JustflewJun Changxiao that from the hangingflagstone, suddenlywas sneak attackedbyold man.
刚刚从悬空石板飞来的君常笑,突然遭到老者偷袭。Is goodbecause, releases many flamepromptly, formsto defendstronglybefore the body, not onlyunderkeeping off the enemyattacks, but alsopalmhotburned black.
好在,及时释放多种火焰,在身前形成防御强,不仅挡下对方攻击,还将手掌烫的一片焦黑。„Young fellow!”
“好小子!”old mansinkingsound said: „Originallysomeso manyflame!”老者沉声道:“原来有这么多火焰!”Jun Changxiaolightly said: „Has not guessed that wrongwords, should youwantto put outthisMind Purifying Holy Lotuswithmyhand?”君常笑淡淡道:“没猜错的话,你应该是想借我之手拿出这株清心圣莲吧?”„not wrong!”
The old manappearanceis fierce: „Ihad waited for in 3000!”老者面目狰狞道:“我已经等了三千年!”Jun Changxiaosaid: „Youasdefending the graveperson, actuallydroolMind Purifying Holy Lotus, isn't thisembezzles?”君常笑道:“你身为守墓人,却垂涎清心圣莲,这不是监守自盗么?”„ha ha ha!”
“哈哈哈!”old manlaughsloudly, said: „Old manisHundred Faces Healing Sainthusband and wifedefends the grave in 3000, Mind Purifying Holy Lotusshouldbe the reward!”老者放声大笑起来,道:“老夫为百面医圣夫妇守墓三千年,清心圣莲理应是报酬!”Jun Changxiaodoes not doclearly.君常笑搞不明白。Thisfellowis the great doctorseniorservant, person who has the mind?
The old manlookis fierce: „Old mancultivatedFive Absolutes Divine Artto overstatein the past, althoughwas curedbyHundred Faces Healing Saint, actuallyhas togive uptohim.”老者神色狰狞道:“老夫当年修炼五绝神功走火入魔,虽被百面医圣治好,却不得不向他俯首称臣。”systemsaid: „Before Five Absolutes Divine Artis3000, Five Absolutes Evil Saintcreationspecialmartial arts.”系统道:“五绝神功是三千年前五绝邪圣创造的独门武学。”„Are youFive Absolutes Evil Saint?”Jun Changxiaosaid.
“你是五绝邪圣?”君常笑道。Humpbackedold mansmilesonestrangely, said: „didn't expect, so manyyears, some people of stillpeoplelater generationremembered the old manin the past!”
驼背老者怪笑一声,道:“没想到,过去那么多年,后世之人还有人记得老夫!”Fuck.卧槽。evil schoolMartial Saint!邪派武圣!Thisissuewas a little serious!
这问题有点严重了!„It is not right!”
“不对!”Jun Changxiaosecretly thought: „Strength that strucka moment ago, obviouslyalsoon the Martial Sovereignlevel, otherwiseIam unable to resistdecisivelyhardly.”君常笑暗道:“刚才那一击的力量,明显也就武皇层次,否则我断然无法硬抗下来。”systemsaid: „Thispersonnowcultivation basenothing butispeakMartial Sovereign.”系统道:“此人现在修为无非是巅峰武皇。”So that's how it is.
原来如此。Sect Master Junfeels relieved.君宗主放心下来。So long asis notMartial Saint, thata littleenergy!
只要不是武圣,那就有点底气了!„Then?”Jun Changxiaosaid.
The Five Absolutes Evil Saintsmiletakes back, appearanceagainfiercesay/way;„ThisthinksHundred Faces Healing Saintto fall from the sky, Icanregain the freedom, as everyone knows before fellowat the point of death, suspendsmetogether, fetters the soulsourceinarray, waited for several thousandyears to return to the main body!”五绝邪圣笑容收回,面目再次狰狞道;“本以为百面医圣陨落,我便可恢复自由,殊不知那家伙临死前还摆我一道,将灵魂本源束缚在阵法内,足足等了数千年才得以回归本体!”„How do youlivein the grave?”
“你怎么在墓里活下来的?”ThisissueJun Changxiaohas wantedto ask, after all in 3000, even iftakesmedicine of immortalityQin Shi Huang unable to shoulderAhunavoidably!
“小子!”Five Absolutes Evil Saintcoldly said: „Old mandoes not have the timeandyourubbish, quicklycalledMind Purifying Holy Lotus, otherwise, youandyourwomanwill be buried inthisplace!”五绝邪圣冷森道:“老夫没时间和你废话,赶快将清心圣莲叫过来,不然,你和你的女人都将葬身此地!”
The eyeneverleavesthatmedicinal herb, obviouslyis importanttohim.
眼睛始终不离那株药材,可见对他非常重要。Can the soulsourcebe pressedtoofor a long time, even ifreturns to the main body, is hardto adapt torealmto drop, under the clothing/taking can Mind Purifying Holy Lotusrestore the completeskill?
