Cheng Huixinas the Lily Holy Sect11elders, cultivation baseornot wrong, hasNinth StageMartial Sovereigncultivation base, moreover has the attainmentsonarray.程慧心作为百合圣宗十一长老,修为还是不错的,已经有了九品武皇修为,而且在阵法上颇有造诣。Letusexperience the basicinspection?
可以!Thatold onebreaksyourarray, conducts counter-shame!
那老身就把你的阵法破掉,来进行反羞辱!Live up to one's words!
After Cheng Huixinentersarray, spreadsspiritual sensedirectly, decodesfrom the source.程慧心进入阵法后,直接扩散灵念,从源头进行破解。Just, whatmakingherbe unexpected, justwith the barriercontact, bumped into the banprobably, makesentirearrayproduce the large explosiondirectly!
In sect gate’sZhenDexiuto cover the faceto smilestrangely.
身在宗门的甄德秀捂着脸怪笑起来。Hehas made the improvementarray, andintegratesThunder Array, so long as the external forcetriesto decode, will produce the large explosion.
他将阵法做过改进,并融入雷阵,只要外部力量试图破解,就会产生大爆炸。Really, bombmadman!
真,炸弹狂人!hū hū-----呼呼-----
The strong windshowl, the dustflies upwards.
狂风呼啸,尘土飞扬。Waits foralldustto fall to the ground, sees the stepstoentrance, was rumbleddirectly a bighole.
等一切尘埃落地,就看到通往山门的阶梯,直接被轰出一个大窟窿来。Jun Changxiaocorner of the mouth twitches.君常笑嘴角抽搐。Thiswants the mightagaingreatly, perhapssect gatemustaffect!
不会的。Zhen Dejunafterimprovesin every way, the range that arrayexplodes is only restricted in the stepsregion.甄德俊经过多方改进,阵法爆炸的范围只限于阶梯区域。Because the explosion rangereduces, the mightwas also small.
因为爆炸范围缩小,威力也小了。ButalsomakesCheng Huixinexceptionallydistressed.
但也让程慧心异常狼狈。Shestandsin the gulf, the whole bodygathersqi wallto appear the crackshape, then‚wā’ a bloodspouts.
身后众弟子惊道。Theyare all right, becausearrayexplodesinstantaneous, Cheng Huixinallprotectsitbyqi wall, otherwisenotbyspitting blood at the scenerumbling.
The Jiang Xiesoundconveys: „Forgotto tellyou, touchesarrayto cause the explosionarbitrarily, herewasAll Times Sect, was notLily Holy Sect, sinceyoucame to observe, pleasebutat willwas.”江邪声音传来:“忘了告诉你,擅自触碰阵法会引起爆炸的,这里是万古宗,不是百合圣宗,你既然来了就要遵守,请不要随意而为。”Cheng Huixinvisiontwinkleanger.程慧心目光闪烁怒火。Sheknows, opposite partycertainlyintentionallyforit.
她知道,对方一定故意为之。Butcannotsayanything, since alloneselfagreed that experiences the test, breaks through the formationarbitrarily, originallyis in the wrong.
但也不能说什么,毕竟自己既然同意去经历考验,又擅自破阵,本来就理亏。Typicalgoing for wool and coming back shorn!
典型的偷鸡不成蚀把米!Jiang Xiesaid: „arraydid not have, does not needto test, youcancome up, was sure to remember,inmyAll Times Sectarrayproliferates, pleasemustcontrol itselfgood, otherwiseallare proud!”江邪道:“阵法没了,也无须考验,尔等可以上来了,切记,我万古宗内阵法遍布,请一定要控制好自己,否则一切自负!”„Walks!”
“走!”Cheng Huixinpresses the sound saying: „Comes up!”程慧心压着声音道:“上去!”shuā!shuā!刷!刷!
The numerousdisciplediving postures, fallonmountain entrance, besidesMurong Xin, in the vision of everyone contains the anger.
众弟子飞身而起,落在山门口,除慕容欣以外,每个人的目光中都蕴含着愤怒。InitiallyAll Times Sectateoneto owegreatly, thismadethem of superiority feelingburstingbe definitely hardto accept.
The closedentranceopens.
