The appearance of side mission, makingJun Changxiaoguess,hereperhapsdoes not havesupreme treasure, buthassomerestricted area.支线任务的出现,让君常笑猜测,这里也许并没至宝,而是存在某种禁地。but, and otherdouble-hour, stillnosound.只是,又等半个时辰,仍然没什么动静。„ladies and gentlemen.”
The Raging Flames Holy Secteldersaid: „Dispersed.”烈焰圣宗长老道:“都散了吧。”Heandotherpowerhouses first stepcatches up, had waited for 78daysinthisplace.
他和其他强者先一步赶过来,已经在此地等了七八天。According to the pastrule.
根据以往规律。So long asthere is a phenomenonto raise, supreme treasureis definitely born, will not tow is so long.
只要有异象升起,至宝肯定出世,不会拖那么久。„Walks, walks.”
“走吧,走吧。”martial artist of manysurroundingstartsto evacuate.很多外围的武者开始撤离。Thesepeopleknow,variousmajor sectpowerhousescame, oneselffartcannot mix, watches the funcompletely, nowhas not seensupreme treasure, can only return disappointed.
走吧。Is quick.
都快走吧。Onlystays behindwithmyPalace Master Xion the line.
In Jun Changxiaoponders, a Martial Sovereignstartledsay/way: „Lookedquickly, in the pithas the sound!”
就在君常笑思考之际,一名武皇惊道:“快看,坑里有动静!”shuā!shuā!shuā!刷!刷!刷!Variousgroup of powerhouses who the preparationmustleavethenlook,thenseesjust likesmall pit of fist, is spreadingtooutside, probablywas dugintentionallymuchin a big way.
准备要离开的各路强者纷纷回头看去,便见原本犹如拳头的小坑,正向外蔓延,好像被人故意挖大了不少。Whatis strangeis.
The pitis gradually increasing, the soilvanishedbaseless!
渐渐地。small pitextendsinfinitelyoutward, finallyforms a similartunnelentrance!
小坑无限向外延伸,最后形成一个类似地洞般的入口!Jun Changxiaocorner of the mouth twitches.君常笑嘴角抽搐。It seems like that thisshouldbe the restricted areaentrance.
看来,这应该是禁地入口了。Butyourcannotwait forthemto be exposedcame outagain!!
但你丫的就不能等他们都走光了再出来吗!!hū hū----呼呼----
The strong windscome, bloweverywheredust!
狂风呼啸而来,吹起漫天尘土!manymartial cultivatorlifts the armto prevent the sandstormsubconsciously, evencloses the eye.很多武修下意识抬起手臂阻挡风沙,甚至闭上眼睛。„In 3000.”
“三千年了。”„Thegrave that Iprotect, shouldreappear the daylight.”
“吾守护的这座墓,也该重现天日了。”„thouand othersgatheredinthis, is being predestined friendsperson, can obtainin the grave the treasure, looked at the respectivegood fortune.”
The vigorousandoldsoundpasses onsuddenlyin the rockforest.
浑厚又苍老的声音在怪石林突然传起。SeveralMartial Sovereigncomplexionschangesuddenly.
The sound of suddenly resounding, contains a specialstrengthto go straight to the mind, bringindescribableshock!
突然响起的声音,蕴含一股特殊力量可以直抵心灵,带来无法形容的震撼!Jun Changxiaoalsohasthisfeeling.君常笑也有这种感觉。
It seems like the soundfrom the starry skydeep place, passingsendsto be bleakandempty.
Does cave entrance that presentsconnect an undergroundtomb?
难道呈现出的洞口连接一个地下墓穴?AiyaIgo! Thisiswantsmeto playto rob a grave, butwedo not know the businessAh!
哎呀我去!这是要我玩盗墓吗,可咱也不懂行啊!Seeksdragon10 million (surely/countless)to lookto entangle the mountain, the single layerentanglesis the single layerpass/test.
