SSAT :: Volume #7

#628: The play passes

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In the vaults of heaven, just like mirror huge barrier to be partly visible at the same time, wants to fly directly, is definitely impossible. 苍穹间,一面犹如镜子般的巨大结界若隐若现,想从中直接飞过去,肯定不可能。 Jun Changxiao is uncomfortable, release spiritual sense integrates array, tries to decode it, finally just touched, some types seem encounter the feeling of soul attack, the anxious hasty receives! 君常笑不爽,释放灵念融入阵法,试图将其破解,结果刚触碰,就有种好似遭到灵魂打击的感觉,急忙忙收回来! This array level is a little high! 阵法层次有点高! Palace Master Xi.” 奚宫主。” Jun Changxiao said: We walk.” 君常笑道:“我们步行吧。” eh...... good......” Xi Jingxuan low voice say/way, but stretch/open Xiaolian has become red-hot popular. ……好……”奚婧璇小声的道,但张小脸已经红透了。 The body imbalance drops, was hugged by Jun Changxiao in the bosom, although fell to the ground after afterward, separates quickly, but among the men and women contacts the unusual feeling that brings, easily will not actually dissipate. 身体失衡跌落下来,被君常笑抱在怀里,虽然后来落地后很快分开,但男女之间接触带来的异样感,却不会轻易消散。 Sect Master Jun......” 君宗主……” On road, Xi Jingxuan weakly said: „Doesn't nearby have others?” 路上,奚婧璇弱弱道:“附近没别人吧?” No.” “没有。” Jun Changxiao said: Empty.” 君常笑道:“空荡荡的。” That is good, that is good.” Xi Jingxuan whispered at heart, especially remembered with him contacted a moment ago, on the face transmitted the burning hot feeling immediately again. “那就好,那就好。”奚婧璇心里嘀咕,尤其想起和他刚才接触,脸上顿时再次传来火辣辣的热感。 Since childhood lived in Wonderful and Magnificent Palace, faced is senior apprentice sister junior apprentice sister, has not naturally had the intimate body contact with the man. 自幼就在妙华宫生活,面对的都是师姐师妹,自然没和男人有过亲密身体接触。 Palace Master Xi, are you all right?” 奚宫主,你没事吧?” Jun Changxiao sees her complexion to have the difference, finally his motherfucker knew the care! 君常笑见她脸色有异样,终于他妈的知道关心了! „...... Has not been all right......” the Xi Jingxuan busy low head. “没……没事……”奚婧璇忙低下脑袋。 Jun Changxiao raised the head, looks to above array, twittering said: This desolated place should few people come, how to have array to exist?” 君常笑抬头,看向上面阵法,呢喃道:“这荒芜之地应该很少有人来,怎么会有阵法存在?” Xi Jingxuan said: Perhaps is the major sect arrangement that first comes, does not make other powerhouses easily rush to the supreme treasure birth region.” 奚婧璇道:“也许是先一步而来的大宗门布置,不让其他强者轻易赶到至宝出世区域。” „.” “呵。” Jun Changxiao sneers, said: heaven and earth treasure, is predestined friends it, this approach is really shameless.” 君常笑冷笑一声,道:“天才地宝,有缘得之,这种做法实在无耻。” Be that as it may. 话虽如此。 But who does not want sole possession of the good thing, but is others came and snatches. 但谁又不想将好东西独吞掉,而是等别人来和自己抢呢。 A two people beast in the desolated place walk, roughly walked for probably more than ten minutes, the one who presents in the field of vision is a giant gulf. 两人一兽在荒芜之地步行,约莫走了大概十多分钟,呈现视野内的是一个巨大深坑。 It seems the meteorite impact, under leaves behind the meteorite crater. 就好似陨石冲击,遗留下的陨石坑。 Palace Master Xi.” 奚宫主。” Jun Changxiao said: Very big pits, can be the rare treasure birth places greatly?” 君常笑道:“有一个很大很大的坑,会不会就是异宝出世地点?” Xi Jingxuan shakes the head, said: „Before this should be ten thousand years, that powerhouse and swallows the earth Saint ** the hand stays behind.” 奚婧璇摇了摇头,道:“这应该是万载前,那名强者和吞土圣**手留下的。” Not?” “不是吧?” Jun Changxiao is surprised the different way: Will cause that big destruction?” 