Cheng Huixincomestimehas heard, All Times Sectsect masteris young, and manneris rampant.程慧心来的时候听说过,万古宗宗主年龄不大,而且为人嚣张。Nowarrives atthisplace, after asking for advice, realized,continuinghewas rampant, entiresect gatewas rampant!
如今来到此地,亲身领教后才意识到,不止他嚣张,就连整个宗门都非常嚣张!„Sect Master Jun!”
“君宗主!”Cheng Huixinstandsoutside the main hall, coldsound said: „Such being the case, old onedid not enter the main hall, todaythistimecomes, onlyhopes that threeyears of yourAll Times Sectdiscipleandmydiscipleapproximatelycancelled.”程慧心立在大殿外,冷声道:“既然如此,老身就不进大殿了,今日此次前来,只希望你万古宗弟子和我徒儿的三年之约就此取消。”Comes toherereallydo not visit, so long assolved the matteris enough.
来这里不是真的要拜访,只要把事情解决就足够了。Jun Changxiaosaid: „Elder ChengprevioustimecomesQingyang Commanderyto break an engagement, nowcomesQingyang Commanderyagainis the regretmakes, if the Lily Holy Sectconsistentattitude, reallymakesinJianghu the persondespise!”君常笑道:“程长老上次来青阳郡是悔婚,如今再来青阳郡是悔约,若是百合圣宗一贯作风,实在让江湖中人所不齿!”Thissayingsaidwithpointing at the noseis scoldingnodifference.
这话说的就和指着鼻子骂没什么区别了。angrily said that Cheng Huixinis driven beyond the limits of forbearance: „Jun Changxiao, pointlessfighting competition, will only delaymysectdiscipleto cultivate, ifyouwantto fight, canlook forothersect gate.”程慧心忍无可忍的怒道:“君常笑,没意义的比斗,只会耽误我宗弟子修炼,你如果想战,可以去找别的宗门。”„Got it.”
“明白了。”Jun Changxiaosaid: „Elder Chenglooks down uponmyAll Times Sectdisciple.”君常笑道:“程长老是看不起我万古宗弟子。”„Does not look down upon.”
“并非看不起。”Cheng Huixinlightly said: „Factisso.”程慧心淡淡道:“事实就是如此。”Jun Changxiaogoes outfrom the main hall, both hands a back, will say with a smilein the future: „Elder Cheng, said that coarsewords, youthesedisciples, enoughlookbesidesMurong Xinbehind, otherinmyAll Times Sect, is the official apprenticesnot to have the qualificationscontinually.”君常笑从大殿走出,双手往后一背,笑道:“程长老,说句难听的话,就你身后这些弟子,除了慕容欣还够看,其他的在我万古宗,连做入门弟子都没资格。”
The Cheng Huixinangerwins.程慧心怒火更胜。
The Lily Holy Sectdisciple is also the apricotcirclestares.百合圣宗弟子也是杏目圆瞪。
The All Times Sectdisciplepasses the auraalsoMartial Masterlevel of sending, howto place on a parwiththisMartial Ancestor!万古宗弟子透发的气息也不过武师层次,如何和自己这种武宗相提并论!„Refuses to accept?”
“不服?”Jun Changxiaocoldly said: „Might as wellcompares notes.”君常笑冷然道:“不妨切磋切磋。”Thesepeoplearrive at the foot of the hill, thesewords that spokeheallheard.
这些人来到山脚下,说的那些话他全听到了。Doesn't have the comparabilitywithyourLily Holy Sect?
和你们百合圣宗没可比性?Good, good.
好,好。this thronedoes not careto fall the reputation of bullyingwoman, musthitto swell the face, hitsnot to have the superiority feeling, clearly recognizingreality that youhit.本座不在意落一个欺负女人的名声,必须把脸打肿,把优越感打没,把你们打的认清现实。Cheng Huixinlightly said: „Sect Master Jun, old onethistimecomes, onlytocancelapproximatelyfights, does not lead the discipleto challenge.”程慧心淡淡道:“君宗主,老身此次前来,只为取消约斗,并不是带弟子来挑战的。”„Ok.”
