SSAT :: Volume #7

#639: Who is rookies

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All Times Sect challenges the Lily Holy Sect matter, Mu Changhong learned, various provinces county martial artist also heard one after another. 万古宗挑战百合圣宗的事情,沐长虹获知,外界各州武者也陆续听说。 Suddenly. 一时间。 The many person was discussing actively. 很多人在积极讨论。 Lily Holy Sect has several thousand years in the mainland, All Times Sect dares to challenge such colossus, isn't courts death?” 百合圣宗在大陆已有数千年,万古宗敢去挑战这样的庞然大物,不是去找死吗?” I heard, cause Qingyang Commandery Xiao Zuiji and Heavenly Sea City Murong Xin.” “我听说,起因青阳郡萧罪己天海城慕容欣。” This matter I also hear, in the past that asked the Murong Xin girl once to lead the person to go to Xiao Family to break an engagement.” “这件事我也有听闻,当年那叫慕容欣的女孩曾带人去萧家退婚。” Heavenly Sea City Murong Family overall is talented, in my opinion, perhaps All Times Sect does not handle this family, how also dares to challenge Lily Holy Sect.” 天海城慕容家整体实力不俗,依我看,万古宗恐怕连这个家族都搞不定,又怎么敢去挑战百合圣宗。” Three years approximately spread in the mainland widely, one of the topics when have become many martial artist chatted must discuss. 三年之约在大陆广为流传,已经成为诸多武者闲聊时必须讨论的话题之一。 Southwest Yang Province King City city lord does not favor, let alone bystander. 西南阳州王城城主都不看好,更别说外人了。 In brief. 总而言之。 Many martial artist knew that All Times Sect must challenge Second Rate sect gate shortly , the first response is that fellow to become famous, has lost the rationality? 诸多武者得知万古宗要在不久后去挑战二流宗门,第一反应是那家伙为出名,已经丧失理性了? ...... …… All Times Sect challenged the Lily Holy Sect matter, the Murong Family aspect also hears. 万古宗挑战百合圣宗的事情,慕容家方面也听说了。 In great hall. 大厅之内。 Murong Family patriarch just and several elders discussed this matter. 慕容家家主正和几名长老议论此事。 old man knits the brows: sect gate that didn't expect, Xiao Family that boy joins, in short time praising mainland.” 一名老者皱眉道:“没想到,萧家那小子加入的宗门,会在短短时间扬名大陆。” Xiao Zuiji captured Qingyang Commandery Great Competition, Murong Family has received the message, knows that fellow joined named Ironbone Unyielding School’s sect, but also glowed the new student|life. 萧罪己夺得青阳郡大比,慕容家早就收到消息,也知道那家伙加入一个名叫铁骨铮铮派的门派,还焕发了新生。 But who once thinks, merely two years, regard as air sect completely, become sect gate, hardly just Fourth Rate sect gate’s strength! 但谁又曾想到,仅仅两年而已,完全视为空气的门派,一跃成为宗门,还有硬刚四流宗门的实力! Let alone Murong Family. 别说慕容家 Entire mainland martial artist didn't expect. 整个大陆武者没想到 All Times Sect’s rise speed, simply quickly to impervious. 万古宗的崛起速度,简直快到不可理喻。 That feeling like, before sleeping, has not heard, after a sleep/felt wakes up , the entire world knew this sect gate. 那种感觉就像,睡觉前没听说过,一觉醒来后全世界都知道这个宗门了。 An elder sneers saying: Xin’er is the talent of Lily Holy Sect key training, even if that Xiao Family boy restores cultivation base unable to win it decisively.” 一名长老冷笑道:“欣儿百合圣宗重点培养的天才,那萧家小子纵然恢复修为也断然无法胜之。” „The many person in the discussion the matter of breaking an engagement, said in the past our Murong Family does was excessive.” 很多人在议论当年退婚之事,说我们慕容家做的过分了。” Although breaks an engagement is Xin’er is initiative, had not discussed with us, but Xiao Zuiji realm and cultivation base did not have, drawing back is also natural!” “虽然退婚是欣儿主动的,没和我们商量,不过萧罪己境界修为全没了,退也是理所当然!” The Murong Family elders do not think that Murong Xin broke an engagement to have what mistake in the past. 慕容家长老们不认为慕容欣当年去退婚有什么过错。 This matter passed, does not need to discuss again.” “这件事都过去了,无须再讨论。” Murong Family patriarch said: Urging family that crowd of not law-abiding direct descendant, three years are about All Times Sect and Lily Holy Sect matter, our Murong Family must participate not.” 慕容家家主道:“叮嘱家族那群不安分的嫡系,三年之约是万古宗百合圣宗的事情,我们慕容家莫要参与。” patriarch.” 家主。” An elder said: Shaolin they went to All Times Sect yesterday.” 一名长老道:“少麟他们昨天就前往万古宗了。” What?” “什么?” Murong Family patriarch leaps one to stand, said angrily: How aren't you blocking?” 