SSAT :: Volume #7

#634: You know nothing about the strength

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Five Absolutes Evil Saint didn't expect, the discipline little fellow strength gently is so strong this year, therefore the good words persuaded: Boy, the tomb had been controlled by me, if you hand over Mind Purifying Holy Lotus, I then put you to go out.” 五绝邪圣没想到,这年纪轻轻的小家伙实力如此强劲,于是好言相劝道:“小子,墓地已经被我掌控,你若交出清心圣莲,我便放你出去。” Right?” “是吗?” Jun Changxiao sneers. 君常笑冷笑一声。 He roughly infers, this person was stranded in the tomb, wants to obtain Mind Purifying Holy Lotus urgently, makes that big sound outside, nothing but is other sect gate powerhouses walks into a trap! 他大致推断出,此人被困在墓地,又迫切想得到清心圣莲,在外面弄那么大动静,无非就是等各宗门强者来自投罗网! Five Absolutes Evil Saint said: Your my strength was equally matched, hits was not necessarily able to decide the victory and defeat for several days and several nights, why not to draw back one respectively step?” 五绝邪圣道:“你我实力不相上下,打几天几夜未必能分出胜负,何不各退一步呢?” Equally matched?” “不相上下?” Jun Changxiao sneers saying: You too looked at yourself high.” 君常笑冷笑道:“你太高看自己了。” Five Absolutes Evil Saint said: Picked Mind Purifying Holy Lotus then to touch the ban, several hundred immortal corpse puppet that Hundred Faces Healing Saint left behind had relieved the seal.” 五绝邪圣道:“采下清心圣莲便触及了禁制,百面医圣留下的数百具不朽尸傀已经解除封印。” Immortal corpse puppet? 不朽尸傀? These corpses that should burn a moment ago. 应该是刚才焚烧的那些尸体了。 Jun Changxiao lightly said: What relations this and do I have?” 君常笑淡淡道:“这和我有什么关系?” Five Absolutes Evil Saint smiles gloomily, said: Enters martial artist at least several thousand of tomb, although their strength not wrong, certainly is difficult and immortal corpse puppet contends, if you hand over Mind Purifying Holy Lotus, I then told you law of seal, making them be able to live departure.” 五绝邪圣阴森一笑,道:“进入墓地的武者至少有数千名,他们实力虽然不错,却绝难与不朽尸傀抗衡,你如果交出清心圣莲,我便告诉你封印之法,让他们得以活着离开。” Jun Changxiao said: Sorry, this throne does not have the duty to go to the manages others' life and death.” 君常笑道:“抱歉,本座没义务去管别人的生死。” Since enters the tomb, must complete to fall from the sky to come to understand. 既然进入墓地,就要做好陨落觉悟。 He not because the unrelated person encounters the danger, on bravely stepping forward goes to rescue. 他不会因为不相干的人遇到危险,就挺身而出的去相救。 Five Absolutes Evil Saint said: You think that they died, will oneself very be safe? Waits for immortal corpse puppet to kill, same must die in this place!” 五绝邪圣道:“你以为他们死了,自己就会很安全?等不朽尸傀杀过来,一样也要死在此地!” Few idle talk.” “少废话。” Jun Changxiao did not say patiently: Laozi/father only wants to punch you now!” 君常笑不耐烦道:“老子现在只想揍你!” Ka ka ka! 咔咔咔! The right fist lingering flowing light, gathers the steel gauntlet/glove. 右拳萦绕流光,汇聚钢铁拳套。 By the Sect Master Jun present strength, depending on Body of Holy Flame, is not only able to defeat one to degenerate to peak Martial Sovereign’s Martial Saint, can only use another card in hand! 君宗主现在的实力,仅凭圣炎之体,无法战胜一名退化到巅峰武皇的武圣,只能动用另一个底牌了! Un?” “嗯?” The Five Absolutes Evil Saint vision exudes startled. 五绝邪圣目光泛起愕然。 Is the thing of this type of similar glove, difficult to be inadequate is some supreme treasure? 这种类似手套之物,难不成是某种至宝 Ka! 咔! Jun Changxiao grips tightly the right fist, the battle form stimulation of armed wing, a sincerer sheet iron gathers in the wrist/skill. 君常笑紧握右拳,武装翼的战斗形态激发,更为厚重的铁板汇聚在手腕上。 Although does not have the domineering aura to reveal, lets the Five Absolutes Evil Saint brow tight wrinkle. 虽没强势气息流露出来,却让五绝邪圣眉头紧皱。 The intuition told him, this thing was not simple! 直觉告诉他,此物绝不简单! shuā! 