【PS】 The previouschapterpresents the mistake, Xi Jingxuandoes not read the letter/believes, ishears, Sect Master Junarranges the markin the letter, will revisewill have synchronized the main textin several minutes, especiallyQQwill read, can conduct the contentto adjustinreading, ifyouwere looking,suddenlywill jumpto the chapterhome page, explained that these daysImade the contentrevision.
—„sect master.”
“宗主。”In the mountains and plains, Old Geaskedagain: „Youand haven't Palace Master Xireally related?”
山野间,葛老再次问道:“你和奚宫主真没关系?”„No.”Jun Changxiaosaid.
“没有。”君常笑道。Old Ge believed that actuallyshakes the head saying: „Verypitifully.”葛老相信了,却摇头道:“挺可惜的。”In his opinion, Jun ChangxiaoandXi Jingxuansimplyareonepair of created by heaven and earth, two peopledo not have the emotionto relate, is really unreasonable.
在他看来,君常笑和奚婧璇简直就是天造地设的一对,两人没情感关系,实在不合理呢。Five Absolutes Evil Saintwas ignorant.五绝邪圣懵了。Thisboyandthatwomanhave not related, howto break the love?
The Jun Changxiaostartarmingwingfliesto the vault of heaven.君常笑启动武装翼飞向苍穹。Demon Ridge Black Hawkwields the wing, carriesseveral hundredimmortalcorpsepuppetto follow.魔岭黑鹰挥动翅膀,背几百具不朽尸傀紧随其后。ActuallySect Master Junalsowantsin the beautiful womanwiththisworldto develop an imposingQiong Yao stylelove.
其实君宗主也想和这个世界上的美女发展一段轰轰烈烈的琼瑶式爱情。ButoneselfareAll Times Sectsect master, but must formain missionstriving for success, simplynot have the timedeep love between man and woman, can only pretendoneseeminglyemotional quotient very lowfool.
但自己是万古宗宗主,还要为主线任务拼搏,根本没时间儿女情长,只能装作一个看似情商很低的傻瓜。Do not saySect Master Junagainrelied on the strengthsingle, let alone the notelived, the steelstraightmalethis solitary one.
别再说君宗主凭实力单身,也别说注孤生、钢铁直男了。Hisbutdoes not wantto pull up the younger sister, does not wantto scatter the doggraintoyou.
……pū chī!扑哧!pū chī!扑哧!
The Demon Ridge Black Hawkrestrainingwing, fallsonMartial Arts Fieldslowly, several hundredimmortalcorpsepuppetjump down.魔岭黑鹰收敛羽翼,慢慢落在演武场上,几百具不朽尸傀跳了下来。„What is this?” The disciplesare stunned.
“这是啥?”众弟子错愕。Li Qingyangknits the brows: „A vitalitydoes not have, is the corpse!”李青阳皱眉道:“一点生机都没,全是尸体!”Ah?啊?Su Xiaomo that will approachquicklydraws back.
正要靠近的苏小沫急忙退回来。Zhou Hongalwayslockseightevilsword cultivator, the intuitiontellshim, thesepeoplemustbe the Sword Wayexperts!周洪始终锁定八名邪剑修,直觉告诉他,这些人生前必是剑道高手!„Corpsepuppet?”
“尸傀?”Ye Xingchensecretly thought: „Thistypepreservesneverdecayedmethod the corpse, shouldbe lostis very long.”夜星辰暗道:“这种将尸体保存下来永不腐朽的手段,应该已经失传很久了。”WorthilyisSirNight Emperor, experienced.
不愧是夜帝大人,见多识广。shuā!shuā!刷!刷!Five Absolutes Evil SaintandOld Gegraze.五绝邪圣和葛老飞掠而来。Two peopleareSovereign Level, the aura that fillsletsin the disciplesheartonestartled, secretly thought: „Did sect masterrecruit the powerhouse?”
After Jun Changxiaoreturns tosect gate, firstasked about the recent situation, thenplacedimmortalcorpsepuppetinIronbone Mountain.君常笑回到宗门后先询问近况,然后将不朽尸傀安置在铁骨山里。Because of the particularity, definitelycannotoftensummon, uses temporarily asprotects the sect gate’ssingle layerprotection.
After finishing, arrives atMedicine Hall, the medical skillold book obtained from the gravewill all take, said: „Old Wei, thesemedicinebooks, were the Hundred Faces Healing Saintseniorstay behind, canmake the Medicine Hallmemberbring the research.”
忙完后,来到药堂,将从墓里获得的医术古籍全拿出来,道:“魏老,这些医药书籍,都是百面医圣前辈生前留下的,可以让药堂成员拿来研究。”All Times Sectdoes not have the advantagein the medical ethics.万古宗在医道上没优势。Thesestem from the great doctorwork, without doubtcangreatlypromotemember'sattainmentsinmedicine.
