轰!Jun Changxiaostarts the crazybangto exploderandomly, finally the oppressiveFive Absolutes Evil Saintbloodspurtscrazily, is miserable beyond description.君常笑又开始狂轰乱炸,最后虐的五绝邪圣鲜血狂喷,苦不堪言。Without the means.
The strengthdegenerates is also very weak, bumps intohackonlyto be ableoppressive!
After rumblingdozensfists, Jun Changxiaostopped, lightly said: „Old fogy, youmustclearly recognize the reality.”
The Five Absolutes Evil Saintvisionexudes the dreadfulanger.五绝邪圣目光泛起滔天怒火。„Hands over?”
“交不交?”„Does not hand over!”
“好吧。”Jun Changxiaois not wordy, howeverraises the handlightly, Azure Dragon Crescent Moon Sabreemerges out of thin air, the tool facewas coveredby the burning hotflame, the murderous intentionsaideverywhere: „Does not hand over the soulsource, thatthenmakesyoursoulturn over to for ninedays.”君常笑也不罗嗦,轻然扬起手,青龙偃月刀凭空出现,刀面被炙热火焰笼罩,满目杀机道:“不交灵魂本源,那便让你魂归九天。”If the opposite partyinsists onnot coordinating, massacresalsoindifferently.
The truly difficultimagination, holdsinarmedright handin addition, coordinatesFive ElementscompleteAzure Dragon Crescent Moon Sabre, will erupthowterrifyingbattle efficiency!
实难想象,在武装右手加持下,配合五行俱全的青龙偃月刀,会爆发出多么恐怖的战斗力来!Five Absolutes Evil Saintnaturallyrealized, the broadswordquality that Jun Changxiaosummonsis uncommon.五绝邪圣自然意识到,君常笑召出的大刀品质不凡。„kā chā!”
“咔嚓!”Hegrips tightly the fist, clenches jaws saying: „Ihand over!”
他紧握拳头,咬牙切齿道:“我交!”Onesecondrecognizesinstigatedrecognizesthatwas proud, worthilyby the Hundred Faces Healing Saintpitseveral thousandyears of elderspowerhouses.
一秒认怂都认的那么豪情万丈,不愧是被百面医圣坑了数千年的老辈强者。Actuallycanunderstand,after allhands over the soulsourceis not the firsttime, bumps intoruthlesslyhands overagainonenormallytime.
其实可以理解,毕竟交出灵魂本源又不是第一次,碰到比自己狠的再交一次也正常。Let alone.
The being adaptable to the situationreal man, is the lofty sentiment that an evilsectpowerhousemusthave, will otherwise not livenow, butdiedinHundred Faces Healing Saintearly.
……Has had the previousexperience, Five Absolutes Evil Saintskilledcompelswithin the body the soulsource.
有过先前经验,五绝邪圣熟练的将灵魂本源逼出体内。shuā!刷!Jun Changxiaopresses firmly between the fingersthatwisp of soul, saidproudly: „Starting today, youwere the this throne’sservant.”君常笑将那一缕灵魂捏住,傲然道:“从今天起,你就是本座的仆人了。”„Yes!”
“是!”Five Absolutes Evil Saintsaidrespectfully: „Master!”五绝邪圣恭恭敬敬道:“主人!”Looks atjust the lostsoul, healmostcannot bearcry.
看着刚刚得到又失去的灵魂,他差点忍不住哭起来。Was stranded the tomb in 3000, mustbe delivered from oppressionwith great difficulty, finallyhas not gone out of the wolfhole, falls into the fingers/tiger mouth, too tragedy.
被困墓地三千年,好不容易就要重见天日,结果还没走出狼穴,又落入虎口,实在太悲剧了。„Inthistombexcept forMind Purifying Holy Lotus, what goodthingbut alsothere is?”Jun Changxiaoinquired.
“这墓地里除了清心圣莲,还有什么好东西没?”君常笑询问道。Five Absolutes Evil Saintsaid: „Someseeds that Hundred Faces Healing Saintleaves behind.”五绝邪圣道:“还有百面医圣留下的一些种子。”„Other?”Jun Changxiaosaid.
“其他呢?”君常笑道。„Did not have.”
“没了。”Five Absolutes Evil Saintsaid: „No, the soulstone, cancontrolimmortalcorpsepuppet!”五绝邪圣道:“不,还有魂石,可以控制不朽尸傀!”„Where?”