刷! Jun Changxiao takes a step on, the right fist under battle form is wielding suddenly void. 君常笑迈步而上,战斗形态下的右拳猛然在虚空挥出。 Buzz! 嗡! The space produces the ripples, gathering together partly visible fist seal! 空间产生涟漪,汇聚一道若隐若现的拳印! This seemingly superficial fist, actually vibrates the space, it can be imagined, strength terrifying! 这看似轻描淡写的一拳,却将空间震动,可想而知,力量是有多恐怖! „It is not good!” “不好!” The Five Absolutes Evil Saint complexion is startled changes, immediately gathers qi wall before the body, but just arranged before the body, explosion fist seal then brutal bang above! 五绝邪圣脸色惊变,当即在身前汇聚气墙,而刚刚布置在身前,爆炸拳印便无情轰在上面! Bang!! 嘭!! The palace vibrates suddenly, eight big do Zhu Zi sway! 宫殿顿然震动,八根大柱子摇摇晃晃! qi wall that Five Absolutes Evil Saint condenses was crushed instantaneously, the person also draws back backward crazily, within the body vitality was shaken boils, the vision exudes with amazement! 五绝邪圣凝聚的气墙被瞬间击碎,人也向后狂退,体内气血被震得沸腾,目光泛起骇然! This is what level supreme treasure, can a fist rumble so distressed! 这到底是什么层次至宝,可以一拳将自己轰的如此狼狈! hū hū--- 呼呼--- In the meantime, the Jun Changxiao stride comes, right fist under the battle order erupts immediately the burning hot flame! 就在此时,君常笑大步而来,战斗武装下的右拳顿时喷发出炙热火焰! This is Body of Holy Flame and dual card in hand eruption of armed wing battle form! 这是圣炎之体和武装翼战斗形态的双重底牌爆发! In Five Absolutes Evil Saint vision wins with amazement, quickly steps on Gui Mei (ghost-demon) footwork to go round to one side! 五绝邪圣目光中的骇然更胜,急忙踩着鬼魅身法向一侧绕开! Instigated! 怂了! Does not dare to go to meet hardly! 不敢去硬接! Let alone he, even if trades to make other peak Martial Sovereign, does not have the courage to face. 别说他,就算换做其他巅峰武皇,也没勇气去面对。 Runs?” “跑?” Jun Changxiao sneers, toward the opposite party line of march bang in the past, only looked suddenly the space shakes again, gathers fist of the flame! 君常笑冷笑一声,猛然朝着对方行进路线轰过去,只看空间再次震荡,汇聚出一只火焰之拳! The hot fist is very big, covering the range is extremely broad! 火拳很大,笼罩范围极广! Five Absolutes Evil Saint realized oneself are hard to avoid, can only pinch the hand imprint to condense layer upon layer black barrier before the body instantaneously! 五绝邪圣意识到自己难以躲开,只能捏着手印在身前瞬间凝聚出一层层黑色结界 Bang! 轰! The fist of bang flame comes, Cui Gula decays breaks layer upon layer barrier, shakes the opposite party vitality ebullition, finally unquenchable spurting blood. 火焰之拳轰来,崔古拉朽般的破掉一层层结界,更是震得对方气血沸腾,最后难以抑制‘’的喷血而出。 Is good because of defense enough, after being broken, reduces and solves the strength of fist seal, the person quickly retreats backward. 好在防御足够强,被破掉后,也将拳印之力化解,人急忙向后撤退。 shuā! 刷! Jun Changxiao steps on Wrapping Cloud Step to appear before him, coldly said: You know nothing about the strength.” 君常笑踩着纵云步出现在他面前,冷冷道:“你对力量一无所知。” „It is not good!” “不好!” Five Absolutes Evil Saint pupil pupil contraction. 五绝邪圣眸瞳收缩。 Bang -------- 轰-------— In the cave mansion transmits the explosive again! 洞府内再次传来爆响! The Jun Changxiao’s heavy blows bang in the Five Absolutes Evil Saint chest, the whole person explodes to fly immediately, hits ruthlessly on the edge wall. 君常笑的重拳轰在五绝邪圣胸口,整个人顿时爆飞出去,狠狠撞在边缘墙体上。 The dual stimulation of Body of Holy Flame and battle form, unexpectedly oppressive peak Martial Sovereign does not have the strength to hit back, this is too explosive! 圣炎之体战斗形态的双重激发,竟然虐的一名巅峰武皇毫无还手之力,这实在太劲爆! But...... hateful!” “可……可恶!” Five Absolutes Evil Saint stands diligently, covers the ache to want the chest of crack, the anger however said: If were not suppressed in 3000, how also to be bullied by a junior!” 