SSAT :: Volume #7

#625: Fate

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No wonder Sect Master Jun lets disciple fighting competition positively, originally Cheng Huixin arrived at All Times Sect to trigger side mission. 难怪君宗主那么积极让弟子比斗,原来程慧心来到万古宗就触发了支线任务 mission is very simple, beats the Lily Holy Sect nine disciples. 任务很简单,击败百合圣宗九名弟子。 From the beginning, Jun Changxiao planned that selects nine female disciple 1 vs 1 to compare notes, a didn't expect Ling Yuanxue person handled the matter. 一开始,君常笑打算挑九名女弟子一对一切磋,没想到凌渊雪一个人就把事情办了。 Said, All Times Sect, well-known strength strong female disciple are not many at present. 讲真,就目前万古宗,有名有姓实力强的女弟子不多。 Discovers nine to come out, this is feeling embarrassed the author. 找出九个出来,这是在为难作者。 Elder Cheng.” 程长老。” Jun Changxiao arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest, said: These disciples who you bring are really not much.” 君常笑拱了拱手,道:“你带来的这些弟子真不怎么样。” Must taunt, must satirize. 就要挖苦,就要讽刺。 Even if the mental handicap brain is remnant, I am also glad! 哪怕智障脑残幼稚,我也乐意! Cheng Huixin air/Qi shamelessly red. 程慧心气得老脸通红。 The disciples display Seven Stars Seizing the Moon Array, finally was easily broken by the opposite party, this girl is not low level Martial King. 弟子连七星揽月阵都施展出来,结果还是被对方轻易破掉,这女娃绝非低层次武王 Excuse me. 不好意思。 Ling Yuanxue is low level Martial King, now also just First Stage. 凌渊雪就是低层次武王,如今也才刚刚一品 Xin’er.” 欣儿。” Cheng Huixin cold sound said: You go to be able she.” 程慧心冷声道:“你去会会她。” Nine disciples are all defeated, this tone cannot swallow! 九名弟子全败下阵来,这口气咽不下去! Does not use.” “不用了。” Jun Changxiao shrugs, said: this throne on the day of agreement, bringing Xiao Zuiji to go to Lily Holy Sect to fight with her.” 君常笑耸耸肩,道:“本座会在约定之日,带萧罪己前往百合圣宗与她一战。” These words are telling the opposite party, three years approximately do not become invalid. 这句话是在告诉对方,三年之约不作废。 Actually now can also let Xiao Zuiji and Murong Xin games, but seems a little careless. 其实现在也可以让萧罪己慕容欣一场,但显得有点草率。 Must in Lily Holy Sect, under glare of the public eye, beat her! 必须在百合圣宗,在众目睽睽之下,将她击败! Naturally.” “当然。” Jun Changxiao added: If honourable sect thinks not to have the odds of success, can announce to the public, does not accept my All Times Sect to meet.” 君常笑补充道:“如果贵宗认为没胜算,可以对外宣布,不接受我万古宗约战。” Is impossible. 不可能。 Lily Holy Sect is sect gate that Falling Star Great Continent ranks among the best, how to dread meets, making others think that fears emerging Fifth Rate sect gate? 百合圣宗星陨大陆数一数二的宗门,岂会畏惧约战,让别人认为怕一个新兴五流宗门 Good!” “好!” Cheng Huixin coldly said ; old one and Lily Holy Sect static stable technology Sect Master Jun belt/bring disciple fights!” 程慧心冷然道;“老身百合圣宗静定君宗主带弟子来战!” Said goodbye!” “告辞!” Saying, to being wounded disciple good meaningful glance, then wields the sleeve to go. 说着,向负伤弟子行了个眼色,然后挥袖而去。 This time comes, wants to cancel the agreement, makes that boy clearly recognize the reality while convenient, do not pester disciple again, finally actually comes disgracefully...... 此次前来,本想取消约定,顺便让那小子认清现实,不要再纠缠自己徒儿,结果却是来……丢人现眼的。 Does not deliver.” Jun Changxiao said. “不送。”君常笑道。 mission completed, shamed to the utmost, he did not have the interest and an old woman runs to fight. 任务完成了,也极尽羞辱了,他没兴趣和一个老太跑交手。 Murong Xin.” 慕容欣。” The entrance to inner courtyard, Xiao Zuiji walked, said: In Xiao Family’s great hall, in front of your teacher and same side, I lost the final dignity as man, three years approximately that day, I will seize open and aboveboard in Lily Holy Sect.” 通往内院的入口,萧罪己走了出来,道:“在萧家的大厅,在你师尊和同门面前,我失去了作为男人的最后尊严,三年之约那天,我会在百合圣宗堂堂正正夺回来。” Without the anger, without hate. 没有愤怒,没有怨恨。 The tone is light. 语气平平淡淡。 Looks for the dignity that Murong Xin recaptures to lose, rather is looks for the dignity that Lily Holy Sect recaptures to lose. 与其说是找慕容欣夺回失去的尊严,不如说是去找百合圣宗夺回失去的尊严。 Murong Xin settles down. 慕容欣驻足。 