这些出自医圣著作,无疑可以大大提升成员在医学上的造诣。Old Weiis surprised the different way: „Did Hundred Faces Healing Saintpass away?”魏老诧异道:“百面医圣作古了?”Onhavingrank, heis younger than the great doctor.
论起辈分,他比医圣小。Oncein the pastadmired, onlymissedto meetpitifully.
当年曾十分仰慕,只可惜无缘相见。Jun ChangxiaoconsidersitHundred Faces Healing Saintfor the matter that the late wifeis killed by weapons, Old Weihas profound respect saying: „Great doctorsenioris solidand evensentimenttodeeprealson, isIand other later generationmodels!”君常笑将百面医圣为亡妻兵解的事情告之,魏老肃然起敬道:“医圣前辈实乃至情至深真男儿,也是我等后辈楷模!”
The Jun Changxiaocorners of the mouthpull out.君常笑嘴角一抽。Old Wei, your richpulling upyounger sisterlife, ifstudiesHundred Faces Healing Saint, anything does not serve asfor a lifetime, dailywas killed by weaponsathomeon the line.魏老,就你这丰富的撩妹人生,如果学百面医圣,一辈子啥事不用做,天天在家兵解就行了。„Some herealsomedicinal herbseeds, youmakeSun Bukongtheysort, according to the list that previouslygaveadvances the planter.”
“我这里还有一些药材种子,你让孙不空他们分拣出来,按照先前给的清单先行种植。”Tomboneline, the biggestharvestistheseseeds, becausecanrefinemiddle gradeGathering Qi PillandQuenching Spirit Pillas well asmost importantMartial King Pill!
墓地一行,最大收获就是这些种子,因为可以炼制中品聚气丹、淬灵丹以及最重要的武王丹!„Un.”Old Weisaid.
“嗯。”魏老道。Jun Changxiaoalsosaid: „Right, herealsohadMind Purifying Holy Lotus.”君常笑又道:“对了,我这里还有一株清心圣莲。”„Mind Purifying Holy Lotus?”Old Weistared wide-eyed.
“清心圣莲?”魏老瞪大了眼睛。ThatisinFalling Star Great Continent, like the divine grademedicinal herb that extremely raresamehas!
“不过。”Jun Changxiaosaid: „Was short of a petal, does not knowto be able the passingintelligence.”君常笑道:“少了一瓣,也不知会不会流逝灵性。”„Cannot.”
“不会。”Old Weisaid: „Wants the rootalso, even the flower petaldoes not have, should still breedagainslowly.”魏老道:“只要根还在,就算花瓣全没,也会再慢慢蕴育出来。”
The divine gradelevelmedicinal herbmaybe unusual.神品层次药材可不同寻常。„Thatis good.”
“那就好。”Jun Changxiaosaid: „Right, can Mind Purifying Holy Lotuscure the Old Weisickness?”君常笑道:“对了,清心圣莲能治好魏老的病吗?”„This......”
“这个……”Old Weisinks the considerationslightly, said: „Is indefinite.”魏老沉考虑稍许,道:“不确定。”In the meantime, Jun Changxiaotakes outMind Purifying Holy Lotus, clutches the nextpiece, said: „Thattries.”
就在此时,君常笑取出清心圣莲,从中揪下一片,道:“那就试一试。”Old Weicorner of the mouth twitches.魏老嘴角抽搐。Althoughthistype of divine grademedicinal herbcanregenerate, flower petal that butpicks, if not takeimmediately, the effectwill definitely passgreatly.
这种神品药材虽然可以再生,但摘下来的花瓣,如果不马上服用,效果肯定会大大流逝。Oneselfare unable to determineto be able, sect mastertakes offwithout delay, was too rather harebrained.
自己无法确定可不可以,宗主二话不说摘下,未免太冒失了吧。Does not manage.
先服用再说!Old Weiquicklyplaceson the icy coldflower petal the mouth, slowlychews.魏老急忙将冰凉花瓣放在嘴上,慢慢嚼起来。
After swallowing down, the icy coldauraspreads in within the body, andtransmits an intermittentcomfortablefeeling.
吞下去后,冰凉气息在体内蔓延,并传来一阵阵舒爽感。„What kind of?”Jun Changxiaosaid.
“怎么样?”君常笑道。Old Weiis silentslightly, shakes the head saying: „Does not have the effect.”魏老沉默稍许,摇摇头道:“没效果。”Heonlyfelt that the spiritwas better than before, cultivation base still had not restored, can only erupt the Sovereign Levelpower and influence, is unable to condense the heaven and earthattributein the dantian.
