The great doctorsleave behindso manyseeds, solvedJun Changxiaoto lack the medicinal herbembarrassed, madehimreceiveoutsideto collect the resources the thought that butdevelopedsect gatesafely.
医圣留下那么多种子,解决了君常笑缺少药材的窘迫,也让他收回去外面收集资源的念头,而是安心发展宗门。Threeyearsapproximatelyapproachday after day.
三年之约日渐临近。Healsostartsto consider how by the strongestcondition, to leading the discipleto go to the Lily Holy Sectchallenge.
他也开始考虑,如何以最强势状态,带弟子去百合圣宗挑战。Sect Master JunandFourth Ratesect gatejustcrossedhardly, has not foughtwith the third-classinfluence, nowdirect challengeSecond Ratesect gate, is a little without doubt valiant.君宗主和四流宗门硬刚过,没和三流势力交过手,如今直接挑战二流宗门,无疑有点彪悍。Naturally.
当然。ChallengingSecond RateLily Holy Sectis a turning point, makingsect gatehave the prestigiousturning point.
挑战二流百合圣宗是一个契机,让宗门更具威望的契机。Tradesto beothers, definitelydoes not dareto play.
换做别人,肯定不敢玩。Jun Changxiaodaresto play, daresto do, becausesect gatemustbecomestrongestafter all, steps onhighersect gateto come upalsoinevitably.君常笑敢玩,敢做,因为宗门终归要成为最强,踩着更高宗门上去也不可避免。„Master.”
“主人。”Five Absolutes Evil Saintwalks into the main hall, is hardto practice moderation saying: „Really is thisFifth Ratesect gate?”五绝邪圣走入大殿,难以自持道:“这真是五流宗门?”Hearrived atsect gateto havetwodays, the disciple who witnessed the manyMartial Kinglevelcompared notesonMartial Arts Field, the innermost feelingsstarted the hugeshock.
他来到宗门有两天了,亲眼目睹很多武王层次的弟子在演武场上切磋,内心掀起巨大震惊。Fifth Ratesect gate, havingtwoMartial Kingwas great!
一个五流宗门,有两名武王就非常了不起了!ThisAll Times Sectunexpectedlydozens, but also is the disciple, even ifsaidSecond Ratesect gate, Five Absolutes Evil Saintalsobelieves in firmly!
“当然。”Jun Changxiaosaid: „Justpromotedshortly.”君常笑道:“刚晋升没多久。”Five Absolutes Evil Saintcorner of the mouth twitches, understandswhyfinallyGe QingmingmustjoinAll Times Sect.五绝邪圣嘴角抽搐,也终于明白葛青铭为何要加入万古宗。sect gate that thisMartial Kingwalkseverywhere, the potentialis definitely infinite!
这种武王遍地走的宗门,潜力肯定无限!Old GeaftertakingReconstructing Body PillandQuenching Spirit Pill, excitedbeing hardduplicate/restoresin addition.葛老在服用塑体丹和淬灵丹后,也是激动的难以复加。10000spirit stoneregistration feesenterAll Times Sect.
10000颗灵石报名费进入万古宗。Does not owe!
不亏!Does not oweabsolutely!
……Outside world.
外界。RelatedSouthern Huang Provincenatural phenomenon, supreme treasureis published, is actually the matter of Hundred Faces Healing Sainttombis spreadwidely.
A medical ethicspassed awayoutstandingly skilled, makingmanymartial artisthaveto regretall.
一名医道圣手作古,让很多武者无不心生惋惜。Becausethisphenomenon and Martial Wayaspecthave not related, therefore after graduallydiscussion, belongs totranquilly.
因为此次异象和武道方面没关系,所以逐渐议论后归于平静。Jun Changxiaofelt relieved.君常笑放心了。Has not at least started the toobigmighty waves, shouldnot be kept thinkingby the thief.
至少没掀起太大波澜,应该不会被贼惦记。Actuallyinmedicalholy sepulchre, has the not wrongeffectonMind Purifying Holy Lotus, medicinal herbseedsandmedicinebookstomartial artist, reallynoattraction.
The All Times Sectdisciplewas still practicingdiligently.万古宗弟子仍在努力修炼。Five Absolutes Evil Saintalsostartsto be responsible forteachingYao Mengying, trainsincludingMo Shangwhile convenienttogether.五绝邪圣也开始负责教导姚梦莹,顺便连墨殇一起培养。However, after all is evil cultivator.
不过,终归是邪修。Onlycandirectexperiences on somemartial arts, is unable to achieveall-aroundtrainingtruly.
只能指点一些武学上的经验,无法真正去做到全方位培养。Verynot wrong, after all is evil schoolMartial Saint.
已经很不错了,毕竟是邪派武圣。Old Wei and Medicine Hallmemberplants the medicinal herbactively, issect gateprovidesMartial Wayresources that activelycanbecomestronger.魏老和药堂成员积极栽种药材,为宗门积极提供可以变得更强的武道资源。Xue RenguiandTao Yuanalwaysdiscuss the matter in militarytogether, as well astrainingwolfcavalry.薛人贵和陶源始终一起探讨军事方面的事情,以及培养狼骑兵。Whatis busiestisLi Luoqiu.
