Allcasts off the Wonderful and Magnificent Palace’selder, has a good swimwithXi Jingxuanin the endlessvault of heaven, thisishowrich in poetic and artistic flavor!
但是!Sect Master Junopens the armedwingunexpectedly, selfishfirstflew away!君宗主竟开启武装翼,自顾自的先飞走了!Is togetherwith the younger sisterpaperalone, the realityisbuilds up the sentimental the goldenopportunity, was givento wastein vainbyhim.
和妹纸单独相处,实乃培养感情的绝佳机会,就这么被他给白白浪费掉。Reallywantsto hack to death his blade, Iwork as the lead.
真想把他一刀砍死,我来当主角。OriginallyanxiousdisturbedXi Jingxuan, didn't expectSect Master Junfirstwill walkonestep, on the elegantfaceexudesat a loss, but also is blendingthatlittlelosing.
他是讨厌我吗?Therefore, does not wantmanylater.
“刷!”In the meantime, Jun Changxiaoflew.
就在此时,君常笑又飞了回来。Thought through?
想通了?Really, recoveryopportunity!
果然,还有补救机会!Xi Jingxuandetected that hecame back, on the faceexudes the brightsmile.奚婧璇察觉到他又回来了,脸上泛起灿烂微笑。„Palace Master Xi.”
“奚宫主。”Jun Changxiaosaid: „Arrived atSouthern Huang Provincetosouth?”君常笑道:“是不是一路向南就到南荒州了?”„Un.”Xi Jingxuansaid.
刷------Jun Changxiaoaccelerates the line.君常笑又加速而行。Just before leaving, does not forgetto urgeDemon Ridge Black Hawk, said: „Girl, Palace Master Xi, careful, do not fly is so quick.”
自己飞快点。Let the contractbeastflyslowly.
……InFalling Star Great Continent, is honored as the most mysticaltwostates, respectivelyisSouthern Huang ProvinceandNorthern Mo Province, becausemostregionscoverby the open land and desert.
在星陨大陆,被誉为最神秘的两个州,分别是南荒州和北漠州,因为大部分区域都被荒地和沙漠覆盖。Because the environmentis bad, twostatepopulationare few.
因为环境恶劣,两州人口非常少。At this moment, the Southern Huang Provinceborderregion, large quantities ofmartial artistare speeding away the line.
此时此刻,南荒州边境地带,大批武者正疾驰而行。Somego it alones, someform groups, occasionally can also see that the Martial Kinglevelpowerhouseappears!
有的单独行动,有的成群结队,偶尔间还能看到武王层次强者出现!Theycome fromfar apart, the goneplaceis the desolatedplace.
The desolatedplaceisonepieceextendsseveral tens of thousandsli (0.5 km)desert belt, year to yearno onesteps.
荒芜之地是一片延绵数万里的荒芜地带,常年无人涉足。Half a month ago.
半个月前。Suddenlysomeflowing lightraisefrom the desolatedplace, pass throughheaven and earth, continue the numbertalentto dissipategradually.
The phenomenonraises, supreme treasureis published.
异象升起,至宝问世。Not onlythisinFalling Star Great Continent, and eveninallxuanhuansystemsis the eternally unchanginglaw!
这不仅在星陨大陆,乃至所有玄幻体系中都是永恒不变的定律!Thereupon, the Falling Star Great Continentall partiesinfluencesends the powerhouseto catch up.
于是乎,星陨大陆各方势力纷纷派遣强者赶来。Through the ages, supreme treasureis publishedto have numerous number, oftenwill appear will also certainlyraisereign of terror.
The flowing lightgrazesfrom the vaults of heaventogether.
一道流光从苍穹间飞掠而来。„Martial Sovereign!”
The peoplecall out in alarmsaid.
众人惊呼道。„didn't expect, the Southern Huang Provincerare treasurereveals itself, canstartledresort to violence the Sovereign Levelpowerhouse!”
“没想到,南荒州异宝出世,会惊动武皇级强者!”„500years ago, Northern Mo Provincehas a peerlesssharp swordexcavation, alarmedmanyMartial Sovereign, finallykilled for sevendaysseventalentsto give upin the deep pool of Outer Mongolia.”
“五百年前,北漠州有一柄绝世利剑出土,就惊动了不少武皇,最后在漠北之渊杀了七天七天才作罢。”„ThismatterIheard, was the treasureseizedbywhomfinally?”
“这事我听说了,宝物最后被谁夺走了?”„Heard that was wonbyWandering Sword Sovereign.”
“听说是被飘零剑皇夺走了。”„Alarmed the sovereign of Sword Way, thatpeerlesssharp swordwas definitely out of the ordinary.”
The peoplehurry alongwhileto discuss.
众人一边赶路一边议论。However, Martial Kingquitesaidpuzzled: „Strange, doesn't thisMartial Sovereignuseflying ability, whyhavethoroughlyto send the Martial Sovereignlevelaura?”
不过,也有一名武王颇为不解道:“奇怪,这名武皇动用飞行能力,为何没透发武皇层次气息呢?”„right ah!”