五绝邪圣努力站起来,捂着疼痛欲裂的胸口,怒然道:“若非被压制三千年,又岂会被一个小辈欺负!” His is very weak, although there is a peak Martial Sovereign strength, actually displays difficultly perfectly. 他的身体很虚弱,虽有巅峰武皇实力,却难完美发挥出来。 Trades to be Raging Flames Holy Sect elder and Old Ge and the others, even if the condition is now bad, can easily solve, met cheat Jun Changxiao! 换做烈焰圣宗长老和葛老等人,哪怕现在状态差,也可以轻易解决掉,偏偏遇到了开挂君常笑 shuā! 刷! shuā! 刷! The fist of flame howls! 火焰之拳呼啸而出! Bang! Bang! 嘭!嘭! In the palace the explosive is unceasing, the energy ripples crazily, the temperature is also rising suddenly. 宫殿内爆响不断,能量疯狂荡漾,温度也在急剧攀升。 Mentioned also strangely. 说来也怪。 The Jun Changxiao so crazy bang explodes randomly, the fresh might is terrifying, although the cave mansion is shivering, has not actually collapsed. 君常笑如此狂轰乱炸,生的威力非常恐怖,洞府虽然在颤抖,却并没坍塌。 In two sarcophagi on Liantaizi are also entirely still! 就连台子上的两口石棺也是纹丝不动! ...... …… Bang! 轰! Also is most direct heavy blows rumbles! 又是一记最为直接的重拳轰出! Five Absolutes Evil Saint bang one hits on the wall, the whole piece face has gradually twisted. 五绝邪圣‘嘭’的一下撞在墙壁上,整张脸已经逐渐扭曲。 The short time, he was rumbled several hundred fists, although has not dropped down, but the whole body is cut and bruised, as if must soon be scattered the frame! 短短时间,他被轰了数百拳,虽然还没倒下,但全身已是遍体鳞伤,仿佛要快要被打散架了! Once had Martial Saint cultivation base’s Five Absolutes Evil Saint, simply is the perfect sandbag, can make Jun Changxiao unscrupulous fully erupted the card in hand. 曾有武圣修为的五绝邪圣,简直就是完美的沙包,可以让君常笑肆无忌惮的将底牌全面爆发出来。 Said. 讲真。 Very long has not hit such crisply, was so happy! 很久没打这么爽,这么痛快了! shuā! 刷! Jun Changxiao wields the fist again, condenses the burning hot flame. 君常笑再次挥起拳头,凝聚炙热火焰。 Little friend!” “小友!” Five Absolutes Evil Saint hurried say/way: Had the words to say well!” 五绝邪圣急忙道:“有话好好说!” His mortal body is very strong, anti- punches very much, but continues to get down oppressively, sooner or later must unable to shoulder Ah! 他的肉身很强,很耐揍,但这么持续被虐下去,迟早要扛不住 Jun Changxiao said: Lets my oppressive little while!” 君常笑道:“让我多虐会儿!” „......” “……” Five Absolutes Evil Saint corner of the mouth twitches. 五绝邪圣嘴角抽搐 Waited for in 3000, thinks of a complete plan and implementation with great difficulty, didn't expect brings in a small monster! 等了三千年,好不容易想到一个周全的计划并实施下去,没想到引来一个小怪物! Little friend, Mind Purifying Holy Lotus I do not want!” “小友,清心圣莲我不要了!” Five Absolutes Evil Saint recognizes instigates saying: You want to leave the tomb, I tell you to export now!” 五绝邪圣认怂道:“你想离开墓地,我现在就告诉你出口!” Mind Purifying Holy Lotus no doubt can make him restore completely cultivation base, what now is most important is goes on living, even if the Sovereign Level level has also been glad! 清心圣莲固然可以让他恢复全部修为,但现在最要紧的是活下去,哪怕一直皇级层次也乐意! Jun Changxiao right fist flame burning hot, vision coldly said: Hands over the soul source, this throne can put your horse.” 君常笑右拳火焰更为炙热,目光冷森道:“将灵魂本源交出来,本座可以放你一马。” Such strong servant does not surrender, really pitifully. 这么强的仆人不降服,实在可惜。 Five Absolutes Evil Saint anger. 五绝邪圣怒了。 Receives with great difficulty the soul source, how also to be controlled by others again! 好不容易将灵魂本源收回来,又岂会再被别人控制! Boy!” “小子!” He gets angry however said: Must put together a fight in which both sides perish!” 他怒然道:“非要拼一个鱼死网破吗!” shuā! 刷! Jun Changxiao to/clashes, launches the airtight bombardment again. 君常笑冲过来,再次展开密不透风的轰击。 Five Absolutes Evil Saint is now exhausted, is unable to make any effective defense, can only assume the posture to take a beating! 五绝邪圣现在已经精疲力尽,根本无法做出任何有效防御,只能摆好姿势挨揍!
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