For a long time, opens the mouth saying: I am waiting.” 许久,才开口道:“我等着。” Then, along with the teacher same side goes, in the heart the mood is very complex and puzzled. 说罢,随师尊同门而去,心中情绪无比复杂和纠结。 That that All Times Sect high and low displays rampant domineering, as Lily Holy Sect one, Murong Xin definitely cannot tolerate. 万古宗上下表现出的那种嚣张跋扈,身为百合圣宗一员,慕容欣肯定看不过去的。 But saw things in others'shoes, went to Xiao Family to break an engagement in the past, the same side regarding his insult was less serious. 但换位思考,当年去萧家退婚,同门对于他的侮辱不是更严重么。 At that moment, Murong Xin as observer, realized finally own past ignorance, gave him to have the big pain. 那一刻,慕容欣以旁观者的身份,终于体会到自己当年的无知,给他带了多大的痛苦。 This girl heart does not go bad. 这个女孩心地并不坏。 but, in the wrong time, made the wrong matter. 只是,在错误时间,做出了错误的事情。 If two people have if possible, talented man and beautiful woman, the perfect match, pours can also become in Jianghu a charming story. 如果两人还有可能的话,男才女貌,珠联璧合,倒也能成为江湖中一段佳话。 Currently speaking, has almost no chance. 就目前来看,几乎没任何希望。 Because Xiao Zuiji will go to Lily Holy Sect, as she of disciple, after all will also fight for sect gate. 因为萧罪己会去百合圣宗,身为弟子的她,终归也会为宗门而战。 This is the fate. 这就是宿命。 Shangtian (to fly into the heaven) is doomed, is unable to change. 上天注定,无法更改。 ...... …… Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰! Bombardment test stones that in the training room, Xiao Zuiji sweats profusely. 训练房内,萧罪己挥汗如雨的一次次轰击测试石。 Junior Apprentice Brother Xiao was insane, for these days has been practicing, has not rested!” Stands said outside Li Fei. 萧师弟疯了,这几天一直在修炼,根本就没休息过!”站在外面的李飞道。 Su Xiaomo said: This way is not the means that Second Senior Apprentice Brother, or did you urge?” 苏小沫道:“这样下去不是办法,二师兄,要不你去劝劝?” Their these same side, are as close as brothers, naturally does not hope that saw Xiao Zuiji so suffers itself crazily. 他们这些同门,亲如兄弟,自然不希望看到萧罪己如此疯狂的折磨自己。 Does not use.” “不用。” Jun Changxiao walks, said: He has the discretion.” 君常笑走来,道:“他有分寸。” sect master!” 宗主!” Su Xiaomo is grasping the fist, said: Three years, please let the disciple go to battle, before is Junior Apprentice Brother Xiao snow, shame!” 苏小沫握着拳头,道:“三年之约,请让弟子出战,为萧师弟一雪前耻!” sect master, I also go to battle!” Li Fei said. 宗主,我也出战!”李飞道。 Jun Changxiao said: That has not practiced quickly, here stupidly is standing doing!” 君常笑道:“那还不快去修炼,在这里傻站着干嘛!” Yes!” “是!” Su Xiaomo and Li Fei quickly cultivated. 苏小沫李飞急忙去修炼了。 Although now is king level, but they know, the Second Rate sect gate disciple is not the ordinary person, before the day of meeting approached, must as soon as possible promote, then devastated them ruthlessly! 虽然如今已是王级,但他们知道,二流宗门弟子也绝非等闲之辈,约战之日来临前,必须尽快提升,然后把她们狠狠蹂躏! It is not good. 不行。 Is woman, the words has the issue. 都是女人,话有问题。 That bullies tyrannically............ wreaks havoc...... probably not good Ah! 那就欺负……狂虐……施暴……好像都不行 ...... …… hū hū ---- 呼呼----” Xiao Zuiji stopped, the streaming with sweat respite, said: sect master, Junior Apprentice Sister Ling can beat them, Lily Holy Sect has no forte, the disciple confident.” 萧罪己停了下来,汗如雨下喘息,道:“宗主,凌师妹能击败他们,百合圣宗没什么过人之处,弟子有信心。” Zuiji.” 罪己。” Jun Changxiao said: this throne hopes that you can understand, three years of goal approximately, for does not defeat Murong Xin, but must retrieve the dignity and self-confidence of once losing, then makes great strides forward to a higher level!” 君常笑道:“本座希望你能明白,三年之约的目的,不是为了去战胜慕容欣,而是要找回曾经失去的尊严和自信,然后向更高层次迈进!” Before set the agreement, had to drive the Xiao Zuiji’s meaning. 以前定下约定,有激励萧罪己的意思。 Over the past two years, he has grown is Martial King, than expected is quick, therefore does not want to live to take revenge merely. 两年来,他已经成长为武王,比预期要快,所以不希望仅仅活在复仇中。 People. 人嘛。 The level was high, should have a bigger ambition! 层次高了,就该有更大野心! Always brings to revenge this mentality, after all fell the low grade. 始终带着报仇这种心态,终归落了下乘。 