“可以。”Jun Changxiaosaid: „WonmyAll Times Sectto sayagain.”君常笑道:“赢了我万古宗再说。”„Reallycancompare?”
“好。”Cheng Huixinsaid: „Usuallyheard that the All Times Sectdisciplestrengthis extraordinary, myHoly Spring Sectmustask for advicebut actually.”程慧心道:“素闻万古宗弟子实力非凡,我圣泉宗倒要领教领教。”„Ling Yuanxue, goes to battle!”Jun Changxiaosaid.
“凌渊雪,出战!”君常笑道。Copes with the women, definitelycannotletLi Qingyangandon the Ye Xingchenlike thisbigmasters, naturallymustsendfemale disciple.
对付女流,肯定不能让李青阳、夜星辰这样的大老爷们上,自然得派女弟子。Twowordshave not discussedgather together, evolvesdiscipleBattle/vsdirectlyquickly, the rhythmcompares.
……Martial Arts Field.演武场。
The All Times Sectdisciplestands outside.万古宗弟子纷纷站在外面。DocileLing Yuanxueundersame sidegaze, a littlecautiouswalks.
性格温顺的凌渊雪在同门注视下,有一点拘谨的走上去。PeakMartial Master?
巅峰武师?Cheng Huixinlightly said: „Lin’er, yougoto be ableshe.”程慧心淡淡道:“琳儿,你去会会她。”„Yes!”
“是!”Asked the Lin’erHoly Spring Sectdiscipleto walk.
叫琳儿的圣泉宗弟子走了过去。Sheis the disciples of 11elders, althoughnon-direct disciple, the aptitude is not too outstanding, but the strengthhas achievedSixth StageMartial Ancestor.
“那个……”Ling Yuanxueweakly said: „Youare notmyopponent, changes others.”凌渊雪弱弱道:“你不是我的对手,还是换其他人吧。”„Laughable!”
“可笑!”Called the Lin’erdisciplecoldsound said: „From the aura, yourpeakMartial Masterlevel, haswhatability to defeat my Sixth StageMartial Ancestor.”
“真的。”Ling Yuanxuesaid: „Youcannot be victoriousmy, is......”凌渊雪道:“你打不过我的,还是……”paused, lookstootherHoly Spring Sectdisciples, finallyblows up the bravegas channel/angrily said: „Should betterletthemontogether!”顿了顿,看向其他圣泉宗弟子,终于鼓起勇气道:“最好让她们一起上吧!”Yeah.
A howshygirl.
多么腼腆的一个女孩。JoinsAll Times Sect, receivedsect master and same sideinfluence, in the characterstartsto influence subtlychanged, becoming was also rampant.
加入万古宗,受到宗主和同门影响,性格上开始潜移默化变了,变得也嚣张了。This is really, sorrowful!
这真是,悲哀!However, thattypesoftandemaciatedweak, hammerscharacter of yourchestwith the smallfistsimilarly, but also has flavor.
不过,那种软绵绵又羸弱弱,类似拿小拳头锤你胸口的范儿,还颇有一番韵味呢。„Icesenior apprentice sistermustoutnumber!”
“凌师姐要以多打少!”„On the strengths of thesepeople, one by onehits the affirmationto waste the time, simple that might as wellcome uptogether.”
“就这些人的实力,一个一个打肯定浪费时间,不如一起上来的干脆。”Despising that during the All Times Sectdisciplespoken languagesdisplays, exceptionallyis it may be said that rich.万古宗弟子言语间表现的藐视,可谓异常浓郁。Yesterdaysect masterissued the order, the Lily Holy Sectpersoncame, so long aswill damageat the first opportunity.
昨天宗主下达了命令,百合圣宗的人来,只要一有机会就往死里损。Sect Master Junthisapproach, seemsa littleweak.君宗主这种做法,显得有点幼稚。Facing the person of superiority feelingbursting, does not needtheirwaysironic, is definitely hardto be venting!