寻龙千万看缠山,一重缠是一重关。Sect Master Junremembersin the geomancycommonly useda few words, quicklysearches the headto look aroundeverywhere, discovershererockforest, ifcalculates that mountain, thatmaybe somewhat many!君宗主想起风水中常用的一句话,急忙探着脑袋四处张望,发现这里怪石林,如果算山的话,那可真有点多了!„Originallythisplacedoes not havesupreme treasure, butis hiding a tomb!” The Raging Flames Holy Secteldergrasps principlessuddenly.
“谁的墓?”Thisissueaskedwas very good, everyone who asked is ignorant the ratio.
这个问题问的很好,问的大家伙儿全懵比了。Obviously, no oneknows.
The soundmentioned in 3000a moment ago, hadlong timeon behalf of the grave, perhapswas the tomb of someolder generationpowerhouse, insidedecidedhoweveris hidingmanyrare treasures!
The powerhousevisionon the sceneexudes the burning hot.
在场强者目光泛起炙热。Jun Changxiaosees that helplesssecretly thought: „Oneselfwantto go inalone is impossible.”君常笑见状,无奈的暗道:“自己想独自进去是不可能了。”„Walks!”
“走!”Martial Sovereignsaid: „Goesadvanced!”
一名武皇道:“先进去!”shuā!刷!Finishes speaking, thentoexpanding the tunneljumps!
嘭---However, mustworm one's way intoshortly, finallyseemshitson the wall, was shotruthlessly.
然而,眼瞅着就要钻进去,结果好似撞在墙上,被狠狠地弹了回来。Anxiouslywith the powerhousesees that immediatelyreceives the footsteps.
嗡!In the meantime, tunnelabovegathersto seemmirrorflowing lightbarrier.
“阵法?”„barrier that is prohibitedwithoutsideis exactly the same!”
“和外面禁飞的结界一模一样!”Listens tothemthen, Jun Changxiaorealizedimmediately,previouslystopped the contractbeastflightarray, shouldnot bethesesect gatepowerhousesarranges!
谁布置呢?systemsaid: „Perhapsisdefends the gravepersonto arrange?”系统道:“也许是守墓人布置的呢?”
The sound that resoundeda moment ago, had once said‚thegrave that Iprotected, shouldreappeardaylight’words, representedhimthendefends the graveperson.
刚才响起的声音,曾说过‘吾守护的这座墓,也该重现天日’的话,就代表他便是守墓人了。Was shotMartial Sovereign that flies, stands firm the bodydistressedly, a blood of wāspouts.
被弹飞出去的武皇,狼狈稳住身子,哇的一口血喷出。Otherpowerhousecorners of the mouthpull outslightly.
其他强者嘴角微微一抽。Big brother, youmustmake the bigvigorjumpshakenspitting bloodat the scene!
大哥,你得使多大劲跳下去才会被震的当场吐血!ThatMartial Sovereignis also depressed.
The ownbutnaturalfalling bodygets down, finallyprobablyhitsinsomeenergy, was not only shotto come back, but alsoinjured and meridians!
自己只是自然落体下去,结果好像撞在某种能量上,不仅被弹回来,还伤及了经脉!Martial Sovereignguessed: „Shouldbesomeban, cannottouchcasually!”
一名武皇猜测道:“应该是某种禁制,不能随便触摸!”„How do wego in?”
“等!”Thathumanity: „Waits forbarriervanished!”
那人道:“等结界消失!”Jun Changxiaowill not believehim, because after barrierappears, side missionstarts30minutes of countdown, explained,mustenter the tombwithin the given time!君常笑才不会信他,因为结界出现后,支线任务开始30分钟倒计时,如此就说明,必须在规定时间内进入墓地!„ladies and gentlemen.”
The Raging Flames Holy Secteldersaid: „The bleaksoundhad saida moment ago, in the gravehassupreme treasure, butmustlook at the good fortune, Junthinksbarrier that thispresentsperhapsis the single layertest, testsusto have the good fortuneto enter!”烈焰圣宗长老道:“刚才荒凉声音说过,墓里藏有至宝,但要看造化,君某认为这呈现的结界或许是一重考验,考验我们有没有造化进入!”Heworried that in the tunnelwill have the danger, might as wellmakeothersfirstgo to a road.
他担心地洞里会有危险,不如让别人先去趟趟路。„Reasonable!”Old Geapproves the person of same belief.