会不会灵魂本源被压太久,纵然回归本体,也难以适应境界下降,服下清心圣莲便可恢复全部功力?systemsaid: „Hasthispossibility.”系统道:“有这个可能。”zézé.啧啧。From the beginningtalks aboutHundred Faces Healing Saint, thatemotionreveals is too simply lifelike, Laozi/father believed that but alsothinks that is the defendinggraveperson who fulfilled dutyto fulfill responsibility, didn't expectactuallyhides malicious intent under a fair countenance!
“抱歉。”Jun Changxiaosaid: „Raw material for medicineIattain, ismy.”君常笑道:“药材我拿到的,就是我的。”„Youare courting death!”Five Absolutes Evil Saintvisioncoldly said.
“你是在找死!”五绝邪圣目光冷森道。At this moment, has torn to pieces the camouflagefacial features, naturallydoes not needto cover up.
此刻,已经撕破了伪装面容,自然没必要遮遮掩掩。„Che. (Yeah, right.)”
“切。”Jun Changxiaolightly said: „Before do not visit you are 3000powerhouse, this thronehad not really feared.”君常笑淡淡道:“别看你是三千年前的强者,本座还真一点不怕。”„Hatefulboy, if the old manalsohad the pastskill, a fingercanpinchyou.”Five Absolutes Evil Saintcoldsound said.
“可恶的小子,如果老夫还有当年的功力,一个手指头就能将你捏死。”五绝邪圣冷声道。Thisis the truth.
这是实话。If is really cultivation basefullevil wayMartial Saint, bySect Master Juncultivation base, definitelyhas nostrength of the warnow.
A yourpresentbutMartial Sovereignlevel, entrainsanythingto entrain!
“刷!”Jun Changxiaoputs downXi Jingxuangently, thenformsqi wallbefore the body, andMind Purifying Holy Lotusincomespacering.君常笑将奚婧璇轻轻放下,然后在身前形成气墙,并将清心圣莲收入空间戒指。Did not fear that the intelligencedoes pass?
The fellowaffirmed that was worriedoneselfreceive the spacering, is unable the earliest possible timeto robsaysintentionally!
那家伙肯定担心自己收入空间戒指,无法第一时间抢夺才故意这么说的!„Old fogy.”
“老家伙。”Jun Changxiaoshakes the head, visioncoldly said: „Daresplay dirty, this thronefirstmakesyoudie!”君常笑晃晃脑袋,目光冷厉道:“敢玩阴的,本座先让你死!”Ifdid not responda moment agoamazingly quick, reallydanger!
如果不是刚才反应神速,真的危险了!Seizes the medicinal herbto seize.
夺药材就夺呗。Butyourhemeowdaresto strike a vicious blow, Laozi/fathermustplayyou!
但你他喵的敢下毒手,老子必须把你玩死!hū hū---呼呼---Violent temperJun Changxiao, instantaneouslytenflame excitations, andcovers the whole body, as ifchanges to a hotperson!
暴脾气的君常笑,瞬间将十种火焰激发,并笼罩全身,仿佛化作一尊火人!Five Absolutes Evil Saintstartledsay/way: „YouhaveBody of Holy Flame!”五绝邪圣惊道:“你有圣炎之体!”Worthilyis the older generationtoppowerhouse, immediatelyrealizedSect Master Junhas the mainlandstrongestflamephysique.
不愧是老一辈顶尖强者,马上就意识到君宗主有大陆最强火焰体质。Ifotherare the physicals, heis not necessarily ableto dread.
如果其他系体质,他未必会忌惮。However, Body of Holy Flameisextremely firm and yang, unusualrestraintevil aura!
The one had only known, this/shouldmulti-ambusha while, sought the good opportunityto act!
The Jun Changxiaostridecomes, the rightfistis wieldingsuddenlyvoid, Purple Mysterious Saint Flametransfers, gathersfistflameall aroundto change to the purpleinstantaneously!君常笑大步而来,右拳猛然在虚空挥动,紫玄圣火调动,汇聚拳头周遭的火焰瞬间化作紫色!hū hū----呼呼----
The purpleflamehowls, as ifchanged topurpledragonbeast who opensbig mouth!
The Five Absolutes Evil Saintbodydraws backbackwardtwosteps, the doublepalmfinds outsuddenly, the Yinevilattributehowls, changed to a bigpalmto pressinstantaneously.五绝邪圣身子向后退两步,双掌猛然探出,阴邪属性呼啸而出,瞬间化作一只大掌压了过来。Rumble!
The hot temperedpurpleflameandis in chargegloomilycollidessuddenly, the producedfluctuation of energy, shakes the entirecave mansionfiercelyto shiverinstantaneously!