最忙的还是黎洛秋。Not only need develop the information, but must managePurchasing Hall.
不仅要发展情报,还得管理采购堂。Disciplinary Hallthispositionis on the contrary idlest, because the discipleswill focus on the cultivation, no onewill gocontrary.
A month later.
一个月后。Under the Li Qingyangmanagement, sect gatehas been expanded, compared with the formerobviouslybroadatmosphere.
在李青阳主持下,宗门得到扩建,比以前更显恢宏大气。Moreover, thistimeheredefines the inner courtyard.
而且,这次他重新定义内院。Divideinner gate, outer door and official apprentice, forms the independentregion, andhas the correspondingMartial Wayfacility.
将内门、外门、入门弟子划分开来,形成独立区域,并有相应武道设施。„not wrong, not wrong.”
After Jun Changxiaoinspection, gives the fullaffirmationto the Li Qingyang’swork.君常笑视察后,对李青阳的工作给予充分肯定。Ning brothersis responsible forrecruiting the discipleoutward, the thirdquarrying a mountaingate, receivesseveral hundreddisciplesafter the strictinspection, in the reserve of capable peopleare getting more and more.宁氏兄弟负责对外招募弟子,第三次开山门,经过严格考核又收几百名弟子,人才储备上越来越多。sect gatefunctions as usual, Jun Changxiaofree and unrestrained, will also take the fishing equipmentto go topondfishingto kill the timeoccasionally.宗门运转正常,君常笑过的逍遥自在,偶尔还会拿着渔具去池塘边钓鱼来消磨时间。„A halfyear, mustchallengeLily Holy Sect.”
“还有半年,就要去挑战百合圣宗了。”Thisday, Jun Changxiaositsnear the pond, staticand other fishswallowed the bait, secretly thought: „Can shereturn?”
她?Lu Qianqian.陆芊芊。ChallengingSecond Ratesect gateis grand, Jun Changxiaohopes that thissect gateeldest disciplecangotogether.
挑战二流宗门非常隆重,君常笑希望这个宗门大弟子能一起去。Mainly, Lily Holy Sectis primarily the female.
The Lu Qianqianlookis beautiful, leadingherto cometo challenge, cansuppressonattractivenessabsolutely!陆芊芊相貌绝美,带她去上门挑战,绝对可以在颜值上压制!„sect master.”
“宗主。”Li Qingyangsaid: „City Lord Muvisit.”李青阳道:“沐城主来访。”„How did hecome?”Jun Changxiao is quite surprised the different way.
“他怎么又来了?”君常笑颇为诧异道。Mu Honglianjoinssect gatethesemonths, Mu ChanghongvisitsAll Times Sect is not lower thanthreetimes, exceptionallyis it may be said that diligent.沐红莲加入宗门这几个月,沐长虹来拜访万古宗已不低于三次,可谓异常勤快。Cannot be diligent?
能不勤快吗?Othersregarded as the most idealson-in-lawyou.
……Inmain hall.
大殿内。Mu Changhongjustsat down, but actuallydid not havesuch asto ask about the daughterrecent situationin the pastsame, butknit the brows: „Does Sect Master Jun, hearhonourable sectandLily Holy Secthas the warapproximatelyin the body?”沐长虹刚坐下,倒没如往常一样询问女儿近况,而是皱眉道:“君宗主,听闻贵宗和百合圣宗有战约在身?”„How does City Lord Muknow?”Jun Changxiaois very accidental/surprised.
“沐城主怎么知道的?”君常笑很意外。Mu Changhongsaid: „Outside couple of days agoIwentto attend a conference, learnedfrom the Eastern Hao ProvinceKing Citycity lordmouth.”沐长虹道:“前两天我去外面参加一场会议,从东昊州王城城主口中获知的。”
The Lily Holy SectlocationisEastern Hao Province.百合圣宗所在地就是东昊州。Althoughthisstateareanotbiggest, butoverall strengthonlyMiddle Zun Province.
这个州虽然面积并非最大,但整体实力仅次中尊州。„not wrong.”
“不错。”Jun Changxiaosaid: „Hassuchmatter.”君常笑道:“有这么一回事。”On the Mu Changhongface the expressionbecomessplendid, said: „Lily Holy SectisFalling Star Great Continentranks among the bestmajor sect, Sect Master Junchallengesthiscolossus, probablya littleearly in the morning!”沐长虹脸上表情变得精彩起来,道:“百合圣宗是星陨大陆数一数二大宗门,君宗主去挑战这种庞然大物,好像有点大早了!”
The All Times Sect’spotentialheapproves.万古宗的潜力他非常认可。Alsodeeply believed that slowlydevelops, canhavewith the strength that Second Ratesect gateviesabsolutely.
也深信慢慢发展下去,绝对可以有和二流宗门争辉的实力。Butnowchallenges, a littleacted with undue haste.