慕容家家主腾地一下站起来,愤然道:“你怎么不拦着?” That elder said: patriarch, in my opinion, the All Times Sect passed on mysterious his god, making Shaolin they try, can confirm to have the qualifications to challenge Xin’er.” 那名长老道:“家主,依我看,万古宗不过是被传的过于玄乎其神,让少麟他们去试试,也能验证一下到底有没有资格挑战欣儿。” Nonsense!” “胡闹!” The Murong Family patriarch calm face said: Extreme Cold Palace was almost extinguished by All Times Sect, these direct descendant went only to be taught to cultivate the behavior!” 慕容家家主沉着脸道:“极寒宫都被万古宗差点灭了,这些嫡系去了只会被教做人!” Not......” “没……” Also is gawking doing, quickly pursues them!” “还愣着干嘛,赶快把他们追回来!” Yes!” “是!” Could not catch up, because in the Murong Family high level is discussing, the Ironbone Mountain under foot presents several stylish Pampered Young Master. 追不上了,因为就在慕容家高层正议论时,铁骨山脚下出现几名衣着光鲜的公子哥 Snort.” “哼。” A man looked that to mountain top that Spirit Power lingers, quite disdains saying: Brother Shaolin, All Times Sect dares to support to Xiao Zuiji unexpectedly, leading him to go to Lily Holy Sect to challenge the younger female cousin.” 一名男子看向那灵力萦绕的山头,颇为不屑道:“少麟哥,万古宗竟然敢给萧罪己撑腰,带他去百合圣宗挑战堂妹。” They are Murong Family three generations of direct descendant. 他们都是慕容家三代嫡系。 Is a that person calls Murong Shaolin, only Murong Xin in the aptitude, was the outstanding person in Murong Family new promote talent. 为首那人叫慕容少麟,在资质上仅次慕容欣,属于慕容家新晋天才中的佼佼者。 Today we then test for the younger female cousin, boy entitled.” “今天我们便替堂妹来测试一下,那小子有没有资格。” The aristocratic family young master characters of these few going out are extremely arrogant, especially looked that uncomfortable Xiao Zuiji and Murong Xin set three years, therefore comes for the younger sister over. 这些很少出门的世家公子性格极其高傲,尤其看不爽萧罪己慕容欣定下三年之约,所以前来为妹出头。 Let alone. 更何况。 The All Times Sect crest of wave was just recently abundant, they also want the gesticulation gesture. 最近万古宗风头正盛,他们也想来比划比划。 What is young frivolous? 什么叫年少轻狂? That is. 这就是。 ó, no, said accurately is pampered since childhood at home, fostered the brain to be remnant. ,不,准确说是在家里太娇生惯养,都养成脑残了。 Challenges All Times Sect? 来挑战万古宗 Asks that these and Extreme Cold Palace strength similar Fourth Rate sect gate disciple, does have this courage! 去问问那些和极寒宫实力差不多的四流宗门弟子,有没有这个勇气来! Shaomeng.” 少孟。” Murong Shaolin lightly said: Informs our purpose in coming.” 慕容少麟淡淡道:“把我们来意告知。” Good.” “好。” The look slightly is thick crazy Murong Shaomeng, exclaimed loudly: Jun Changxiao, my Murong Family person visits to challenge, fast comes out to greet!” 相貌略显粗狂的慕容少孟,大声吼道:“君常笑,我慕容家的人登门挑战,速速出来迎接!” Un?” “嗯?” The playing soccer disciples hear the shout to stop in abundance. 正在踢球的弟子们听到喊声纷纷停下来。 Li Fei angrily said: Whose such big courage, dares to speak frankly our sect master given name!” 李飞怒道:“谁这么大的胆子,敢直言我们宗主名讳!” Su Xiaomo releases spiritual sense, locks at the foot of the mountain quickly, on that crowd of very deserves a beating Pampered Young Master. 苏小沫释放灵念,很快锁定山脚下,那群非常欠揍公子哥身上。 Well?” “咦?” Huo Ling is surprised the different way: These people seem like Heavenly Sea City Murong Family direct descendant.” 霍灵诧异道:“这些人好像是天海城慕容家的嫡系。” Is they.” “就是他们。” Chu Xiunan lightly said: In the past once came the school to discuss martial arts, that pulls the fellow who the throat is shouting also by me oppressively.” 楚修南淡淡道:“当年曾来学府探讨武学,那扯着嗓子喊的家伙还被我虐过一顿。” „......” “……” Su Xiaomo and Li Fei and the others the corners of the mouth pull out. 苏小沫李飞等人嘴角微抽。 Even Chu Xiunan cannot be victorious, dares to come my All Times Sect to visit to challenge, determined that doesn't collect to make everyone the face pull out ruthlessly? 楚修南都打不过,敢来我万古宗登门挑战,确定不是把脸凑过来让大家伙儿狠抽的? Xiaomo.” 小沫。” Jun Changxiao said: Makes them come up.” 君常笑道:“让他们上来吧。” Old Wei said: sect master, they should hear Xiao Zuiji and Murong Xin have three years,” 魏老道:“宗主,他们应该听说了萧罪己慕容欣有三年之约。” Jun Changxiao touches the nose, said: Murong Family is feels that we quite bully, hasn't the company commander old sent, making one crowd of wools not have the long simultaneous/uniform fellow to visit to challenge?” 