„Wealsohand over!”
“我们也交!”Old Ge and Raging Flames Holy Sectelders agreed that othermartial artistalso can only coordinate, moreover500spirit stone and livesare too farcompared with the incoming messenger.葛老和烈焰圣宗长老都同意了,其他武者也只能配合,况且500灵石和命比起来差太远。„Decides!”
The Jun Changxiaodependencesoulstonecompass, makingimmortalcorpsepuppetsettle downagain.君常笑依靠魂石罗盘,让不朽尸傀再次驻足。At this time, whocould not see that hehas grasped the law of control, that was really a fool.
这时候,谁看不出他已掌握控制之法,那就真是傻子了。Such being the case, buys the securitywithspirit stone.
既然如此,就拿灵石来买安全吧。Variousmajor sectmartial artistwill install500spirit stonespaceringsto lose.
各大宗门武者纷纷将装纳500颗灵石的空间戒指丢过去。„Sect Master Jun.”
“君宗主。”martial cultivator the facewas sayingpainstakingly: „Wedo not haveso manyspirit stoneAh!”
一名武修苦着脸道:“我们没这么多灵石啊!”major sectdoes not lackspirit stone, theirtheseloose cultivator500spirit stone, stillabsorbedevenearly, naturallycannotkeep the body.大宗门不缺灵石,他们这些散修就算有500颗灵石,也早早摄取了,自然不会留在身上。Jun Changxiaosaid: „Arriveswith the valuablething, bank note, oreandmedicinal herbanythingare good.”君常笑道:“用值钱的东西来抵,银票、矿石、药材什么都行。”Thisgoodsdo not select food.
这货是一点也不挑食。sect gatemartial artistwas uncomfortable.宗门武者不爽了。Whytheycanarrivewithmedicinal herboreand otherthing, wemustpay500spirit stone!
凭什么他们可以用药材矿石等物来抵,我们就必须缴纳500颗灵石!In the heartthinks,actuallydoes not dare saying that soin the situation can only acknowledge that the punishment is deserved.
短短时间。About3000martial artistallpaid the protection money.
近三千名武者全缴纳了保护费。Afterstatistics, spirit stoneobtains300,000, what a pityis not natural, varioustypes of raw materials for medicine, ores, crystal coreandbank noteare countless.
经过一番统计,灵石获得30万颗,可惜不是天然的,各种药材、矿石、晶核、银票不计其数。Takes awayin the grave the most valuablething, blackmailsbigresources.
拿走墓里最有价值的东西,又讹诈一大笔资源。Sect Master Jun, yourrealdog!君宗主,你真狗!„Causing difficulties for otherswealth, the mannereliminates the risk.”
“拿人钱财,为人消灾。”Jun Changxiaoaffectedly virtuoussay/way: „Walks, Ileadyouto leave the tomb.”君常笑道貌岸然道:“走吧,我带你们离开墓地。”At that moment, hiswhole bodytwinkledazzlingandsacredray, as if the Savior in end, the readerlookedhad profound respectall.
The exit|to speaksituated in the maincemetery, the Jun Changxiaobelt/bringpeoplewalks, controlledseveral hundredimmortalcorpsepuppet, there is a gaugeto havemomentaccompanying.
The soulstonecompasswas graspedbyhim, the corpse that theseanti-punch, belongs tohimfromof course.
The goodthing to fallinthisgoodspocket.
好东西全落在这货口袋里了。Five Absolutes Evil Saintwaits forin the maincemetery, lookstoRaging Flames Holy Sectelderand the others, in the foreheadsremainsto revealoneto disdain.五绝邪圣在主墓区等待,看向烈焰圣宗长老等人,眉宇间留露出一丝不屑来。
If not bump into a youngmonster, thesebymartial artist that oneselfdeceive, being doomedto becomebeing buried along with the dead of Hundred Faces Healing Saint.
如果不是碰到一个小妖怪,这些被自己骗进来的武者,注定要成为百面医圣的陪葬。„Sect Master Jun.”
“君宗主。”Old Gelooksto the sarcophagus of stage, said: „The grave of whichsenior is this?”葛老看向高台的石棺,道:“这是哪位前辈的墓?”„Tomb of Hundred Faces Healing Saint Husband and Wife.”Jun Changxiaosaid.
“啊?”Old Gestartledsay/way: „Great doctorseniorpassed away!”葛老惊道:“医圣前辈作古了!”„No wondersomeso manymedicineancient books, there is a evil schoolcorpse, originallyis the grave of great doctorsenior!”
“难怪有这么多医学典籍,又有邪派尸体,原来是医圣前辈的墓!”„Onegeneration of qi and huangsfall from the skyoutstandingly skilled, islosesAhtomyFalling Star Great Continentseriously.”
“一代岐黄圣手陨落,对我星陨大陆而言是个惨重损失啊。”Is the personwill get sick, even if the Spirit Powerabundantworldis no exception.