“在什么地方?”„Master, pleasecomewithme.”
“主人,请跟我来。”Two peoplearrive at a cave mansion, insidealsoarranges the love.
两人又来到一处洞府,里面同样布置情缘之界。Jun ChangxiaoheldstuporpastXi Jingxuanto breaksmoothly, sawstone platform of central location, placed a palm of the handbigdisc, aboveoutlined the strangemarkline.君常笑抱着昏迷过去的奚婧璇顺利破掉,就看到中央位置的石台,摆放一个巴掌大的圆盘,上面勾勒奇怪纹线。Heinquired: „Is great doctorseniorbefore death a arraypowerhouse?”
他询问道:“医圣前辈生前是一名阵法强者?”Five Absolutes Evil Saintsaid: „Herearrayishis wifearrangessingle-handedly.”五绝邪圣道:“这里的阵法是他妻子一手布置的。”„So that's how it is.”
“原来如此。”Jun Changxiaotakes away the soulstonecompass.君常笑将魂石罗盘拿走。Returns to the maincemetery, lookstotwosarcophagi, quiteapology: „Senior, has no intentionto disturb, but alsopleaseexcuse me.”
返回主墓区,看向两个石棺,颇为歉意道:“前辈,无意打扰,还请见谅。”Choosesto be killed by weaponsfor the late wife, sincere feelingtodepth, respectable.
“我们走。”Jun Changxiaohas not opened the thought of sarcophagus, after all the persondie to a big way, whyto alarmagain.君常笑没打开石棺的念头,毕竟人死为大,何必再去惊扰。Whatingravemost valuableisdivine gradelevelMind Purifying Holy Lotus, the medicinebooks of Hundred Faces Healing Saintwork, similarly is also the priceless treasure, therefore the tripharvestsveryrichly!
轰!Inanothercave mansion, Old Geand the othersjustandseveral hundredimmortalcorpsepuppetfight.
另一个洞府内,葛老等人正和几百具不朽尸傀交手。Because the enemyanti-punches, eightevilsword cultivator, the shorttimehave60-70martial artisttragic deaths.
The Raging Flames Holy Secteldercondenses the burning hotflame, after corpsepuppetrepels, the angerhoweversaid: „Like thisconsumes, sooner or lateris exhausted!”烈焰圣宗长老凝聚炙热火焰,将一名尸傀击退后,怒然道:“这样耗下去,迟早精疲力尽!”xiū! xiū! xiū!咻!咻!咻!In the meantime, evilsword cultivatorcorpsepuppet, wields a sword, instantaneouslyshake-outinnumerablesword light, dead aheadseveralmartial cultivatorwere cut the throat.
Several other evilsword cultivatorare fightingwith the Martial Sovereignlevelpowerhouse, hitinextricably involved.
另外几名邪剑修则正和武皇层次强者交手,打的难解难分。TheseEvil Sword GateProtector, livingtimenot necessarilyfightsMartial Sovereign, nowwas quenched the corpse that invulnerability, the battle efficiencyexplodes!
轰!TwoMartial Sovereigngatheringscount the 10 million (surely/countless)strengthsimultaneouslybangonevilsword cultivator, althoughstrikesto flyit, butcrawlsfrom the ground, lifts the swordto killagain!
两名武皇汇聚数千万力量齐齐轰在一名邪剑修上,虽将其击飞出去,但从地上爬起来,再次举剑杀来!Thisnot being able to killcockroach, most makes one collapsewithout doubt!
“不能拖了!”Old Geknits the brows: „Ourold routereturns!”葛老皱眉道:“我们原路返回吧!”„cave entrancewas blocked, howto go back!” The Raging Flames Holy Secteldersaid.
轰!During the speeches, wields the palmto fly a corpsepuppetbang, not onlyhas not been split up the opposite party, but alsoconsumedmanyspirit energy.
“我们要死在此地了!”„If we had known, did not come to join in the fun!”
“早知道,就不进来凑热闹了!”manymartial artisthasdesperate!很多武者心生绝望!„Rumble!”
“轰隆隆!”In the meantime, connects the flagstone of maincemeteryto raisesuddenly.
“门开了!”„Walks, goes inquickly!”
