SSAT :: Volume #7

#632: Tomb of Hundred Faces Healing Saint Husband and Wife

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Jun Changxiao brings Xi Jingxuan to walk into a cave mansion, peak embed similar legendary luminous pearl one thing, the interior of photo shines well-illuminated. 君常笑带着奚婧璇又走入一个洞府,顶端镶嵌类似夜明珠一样的东西,照的内部通明发亮。 This place not like the cave mansion that excavates artificially, looks like the construction the palace, eight Zhu Zi support, above is carving lifelike birds and beasts. 此地并不像人工开凿的洞府,更像修建的宫殿,还有八根柱子支撑,上面雕刻着栩栩如生的飞禽走兽。 The atmosphere is the atmosphere, but also passes is sending gloomily. 大气是大气,但也透发着阴森。 Jun Changxiao walks cautiously, comes to the central region quickly. 君常笑小心翼翼走过去,很快来至中央区域。 There has stack one zhang (3.33 m) high stone platform, above is placing two sarcophagi, perhaps is old, passes is sending the bleak aura. 那里有着堆砌的一丈高石台,上面摆放着两口石棺,也许年代久远,透发着荒凉气息。 Buried isn't a person?” Jun Changxiao is stunned. “葬的不是一个人?”君常笑愕然。 , The son will transmit cough to cough the sound suddenly suddenly, making him quickly stand guard to turn around, sees the darkness that cannot illuminate luminously, humpbacked Laozi/father walks. 正要走上去,突然冷不丁儿传来嗽声,让他急忙警戒转身,就见光亮照不到的黑暗处,一名驼背老子走出来。 His dishevelled hair uncombed hair, like the firewood, the complexion does not have the least bit blood-color skinnyly, if not in the muddy vision also passes is sending the life aura, is very easy to let think that is a corpse. 他蓬头乱发,枯瘦如柴,脸色更无半点血色,若非浑浊目光中还透发着生命气息,很容易让以为又是一具尸体。 Who are you?” Jun Changxiao vigilant say/way. “你是谁?”君常笑警惕道。 old man said with a smile witheredly: Young kid, arrives at the goal that I protect, these words should be I asked that you are right.” 老者干瘪一笑道:“小娃儿,来到我守护的目的,这句话应该是我问你才对。” Sound cold Leng Sen dense/woods, ghost like hidden hell. 声音冷冷森森,就像隐藏地府的鬼。 Jun Changxiao can hear, the sound and a moment ago similar that resounded outside, nothing but lacked the heavy/thick and bleak feeling. 君常笑听得出来,声音和刚才在外面响起的相似,无非缺少厚重和荒凉感。 „Are you here defending grave person?” “你是这里的守墓人?” not wrong.” 不错。” old man looks to Xi Jingxuan, said: You can break the love, pours also has the qualifications to worship my master.” 老者看向奚婧璇,道:“你们能破掉情缘之界,倒也有资格来拜祭我家主人。” Jun Changxiao said: Whose grave this is.” 君常笑道:“这是谁的墓。” Hundred Faces Healing Saint husband and wife.” 百面医圣夫妇。” old man seemingly said is very optional, but the pupil actually exudes a pain. 老者看似说的很随意,但眸子却泛起一丝痛苦来。 Stands shakes in the following Xi Jingxuan body slightly, dejectedly said completely: Originally the great doctor senior really passed away......” 站在后面的奚婧璇身子轻微一抖,满是沮丧道:“原来医圣前辈真的作古了……” Seeks the world famous doctor, is unable to cure the eye disease, Hundred Faces Healing Saint is she only hopes, now the person had died, without doubt is very serious attack. 寻得天下名医,无法治好眼疾,百面医圣是她唯一希望,如今人已死去,无疑是非常沉重的打击。 Jun Changxiao said: Palace Master Xi, so long as your I am also living, certainly also hopeful, cannot be deliberately bad, cannot easily speak to give up!” 君常笑道:“奚宫主,只要你我还活着,就一定还有希望,不可自暴自弃,不可轻言放弃!” At this time, he wished one could to throw all encouraging chicken Tang Wenquan. 这时候,他恨不得将所有励志鸡汤文全抛出来。 Being too late. 为时已晚。 Death of Hundred Faces Healing Saint, is too big to the attack that Xi Jingxuan delivered, the state of mind of whole person had been covered by that type thoroughly completely discouraged. 百面医圣的作古,给奚婧璇带来的打击太大,整个人的心境已彻底被那种万念俱灰所笼罩。 hū hū ---- 呼呼----” Shortly, one manic strength erupts. 顷刻间,一汩汩狂躁力量爆发出来。 Ended!” “完了!” The Jun Changxiao corners of the mouth pull out. 君常笑嘴角微抽。 Stands in the behind Xi Jingxuan black hair chaotic dance, the empty look becomes coldly is instantaneously severe. 站在身后的奚婧璇黑发乱舞,空洞的眼神瞬间变得冷厉起来。 shuā! 刷! Sect Master Jun turns around suddenly, buckles wants to the breath and pulse block in her wrist/skill! 