than you.” Liu Old Daoist is dishevelled hair and dirty face, has hair dishevelled, grins to show a cruel smiling face, turned around to turn toward Su Hang in pile of stones to look directly. ????“放心,我比你更急不可耐。”刘老道蓬头垢面,披头散发,咧着嘴露出一个残忍的笑容,转身直接向着乱石堆里的苏航看了过去。 ?????? Yo, the little fellow, were you? Was injured? Aiya, may really love dearly dies individual.” Liu Old Daoist cynically, gradually walks toward Su Hang. ??????“哟,小家伙,你这是怎么了?受伤了?哎呀,可真是心疼死个人。”刘老道阴阳怪气,一步一步的往苏航走去。 ????? Su Hang corners of the mouth overflowing blood, some consciousness lax looks at front this face, I also respected your somewhat skill, has not thought, originally is the relapse villain......” ?????苏航嘴角溢血,有些意识涣散的看着面前这张老脸,“原本我还敬你有几分本事,没想到,原来是个反复小人……” ?????? Yeah, the words cannot say, world Xi bright all comes for the advantage, the world confusion all for the advantage toward, the world in does not have forever enemy, only then forever benefit, everybody for the benefit two characters, I also early has given you opportunity, but you cannot see clearly the situation, can blame who?” Root Daoist smiles. ??????“哎,话可不能这么说,天下熙熙皆为利来,天下攘攘皆为利往,世上没有永远的敌人,只有永远的利益,大家都是为了利益二字,我也早给了你机会,可是你看不清形势,能怪的了谁?”根儿道人一笑。 I had done you in the root mountain, almost kills you, the strict sense, we are the enemies, you also counted on that an enemy can help you? Formerly wants to cooperate with you, you are not willing, now instead saying that my repeatedly villain, thinks seriously you are the life disciple, was this Heaven and Earth protagonist? All stands in the person of your opposite is the villain?” “本来我在根儿山就搞过你,差点把你弄死,严格意义上来说,我们是敌人,你还指望一个敌人能帮你?先前想和你合作,你不肯,现在反而说我反复小人了,当真以为你是命徒,便是这天地主角了?所有站在你对立面的人就是反派?” ??????? Comedy, told you again one, nobody stipulated, protagonist certainly cannot die.” ???????“别搞笑了,再告诉你一句,没有人规定,主角就一定不能死。” ???? Root Daoist cracks into a smile, did not wait for Su Hang to say anything, then only seemed with his somewhat mounts the flour gruel the hand, has patted toward the Su Hang top of the head. ????根儿道人咧嘴一笑,也不等苏航多说什么,便用他那只看上去有些黏糊糊的手,向着苏航头顶拍了过去。 ??????? Any thing, dropped on own face, Su Hang only felt that flash, whole person at present one black, then fell into the boundless darkness, absolute strength crush, Su Hang, even if had the big skill, was only the futile effort. ???????什么东西,滴到了自己的脸上,苏航只感觉,那一瞬间,整个人眼前一黑,便陷入了无边的黑暗,绝对的实力碾压,苏航纵然有再大的本事,也只是徒劳。 ?????? Such ended? ??????难道,就这么完了? ??????...... ??????…… ?????? Tick-tock......” ??????“滴答……” ?????? The water drops on the face, view lifting slowly, sees a white sheet lost in fog. ??????水滴落在脸上,眼帘慢慢的掀开,入目一片白雾茫茫。 ?????? „Am I also living?” ??????“我还活着?” ?????? The surroundings likely are an orchard, fragrant overflows, Space vibration slightly, the white spirit fog congeals the tiny waterdrop, had drizzle spirit. ??????周围像是一片果园,芳香四溢,空间微微的震动,白茫茫的灵雾凝结成细小的水滴,下起了一场小小的灵雨。 ????? Also has not known how long, Su Hang had several points of consciousness finally, consciousness restoration slowly, on the chest was also also inserting the Great Immortal stick. ?????也不知道过了多久,苏航终于有了几分知觉,意识也慢慢的恢复,胸口上还插着大仙棍。 ?????? The intention moves, the Great Immortal stick changes is suddenly small, Su Hang puts out a hand to pull out, then has pulled out it. ??????心念一动,大仙棍骤然变小,苏航伸手一拔,便将其拔了出来。 ??? Hiss,......” ???“嘶,啊……” ????? The severe pain makes Su Hang almost again faint, the blood flows out again, the Su Hang contract muscle, stops the blood hastily. ?????剧痛让苏航差点再一次晕厥,鲜血再一次流出,苏航连忙收缩肌肉,将血止住。 ???? This may be king blood, each drop is the essence, transports the merit moment, outside has recovered a general idea, on Su Hang that pale face, finally restored several points of bloody. ????这可都是界王血,每一滴都是精华,运功片刻,外伤愈了个大概,苏航那苍白的脸上,终于恢复了几分血色 ????? A Hong true that conveniently move, but injures heavily it, is not only the mortal body, divine soul was rumbled a big hole, wants to restore, feared that must spend on many Time. ?????洪真那随手一招,可是把它伤得不轻,不仅是肉身,就连神魂都被轰出了一个大窟窿,想要恢复,怕是得花上不少时间了。 ????? „ Am I also living? Where is this? ?????“我怎么还活着?这是什么地方? ????? Covered the injured chest, Su Hang was sitting reluctantly, about looked, the surroundings were the white fog are all boundless, have been covered with rows of all kinds of fruit trees, should be an orchard obviously. ?????捂着受伤的胸口,苏航勉强坐了起来,左右看去,周围皆是白雾茫茫,长满了一排排各种各样的果树,明显应该是个果园。 ?????? Su Hang a little wonders, shouldn't oneself die? Also will be living why? Appears in such a strange place? ??????苏航有点纳闷,自己不应该已经死了么?为什么还会活着?出现在这么一个陌生的地方? ???? Must know, Hong true he, in addition is not the match, Hong true and root Daoist joint effort, oneself will not have the truth of life. ????要知道,一个洪真他尚且不是对手,洪真和根儿道人合力,自己万万不会有活命的道理。 ?????? Root has Daoist taken the destiny from own? ??????难道说,根儿道人已经从自己手上取走了命运? ????? He is also living, perhaps only then an explanation, root Daoist has taken the destiny from him, he lost available value, kills in does not kill, has not distinguished. ?????他还活着,或许只有一个解释,根儿道人从他身上取走了命运,他已经失去了可用的价值,杀于不杀,都没有区别。 ???? In Su Hang heart one tight, searches Study God System hastily. ????苏航心中一紧,连忙搜索学神系统 ???? Fortunately, Study God System also, Su Hang long relaxing, if Study God System is the destiny main body, then Daoist has not prevailed. ????还好,学神系统还在,苏航长长的松了一口气,如果说学神系统就是命运本体的话,那么根儿道人就还没有得逞。 ????? Strange! ?????奇怪! ???? Present Su Hang, like a drinking fragment the person, did not make clear to have anything completely, oneself were living why, where here was. ????现在的苏航,就像一个喝酒断片了的人,完全搞不清楚发生了什么,自己为什么还活着,这里又是什么地方。 ?????? Hammered the forehead, Su Hang has stood diligently, the Great Immortal stick treated as the walking stick to poke, was supporting the injured body reluctantly, prepared to explore this piece to make his divine sense unable to search general unknown Space. ??????锤了锤脑门,苏航努力的站了起来,大仙棍当做拐棍杵着,勉强的支撑着受伤的身体,准备探索一下这片让他的神识都探不出个大概的未知空间 ????? Yo, such quickly awoke!” ?????“哟,这么快就醒了!” ????? Has not walked two steps, a sound then conveys from side, Su Hang felt that the instantaneous fine hair is but actually vertical, the whole body has hit a cleverness, was fierce to turn head to look. ?????还没走两步,一个声音便从旁边传来,苏航感觉瞬间汗毛倒竖,浑身打了个机灵,猛得回头看了过去。 ????? On his behind two zhang (3.33 m) high big fruit tree, a white clothing youth, on the branch that sits in coming up in great numbers and from all sides, is backing on the tree trunk, a foot is falling hangingly, in the hand is pinching a pear sample white fruit, eats evidently just fragrant! ?????在他身后的一颗两丈多高的大果树上,一名白衣青年,坐在一根横生的树枝上,背靠着树干,一只脚悬空掉着,手里捏着一个梨子样的白果子,看样子吃得正香! ????? Meng? Meng cedar?” Su Hang has gawked, complexion slightly changes, that person is not others, is Meng Nan! ?????“孟?孟楠?”苏航愣了一下,脸色微微一变,那人不是别人,正是孟楠! ??? Skillful!” Meng cedar negligent said that raised hand the fruit? Let alone, this fruit by your king blood irrigation, the flavor was really been better than to be too many before!” ???“巧啊!”孟楠大咧咧的道了一句,扬了扬手中的果子,?“还别说,这果子被你的界王血一浇灌,味道真比之前好太多了!”
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