“走走,快进去!”Desperatemartial cultivatoras ifsaw the lightin the darkness!
绝望的武修仿佛在黑暗中看到了光明!However, justpreparedto swarm, seesJun Changxiaoto holdXi Jingxuanto go out, says with a smile: „ladies and gentlemenencountered the problemprobably.”
“……”Peoplecorner of the mouth twitches.
众人嘴角抽搐。Far more thanencounters the problem, mustfall from the skysimplymomentarily!
何止是遇到麻烦,简直就要随时陨落!Jun Changxiaosaid: „Everyoneis not hurried, Ihad foundto suppressthesecorpses the methods.”君常笑道:“大家莫慌,我已找到压制这些尸体的方法。”Peopleimmediatelygreat happiness.
“不过。”Jun Changxiaosaid: „Needsto pay a price, thereforehopes that everyonecanmake the compensationtothis thronespirit stone.”君常笑道:“得需要付出点代价,所以希望大家能给本座一点灵石做补偿。”motherfucker.妈蛋。
Such goodopportunity, mustearn an extra income!
这么好的机会,得赚点外快!Raging Flames Holy Sectelderangrily said: „Youare taking advantage!”烈焰圣宗长老怒道:“你是在趁火打劫!”„It can be considered as such.”
“可以这么认为。”Jun Changxiaohad not denied,brazenlysaid: „Looked, in the same placeentersin the share of tomb, this throneare not manywants, person of 500spirit stone.”君常笑没否认,厚着脸皮道:“看在一起进入墓地的份上,本座也不多要,一人500颗灵石。”Un.
There are several thousandpeople.
有几千人呢。Person of 500words, the quantity is also very big.
The Raging Flames Holy Sectelderfinallychoosessilent.烈焰圣宗长老最终选择沉默。Ifcancontrolthesecorpses, was out ofdangerbyoneself, does not calculateto500spirit stonetooexcessive.
轰!Martial Sovereignstrikesflyingcorpsepuppet, the sinkingsound said: „HowIand othersdetermined,youaren't lying?”
“定!”Jun Changxiaoshoutedone.君常笑喊了一声。Attackseveral hundredimmortalcorpsepuppet, framesuddenlysame place, as ifbysometype of strengthseal!
攻击的数百具不朽尸傀,突然定格原地,仿佛被某种力量封印!Thisis the function of soulstonecompass, so long asintegratesin whichspiritual sense, will controltheirevery action and every movementinstantaneously.
这是魂石罗盘的作用,只要将灵念融入其中,就会瞬间掌控它们的一举一动。„ladies and gentlementhinks that Iam lying?”Jun Changxiaosaid.
The peoplewere scared.
众人傻眼了。Shoutedmerely a character, makes the corpseallstatic, thisis really inconceivable!
The militarySovereign Levelpowerhouseguessedinstantaneously,this childdefinitelygrasped some method of controlling the corpse.
武皇级的强者瞬间猜测出,此子肯定掌握了控制尸体的某种方法。„Sect Master Jun!”
“君宗主!”Old Gesaid: „Ihand over!”葛老道:“我交!”Quicklywalksto go forwardto offer500spirit stone.
急忙走上前奉上500颗灵石。Jun Changxiaosweeps the people, said: „Ionlygiveyouthreeintegersto consider the time, will then solve the sealcorpse, at the appointed timeonvariouslife and deathpeacefuldestiny.”君常笑一扫众人,道:“我只给你们三个数考虑时间,然后就会解印尸体,届时就生死各安天命吧。”Ifwere taking advantagea moment ago, nowis the scarletfruitsthreat!
“一二三!”Jun Changxiaoforms a coherent wholeto shout that threeintegers, said: „Opens!”君常笑一气呵成喊出三个数,道:“开!”
The peoplealmostfall down.
众人差点栽倒。Big brother, your speed is also very fast!
大哥,你这速度也忒快吧!„hū hū!”
“呼呼!”Several hundrednon-corpsepuppetmoveagain, butunder the Jun Changxiaocontrol, encircledrapidly!
数百具不死尸傀再次动起来,而在君常笑操控下,迅速围了上来!„Sect Master Jun!”
“君宗主!”Raging Flames Holy Sectelderhurriedsay/way: „Junction! Junction!”烈焰圣宗长老急忙道:“交!交!”
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