他只感觉精神比以前更好了,修为仍然没恢复,还是只能爆发皇级威势,无法在丹田凝聚天地属性。Jun Changxiaosaid: „Can't Mind Purifying Holy Lotuseradicatealldoubts or problems?”君常笑道:“清心圣莲不是可以根除一切疑难杂症吗?”Old Weibitter and astringentsay/way: „So-callederadicatesall, feared that the overstatingelement, said the great doctorsenior, golden touch, finallyeven the wivesare not cureless.”魏老苦涩道:“所谓根除一切,怕有夸大成分,就说医圣前辈,不也妙手回春,最后连妻子都无法医治么。”„Alsoyes.”
“也是。”Jun Changxiaosaid: „Old Wei should not be discouraged, so long aspersonalso, hope.”君常笑道:“魏老别灰心,只要人还在,希望就在。”„ha ha ha.”
“哈哈哈。”Old Weilaughs saying: „An age, lookedalsopassed, canrestore hopeimportantly, only the lifetime, exhausted abilityto help your group of young people.”魏老大笑道:“一把年纪了,看的也透了,能不能恢复不重要,只希望有生之年,竭尽所能帮助你们这群年轻人。”„sect master!”
“宗主!”In the meantime, Sun Bukongweakly said: „Canin the medical ethicsbooks that in the great doctorseniorleaves behindlooks for the permanent controlmethod.”
就在此时,孙不空弱弱道:“可以在医圣前辈留下的医道书籍上寻找根治方法呀。”Thisfellow has the attainmentstomedicinetwo, is a member who Old Weiregards as important.
这家伙对医药两道颇有造诣,也是魏老看重的一名成员。„Thatalsowaits foranything.”
“那还等什么。”Jun Changxiaosaid: „Quicklylook, quicklylooks!”君常笑道:“赶快看,赶快找!”„Yes!”
“是!”Sun Bukongquicklybringspacks of rare books, thenwith total concentrationseems like.孙不空急忙将一叠叠秘籍拿过来,然后聚精会神看起来。As for others, according tosect mastertold,startsto sort the seeds in several hundredspacerings.
至于其他人,根据宗主吩咐,开始分拣几百枚空间戒指里的种子。Gathering Qi PillandQuenching Spirit Pillfirstdid not say, becausewere too many, is mainly Martial King Pill, after the sortmatch, the quantityhasover ten thousand!聚气丹和淬灵丹先不说,因为太多了,主要是武王丹,经过分拣匹配,数量足足有上万份!Thismustallrefine, canbuildten thousandMartial Kingat any time!
这要全炼制出来,可以随时打造万名武王!No wonder, Sect Master Junfirstobtainsso manyseeds, the exciteddirectwindwill have the native dialect.
……Next day.
The Medicine Hallmemberstartsto soak the seed, plantsone after another, Old WeiplantsMind Purifying Holy Lotusin the medicinegardenspiritual energyrichestregion.药堂成员开始浸泡种子,陆续栽种起来,魏老则将清心圣莲栽种在药园灵气最浓郁的区域。Sun Bukongimmersesin the medicinebooksis unable to extricate oneself.孙不空沉浸在医学书籍中无法自拔。Thesestem fromgreat doctor's the ancient book of hand, to himabsolutelyis the chance, canmake a biggerbreakthroughin the medical skill, looked athis owngood fortune.
这些出自医圣之手的典籍,对他来说绝对是机缘,能不能在医术上有更大突破,就看他自己造化了。Allarrangementsare appropriate, Sect Master Jundoes not needto manage.
一切安排妥当,君宗主不用管。At this moment, is sittingin the study room, holding the chintwittering saying: „Does not know that Mind Purifying Holy Lotuscancure the Palace Master Xi’seye disease?”
此刻,正坐在书房,托着下巴呢喃道:“也不知清心圣莲能不能治好奚宫主的眼疾呢?”„sect master.”
“宗主。”Li Qingyangwalks, said: „Comethattwoarrangeaccording to the disciple, according to the elderarranges?”李青阳走进来,道:“来的那两位是按弟子安排,还是按长老安排?”„Firstaccording to the disciplearranges.”Jun Changxiaosaid.
“先按弟子安排吧。”君常笑道。Five Absolutes Evil Saintwas controlled the soulsource, even if the disciplenot to dareto have the opinion.五绝邪圣被控制灵魂本源,就算做弟子也不敢有意见。As forOld Ge, as a militarySovereign Levelpowerhouse, pours can also be joined toelderpost, butaccording to the convention, definitelyfirstinspectssome time.
“对了。”Jun Changxiaosaid: „Five Absolutes Evil Saintthatfellowisveteranevil cultivator, canmakehimteachMengying, perhapsis helpfulcultivation basepromoting.”君常笑道:“五绝邪圣那家伙是一名老资格邪修,可以让他去教导梦莹,或许有助修为提升。”zézé.啧啧。evil schoolMartial SaintdirectsYao Mengying, thistreatmentis extremely high!
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