The All Times Sectdiscipleagitates, the Lily Holy Sectdisciple who is always pampered since childhood, air/Qiclenches jaws.万古宗弟子煽风点火,一向娇生惯养的百合圣宗弟子,气得咬牙切齿。Lin’erangrily said: „Does not needsenior apprentice sisterto begin, Icanbeatyou!”琳儿怒道:“无须师姐动手,我就能击败你!”„Good.”
A Ling Yuanxueveryhelplessappearance.凌渊雪一副很无奈的样子。Old rule.
老规矩。Two peoplestand the position, reported the namemutually.
两人站好位,相互报了姓名。Jiang Xieacts as the referee, the clear and resonant voiceshouts: „Starts!”江邪充当裁判,朗声喊道:“开始!”hū hū!呼呼!Lin’erfirsteruptsMartial Ancestorcultivation base, has not displayedmartial skill, feelsstrong windsto come.琳儿首先将武宗修为爆发,还没施展武技,顿感一阵狂风呼啸而来。Bang----
The whole personerupts, dropsdirectlyoutsideMartial Arts Field.
整个人爆发而出,直接跌落在演武场外。Ling Yuanxuestandsin the position that shestooda moment ago, takes back the fistslowly, togethersaid: „you let me win.”凌渊雪立在她刚才站的位置,徐徐收回拳头,合什道:“承让了。”„This......”
“这……”Cheng Huixinwas ignorant.程慧心懵了。Thisseeminglyfrailgirl, obviouslyonly then the peakMartial Masterstrength, whyknocks out the fist is so quick, thenLing Li/swift and fierce!
这看似文弱的女孩,明明只有巅峰武师实力,为何出拳那么快,那么凌厉!„sect master.”
“宗主。”Ling Yuanxuescratches the head, said: „Can Ialsocontinue?”凌渊雪挠挠头,道:“我还能继续吗?”„Ok.”Jun Changxiaosaid with a smile.
“可以。”君常笑笑道。Ling Yuanxuehas turned around, looksagaintoHoly Spring Sectseveraldisciples, weakly said: „Can youontogether?”凌渊雪转过身,再次看向圣泉宗几名弟子,弱弱道:“你们能一起上吗?”Thatwordsmeaningseemedwas saying that- Iaskedyou, ontogether, makingmeallwaste, one by onetoowasted the time!
那话意思就好似在说-我求求你们,一起上吧,让我全打飞出去,一个一个来太浪费时间了!„Teacher, onme!”
A Lily Holy Sectdisciplejoinsvoluntarily.
“去吧。”Cheng Huixinis having a long faceto say.程慧心拉着脸道。Finally, was onto report the name, Jiang Xiejustshoutedstarts, the nextsecondwas flownby the Ling Yuanxuedirectbang.
结果,登上台报了姓名,江邪刚喊开始,下一秒就被凌渊雪直接轰飞出去。Do not see the fistto be dry, numbMalai, the carriedstrengthis clear!
别看出拳干干巴巴,麻麻赖赖,携带的力量非常圆润!„It is not right!”
“不对!”Care of veryCheng Huixinthisobservation, startledsay/way: „Thisgirlis notMartial Master, isMartial King!”程慧心这次观察的很仔细,惊道:“这女娃不是武师,是武王!”„Was discovered?”
“被发现了吗?”Ling Yuanxueawkwardflexurescratched the head, erupted the Martial Kingaura, the whole bodyis gathering a boundlessimposing mannerinstantaneously!凌渊雪尴尬的挠了挠头,将武王气息爆发,周身瞬间汇聚着一股磅礴的气势!
The Lily Holy Sectdisciple who originallyalsowantsto be eager to try, feelsthatfarstronginownspirit energy, dumb as a wooden chickenstands is same place.
本来还想跃跃欲试的百合圣宗弟子,感受到那股远强于自己的灵能,无不呆若木鸡立在原地。As the Second Ratesect gatedisciple, theirstrengthnot wrong, butin front ofMartial King, reallyinsufficientlylook!