君常笑诧异道:“会造成那么大的破坏?” system said: Emperor level level powerhouse fights, without space bang is unable to heal already not wrong.” 系统道:“帝级层次强者交手,没把空间轰的无法愈合就已经不错了。” Fierce, fierce.” “厉害,厉害。” Jun Changxiao secretly thought: I, if can become Martial Emperor, whom among this heaven and earth also fears?” 君常笑暗道:“我如果能成为武帝,这天地间还惧怕谁?” Bypasses the range aurora the gulf , to continue forward running , rows of similar mountain peak rock forests appear gradually. 绕过范围极光的深坑,继续向前行进,渐渐地,一排排类似山峰般的怪石林出现。 Has the person!” “有人!” The Jun Changxiao spiritual sense release, catches the stone to stand in great numbers to gather many martial artist. 君常笑灵念释放,捕捉到石林立汇聚很多武者 Here, should be the place that supreme treasure is published. 这里,应该就是至宝问世的地点了。 Sure enough. 果不其然。 Just close to the rock forest, heard martial artist to say in a low voice: Big brother, this place is not the flowing light soars to the heavens the region, why what doesn't have?” 刚刚靠近怪石林,就听到一名武者低声道:“大哥,此地不是流光冲天区域吗,为何什么都没有呢?” First comes a step major sect powerhouse not to know, you asked my I asked who goes.” Called big brother’s impatient say/way. “先来一步的大宗门强者都不知道,你问我我问谁去。”叫大哥的不耐烦道。 Stands has 2,000-3,000 people in martial cultivator of surrounding fully, cultivation base is not too high, more walked the level to be high toward inside. 站在外围的武修足有2,000-3,000人,修为不算太高,越往里面走层次就高了。 ladies and gentlemen.” 诸位。” Innermost air-to-surface place, old man that wears the fiery red long gown said: Perhaps we ran a fruitless errand one, this place did not have supreme treasure to be published.” 最里面空地处,一名身穿火红长袍的老者道:“我们恐怕白跑一趟了,此地并没至宝问世。” In sound contains the rich Fire Class aura.” Xi Jingxuan said in a low voice: Should be the Raging Flames Holy Sect elder.” “声音中蕴含浓郁火系气息。”奚婧璇低声道:“应该是烈焰圣宗的长老。” Second Rate sect gate?” 二流宗门么?” In the name of Saint sect gate, must be a Second Rate rank. 以圣为名的宗门,必是一二流级别。 Another day, All Times Sect is this level, can name with All Times Holy Sect. 他日,万古宗达到这种层次,也可以用‘万古圣宗’来命名。 Although old man of this speech is the Raging Flames Holy Sect elder, but Jun Changxiao has not watched it, the flame aura that because lends is really much weaker. 这名说话的老者虽是烈焰圣宗长老,但君常笑并没将其看在眼里,因为散发出的火焰气息实在弱得可怜。 Has in the mainland most Body of Holy Flame, he has the qualifications to despise Fire Class Martial Sovereign. 拥有大陆上最圣炎之体,他有资格藐视一名火系武皇 Elder Li.” 李长老。” Has humanity: Then the big sound, how does not have supreme treasure to be published.” 有人道:“那么大动静,怎没至宝问世呢。” Can by others early bird catches the worm?” “会不会被别人捷足先登了?” According to Southern Huang Province martial artist said, the phenomenon had not ended, Raging Flames Holy Sect and other sect gate powerhouses caught up, should no one take away?” “根据南荒州武者说,异象还没结束,烈焰圣宗和其他宗门强者就赶过来了,应该没人拿走吧?” That felt strange!” “那就奇怪了!” All influence martial artist wonders very much. 各方势力武者很纳闷。 Jun Changxiao brought Xi Jingxuan to walk. 君常笑带着奚婧璇走了进来。 This little friend.” “这位小友。” martial artist said in a low voice: Inside is a big shot, cannot go in casually.” 一名武者低声道:“里面全是大佬,可不能随便进去。” Jun Changxiao smiles , to continue forward running. 君常笑一笑,继续向前行进。 That martial artist shakes the head saying: How doesn't he listen?” 那名武者摇头道:“他怎么就不听呢?” Hehe.” “嘿嘿。” Nearby martial cultivator said: Brother stretch/open, in this world the generation of overreaching oneself also few?” 旁边的武修道:“张老弟,这世上不自量力之辈还少吗?” Everyone is thinking supreme treasure, no one cares about Jun Changxiao. 