暴躁紫色火焰与阴森掌印猛然碰撞,产生的能量波动,瞬间震得整个洞府剧烈颤抖!At this moment, is inanothercave mansionRaging Flames Holy SectelderandOld Geand the others in had no timeto pay attention, because, afterJun ChangxiaopicksMind Purifying Holy Lotus, crawlsimmediatelyseveral hundredcorpsesfrom the placebottom!
此刻,身在另一个洞府的烈焰圣宗长老和葛老等人无暇去注意,因为,就在君常笑采下清心圣莲后,从地底顿时爬出数百具尸体来!ThiswasHundred Faces Healing Saintstays behind.
这是百面医圣生前留下的。Alsotopreventsomepeopleclinches the painsplanter the medicinal herb, butonemechanism/organizationtrap that leaves behind.
也算为防止有人摘走自己苦心种植的药材,而留下的一种机关陷阱。„Was troublesome!”
The Raging Flames Holy Sectelderknits the browsto say.烈焰圣宗长老皱眉道。Onhavingstrength, hecompared withthesecorpsemany, but the enemyanti-punches, so many, were pesteredinfinitely, definitelytiredexhaustion!
论起实力,他比这些尸体很多,但对方非常耐揍,又那么多,被无限纠缠下去,必然会累的精疲力尽!„Kaka ka!”
“咔咔咔!”Swiftly, grounddebacle!
The corpses of eightbackswordsstandleisurely, althoughdoes not have the lifeaura, but the whole bodyactuallycondenses the sharppotential!
八名背剑的尸体悠悠站起来,虽没生命气息,但周身却凝聚锋利之势!Without a doubt.
毫无疑问。Theyaffirmed that is sword cultivator!
它们生前肯定全是剑修!Old Gecarefully examinesfourcorpsescarefully the wear, decayednumber and route plate that and waisthangs, startledsay/way: „Evil Sword GateeightbigProtector!”葛老仔细审视四名尸体的穿着,以及腰间挂的腐朽腰牌,惊道:“邪剑门的八大护法!”Evil Sword Gate.邪剑门。Third-classSword Ancestor.
Before more than 3000, achievesprosperously, the strengthis as goodSecond Ratesect gate.
三千多前达到鼎盛,实力不逊于二流宗门。„TheybyHundred Faces Healing Saintwithnineglowgodneedles, did not write offon the azuresoundstage, howto appearin the tomb?”
“他们不是被百面医圣以九芒神针,抹杀在青音台上了吗,怎会出现在墓地?”„It is said the great doctorseniorhas the odd, will likekilling the body of personto take away!”
“据说医圣前辈有怪癖,喜欢将杀过之人的尸体收走!”„Ihave also heard, moreoverheonlykills the evilsect, has never killedperson of the orthodox school!”
When peoplespeech, fourevilsword cultivatoroffer a sacrifice to the saber.
众人说话之际,四名邪剑修纷纷祭出佩剑。Although the sword bladeisrusty, Ling Li/swift and fierce that butcontainsrepresentedallhas the extremelyhighcomprehensiontoSword Way!
剑身虽然已是铁锈斑斑,但蕴含的凌厉无不代表生前对剑道有极高领悟!„ladies and gentlemen!”
The Raging Flames Holy Sectelderlooksaiddignifiedly: „ThisEvil Sword GateeightProtector, before deathcultivation base is the peakSword Kinglevel, everyonemustwork as one, commonresistance!”烈焰圣宗长老神色凝重道:“这邪剑门八名护法,生前修为无不是巅峰剑王层次,大家务必齐心协力,共同抵御!”hū hū!呼呼!Variouspowerhouseseruptcultivation basein abundance.
各宗强者纷纷爆发修为。At this moment, theydo not care aboutin the tombto havewhatsupreme treasurecompletely, butcares, howto solveso manymortal bodyextremelystrongcorpses, howto go on living!
此刻,他们完全不在乎墓地里有什么至宝,而是更在意,如何解决掉那么多肉身极强的尸体,如何活下去!Bang! Bang!
轰!轰!In the maingravecave mansion, the burning hotflamehowlsandswallows the gloomyevil auracrazily!
The shorttime, Jun ChangxiaoandFive Absolutes Evil Saintfightdozensmoves, each otherdoes not know one's place, foughtinextricably involved.
“嘭---”Two peopletoputting together a palm, is one after another separated, maintainscertaindistance.
两人又对拼一掌,相继分开,保持一定距离。On the Five Absolutes Evil Saintghostwhite facehasunbelievable.五绝邪圣煞白脸上有着难以置信。this childnot onlyhasmostBody of Holy Flame, of coursein the spirit energyintensityis unexpectedly vigorous, howto cultivate!此子不仅有最圣炎之体,在灵能强度上竟然也非常浑厚,到底怎么修炼的!Said.
Since 3000, did the worldchange?
The young peoplehave the sovaliantstrength, canjump the ranksto challengeSovereign Levelbykinglevel?
不。Thisworldhas not changed.
这个世界没变。MainlyisJun Changxiao that passes through, hisheishack!
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