SSAT :: Volume #7

#630: This is must get rich Ah

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When Jun Changxiao brings Xi Jingxuan to integrate the tunnel flash, then realized oneself have this good fortune! 君常笑带着奚婧璇融入地洞一瞬间,便意识到自己有这个造化! Very good, very good! 很好,很好! Inside airdrop box all was my! 里面空投箱全是我的了! Outside various group of powerhouses, your being doomed wasted effort! 外面的各路强者,你们注定竹篮打水一场空! At that moment, Sect Master Jun wants to study Old Zhen, sends out Jie Jie Jie strange laughter, expresses own joyous feelings! 那一刻,君宗主很想学甄老,发出‘桀桀桀’怪笑声,来表达自己的喜悦之情! However. 然而。 Just stood firm the body, resounded the bleak sound on hearing outside. 刚稳住身子,就听到外面响起荒凉声音。 Not! 不是吧! I and Xi Jingxuan come , can they enter? Wants such pit father! 我和奚婧璇进来,他们就能自行进入?要不要这么坑爹! The time does not allow Sect Master Jun to go excessively to consider much, what realizes to present the front is a jet black tunnel, quickly draws the Xi Jingxuan half step to walk. 时间不容君宗主去过多考虑,意识到呈现面前的是一个漆黑隧道,急忙拉着奚婧璇快步走进去。 Two manpower had not loosened. 两人手一直就没松开过。 This Sect Master Jun straightened out actually not suddenly, mainly others have the eye disease, is not pulling in the black not deep winter environment, what to do if knocks to bump into. 这倒不是君宗主突然开窍了,主要人家有眼疾,在黑不隆冬的环境里不牵着走,万一磕到碰到怎么办。 Feels temperature and unusual feeling that the palm transmits, Xi Jingxuan whole piece face boiling hot. 感受到手掌传来的温度和异样感,奚婧璇整张脸都滚烫起来。 However, knows oneself and he rectify conduct at the strange place, then has not struggled, whatever the enemy is pulling. 不过,也知道自己和他正身处在诡异地方,便没挣扎的任由对方牵着走。 shuā! 刷! shuā! 刷! Two people just went along the tunnel line, Raging Flames Holy Sect elder and Old Ge and the others have flooded into. 两人刚沿着隧道行去,烈焰圣宗长老和葛老等人已经涌入。 These in martial artist of surrounding also with. 那些在外围的武者也跟来了。 Although there is a self-knowledge, is unable to slice in many sect gate experts, before but is 3000 tomb, certainly must experience. 虽然有自知之明,在诸多宗门高手中无法分一杯羹,但既然是三千年前的墓地,肯定要去见识见识。 In no one cares can have the danger, because the curiosity defeated the reason. 没人在意里面会不会有危险,因为好奇心战胜了理智。 Suddenly. 一时间。 Encircled all goes in martial artist 2,000-3,000 bright martial artist of rock forest. 围在怪石林的武者2,000-3,000明武者全进去了。 Not difficult to imagine, if inside really has what heaven and earth treasure, will make the many person fall into inevitably crazily. 不难想象,如果里面真有什么天才地宝,势必会让很多人陷入疯狂。 Master went.” “主人进去了。” Xiao Moxian sits on the giant stone of distant place, honk the mouth said: Left behind me quite to say bored.” 小魔仙坐在远处的巨石上,嘟嘴道:“留下我一个人好无聊的说。” ...... …… hū hū- 呼呼-- In the dark tunnel the cold wind non-stop blowing, one type seems places oneself the feeling of hell. 黑暗的隧道里冷风不停吹,着实给人一种好似置身地狱的感觉。 Here darkness is unable to disturb Xi Jingxuan, because she year to year and dark is a partner, but feels that gloomy and cold, then asks: Sect Master Jun, we where?” 这里的黑暗无法干扰奚婧璇,因为她常年与黑暗为伴,不过感受到那股阴冷,便开口询问道:“君宗主,我们在什么地方?” „A very deep tunnel.” Jun Changxiao said. “一个很深的隧道。”君常笑道。 Xi Jingxuan said: Can have the trap?” 奚婧璇道:“会不会有陷阱?” Hope does not have.” “希望没有吧。” Jun Changxiao said that while stimulates Spirit Armor, arms the whole body. 君常笑一边说,一边激发灵铠,将全身武装起来。 Two people walked several hundred steps in the tunnel, then enters in a quite spacious pit hole, the dark environment also shone gradually. 