君宗主猛然转身,扣在她手腕上欲要将气脉封锁! Bang--- 嘭--- However, the Xi Jingxuan whole body as if contains some strength, will immediately touch with it, then like suffering the electric shock was shot. 但是,奚婧璇周身仿佛蕴含某种力量,当即将与之触摸,便是如同遭受电击般被弹了出去。 Well?” “咦?” That old man is surprised the different way: This girl is sick.” 老者诧异道:“这女娃有病。” „......” “……” Jun Changxiao collapses immediately. 君常笑顿时崩溃。 The Old First/Boss master, this is not sick, this is the character has the issue! 老大爷,这不是有病,这是性格有问题! Palace Master Xi......” 奚宫主……” Death!” “死!” Xi Jingxuan cold sound shouted, subsequently found out the palm, the gathering endures to rumble compared with peak Martial King’s cultivation base. 奚婧璇冷声喝道,继而探出手掌,汇聚堪比巅峰武王的修为轰了过来。 Jun Changxiao single-handed easy catching, tries to block the breath and pulse again, finally came back by some type of strength ball, unavoidablily under covers her wrist/skill backhandedly, said: Palace Master Xi, offended!” 君常笑单手轻而易举的接住,再次试图封锁气脉,结果还是被某种力量弹回来,不得已之下反手将她手腕扣住,道:“奚宫主,得罪了!” - -- The hand blade wields, breaks protects body spirit energy, strikes on the back of the head, the strength of because using is big, a Xi Jingxuan body soft, direct paralysis in Jun Changxiao bosom faint in the past. 手刀挥去,破掉护体灵能,击在后脑勺上,因为用的力量不小,奚婧璇身子一软,直接瘫在君常笑怀里昏厥过去。 Is good is powerful because of the Sect Master Jun strength, otherwise has not really been able to overpower. 好在君宗主实力强悍,否则还真无法制服呢。 Young kid.” “小娃儿。” old man said: She gets sick probably heavily, you can enter the tomb no wonder, perhaps this is dark has the divine intervention.” 老者道:“她好像病得不轻,也难怪你们能进入墓地,这或许便是冥冥中自有天意吧。” Jun Changxiao has not paid attention to him, but holds Xi Jingxuan. 君常笑没理会他,而是将奚婧璇抱起来。 old man continues saying: Master planted medicinal herb before one's death once, has the effect of eradicating all doubts or problems, since you are predestined friends, that then takes away.” 老者继续道:“主人生前曾栽种了一株药材,具有根除一切疑难杂症的功效,你们既然有缘,那便拿去吧。” Where?” Jun Changxiao said. “在什么地方?”君常笑道。 Along with me comes.” “随我来。” old man turns around the line, integrates in the darkness gradually. 老者转身而行,渐渐融入黑暗之中。 Jun Changxiao considers slightly, starts with coming up, along with the opposite party arrives at another cave mansion quickly. 君常笑稍作考虑,起步跟上去,很快随对方来到另一处洞府。 Exactly said. 确切说。 Here looks like the cliff. 这里更像悬崖。 The central region has together the float flagstone, the above upholstery thick soil, by lotus flower shape medicinal herb growth that the halo covers. 中央区域有一块悬浮的石板,上面铺垫厚厚泥土,一株被光晕笼罩的莲花状药材生长其中。 Jun Changxiao looked at the past from afar, felt the thriving aura, the secretly thought: Quality is not perhaps low!” 君常笑远远看过去,感受到生机勃发的气息,暗道:“品质恐怕不低!” This was Mind Purifying Holy Lotus, the Falling Star Great Continent few divine grade raw materials for medicine, the master plants with this, wants to bring to treat and cure the madame, the result......” old man sighs, shakes the head saying: Without, when mature then passed away.” “此乃清心圣莲,星陨大陆为数不多的神品药材,主人生前栽种与此,本想拿来救治夫人,结果……”老者叹了一口气,摇头道:“还是没等到成熟便撒手人寰。” Then?” Jun Changxiao said. “然后呢?”君常笑道。 old man said: Master, although is the great doctor is difficult being cured wife's sickness, often falls into rebuking oneself, finally the choice is killed by weapons, following the madame to go.” 老者道:“主人虽是医圣却难医好妻子的病,每每身陷于自责,最后选择兵解,追随夫人而去。” The person who because loves departs, oneself chose the death, this sentiment was inspiring. 因为爱的人离去,自己选择死亡,这份感情何等可歌可泣。 old man looks at that medicinal herb, said: Mind Purifying Holy Lotus after the master falls from the sky the second year was mature.” 老者看着那株药材,道:“清心圣莲在主人陨落后第二年就成熟了。” If......” “如果……” He is grasping the fist, weeps with loud noise saying: Madame can boil for a year, the master his also not good extreme matter.” 他握着拳头,声泪俱下道:“夫人能在多熬一年,主人他也就不会行极端之事了。” Jun Changxiao has not spoken. 