system speechless say/way: host that said probably is very liberal magnanimous as, as everyone knows others came, but also instigates the disciple to damage, a sect master style does not have.” 系统无语道:“说的宿主好像很宽宏大度似的,殊不知人家来了,还怂恿弟子去损,一点宗主风范都没有。” Gets the hell out, gets the hell out.” Jun Changxiao said. “滚蛋,滚蛋。”君常笑道。 Xiao Zuiji said: sect master, the disciple understood, for the disciple stronger struggles!” 萧罪己道:“宗主,弟子明白了,弟子会为了更强而奋斗!” Diligently.” “努力吧。” Jun Changxiao patted his shoulder. 君常笑拍了拍他的肩膀。 Actually, what this goods most this/should enlightening is Ye Xingchen, because the fellow to hate to live truly. 其实,这货最该开导的是夜星辰,因为那家伙才是真正为了仇恨而活。 ...... …… The Lily Holy Sect visit, like the small interlude, only ended with 34 chapters. 百合圣宗来访,就像小插曲,只用三四章就结束了。 Jun Changxiao is development sect gate as always, not because Ling Yuanxue will defeat the opposite party nine disciples to be self-satisfied. 君常笑还是一如既往的发展宗门,不会因为凌渊雪战胜对方九名弟子而洋洋自得。 After all, the person who brings casually, has Martial Ancestor cultivation base, Second Rate sect gate is highly regarded. 毕竟,随便带来的人,都有武宗修为,二流宗门不可小觑。 Moreover that Murong Xin, breaks through Martial King unexpectedly, the speed is a little fast! 而且那慕容欣,竟然突破武王,速度有点快! system said: Second Rate sect gate on the training disciple, is definitely more specialized than host sect gate, especially this not wrong seedling, will definitely train emphatically.” 系统道:“二流宗门在训练弟子上,肯定比宿主宗门更专业,尤其这种不错的苗子,必然会着重培养。” Also yes.” “也是。” Jun Changxiao rubbed the brow, said: Three years approximately less than one year, must find the way to gain the resources.” 君常笑揉了揉眉头,道:“三年之约不足一年,得想办法获取资源。” The disciples were many, a spirit stone mineral lode achieves enough supplies truly difficult. 弟子多了,一个灵石矿脉实难做到足够供给。 Money has no value now to him, what is most important is spirit stone, especially is natural! 钱现在对他来说没什么价值了,最重要的还是灵石,尤其天然的! „The Martial King Pill material also needs to look.” 武王丹的材料也得需要找。” Because the demand are too many, Old Wei planted the previous batch to be at to plant the condition, Jun Changxiao also once assigned/life the Purchasing Hall positive purchase, finally only purchased scattered . Moreover the price was expensive. 因为需求太多,魏老种植完前一批已经处于断栽状态,君常笑也曾命采购堂积极采购,结果只购买到零零散散,而且价格非常贵。 Was the time goes out for a walk.” “是时候出去走走了。” This goods want to go to the place of bad risk to explore, after all gains various resources quickest methods. 这货又想去凶险之地探险了,毕竟是获取各种资源最为快捷的方法。 Let alone, the realm card, sect gate all operations are normal, nothing does, might as well go to outside wave. 更何况,境界卡着,宗门一切运营正常,也没什么事情做,不如去外面浪一浪。 Chance thing, does not sit waits to wait till at home, needs to go to itself to strive, for example jumps a cliff, to jump a Khesh, can perhaps meet the mysterious cave mansion, obtains mighty figure legacy. 机缘这东西,不是坐在家里等就能等到的,需要去自己争取,比如跳个崖、跳个海什么,也许就能遇到神秘洞府,获得大能传承呢。 sect master.” 宗主。” Li Luoqiu walks, said: Wonderful and Magnificent Palace letter.” 黎洛秋走进来,道:“妙华宫来信了。” ó?” ?” Jun Changxiao receives the letter/believes disassembles. 君常笑接过来将信拆开。 Above writes the beautiful small character, the content is- 上面写着娟秀小字,内容为- Southern Huang Province natural phenomenon, it is reported that had the rare treasure born some time ago, if Sect Master Jun is interested, may come Wonderful and Magnificent Palace to go together. 南荒州不久前天生异象,据传有异宝出世,君宗主若有兴趣,可来妙华宫一同前往。 Inscription person, Xi Jingxuan. 落款人,奚婧璇 As before the handwriting writes was so attractive, reminding him instantaneously of the appearance of that peony. 字迹依旧写的那么漂亮,让他瞬间想起了那国色天香的容貌。 Merely in a flash, monarch live in the point that will then focus on should pay attention to this solitary one, holding the chin saying: „Is rare treasure born? Probably a little meaning.” 仅仅一瞬间,君孤生便将心思放在应该关注的点上,托着下巴道:“异宝出世?好像有点意思。”
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