是人就会得病,哪怕灵力充沛的世界也不例外。Hundred Faces Healing Saintpracticed medicineto provide relief, saves the sick and wounded, was admiredandlovedby the worlddeeply.百面医圣生前悬壶济世,救死扶伤,深受世人敬佩和爱戴。Jun Changxiaosaid: „Great doctorseniorstays in the grave, only then the medicinebooks, after Junwantseveryoneto go out, notmustagaindisturbhimto rest.”君常笑道:“医圣前辈留在墓里的只有医药书籍,君某希望大家出去后,莫要再来打扰他安息。”„Understood, yes!” The peopleecho.
If a Martial Saint’stomb, theydefinitelyhave the idea, butHundred Faces Healing SaintMartial Wayis not exquisite, even ifleaves behind any goodthing, definitelystillandMartial Wayis little significance.
如果是一名武圣的墓地,他们肯定有想法,但百面医圣武道不精湛,就算留下什么好东西,肯定也和武道没太大关系。„This is?”
“这位是?”Old GelookstoFive Absolutes Evil Saint, in the heartsomewhatdreaded.葛老又看向五绝邪圣,心中有几分忌惮。
The intuitiontoldhim, thispersonseemed like, althoughwas very weak, but the strengthwas inevitably uncommon.
直觉告诉他,此人看上去虽然很虚弱,但实力必然不凡。Weakreasonhalf are too longin the tomb, the other halfwas been oppressivebySect Master Jun.
虚弱原因一半是在墓地太久,另一半是被君宗主虐的。Raging Flames Holy Sectelderand the othersalsorealized, thereforeafterseeingFive Absolutes Evil Saint, immediatelyraisesseveralpoints of vigilance.烈焰圣宗长老等人也意识到了,所以在见到五绝邪圣后,顿时升起几分警惕。„Myservant.”Jun Changxiaosaid.
The peoplevisionexudessurprisedly.
Under the confinementstone wallinFive Absolutes Evil Saintdecodesopensslowly.
禁闭的石墙在五绝邪圣破解下徐徐打开。Thatis a tunnel that spreadstowardon, is jet blackandgloomy, the people the line, appearsin the outside worldfinally.
轰隆隆!Wheneveryonegoes out, the exit|to speakwas blockedby the caveagain.
等所有人走出,出口再次被山洞封锁。array that thistombhas, will startthoroughlyblocks the condition, henceno onecancome inagain.
这座墓地存在的阵法,将会彻底启动封死状态,至此无人再能进来。Five Absolutes Evil Saintafter the adaptationintensesunlight, opens the eyeslowly, in the hearthas mixed emotions.五绝邪圣在适应强烈阳光后,徐徐睁开眼睛,心中百感交集。evil cultivator, whatwalkedis the gloomyanddarkroute.
一名邪修,走的是阴森而黑暗路线。However, was strandedin the tomb3000he, was actually almost sufferedinsanely.
The peopleafter allare the colonizing species, was closedinplace of seal, evenspokedid not have, was stranded for several thousandyears, reallyjust likeplaces oneselfin the hell.
人毕竟是群居物种,被关在一个密封之地,连说话的都没有,足足困了数千年,真的犹如置身地狱中。„ladies and gentlemen.”
“诸位。”Jun Changxiaosaid: „Does not accompany a long way.”君常笑道:“恕不远送了。”„......”
The Raging Flames Holy Sectelderhas not spoken, leading the person on one's own sideto leave.烈焰圣宗长老没说话,带着自己人离开了。WithoutthesecorpsesandFive Absolutes Evil Saint, after hegoes out of the tomb , may do accountswithJun Changxiao.
如果没那些尸体和五绝邪圣,他走出墓地后可能会和君常笑算算账呢。„Said goodbye!”
“告辞!”Othersect gatemartial artistalsoleavein abundance.
其他宗门武者也纷纷离开。Southern Huang Provincenatural phenomenon, thisthinks that canharvest, finallyanythinghas not obtained, but alsodied the companion, loses500spirit stone, is really a double loss.南荒州天生异象,本以为能有所收获,结果什么也没得到,还死了同伴,损失500颗灵石,真是赔了夫人又折兵。manymartial artistleft, is left overOld Genot to walkonly.很多武者都离开了,唯独剩下葛老没走。Hesaid with a smile: „Sect Master Jun, myspirit stone?”
“给。”Jun Changxiaothrows a spacering, insidethinks of10000spirit stone.君常笑丢来一枚空间戒指,里面装着10000颗灵石。
When thisgoodstake advantage, oncesent greetingsOld Ge, makinghimcoordinateto deliver, after going out, will donatemanyspirit stone.
这货趁火打劫时,曾传音葛老,让他配合上交,等出去后会赠予更多的灵石。„Many thanks.”
After inventoryingspirit stone, Old Gesmilessays with a smilesubmissively.
盘点灵石后,葛老笑拱手笑道。Jun Changxiaosaid: „Your excellencyshouldbeno sectloose cultivator, why notto look forsect gateto stabilize?”君常笑道:“阁下应该是无门无派的散修,何不找个宗门安定下来?”„Can Sect Master Junrecruit the old man?”Old Gesaid with a smile.