大家都在想着至宝,没人在意走进来的君常笑 Sect Master Jun stopped, swept dozens martial artist on the scene, the discovery six people of aura in the Martial Sovereign level, other all were Martial King! 君宗主停下,扫了一圈在场的几十名武者,发现其中有六人气息在武皇层次,其他全是武王 No wonder the peripheral person does not dare to come , the powerhouse of this level, cannot stir up. 难怪外围人不敢进来,这种层次的强者,根本惹不起。 Sect Master Jun!” 君宗主!” Previously must old man jointly greet with a smile. 先前要联手的老者笑着打招呼道。 The people look, the vision exudes despising that one trivial cannot be checked. 众人纷纷看去,目光泛起一丝微不可查的藐视。 The so young little fellow, can be sect master unexpectedly, perhaps not prestigious family big faction. 如此年轻的小家伙,竟然会是宗主,恐怕并非什么名门大派吧。 Old Ge.” 葛老。” Martial Sovereign said: „Do you know this person?” 一名武皇道:“你认识此人?” Old Ge said with a smile: Not only Old Man knew, you have also certainly heard.” 葛老笑着说道:“不仅老朽认识,你们也一定听说过。” ó?” ?” Some people quite said curiously: Who is he?” 有人颇为好奇道:“他是谁?” Old Ge said with a smile: This was recently in All Times Sect sect master that the Jianghu reputation is big.” 葛老笑道:“这位便是最近在江湖名声大起的万古宗宗主。” What!” “什么!” „Is he Jun Changxiao?” “他是君常笑?” The people vision exudes with astonishment. 众人目光泛起惊愕。 Peripheral martial artist all stared wide-eyed. 外围武者全都瞪大了眼睛 Urged Zhang martial artist that Jun Changxiao do not go in a moment ago, is the vision exudes to be unbelievable. 刚才劝君常笑不要进去的张姓武者,也是目光泛起难以置信来。 No wonder disregards itself, originally is All Times Sect sect master that the recent wind sound/rumor crane has! 难怪无视自己,原来是最近风声鹤起的万古宗宗主 Said ‚the generation of overreaching oneself martial artist shamefacedly lowers the head. 说‘不自量力之辈’的武者羞愧低下头。 Related All Times Sect this emerging Three A sect gate, so long as were not choke-out closes just came out, had realm martial cultivator to hear slightly! 有关万古宗这个新兴的三甲宗门,只要不是闭死关刚出来的,稍有境界武修都听说过! Hearing All Times Sect sect master is Sword and Martial Double King.” Martial Sovereign is carefully examining Jun Changxiao, questioned: Why doesn't body have the slight aura to reveal?” “听闻万古宗宗主剑武双王。”一名武皇审视着君常笑,质疑道:“身上为何没丝毫气息流露呢?” Jun Changxiao had not explained, focuses on the open area of front not far away. 君常笑没去解释,将目光放在前方不远处的空地上。 There has a hollow small pit, about half a Zhang depth. 那里有一个凹陷小坑,大约半丈深左右。 The desolated place everywhere is bumpy. 荒芜之地遍地都是坑坑洼洼。 However, this small pit contains strange aura, making him determine is not common. 不过,这个小坑蕴含着一股诡异气息,让他判定绝非寻常。 Sect Master Jun.” 君宗主。” Old Ge passes on the sound said: You look is the place of phenomenon raising.” 葛老传音道:“你看的便是异象升起之地。” ó?” ?” Jun Changxiao said: Why what also?” 君常笑道:“为何什么也没有?” Does not know.” Old Ge said. “不知道。”葛老道。 Ding! side mission triggering.” Near the ear the son hears the prompt sound suddenly. “叮!支线任务触发。”耳边冷不丁儿传来提示声。 Jun Changxiao proficiently opens the system panel, emergying side mission is- restricted area will soon open, asking host to enter in 30 minutes. 君常笑熟练拉开系统面板,新出现的支线任务为-禁地即将开启,请宿主在30分钟以内进入其中。 Will the restricted area soon open? 禁地即将开启? What do you mean? 什么意思? Is it possible that...... here does not have supreme treasure, but is hiding a restricted area, the but time has not arrived, therefore isn't able to present? 莫非……这里并没至宝,而是隐藏着一个禁地,只是时间没到所以无法呈现出来? system speechless say/way: side mission passes Ah at the play!” 系统无语道:“支线任务就是在剧透!”
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