君常笑摸了摸鼻子,道:“慕容家是觉着咱们好欺负,连长老都没派,让一群毛都没长齐的家伙登门挑战?” Old Wei is silent. 魏老沉默。 sect master, you and disciples seem the age is not big. 宗主,你和弟子们好像年龄也不大呢。 ...... …… Shortly. 没多久。 Murong Shaolin and other Murong Family direct descendant were brought. 慕容少麟等八名慕容家嫡系被带了进来。 Several thousand All Times Sect disciples stand near Martial Arts Field, in abundance fixed this crowd of Murong Family direct descendant, the momentum is vast. 数千名万古宗弟子站在演武场附近,纷纷锁定这群慕容家嫡系,声势非常浩大。 However, Murong Family direct descendant thinks otherwise. 然而,慕容家嫡系不以为然。 Said that All Times Sect is very strong, didn't expect also has the Martial Disciple level rookies. 都说万古宗很强势,没想到还有武徒层次菜鸟。 ladies and gentlemen.” 诸位。” Li Qingyang goes out from the main hall, said submissively: Your challenges, our All Times Sect met.” 李青阳从大殿走出,拱手道:“你们的挑战,我们万古宗接了。” The matter that this family three generations direct descendant visit to challenge, Jun Changxiao naturally cannot act, all give second disciple. 这种家族三代嫡系来登门挑战的事情,君常笑自然不会出面,一切交给二弟子 However. 不过。 Also issued the order. 也下达了命令。 Fellow who this crowd challenges, all oppressive body waste simultaneous/uniform flying. 把这群来挑战的家伙,全都虐的屎尿齐飞。 Murong Shaolin cups one hand in the other across the chest, said: Hears honourable sect disciple Xiao Zuiji, must challenge my younger female cousin Murong Xin, making him come out, this young master with a it war.” 慕容少麟拱拱手,道:“听闻贵宗弟子萧罪己,要去挑战我堂妹慕容欣,让他出来,本少与之一战。” Sorry.” “抱歉。” Li Qingyang said: Junior Apprentice Brother Xiao is closing up the cultivation, without the means should under challenge, if you want to fight.” 李青阳道:“萧师弟正在闭关修炼,没办法应下挑战,你如果想战的话。” paused, is pointing at Martial Arts Field same side, said: Can choose one person to come fighting competition casually.” 顿了顿,指着演武场同门一圈,道:“可以随便挑选一人来比斗。” The Murong Shaolin brow wrinkles. 慕容少麟眉头皱起。 Although All Times Sect disciples are many, but passes sends the aura to be highest the Martial Master level, even There’s another one 6 or 7-year-old girl, is this is looking down upon itself? 万古宗弟子人数虽然不少,但透发气息最高不过武师层次,甚至还有一个六七岁女孩,这是在看不起自己? Since Xiao Zuiji cannot fight, can only look for inner gate disciple.” Murong Shaolin lightly said. “既然萧罪己不能战,只能找内门弟子了。”慕容少麟淡淡道 Must fight fights sect gate’s inner gate disciple, won also had the sense of achievement. 要战就战一个宗门的内门弟子,赢了也有成就感。 Li Qingyang shakes the head, said: Your strength is too weak, without the qualifications challenges inner gate disciple, can only or crosses the threshold from outer door chooses one.” 李青阳摇了摇头,道:“你实力太弱,没资格挑战内门弟子,只能从外门或入门中选一个。” Basic? 入门? He was challenged just the basic disciple by himself unexpectedly! 他竟让自己挑战刚入门的弟子! Brother Shaolin!” 少麟哥!” Direct descendant angrily said: All Times Sect looked down upon the person!” 一名嫡系怒道:“万古宗太看不起人了!” Murong Shaolin is grasping the fist, vision coldly said: „Our time comes not to bully the rookies, only challenges the strength also calculates to be able inner gate disciple.” 慕容少麟握着拳头,目光冷森道:“我们此次前来不想欺负菜鸟,只挑战实力还算可以的内门弟子。” Rookies? 菜鸟? Li Qingyang bright sound said: Audience junior apprentice brother junior apprentice sister, comes out the imposing manner brightly, making the guest of coming from far away have a look, who is rookies!” 李青阳朗声道:“众师弟师妹,把气势亮出来,让远道而来的客人看看,到底谁才是菜鸟!” hū hū ----- 呼呼----- Shortly, the people no longer depend upon Cultivation Concealing Art to suppress, all releases the realm imposing manner. 顷刻间,众人不再依靠隐修术压制,将境界气势全释放出来。 About ten thousand disciple imposing manner full, formed air waves are mammoth, are startled Murong Family several direct descendant to retrocede again and again, even some people have not come to a stop sit on the ground. 近万名弟子气势全开,形成的气浪声势浩大,惊得慕容家几名嫡系连连后退,甚至有人没站稳一屁股坐在地上。
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