两人在隧道行走了数百步,然后进入一个比较宽敞的石洞里,原本黑暗环境也渐渐亮起来。 Here has stone bed, stone Deng, and cist, some probably people had once lived in this place. 这里有石床、石凳、以及石柜,好像有人曾在此地居住过。 Before Jun Changxiao brings Xi Jingxuan is arriving at the cist, above is placing the many spotless books, spiritual sense sweeps is and medical skill and medicine say/way related old book. 君常笑带着奚婧璇走到石柜前,上面摆放着很多一尘不染的书卷,灵念一扫全是和医术、药道有关的古籍。 Is it possible that the tomb owner person before death is a expert who is skilled in the qi and huang? 莫非,墓主人生前是一名精通岐黄的高手? Palace Master Xi.” 奚宫主。” Jun Changxiao inquired: „Before 3000, what can Falling Star Great Continent have most representative powerhouse?” 君常笑询问道:“三千年前,星陨大陆可有什么最具代表的强者吗?” This......” “这个……” Xi Jingxuan does slightly silent, said: Probably are very many, for example scolds to be surprised Lingyun Sword Saint that the wind and cloud dragon mark Martial Saint, acts willfully, to have doing a good job and solving matters quickly Hundred Faces Healing Saint.” 奚婧璇稍作沉默,道:“好像挺多的,比如叱诧风云的龙纹武圣、一意孤行的凌云剑圣、还有手到病除的百面医圣。” These that she enumerates, before will be 3000, top powerhouse, is the legend of that time. 她列举的这些,都是三千年前顶尖强者,也是属于那个时代的传奇。 People might ask, why is the Saint? 有人会问,为何全是圣? Because before ten thousand years, Emperor various fights, after the mainland was split up, only then nine people can step into the emperor level. 因为万载前诸帝大战,大陆被四分五裂后,只有九人可以踏入帝级。 The many powerhouse infers, the heaven and earth order was destroyed, is unable to hold more powerhouses, therefore the arrange/cloth got down the ban. 很多强者推断,天地秩序遭到破坏,无法容纳更多强者,故此才布下了禁制。 Nine Great Martial Emperors is supreme existence, but does not dye the common custom, the mainland is only spreading their legend, no one has seen the main body fortunately. 九大武帝乃至高无上的存在,但不染世俗,大陆只流传着他们的传说,无人有幸见过本尊。 Martial Emperor, Martial Saint naturally was in Falling Star Great Continent the topest powerhouse. 武帝不出,武圣自然就是星陨大陆中最顶尖的强者了。 Although they have very long life, is actually perceiving through meditation always, only spied on Heavenly Mystery for the lifetime, became tenth Martial Emperor. 他们虽有很长的寿元,却无时无刻不在参悟,只为有生之年窥探天机,成为第十武帝 What a pity. 可惜。 Many Saint Level seek livehood in the despair, died in the despair, in the end nothing but illusion. 多少圣级在绝望中求生,在绝望中死去,到头来无非镜花水月。 Hundred Faces Healing Saint?” 百面医圣?” Jun Changxiao said: „Others?” 君常笑道:“他人呢?” Xi Jingxuan shakes the head saying: Has vanished was very long, no one knows where he went.” 奚婧璇摇头道:“已经消失很久了,没人知道他去了什么地方。” Jun Changxiao holds the chin, guessed: On stone frame has many and medicine related books, won't be burying Hundred Faces Healing Saint?” 君常笑托着下巴,猜测道:“石架上有很多和医药有关的书籍,不会葬着百面医圣吧?” Is impossible.” “不可能。” Xi Jingxuan said: Great doctor senior medical skill is superb, how to fall from the sky.” 奚婧璇道:“医圣前辈医术出神入化,怎么会陨落。” Has her of eye disease, once sent people to look for hundred doctors, after all own eye disease perhaps only then he can treat, if falls from the sky is equal to losing the hope thoroughly. 身患眼疾的她,曾派人寻找过百面医生,毕竟自己的眼疾也许只有他才能治疗,如果陨落就等于彻底失去希望。 Jun Changxiao said: My but guesses carelessly.” 君常笑道:“我只是胡乱猜的。” Sect Master Jun.” 君宗主。” Xi Jingxuan said: What were these books names?” 奚婧璇道:“这些书籍名字叫什么?” I have a look.” “我看看。” Jun Changxiao does not dare to take with the hand, but is spiritual sense locking, said: Was called hundred mixed, was called the meridians grand ceremony, was called in the qi and huang.” 