“是啊!”Othermartial artistalsowondered.
其他武者也纳闷了。Normally, the Martial Sovereignuseflying ability, wantscultivation basefull, in the airshouldbe ableto feel the prestige to ripple.
按说,武皇动用飞行能力,要修为全开,空气中应该能感受到威能在荡漾。In the meantime, flew the pastflowing lightto stopsuddenly, presentedlookmartial-lookingyoung peoplegradually, had the wing that pair of similarsteelis building!
就在此时,飞过去的流光突然停下,渐渐呈现出一名相貌英武的年轻人,身后长着一双类似钢铁打造的翅膀!Manymartial artistwere scaredimmediately.
Does the fellowhave...... the wing? Heis a person, isbirdsSpirit Beast?
那家伙有……翅膀?他到底是人,还是飞禽灵兽?„Flying is too quick.”
“飞太快了。”Jun Changxiaostandsin the vaults of heaven, twitteringsaid: „Firstwaits forPalace Master Xi.”君常笑立在苍穹间,呢喃道:“还是先等等奚宫主吧。”„zézé.”
“啧啧。”Looks downtounderdumbfoundedmartial cultivator, said: „Thisrare treasurewas born, poursalsoalarmedmanypeople.”
低头看向下方目瞪口呆的武修,道:“此次异宝出世,倒也惊动了不少人。”xiū!咻!In the meantime, fliestogether the flowing lightinthatvaults of heaven, thenstoppedsidehim.
就在此时,在那苍穹间飞来一道流光,然后停在了他身边。„IsMartial Sovereign!”Peoplestartledsay/way.
The flowing lightgraduallydiverges, appearswhite hairold man.
流光逐渐散去,浮现一名白发老者。Hesaidsubmissively: „Small...... your excellencyis a little unfamiliar, does not know that stems fromwhatHe-school?”
他拱手道:“小……阁下有点眼生,不知出自何门何派?”Originallywantsto shout the little friend, butthought,thispersoncanfly, the backalsohas the strangewing, perhapsage are not small.
本来想喊小友,但心想,此人可以飞行,背后还有古怪翅膀,或许年龄不比自己小。Inthisworld, there is a strangeperson of high skill, likesnaivegirl who feigns the young peopleto damageto have little experience of the world.
这世界上,有性格古怪的高人,喜欢佯装年轻人来祸害涉世未深的天真女孩。„All Times Sect.”
“万古宗。”Jun Changxiaosaid: „Jun Changxiao.”君常笑道:“君常笑。”„ó?”
“哦?”old man is quite surprised the different way: „Is your excellencyAll Times Sectsect master?”老者颇为诧异道:“阁下是万古宗宗主?”
The fameisbig.
名气就是大。Gave the namemerely, Martial Sovereigncanthinkimmediatelywaswhatstatus.
仅仅报出姓名,武皇都能立马想到是什么身份来。„not wrong.”Jun Changxiaosaid.
“不错。”君常笑道。old mansaid with a smile: „Does Sect Master Junalsocomefor the rare treasure?”老者笑道:“君宗主也是为了异宝而来?”„Un.”
“嗯。”Jun Changxiaocomplied withone, the visionalwaysput behind, secretly thought: „Howto have come?”君常笑应了一声,目光始终放在后面,暗道:“怎么还没来呢?”Bah.
呸。Alsohad a faceto say.
还有脸说。old manpresses the sound saying: „Sect Master Jun, thisSouthern Huang Provincerare treasurewas born, alarmedmanymajor sect, was interested incollaborating?”老者压着声音道:“君宗主,此次南荒州异宝出世,惊动了不少大宗门,有没有兴趣联手?”Hisno sect, isonewandersinloose cultivator of mainlandyear to year.
他无门无派,是一名常年游荡在大陆的散修。Althoughindividualstrengthnot wrong, butcompareswithmajor sect, naturedoublefistdifficultenemynumerousfists.
个人实力虽然不错,但和大宗门比起来,自然双拳难敌众拳。„Has no interest.”
“没兴趣。”Jun Changxiaodecisiverejection.君常笑果断拒绝。Thistypeasks itselfto collaborateon own initiative, oftendarkharbor sinister designs, hehas no interest ingoing to and opposite partyplays the mind, was inferiorrelief that ownindividual farmingcomes.
“好吧。”old mansaidsubmissively: „Old Manfirstsaid goodbye.”老者拱手道:“老朽就先告辞了。”Jun Changxiaocontinuesto standin the vault of heaven, afterhalfdouble-hour, Demon Ridge Black Hawkis leisureto flyat the back ofXi Jingxuan.君常笑继续立在苍穹等,直至半个时辰后,魔岭黑鹰才慢悠悠背着奚婧璇飞来。„My God!”
“我的天!”martial artiststartledsay/way that belowhurries along: „Thenbigeaglebeast!”
“刷!”Jun Changxiaofallson the eagle conducts the back, said: „Palace Master Xi, but can also wait foryourWonderful and Magnificent Palace’selder?”君常笑落在鹰背上,道:“奚宫主,还要不要等你妙华宫的长老?”„Does not use.”