“不早。”Jun Changxiaosaid: „Justgood.”君常笑道:“刚刚好。”
The All Times Sectoverall strengthis inferior toSecond Ratesect gate, but ifcompares notesby the elitedisciple, there isself-confidently.万古宗整体实力不如二流宗门,但如果以精锐弟子来切磋,还是有自信的。„In my opinion.”
“依我看。”Mu Changhongseriously said: „Pushed the agreement, waitslaterto have the sufficientstrengthto challengeagain.”沐长虹认真道:“还是把约定推了,等以后有足够实力再去挑战吧。”All Times Sectjust when the rise, challengedSecond Ratesect gateto lose, will definitely affect the morale.万古宗正值上升期,挑战二流宗门输了,肯定会影响士气。„City Lord Mu.”
“沐城主。”Jun Changxiaosaid: „A gentlemanword, cannot take back.”君常笑道:“君子一言,驷马难追。”Hecannot makesect gateset up the prestigewithSecond Ratesect gate, the thing that butXiao Zuijilosesmustseize!
他可以不让宗门拿二流宗门来树立威望,但萧罪己失去的东西一定要多夺回来!Let aloneMu Changhongadvises, evenSon of HeavenLaozi/fatheris not good.
别说沐长虹劝阻,就算天王老子也不行。Threeyears, mustfight!
“哎。”Mu Changhongsighedone, said: „Such being the case, that can only wishSect Master Junto achieve immediate success.”沐长虹叹了一声,道:“既然如此,那只能祝君宗主马到成功了。”HehopesJun ChangxiaodefeatsLily Holy Sect, raises the prestige of Southwest Yang Province, but the two sectspower gapis extremely disparate.
他何尝不希望君常笑战胜百合圣宗,扬西南阳州之威,但两宗实力差距太过悬殊。Jun Changxiaoshowed the understanding.君常笑表示理解。In the pastchallengedHoly Spring Sect, whobelieves, the disciplecanwin streak more than 70?
当年去挑战圣泉宗,谁又会相信,弟子能连胜七十多场?Anyexplanationis pale and weak, the directwarfinished up!
任何解释都是苍白无力的,直接战就完事了!Mu Changhongchanges the topic, said: „RecentlyHongliancultivatedcanbe good?”沐长虹转开话题,道:“红莲最近修炼的可还行?”„Has broken throughtopeakMartial Ancestor.”Jun Changxiaosaid.
“已经突破到巅峰武宗。”君常笑道。Mu Changhongis surprised the different way: „Suchquickly?”沐长虹诧异道:“这么快?”
It is not quick.
不快。Ifthere isMartial King Pill, your daughterminute of minutebreaks throughMartial King.
如果有武王丹,你女儿分分钟突破武王。Jun Changxiaosaid: „The commandery princessnatural talentis extraordinary, there is a this thronedirection, inimprovementsuchquicklyalsoagainreason.”君常笑道:“郡主天资非凡,又有本座指点,提升这么快也再情理之中。”„ha ha ha.”
“哈哈哈。”Mu Changhonglaughs saying: „HonglianshecanteachbySect Master Jun, calculateschance!”沐长虹大笑道:“红莲她能由君宗主教导,也算机缘一场!”„Right.”
“对了。”Bycoming, saidseriously: „The Sect Master Junagewas also big, has consideredownlife-longimportant matter?”
“这个……”Jun Changxiaoshakes the head saying: „Jun the thoughtsallplaceonsect gatenow, the sentimentalmatterhas not consideredtemporarily.”君常笑摇头道:“君某现在心思全放在宗门上,感情的事情暂时没考虑过。”Mu Changhongsaid: „Goodsonto rememberin the four directions, cannotdeep love between man and womanto harm.”沐长虹道:“好男儿志在四方,不能被儿女情长所误。”HeappreciatedJun Changxiaomore and more.
他越来越欣赏君常笑了。Thisage, there is such a achievement, the manypersonis difficultto defend the conscience, wallowsin the love affair.
这个年龄,又有如此成就,很多人早就难守本心,沉迷在风花雪月中。In the pastKing Citypresented an aptitudeverynot wrongtalent.
当年王城就出现一个资质很不错的天才。martial artist of entirecityresponds with the great expectationstohim, thinks that in the future the minimumlevel will also beMartial King.
全城的武者对他报以厚望,认为将来最低层次也得是武王。Pitifullydoes not only remain pure and incorruptible, all day longis wanton and luxurious living, is negligent in the cultivation, 20 -year-old on the wife and concubinesin groups, pulled out the spatialbodyfinally, miss the cultivationtimein vain.
只可惜不洁身自好,成天纸醉金迷,疏于修炼,年仅二十岁就妻妾成群,最后被掏空身体,白白错过修炼时机。„Sect Master Jun.”
“君宗主。”Mu Changhongsaid: „Manshouldgive priority to the enterprise, butcannottooinvest, waits forlatersect gateto stabilizealso to consider the matter of lifetime importance, after all is unfilial, no afterlife is most common.”沐长虹道:“男人应以事业为重,但不能太投入,等以后宗门稳定下来也要考虑终身大事,毕竟不孝有三,无后为大。”„Later the matter, latersaid.”Jun Changxiaosaid.
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