君常笑没敢用手去拿,而是灵念锁定,道:“一本叫百家杂经,一本叫经络大典,还有一本叫岐黄内经。” The Xi Jingxuan heart sinks, said: These were the great doctor senior in the past the medical book of work,......” 奚婧璇心一沉,道:“这些都是医圣前辈当年著作的医书,难道……” At this point, the complexion is gradually depressed, said: Had really passed away?” 说到这里,脸色渐渐沮丧下来,道:“真的已经作古?” Sect Master Jun hurried say/way: Palace Master Xi 10 million (surely/countless) do not let one's thoughts wander, perhaps these are the transcriptions of great doctor senior, some people bring to work as the funeral object!” 君宗主急忙道:“奚宫主千万别乱想,也许这些不过是医圣前辈的副本,有人拿来当陪葬品呢!” He remembers clearly, once the Xi Jingxuan mood falls into dejectedly, will enter the violent to walk the condition immediately! 他可是清楚记得,奚婧璇心情一旦陷入沮丧,就会马上进入暴走状态! Xi Jingxuan said with a smile brightly ; I also think!” 奚婧璇灿烂一笑道;“我也这么认为!” - 呼-- Jun Changxiao breathes a sigh of relief, secretly thought: Fortunately, fortunately.” 君常笑长舒一口气,暗道:“还好,还好。” Sect Master Jun.” 君宗主。” Xi Jingxuan said: „The medicine work of great doctor senior, at the present was also very rare, why not to take away it?” 奚婧璇道:“医圣前辈的医药著作,在如今也是很少见了,何不将它收走呢?” Is having this intent.” “正有此意。” Jun Changxiao read covers the books, in its income space ring, completed the security at the same time. 君常笑念笼罩书籍,将其收入空间戒指内,与此同时做好了警戒。 Finally, has not triggered the mechanism/organization trap. 结果,并没触发机关陷阱。 Is so simple?” “这么简单?” Jun Changxiao is quite stunned. 君常笑颇为愕然。 In his opinion, the so strange tomb, should proliferate the mechanism/organization, oneself take away the books possibly to trigger. 在他看来,如此诡异的墓地,应该遍布机关,自己拿走书籍可能会触发。 Walks.” “走。” Jun Changxiao has not stopped in the cave mansion, bringing Xi Jingxuan to enter the east another tunnel, then the line, comes to a more spacious cave again. 君常笑没在洞府多做停留,带着奚婧璇进入东边另一个隧道,然后一路行去,再次来至一个更为宽大的山洞。 Here ground is not a stone, but by the soil structure, stepping on is quite soft, probably by just plow. 这里地面并非石头,而是由泥土构造而成,踩上去颇为松软,就好像被刚刚犁过。 Medicine garden?” Jun Changxiao secretly thought. “药园吗?”君常笑暗道。 The cave central region has a stage, above places the many wicker basket, approached to look, inside placed unexpectedly all was space rings! 山洞中央区域有个高台,上面摆放很多箩筐,走近了一看,里面摆放的竟全是一枚枚空间戒指! The wicker basket of this specification multipurpose comes the abundant medicinal herb generally, now the abundant space ring, really passes is sending strangely. 这种规格的箩筐一般多用来盛纳药材,如今盛空间戒指,实在透发着诡异。 Jun Changxiao brings one cautiously, spiritual sense easily integrates, finally immediately opens the mouth. 君常笑小心翼翼拿来一枚,灵念轻易融入其中,结果马上张开嘴巴。 In the space ring of this medium storage scale, installed is all kinds of medicinal herb seeds, little said also 100,000-200,000! 这中型储存规模的空间戒指里,装的全是各种各样的药材种子,少说也得也100,000-200,000! shuā! 刷! Quickly inspects several other, inside hold accept similarly medicinal herb seed! 急忙检查另外几枚,里面盛纳的同样还是药材种子! A space ring calculates 100,000 medicinal herb seeds, the space ring that the wicker basket places has more than 500! 一枚空间戒指算十万药材种子,箩筐摆放的空间戒指足足有五百多枚! My kind of biological mother.” “俺类个亲娘。” Jun Changxiao was startled the mountain Dongfang/east word wind to come out, said: This is must get rich Ah!” 君常笑惊得山东方言都飙出来了,道:“这是要发财!”
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