Others after the shortconsideration, approved the inference of Raging Flames Holy Sectelder.
“我来试试!”Martial Sovereigngoes out, thenjumps, fallsto the tunnel.
嘭---Samecame backby the ballwithpreviouslythatruthlessly, fallson the grounddistressedly.
和先前那位一样被狠狠弹回来,狼狈跌坐在地上。Is goodbecause , the strengthis quite strong, the butmeridiansare confused, has not spurted the bloodat the scene.
嘭----Alsowas recoiledmagnificently.
又被华丽弹回。Then, Old GeandotherMartial Sovereign, and evenMartial Kingtested, the fatewas all shaken, probablydoes not havethisgood fortune.
The Raging Flames Holy Sectelderis irritablesaid: „HowIand othersshouldgo in!”烈焰圣宗长老急躁道:“我等该如何进去!”„Sect Master Jun.”
“君宗主。”Old Gesaid: „Do youtry?”葛老道:“你来试试?”„This......”
“这个……”Jun Changxiaosaid: „Does Palace Master Xi, howalong withJuntry?”君常笑道:“奚宫主,随君某一试如何?”If by some chanceoneselfhave the good fortuneto integratebarrier, definitelycannotthrowherinthisplace.
万一自己有造化融入结界,肯定不能将她一人丢在此地。Old Geand the otherslookedtoXi Jingxuan, guessedallsecretly,is it possible thatthisisSect Master Jun’sWay Companion, orclose female friend?葛老等人看向奚婧璇,无不暗暗猜测,莫非这是君宗主的道侣,又或是红颜知己?In their opinion, likeJun Changxiaothisyoung and promisingsect master, sidedefinitelyincessantlyclose female friend.
其实。ha ha ha, does not have!哈哈哈,一个都没有!„Thisfemalea littlelooks familiar.”
“此女有点眼熟。”Martial Kingthoughtsuddenly, said: ‚ SheisWonderful and Magnificent Palacepalace master! ”
一名武王猛然想了起来,道:‘她是妙华宫宫主!”Wonderful and Magnificent Palace?妙华宫?Isthatpalace master that is honored as the wonderfulfemale?
就是那个被誉为奇女子的宫主?Old Gesaid with a smile: „Sect Master JunandWonderful and Magnificent Palacepalace masterrunssect gateyoung, the realityisa perfect match, the perfect match.”葛老笑道:“君宗主和妙华宫宫主都是年纪轻轻掌管一个宗门,实乃郎才女貌,珠联璧合。”Thiswordmakes the peoplereallybe the approval.
此言让众人甚为赞同。Malebeing in high spirits, femalepeony.
男的神采飞扬,女的国色天香。Alsois the lords of sect gate, simplyisonepair of created by heaven and earth.
还都是宗门之主,简直就是天造地设的一对。Xi Jingxuanshamesto lower the headquickly.奚婧璇羞得急忙低下头来。„Walks.”
“走。”No matterJun Changxiaoshewhether agreed that graspson the tendersmall hand.君常笑不管她是否同意,抓在柔嫩小手上。Xi Jingxuansmallface‚brushing’redwas thorough, will cast offsubconsciously, then the feelingbodyfluttered.奚婧璇小脸‘刷’一下红的更为透彻了,正要下意识甩开,便感觉身体飘了起来。Two peopleunderglare of the public eye, grazeto goto the tunnel.
与结界触摸瞬间便融了进去。„Went in!”
“进去了!”„Theywent in!”
The peoplecall out in alarmwith one voicesaid.
众人齐声惊呼道。„Is predestined friends the thousand li (500 km)to meet, threesmileworks asonein vaincrazily.”
The bleakandheavy/thicksoundresounds: „Tombbarrierhad been decodedbypair of being predestined friends, youmayenter.”
荒凉又厚重的声音响起:“墓地结界已被一对有缘者破解,尔等可自行进入。”xiū--咻--—Finishes speaking, hasbarrier of tunnelto dissipateimmediately.
When shortstartled, Old Geand otherpowerhouseswell upin abundance, speedquickprobablyanxiouslyreincarnation!
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