“不用了。”Xi Jingxuansaid: „Theyshouldto comefor a long time, wefirstgo to the desolatedplace.”奚婧璇道:“她们应该要好久才来,我们先去荒芜之地吧。”„Alsogood.”
“也好。”Jun Changxiaothistimehas not flownbut actuallyin advance, stands conducts the backinDemon Ridge Black Hawk, at the maximum speedgoodtodesolatedplace.君常笑这次倒也没先行飞去,立在魔岭黑鹰背上,以最快速度行向荒芜之地。
……Desolatedplace, not even a blade of grass grows.
It looks like without loessdesert of vitalityfrom afar.
远远望去就像毫无生机的黄土沙漠。Hereheaven and earthattributeis exceptionally frail, not onlyin the airfloodsdry, floodsoneto wither.
这里的天地属性异常单薄,空气中不仅充斥干燥,也充斥一股肃杀。„pū chī, pū chī!”
“扑哧,扑哧!”Demon Ridge Black Hawkwields the pair of wings, fliesinsky overslowly.魔岭黑鹰挥动双翼,在上空徐徐飞行。Jun ChangxiaoandXi Jingxuan, althoughrareis togetheralone, buteach otherno onehas spoken, the atmosphereis slightly awkward.君常笑和奚婧璇虽然难得单独相处,但彼此谁也没说话,气氛略显尴尬。Iftradesto makerealm of loveexpertOld Wei, has definitely comeregarding the love affairwith the younger sisterpaper.
如果换做情场高手魏老,肯定早就和妹纸谈起风花雪月来了。Therefore ,somepeopleinnot wrong that veryatotherthingsmakes, insentimentonvegetable/dishdoes not endureto look straight ahead, for exampleourMonarchlivesthis solitary one.
所以说,有些人在其他事情上做的很不错,在感情上就菜的不忍直视,比如我们的君孤生。„Sect Master Jun.”
“君宗主。”Slightly, Xi Jingxuansaid;„Before it is saidten thousand years, Southern Huang ProvincehasSwallowing Earth Saint Beast, takesabsorbing the heaven and earthattributeasto live.”
稍许,奚婧璇道;“据说万载前,南荒州有一头吞土圣兽,以摄取天地属性为生。”„Holy Beast?”
“圣兽?”Jun Changxiaosurprise.君常笑诧异不已。Thisrank, butenduredto compareMartial Emperor!
这个级别,可是堪比武帝了!Xi Jingxuanalsosaid: „Afterward a powerhousepassed bythisplace, cutsto killthisbeast, the burning hotbloodswaysseveral tens of thousandsli (0.5 km), causeslandnot even a blade of grass grows, thenhad the presentdesolatedplace.”奚婧璇又道:“后来一名强者路过此地,将此兽斩杀,炙热鲜血挥洒数万里,使大地寸草不生,便有了如今的荒芜之地。”„So that's how it is.”
“原来如此。”Jun Changxiaoholds the chin, said: „Cancutto killHoly Beast, the powerhousestrengthis definitely terrorist!”君常笑托着下巴,道:“能斩杀一头圣兽,那强者实力肯定非常恐怖!”Bang-
轰隆--In the meantime, Demon Ridge Black Hawk in flighthitsfiercelyoninvisiblebarrier, immediatelywas shotto come back, then the bodyis uncontrolled the extreme velocityto crashdownward.
The suddenaccident, makingXi Jingxuanbe unexpected, immediatelywas flungto fly!
突如其来的变故,让奚婧璇始料未及,顿时被甩飞出去!„It is not good!”
A Jun Changxiaohurriedright footpoint, fleesin the unbalancedsituation, Xi Jingxuan that will crashconvenientlyhugsin the bosom, thenfallson the groundsteadily.君常笑急忙右脚一点,在失衡情况下窜过去,顺手将坠落的奚婧璇搂在怀里,然后平稳落在地上。„Bang!”
“轰!”Demon Ridge Black Hawkcrashesin the place, curls up the billowingdust!魔岭黑鹰坠落在地,卷起滚滚尘土!„cough cough!”
“咳咳!”Xiao Moxiantransforms the adultshape, is rubbing the forehead, whilerouses the mouth saying: „Master, herehas the ban, limitedmyflight!”小魔仙幻化成人形态,一边揉着脑门,一边鼓着嘴道:“主人,这里有禁制,限制了我的飞行!”Puts downXi Jingxuanto put down, Jun Changxiaosaid: „Are youall right? Girls.”
放下奚婧璇放下,君常笑道:“你没事吧?丫头。”„Iam all right.”Xiao Moxiansaid.
“哦。”Jun Changxiaolooks uptovault of heavenpartly visiblebarrier, quiteuncomfortablesay/way: „Who is so bored, arrangedarraybarrierin the desolatedplace!”君常笑抬头看向苍穹若隐若现的结界,颇为不爽道:“是谁这么无聊,在荒芜之地布置了阵法结界!”
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