紧闭的山门打开。Su Xiaomowalks, saidsubmissively: „sect masterinmain hallstatic, pleasealong withmego.”苏小沫走出来,拱手道:“宗主在大殿静等,请随我进去吧。”Cheng Huixincoldlysaid: „The old onebelt/bringhas no fear of great distancesto come, your doesn't sect mastergo outpersonallygreets?”程慧心冷冷道:“老身带不远万里而来,你们宗主不亲自出门迎接吗?”„If honourable sectsect master, sect masterwill naturally greetpersonally, butelder......”Su Xiaomopaused, lightly said: „Alsowithoutthisqualifications.”
“放肆!”SeveralLily Holy Sectdiscipleangrily said.
身后几名百合圣宗弟子怒道。„Howto drop?”
“咋滴?”Su Xiaomohugs, lightly said: „Doesn't likelistening?”苏小沫抱着手,淡淡道:“不爱听?”Thisfellowmore and moreskin.
The Lily Holy Sectdisciplecould not endure, an oldspeech, was actually blockedbyCheng Huixin, lightly said: „Lord of the Fifth Ratesect gate, the rackis actually big.”百合圣宗的弟子忍受不了,一名年长的正要说话,却被程慧心拦下,淡淡道:“一个五流宗门之主,架子倒是不小。”Saying, the startis moving towardsect gate.
The disciplesfollow, whenbrushed pastwithSu Xiaomo, the apricotcirclestaresto look angrily atall.
众弟子紧随其后,不过和苏小沫擦肩而过时,无不杏目圆瞪怒视。Thishatefulmanwas too impolite, toohas not educated!
这可恶男人太无礼了,太没教养了!SendsXiao Familyto break an engagementas the prestigious familygreatly, the unscrupulousridiculeandshameothers, youare courteous, had the education?
身为名门大派去萧家退婚,肆无忌惮嘲笑和羞辱别人,你们就有礼,就有教养了?Reallyis, doublesign......
真的是,双标……„Do not look.”
“别看了。”Su Xiaomolightly said: „Ifeared that youwill fall in love withme.”苏小沫淡淡道:“我怕你们会爱上我。”„Excuse me.”
“不好意思。”Healsosaid: „Even if there is ideatome, Iwill not respondyou, because the appearanceis too ordinary.”
If not the teacherhas gone, perhapsthisgroup of as pretty as a flowerLily Holy Sectdiscipleswill draw a sworddirectly, holds the hornet's nestSu Xiaomo.
……In the past, the person who Second Ratesect gatecame out, whereregardless ofwent, will be presentedas the guest, andentertainedandflatterscautiously, for fear thatdid not offendcarefully.
在以往,二流宗门出来的人,无论去什么地方,都会被奉为座上宾,并小心翼翼招待和巴结,生怕不小心得罪。Thisspecialright, is not goodinAll Times Sect.
这种特殊权利,在万古宗不行。Because, Cheng Huixinand the otherswalked, the lineto the main hallroad, the discipleno onegoesto see.
因为,程慧心等人走进来,行向大殿路上,遇到的弟子没人去正眼看。„Ialsothink that Second Ratesect gateis great, is the lookis average.”
“我还以为二流宗门多了不起呢,也不过是相貌平平。”„Compared with oursenior apprentice sisterjunior apprentice sister, missedsimplyfar.”
“和我们师姐师妹比起来,简直差远了。”„Jokes aside, it is fortunate thatistheyfirstbreaks an engagement, otherwiseonsuchbeauty, how to be joined toourhaving an impressive bearingSenior Apprentice Brother Xiao.”
The All Times Sectdisciplediscussedin a whisper.万古宗弟子交头接耳的议论。These words, makingLily Holy Sectfemale discipleangrier.
这句话,让百合圣宗的女弟子更为恼怒。Comes outlike their major sect, is self-confidentaboutownaptitude and look, nowis actually evaluated the lookto be average, is really unable to accept.
像她们这种大宗门出来的,对自身资质和相貌非常自信,如今却被评为相貌平平,实在无法接受。„ladies and gentlemen.”
“诸位。”Li Luoqiugoes outfrom the main hall, says with a smile: „Enters the main hall, pleasedo not wear the weapon.”黎洛秋从大殿走出,笑道:“进入大殿,请不要佩戴兵器。”Thiswomanoneis the fashionablehall masterspecial-purposeschool uniform, exposes the perfectstaturewithout doubt.
