400-500spacerings, eachhas100,000medicinal herbseeds.
It is not good, is not good.
The Sect Master Junnumbercannot learn, whohelpscalculate!君宗主数学不好,谁来帮忙算算!
The medicinal herbquality in spaceringis very good, the rankis not inevitably low, manycanbringto plantto refinepill medicine!
空间戒指里的药材成色很好,等级必然不低,还有很多可以拿来栽种炼制丹药!Jun Changxiaowas worrying how lanemoreraw materials for medicine, enter the tombnowonetoso many, immediatelyraisesjust like the Dream Realmnotthird dimension.君常笑正愁如何去弄更多的药材来,如今进入墓地一下给那么多,顿时升起恍如梦境的不真实感。Wait!
Can thisplacehavesomeillusion, whatoneselfthink, whatgivesto transform?
此地会不会存在某种幻境,自己心里想什么,就给幻化出什么?Jun Changxiaopinchedruthlesslyonownface.君常笑在自己脸上狠狠捏了一下。Hurtingisverysore, but the scene remains at present, makinghimdeterminetruly difficult,thishemeowisreallyorfalse.
疼是很疼,但眼前景象仍存在,让他实难确定,这他喵到底是真还是假。Does not manage.
不管了。Firsttook awaysaidagain!
先收走再说!Takes away the spaceringcompletely, near the earblows the cold windsuddenly, seemssomepeopleto standin the backflushes air!
正要将空间戒指全部收走,耳边突然吹来冷风,就好像有人站在背后吹气!Jun Changxiaohas transferred the head, in the field of visionpresents a face of nearlydistortion, innoseemittingspecialgas spray, the eyeis empty, does not have anylifeaurareveals.君常笑转过脑袋,视野内呈现一张近乎扭曲的脸,鼻子中喷吐特殊气雾,眼睛空洞无神,没有任何生命气息流露。Zombie?
噔噔噔!Does not know when nearbody the person of having hair dishevelledwas rumbled.
不知何时近身的披头散发之人被轰了出去。Jun ChangxiaopullsXi Jingxuanquicklyto draw backbackward.君常笑牵着奚婧璇急忙向后退。Suddenlyhasto seem‚zombie’samefellowto appear after behind, could not detectwithspiritual sensecompletely, even if the ghostpiecelooked that manyhe is also absolutely terrifiedAh!
突然有个好似‘僵尸’一样的家伙出现在身后,完全用灵念察觉不到,哪怕鬼片看多的他也毛骨悚然啊!Kaka ka!
The softsoilsplits, a bothdryhandsearches, thencrawls the person who untidy, has hair dishevelled.
The picturelike the innumerablemourningcorpses that crawlfrom the indiscriminate burial ground!
画面就像从乱坟岗爬出来的无数丧尸来!Has also encountered the similar caseinDemon Ridge Valley, but the good and evilisFierce Beast, thisis the realhumancorpse!
在魔岭谷也遇到过类似情况,不过好歹是凶兽,这可是货真价实的人类尸体!tà tà tà!踏踏踏!Corpsesare hangingboth hands, turnsto walkaskewly.
一具具尸体垂着双手,扭扭歪歪走过来。Jun Changxiaoprotectsbefore the Xi Jingxuanbody, said: „Palace Master Xi should not be afraid, hasme.”君常笑护在奚婧璇身前,道:“奚宫主别害怕,有我在。”Otherscannot see, fearhammerAh!
“刷!”HearscoldLifeng the wind sound/rumor, a corpselookattacksfiercely.
A Jun Changxiaofistthumpin the past, went out the opposite partybangmerely, the chestmatterdoes not have.君常笑一拳捶过去,仅仅将对方轰出去,胸口一点事儿没有。„Is defenseso strong?”
“防御这么强?”Thatcorpsekills, probablycannot feel the pain.
The rayflashes, Cold Glow Swordcomes out of the sheath, immediatelyshake-outswordsto be colored, goestoward the corpsebrutalseparate that attacks.
光芒一闪,寒芒剑出鞘,顿时抖出一道道剑花,朝那攻来的尸体无情割裂而去。Ding! Ding! Ding!
The sword qibangin the body, as ifhitson the sheet iron, immediatelyhears the clearsound, missed the splatteringflame!剑气轰在身体,仿佛打在铁板上,顿时传来清脆响声,就差喷溅火光了!Jun Changxiaocorner of the mouth twitchessaid: „Thisactuallypersonorstone?”君常笑嘴角抽搐道:“这倒是人还是石头?”shuā!shuā!刷!刷!In the meantime, the both sides have the corpseto clash.