“真的。”Ling Yuanxuewithplealanguagegas channel/angrily said: „Youontogether.”凌渊雪用恳求的语气道:“你们一起上吧。”
The Jun Changxiaocorners of the mouthpull out.君常笑嘴角微抽。Obviouslyperformanceunusualis rampant, howseems liketo annoy the personto arouse pity.
明明表现的非常嚣张,怎么看上去那么惹人生怜呢。„Sect Master Jun!”
“君宗主!”Cheng Huixinsinkingsound said: „ThisfemaleshouldbeyourAll Times Sectelder, makingherpretend to be the discipleto comewithmysectdiscipleto battle, wasa littleexcessive?”程慧心沉声道:“此女应该是你万古宗长老,让她冒充弟子来与我宗弟子交战,是不是有点过分了?”„Excuse me, sheismyAll Times Sectinner gate disciple, is not an elder.”
“不好意思,她是我万古宗内门弟子,并非长老。”Jun Changxiaoshrugs saying: „YourLily Holy Sect, ifcannot lose, cannot play, whyto findso manyexcuses?”君常笑耸耸肩道:“你们百合圣宗如果输不起,可以不玩,何必找那么多理由?”„kā chā!”
The Cheng Huixinfistgrips tightly.程慧心拳头紧握。Shouldbe very steadyas a Martial Sovereignstate of mind of veteran, butarrives atAll Times Sect, byJun Changxiaoanddisciplethatrampantperformance, being madwas aboutto spit blood.
作为一名老资格的武皇心境应该很稳,但来到万古宗,被君常笑和弟子那种嚣张的表现,气得都快吐血了。„Inyoursevensame places!”
“是!”BesidesMurong Xin, the surplussevenLily Holy Sectdisciplesallcame up.
除慕容欣外,剩余七名百合圣宗弟子全上来了。Whattheyare highestispeakMartial Ancestor, lowestisSeventh StageMartial Ancestor, the lineupalsocalculates that was quite luxurious.
当然。Thisis notoutnumbers, after all the opponentisMartial King.
这不算以多打少,毕竟对手是武王。„Set up formation!”
After starting, isfemale disciplecoldsound who that stature of headselectshighshouts.
开始后,为首的那名身材高挑的女弟子冷声喝道。shuā!刷!shuā!刷!Anothersixsame sideare stepping on the mysteriousstepin abundance, encirclesinstantaneouslyLing Yuanxue, forms a specialbattle formation.
另外六名同门纷纷踩着玄妙步伐,瞬间将凌渊雪围起来,形成一种特殊的阵势。„Seven Stars Seizing the Moon Array.”
“七星揽月阵。”StandssaidinJun ChangxiaonearbyOld Zhen: „Militarytwopowerhousescreate, it is saidsevenMartial Ancestordisplay, the might is completely as goodMartial King......”
The wordshave not said,Ling Yuanxuegathersspirit energyinboth hands, firstdisplaysLand Slide Earth Rend Fist, thencondensesSeven Mysterious Red Clouds Light Break, will compose the arraysevenHoly Spring Sectdisciples to wasteMartial Arts Fieldinstantaneously.
The Old Zhencorners of the mouthpull out.甄老嘴角微抽。Words that spokea moment ago, Itake backnow!
刚才说的话,我现在收回!„Ding! side missioncompletes, obtains5000contribution value points!”
“叮!支线任务完成,获得5000点贡献值!”„Ding! sect gatecontributionvalue: 13743 / 20000.”
--PS, today5 th.
The end of the year , the visiting friendsmatter will be very many, mustsave a draft to prepareemergency requirement, thisshouldbe the year ago explodesfor the last time.
年关将至,走亲访友事儿挺多,要存点稿子以备不时之需,这应该是年前最后一次爆更。Earthdoes not explode, the authordoes not have a vacation, every day3steadierlikedog, asked the ticket!
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