这女人一系时尚的堂主专用校服,将完美身材展露无疑。Lily Holy Sectfemale disciplelooknot wrong, butcompareswithwematureenchantingHall Master Li, reallymissedis too far!百合圣宗女弟子相貌不错,但和我们成熟妖娆的黎堂主比起来,真的差太远了!Somepeoplewill say.
The Ling Yuanxuethisimplicitandgentlegirl, mustclearlyalsobe clear, the Lily Holy Sectdisciplestillcompared.凌渊雪这种含蓄而又文静的女孩,要多清纯又多清纯,百合圣宗弟子仍然比不过。As forlovable, cannotcompare.
至于可爱,就更不能比了。Liu WanshiandYao Mengying, and evenHumanoid TransformationXiao Moxian, cantheirsecond of to becomedregs.柳婉诗和姚梦莹,乃至人形化的小魔仙,都能把她们秒成渣。Alsowantsto compare?
可以!ShoutedLu Qianqian.
把陆芊芊喊过来。Big Apprentice Sister of thisaloof, persontowardthatstation, regardless of being air/Qi the fieldmakings, canthesebragwith easeaptitudelooknot wrongfemale discipleflings the long distance.
这位高冷的大师姐,人往那一站,无论气场还是气质,都能轻松将这些自诩资质相貌不错的女弟子甩出十万八千里。No wonder the All Times Sectdisciplewill discussin a low voice,does not intentionally make things hard for somebody, butissenior apprentice sisterjunior apprentice sistereachpeony, the Lily Holy Sectpersonlookscompletelydoes not glance!
当然。Murong Xinlookalsonot wrong.慕容欣相貌也不错。Besidesher, otherfemale disciplein the beauty are completely not the opponents.
The Cheng Huixinsinkingfacesaid: „The martial cultivatorweaponalwaysdoes not leave the hand.”程慧心沉脸道:“武修武器向来不离手。”Thistypedoes not letlead troopsto enter the stipulation of main hall, even iftheirLily Holy Sectdoes not have.
“抱歉。”Li Luoqiusaid with a smile: „Thisis the custom that myAll Times Sectsets, sinceyouvisit, shouldobserve.”黎洛秋笑道:“这是我万古宗定下的规矩,你们既然来拜访,就应该遵守。”„Ifdoesn't observe?”Cheng Huixinsaid.
“如若不遵守呢?”程慧心道。Li Luoqiusaid: „Canleave.”黎洛秋道:“可以离开。”„......”
The Cheng Huixincomplexionis even more ugly.程慧心脸色愈发难看起来。Shelooked, All Times Sectis intentionally making things hard for somebody!
她看出来了,万古宗就是在故意刁难!Fifth Ratesect gate that justpromoted, daressoto treatSecond Ratesect gate, the courage of wherecoming!
一个刚刚晋升的五流宗门,敢如此对待一个二流宗门,到底哪儿来的勇气!„Sect Master Jun!”
“君宗主!”Cheng Huixincoldsoundshouted: „Is this All Times Sect’shospitality?”程慧心冷声喝道:“这就是万古宗的待客之道?”„Elder Cheng.”
The Jun Changxiao’ssoundconveysfrom the main hall: „Does in Rome as Rome doesthistruthalsoto needthis throneto tellyou?”君常笑的声音从大殿传来:“入乡随俗这个道理还需本座告诉你吗?”Cheng Huixinhearsword, the air/Qiresults inboth handsto shiverslightly.程慧心闻言,气得双手都在轻微颤抖。„Also.”
“还有。”Jun Changxiaosaid: „Pleaselet your disciplestake back the anger, because in myAll Times Sect, no onewill be used tothem.”君常笑道:“请让你这些弟子将怒火收回,因为在我万古宗,没人会惯着她们。”
第四更。PS, thank the beginningreader【Thinksairtightwinter】50000bookcoinshitto enjoy, here said that because the bookis the first roundcreates the world, Qreadingandhitting of handQaspectenjoysmein the backstageto see, the beginningsandotherchannelshitto enjoyremained unknown, moreoverrarelygoes to the beginning, seesto hitto enjoy the numbermerely, whohitsabsolutelydoes not have the channel that enjoysto learn, butbigquotawill present the rubricationin the commentaryarea, Icanfind the name, andenumeratesto expressgratitude, thanked politelyas forotherdozen of enjoyingreaderstogether!
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