就在此时,两侧又有尸体冲过来。Jun ChangxiaoholdsXi Jingxuanwithout hesitation, steps onWrapping Cloud Stepto go round, thenplacesherin the safety zone, both handsfills the burning hotflame, coldsound said: „Ithought that youhavecanresist!”君常笑毫不犹豫抱起奚婧璇,踩着纵云步绕开,然后将她安置在安全区域,双手弥漫炙热火焰,冷声道:“我看你们有多能抗!”hū hū!呼呼!
The burning hotflameerupts, condensesflamefistsealinstantaneously, towardflushingtwocorpsebangin the past!
The sound of explosiontransmits.
爆炸之声传来。Twocorpseswere rumbledto fly, the clotheswere fired, butrevealsfleshoutsideto have the burned blackshapemerely, has not receivedmortally injured.
两具尸体被轰飞出去,衣服被灼烧,但袒露在外的肌肤仅仅有焦黑状,并没受到致命伤害。„Ok, Ok!”
The Jun Changxiaodoublefistgrasps, immediatelystimulatesScarlet Star Severing Flame, gathered the fistsealbangagainin the past.君常笑双拳一握,顿时将赤星绝炎激发出来,再次汇聚拳印轰过去。Bang----
嘭----Thisstrikes, not onlycarriesdomineeringspirit energy, but alsocontainsrupturing of Fire Class, hits a corpse, pierces the chestdirectly!
这一击不仅携带强势灵能,还蕴含火系的爆裂,命中一名尸体,直接将胸口洞穿!Jun Changxiaosatisfactionsmiles.君常笑满意一笑。However, the smileis quickly stiff, because the corpsewas pierced an opening, still can also stand!
但是,笑容很快僵硬下来,因为尸体被洞穿一个豁口,仍然还能站起来!„Been able to killcockroachAh!” The Sect Master Juncollapsesaid.
“废话。”systemsaid: „Othershad died, but how also dead!”系统道:“人家本来就已经死了,还怎么死!”„Good, good!”
“好,好!”Jun Changxiaocoldly said: „Thatis reduced to ashesdirectly!”君常笑冷森道:“那就直接化为灰烬!”„shuā!”
The footstepsstart to walk, the both armsfill the dreadfulflame, thenmakes an effortto fling, will attack the corpseto coverinstantaneously, conducts burning down that mostexplodes!
脚步迈开,双臂弥漫滔天火焰,然后用力一甩,瞬间将来袭尸体笼罩,进行最为爆裂的焚烧!Scarlet Star Severing Flameisin the divine gradefire seedmostexplodes, oncemoistenson the body, the strength of formedburning downis extremely intense.赤星绝炎是神品火种中最为爆裂的,一旦沾在身上,形成的焚烧之力极其强烈。
The corpsewas swallowedby the flame, just like the hotperson, hardbodygraduallyfriendlyfever, untilbeing reduced to ashes!
The strongmortal bodycannot resistburning downfromdivine gradeflameagain.
再强肉身也抵不住来自神品火焰的焚烧。shuā!刷!shuā!刷!Meanwhile, dozenscorpsesthrowfromanotherthreedirections!
“全都给我消失!”hū hū-----呼呼-----Scarlet Star Severing Flameerupts, the cavemostpartwas filledby the flame, as ifchanges to a sea of fire!赤星绝炎爆发,山洞大半部分被火焰弥漫,仿佛化作一片火海!
This is the first time that Jun Changxiao the strongestflamewill fully erupt, power and influencemakesbehindmakesXi Jingxuanbe moved!
这是君常笑第一次将最强火焰全面爆发,威势之强让身后的让奚婧璇为之动容!Althoughis unable to look atthatmagnificentpicturewith the eye, butfromfilling the air the hot temperedFire Classaura can also determine, regardless of the intensityor the precision, are too more than Raging Flames Holy Sectelder!
虽然无法用眼睛去看那壮观画面,但从弥漫出的暴躁火系气息也能判定,无论强度还是精度,都比烈焰圣宗长老强太多!Kaka ka!
咔咔咔!Under the flame incinerator, broadcasts the sound that burnssimilarlyunceasingly, corpseswere reduced to ashesunder the burning hotsea of fire!
The flametakes back, hasnearby more than 40corpsesto be burnt the remnantashcompletely.
火焰收回,存在附近的四十多具尸体全部被焚成残灰。Scarlet Star Severing Flame, terrifyingin this way!赤星绝炎,恐怖如斯!