“君宗主要招募老夫?”葛老笑道。Jun Changxiaoshrugs, said: „Canmakethis thronerecruitpersonally, shouldbe honored that unsurpassedly.”君常笑耸耸肩,道:“能让本座亲自招募的,应该感到无上荣幸。”Thissaying, is really crazy!
这话,真狂!„ha ha ha.”
“哈哈哈。”Old Gelaughs, said: „Usuallyheard that Sect Master Junis rampant, todayseesreallylives up to reputation.”葛老大笑一声,道:“素闻君宗主嚣张跋扈,今日一见果然名不虚传。”„Old manlived for several hundredyears, witnesses the innumerablesect gaterise and fall, actuallynevermeets a namenot to transfer the classics and commentariessect, will risein a night.”
“老夫活了几百年,见证无数宗门兴衰,却从未遇到过一个名不转经传的门派,会在一夜间崛起。”„IfSect Master Jundoes not shut out, the old manis willingto joinAll Times Sect, even if a gatekeeper.”
“如果君宗主不嫌弃,老夫愿意加入万古宗,哪怕做一个看门人。”Five Absolutes Evil Saintis stunned.五绝邪圣愕然。
Was Martial Sovereign, easily recruited?
一名武皇,就这么轻易被招募?Was strandedin the tomb3000he, does not know the recentreputationbigchirpAll Times Sect, otherwisecanunderstandinevitably,was why optional a saying, will make the opposite partybe willingto throw.
被困在墓地三千年的他,并不知最近名声大噪的万古宗,否则必然可以理解,为何随意一说,就会让对方甘愿来投。„Joinsmysect gate.”
“加入我宗门。”Jun Changxiaosaid: „Needsto pay10000spirit stonebasicfees.”君常笑道:“需要缴纳10000灵石的入门费。”Old Geis dumbfoundedimmediately.葛老顿时目瞪口呆。All Times Sect of Three Apotentialmakeshimmove, therefore after ponderingover and over, will not havenice and warmspirit stone the prime numberto present.三甲潜力的万古宗让他非常动心,所以思考再三后,还是将没暖热的灵石又原数奉还。shuā!shuā!shuā!刷!刷!刷!In the meantime, Zhangsun FanghuaandLeng Xingyueand the othersrodethousand li (500 km)Chasing Wind Horseto speed away.
就在此时,长孙芳华和冷星月等人骑着千里追风马疾驰而来。Matterhas concludedcomes, the day lilywas cool.
事情已经收尾才来,黄花菜都凉了。Saw that palace masterwas being heldbyJun Changxiao, Wonderful and Magnificent Palaceeldereach and every oneglowers.
看到宫主被君常笑抱着,妙华宫长老一个个怒目而视。„ladies and gentlemen.”
“诸位。”HelplessSect Master Junsaid: „Do not misunderstand, your familypalace master the violentwalks, Jun can only stunas a last resort the pasther.”君宗主无奈道:“别误会,你家宫主又暴走,君某万不得已只能将她打昏过去。”
“头好痛。”Wonderful and Magnificent Palace, stuporXi Jingxuanwakes upleisurely, the subconsciousnesstraces the back of the head.妙华宫,昏迷的奚婧璇悠悠醒来,下意识摸了摸后脑勺。„palace masterawoke, palace masterawoke!”
“宫主醒了,宫主醒了!”shuā!刷!shuā!刷!Zhangsun FanghuaandLeng Xingyueand the otherscatch up.长孙芳华和冷星月等人纷纷赶过来。„Sect Master Jun?”
The Xi Jingxuanwhole faceis vacant.奚婧璇满脸茫然。Sheremembers,sheis in the tombwithhimobviously, howto arrive atsect gatesuddenly.
她记得,自己明明和他身在墓地里,怎么突然就来到自己宗门呢。Zhangsun Fanghuasaid: „palace master, the boyhas returned toQingyang Commandery.”长孙芳华道:“宫主,那小子已经回青阳郡了。”Saying, is taking out a fineblock, said: „Just before leavingleaves behind a thinganda letter.”
说着,取出一个精致小盒,道:“临走时留下一物和一封信。”Xi Jingxuandisassembles the letter/believes, looks above the content, said: „Youdraw back.”奚婧璇拆开信,看完上面内容,道:“你们都退下吧。”„Yes.”
The peopleleave.
After theywalked, Xi Jingxuanturns on the fineblock, the interiorplaces a similarlotus flowerflower petal, contains the richlifeaura.
她们走了以后,奚婧璇打开精致小盒,内部摆放一片类似莲花花瓣,蕴含浓郁生命气息。In the contentas forletter/believesis-
至于信上的内容则为-ThisispetalMind Purifying Holy Lotus, hasto eradicatealldiseaseeffects, after Palace Master Xiwakes up, maytakedirectly, wishyouhighly effectiveheartfeltly, restores the light.
这是一瓣清心圣莲,具有根除一切疾病功效,奚宫主醒来后可直接服用,衷心祝你药到病除,恢复光明。Inscriptionperson, Jun Changxiao.
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