君常笑始终没说话。 The Saint of medical ethics, is actually not able to cure including own wives, finally died in the bosom slowly, that type is painful and despairs, but thinks to make the person mind low-spirited. 医道之圣,却连自己的妻子都无法治好,最后慢慢在怀里死去,那种痛苦和绝望,只是想一想就让人不免心神黯然。 In a flash. 一瞬间。 Jun Changxiao as if integrates strange realm, as observer, sees Hundred Faces Healing Saint to plant that purifying the mind net lotus, then saw that finally follows being killed by weapons picture that the lover goes. 君常笑仿佛融入奇怪境界,以旁观者身份,看到百面医圣栽种那颗清心净莲,然后又看到最后追随爱人而去的兵解画面。 What during being published the sentiment is, teaches the life and death to permit, far apart dual flight guest, old wing several chapters of winter and summer. 问世间情是何物,直教生死相许,天南地北双飞客,老翅几回寒暑。 The happy pleasure, leaves the pain, has the crazy children, monarch should have the language, a vast ten thousand li (0.5 km) stratus cloud, the Qian mountain evening snow, only the shadow goes to whom. 欢乐趣,离别苦,就中更有痴儿女,君应有语,渺万里层云,千山暮雪,只影向谁去。 ...... …… This Mind Purifying Holy Lotus you can take away, treats this girl, calculates that finished the master to regret.” old man said. “这株清心圣莲你可以拿去,来医治这女娃,也算了却主人生前遗憾了。”老者说道。 Many thanks.” Jun Changxiao said. “多谢。”君常笑道。 „.” “不过。” old man reminded: Around medicinal herb arranges the love, only if being predestined friends men and women go to break together only then, otherwise breaks not takes away the possibility.” 老者提醒道:“药材周围布置情缘之界,除非一对有缘的男女共同前去方可破掉,否则断无拿走可能。” You previously can break barrier of tunnel with this girl, explained the sentiment to be deep, should no problem.” “你和这女娃先前能破掉地洞的结界,说明感情深厚,应该没问题。” Jun Changxiao immediately startled. 君常笑顿时愕然。 I and Palace Master Xi but friend relates, the affection of where coming is deep, you speak at a venture again, I may probably consider you to slander! 我和奚宫主只是朋友关系,哪来的感情深厚,你再乱说话,我可要告你诽谤了! Does not manage, first tries. 不管了,先去试试。 Jun Changxiao holds Xi Jingxuan to jump up, flies toward the front float flagstone, then easy integrated barrier to fall in front of Mind Purifying Holy Lotus. 君常笑抱着奚婧璇纵身一跳,向着前面悬浮的石板飞去,然后轻而易举的融入结界落在了清心圣莲面前。 Really, sentiment gold/metal is firm!” “果然,情比金坚!” old man said: Child, this medicinal herb is sacred, needs to dig cautiously, ten thousand may not the income space ring, in order to avoid lost the intelligence.” 老者道:“小娃,这药材非常神圣,需要小心翼翼挖出来,万不可收入空间戒指,以免损耗了灵性。” Jun Changxiao is holding Xi Jingxuan, then digs the soil gently, digs out Mind Purifying Holy Lotus slowly. 君常笑一手抱着奚婧璇,然后轻轻刨开泥土,将清心圣莲慢慢挖出。 Under the short distance contact, he can feel extremely pure life aura, even if smells the fragrance fragrance that float gently, the spirit will also feel pumped up. 近距离接触下,他能感受到一股极其精纯的生命气息,哪怕轻轻嗅一嗅飘来的芬香味,精神也会为之一振。 The divine grade medicinal herb, really suffices to be good! 神品药材,果然够牛! shuā! 刷! Picked Mind Purifying Holy Lotus gently, then holds Xi Jingxuan to fly back same place. 轻轻将清心圣莲摘了过来,然后抱着奚婧璇飞回原地。 -- 呼--— However, just stood firm the body, the side emerges a cold severe potential, sees only that old man skinny five fingers implication strength, suddenly the son grasped suddenly! 然而,刚稳住身子,侧面涌现一股冷厉之势,只见那名老者枯瘦的五指蕴含力量,突然冷不丁儿抓了过来! Bang! 嘭! The loud sound transmits, shakes the entire mountain massif to shiver! 巨响传来,震得整个山体都在颤抖! Thump! Thump! Thump! 噔!噔!噔! old man draws back crazily several steps, the light exudes with astonishment. 老者狂退好几步,光泛起惊愕。 Jun Changxiao is entirely still to stand in same place, the whole body was filled by flame layer upon layer, just like the substantializing flame defense wall. 君常笑纹丝不动立在原地,周身被一层层火焰弥漫,犹如实质化的火焰防御墙。 He holds Xi Jingxuan single-handedly, takes Mind Purifying Holy Lotus single-handedly, lightly said: Your this bad old man bad.” 他一手抱奚婧璇,一手拿清心圣莲,淡淡道:“你这糟老头子坏的很。”
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