The Jun Changxiaoanxioushastytakes back the spaceringcompletely, drawsXi Jingxuanto goto the nextentranceline, secretly thought: „Firstis the medical skill, is the medicinal herbseed, perhapsthistombis really relatedwithHundred Faces Healing Saint.”君常笑急忙忙将空间戒指全部收回,拉着奚婧璇向下一个入口行去,暗道:“先是医术,又是药材种子,也许这墓地真和百面医圣有关。”systemsaid: „Ijustchecked the history book, aboverecords, the place that Hundred Faces Healing SaintpresentsfinallyconvenientisSouthern Huang Province.”系统道:“我刚查了史书,上面记载,百面医圣最后出现的地方便是南荒州。”Thisfellowhas been collecting the mainlandinformation, historical documentanythingnaturallycannotmiss.
The informationis very important, makingJun Changxiaofirm, even ifthisgravegraveoccupantis notHundred Faces Healing Saint, definitelyalsohas the complicatedrelationswithhim.
当然。CannottellXi Jingxuan, ifwere stimulateddejectedly, thathadtroublesome.
“而且。”systemsaid: „According to the limitedmaterialrecord, Hundred Faces Healing SaintcomesSouthern Huang Province, totreatto have the serious illnesswife.”系统道:“根据有限的资料记载,百面医圣来南荒州,是为了医治身患重病的妻子。”Jun Changxiaosaidstartled: „Isn't he a great doctor? even/including can't wife'ssicknesscure?”君常笑愕然道:“他不是医圣吗?连妻子的病都治不好?”systemsaid: „Thisis unable to know.”系统道:“这就无从可知了。”Jun Changxiaohad not askedagain,bringingXi Jingxuanto enter the tunnelto the deep placevanguard.君常笑没再多问,带着奚婧璇进入隧道向更深处前行。Hejustleft, varioussect gateexpertsthenflood intofrom the behindtunnel, each and every oneis in an extremely difficult situation, the clothes have manybreakages, as ifexperienced a fierce battle.
他刚刚离开,各宗门高手便从后面隧道涌入,一个个狼狈不堪,衣服也有多处破损,似乎经历了一场恶战。hū hū-呼呼--
The peoplestop, rapidrespite.
“可恶!”Raging Flames Holy Sectelderangrily said: „Howinthistombto haveso manyrock-solidcorpses?”烈焰圣宗长老怒道:“这墓地里怎会有那么多坚如磐石的尸体?”
It is not coarseleaves.
不难听出。Theyalsomet the mortal bodyextremelystrongcorpse.
他们也遇到了肉身极强的尸体。However, Jun Changxiaocamefrom the routea moment ago, howto have bumped into?
但是,君常笑从刚才路线而来,怎么就没碰到?This saying to be a long story.
这话说来话长。In brief, Jun Changxiaoandthey, althoughcomes from the tunnelentrance, because the interiorcontainssomebanto exist, whatwalkedis not a road.
简而言之,君常笑和他们虽然都是从地洞入口进来的,但因为内部蕴含某种禁制存在,走的并非一条路。Otherwiseboth sidesgo about the same time, caught uplong time ago, will not be spread outthatfar.
The region that Old Geand the othersentered, alsohas the manymedicineold book, the peoplewere mistaken that was the martial artsrare bookthereforethensnatched.葛老等人进入的区域,同样也有很多医药古籍,众人误以为是武学秘籍于是便抢了起来。Rushes, onecrowd of corpsesappear.
抢着抢着,一群尸体出现。Without the means that everyone can only show no external differencesjointly, the bigfee/spentflusteredunderroutsandarrives at the cave of thissimilarmedicinegardenit.
The Raging Flames Holy Sectelderknits the browssuddenly, said: „Thisplacehasextremelystrongflameaura!”烈焰圣宗长老突然皱起眉,道:“此地存在着极强的火焰气息!”AsFire ClassMartial Sovereign, has the extremelystrongsensationregarding the sameattribute.
身为一名火系武皇,对于同属性有着极强感知。Asgraduallyspies onandanalyzes, hismindwas shocked, andstartledsay/way: „ReleaseFire Classmartial cultivator, toflamecomprehensioninevitablyaboveoneself!”
The Raging Flames Holy Sectelderthought ofJun Changxiaosuddenly, after allheandWonderful and Magnificent Palacepalace master first stepcomes.烈焰圣宗长老突然想到了君常笑,毕竟他和妙华宫宫主先一步进来。
The hearsay, this childprobably is also Fire Classmartial cultivator, butkinglevel the level, whyis strongtoflamecomprehensionunexpectedly!
“奇怪。”Old Geknits the brows: „Herehowwhatalso?”葛老则皱眉道:“这里怎么什么也没有?”Sect Master Junhas come toplace, ifremains a thingtoyou, that was really weird.君宗主来过的地方,如果给你们剩点东西,那就真是邪门了。
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