SSAT :: Volume #6

#594: To work as the dauntless man, definitely helps

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Big branch master stands directly, saw that subordinate/under the hand falls to the ground loudly, the vision exudes to say panic-strickenly: God...... invincible might cannon!” 舵主直接站起来,看到手下轰然倒地,目光泛起惊骇道:“神……神威火铳!” It seems like.” “看来。” Jun Changxiao takes a step to enter from outside, sits in the side first place, turns upwards one leg on the other saying: Big branch master inquired my All Times Sect a lot, even the invincible might cannon knows.” 君常笑从外面迈步而入,坐在侧首位,翘起二郎腿道:“大舵主没少打听我万古宗,连神威火铳都知道。” Big branch master complexion big change, startled say/way: How you came!?” 舵主脸色大变,惊道:“你怎么来了!?” Jun Changxiao looked to Jiang Xie, said interestingly: „His meaning, can't this throne come?” 君常笑看向了江邪,饶有兴趣道:“他这意思,本座不可以来?” Yes.” “是的。” Jiang Xie said: sect master.” 江邪道:“宗主。” sect master? 宗主 This fellow shouted him sect master! 这家伙喊他宗主 Introduced officially.” Jun Changxiao referred to Jiang Xie saying: My All Times Sect elder, many thanks Demon Fiend Sect these years looking.” “正式介绍一下。”君常笑指了指江邪道:“我万古宗长老,也多谢魔煞宗这些年的关照。” Big branch master angrily said: Jiang Xie, you are open betrayal Demon Fiend Sect, does not know that will have what fate!” 舵主怒道:“江邪,你这是公然背叛魔煞宗,难道不知道会有什么下场吗!” Sorry.” “抱歉。” Jiang Xie shrugs, said: I am not the Demon Fiend Sect disciple, is far from the betrayal.” 江邪耸耸肩,道:“我又不是魔煞宗弟子,谈不上背叛。” Hateful fellow!” Big branch master anger however. “可恶的家伙!”大舵主怒然。 Bang!” “轰!” In the meantime, outside hears the explosion sound sound, hangs Demon Fiend Sect branch the front door of signboard, by a pulp of Xiao Zuiji fist bang. 就在此时,外面传来轰响声,挂有‘魔煞宗分舵’牌匾的大门,被萧罪己一拳轰的稀巴烂。 Kills!” “杀!” The All Times Sect disciple holds the sword to clash. 万古宗弟子持剑冲进来。 Demon Fiend Sect branch younger brother member who to/clashes from the side building, suddenly the surface opposes the enemy raids, but also tries the confiscating family's property partner to counter-attack, finally at all not gathering, then killed inconsistency. 从厢房冲出来的魔煞宗分舵弟成员,突然面对敌袭,还试图抄家伙反击,结果根本不是一合之将,便被杀的七零八落。 This is not branch, the strength endures to compare Sixth Rate sect after all reluctantly. 这终归不是分舵,实力勉强堪比六流门派 The All Times Sect disciple just killed from Fourth Rate sect gate there, fights with them does not know simply how dying character writes. 万古宗弟子刚从四流宗门那里杀过来,和他们斗简直不知‘死’字怎么写的。 Ended, ended! 完了,完了! The big branch master thief is at heart cool. 舵主心里贼凉。 He guessed right Jun Changxiao is a seeking revenge for the slightest grievance person. 他猜对了君常笑是个睚眦必报的主儿。 but didn't expect, the opposite party just came back to kill oneself here from Northeast Lu Province, does not give the time to prepare. 只是没想到,对方刚从东北泸州回来就杀到自己这里,根本不给时间去准备。 Big branch master.” “大舵主。” The Jun Changxiao ten fingers buckle in the same place, said: You should know that this throne this time comes, behavior what matter?” 君常笑十指扣在一起,道:“你应该知道本座此次前来,所为何事吧?” pū chī! 扑哧 pū chī! 扑哧 In great hall talked and laughed merrily, outside the main hall the disciple killed just luxurious, interwove harmonious, cruel scene. 大厅内谈笑风生,大殿外弟子杀得正酣,交织出一面和谐,一面残忍的场景来。 The big branch master complexion is even more ugly, palm foot heart whole body sweat. 舵主脸色愈发难看,手心脚心全身汗水。 This is not the kidney empty symptom, this is frightened. 这不是肾虚症状,这是被吓的。 Mentioned also strangely, Jun Changxiao sat side, has not released any imposing manner, made him feel presses strength mountain to be big, breathed becomes rapid. 说来也奇怪,君常笑坐旁边,并没释放任何气势,却让他倍感压力山大,就连呼吸都变得急促起来。 If big branch master knows, at present is real Ninth Stage Sword and Martial Double King, understands why oneself so feared. 舵主如果知道,眼前是名货真价实的九品剑武双王,就会明白自己为何如此惧怕了。 Sect Master Jun.” 君宗主。” He blows up the brave gas channel/angrily said: This...... these days, my Demon Fiend Sect has not offended All Times Sect!” 他鼓起勇气道:“这……这段时间,我魔煞宗可没得罪过万古宗!” Before?” “以前呢?” „......” “……” Big branch master trembles saying: Sect Master Jun, I...... I am also follow orders conduct Ah!” 舵主瑟瑟发抖道:“君宗主,我……我也不过是奉命行事!” Just was under the headquarters order time, he sent Jiang Xie and the others to go to Ironbone Mountain, was not this appearance in reverential awe. 刚得到总部命令的时候,他派遣江邪等人去铁骨山,可不是这种诚惶诚恐的样子。 Right.” “对了。” Jun Changxiao remembered anything, said: A while ago, how your Demon Fiend Sect and did Grand Kun Sect compete for the spirit stone mineral lode the matter?” 君常笑想起了什么,道:“前段时间,你们魔煞宗太坤宗争夺灵石矿脉的事情怎么样了?” This fellow knows this matter, deciding is Jiang Xie informs! 这家伙知道此事,定是江邪告知的! Said.” Jun Changxiao sinking sound said. “说。”君常笑沉声道。 Big branch master hurried say/way: Sect Master Jun, my Demon Fiend Sect repelled Grand Kun Sect, defended the spirit stone mineral lode.” 舵主急忙道:“君宗主,我魔煞宗击退了太坤宗,守住了灵石矿脉。” Mineral lode where?” Jun Changxiao said. “矿脉在什么地方?”君常笑道。 This......” “这个……” Bang ----- 嘭----- The flowing light explodes shoots, the direct bang on the big branch master leg, the body inclines suddenly, partly kneels on the ground, the complexion is fierce suddenly. 流光爆射,直接轰在大舵主腿上,身体猛然倾斜,半跪在地上,脸色顿然狰狞起来。 The Desert Eagle muzzle that Jun Changxiao will belch smoke arrives on his head, coldly said: „The this throne’s issue, you must 1510 say, without right of rejection.” 君常笑将冒烟的沙漠之鹰枪口抵在他脑袋上,冷冷道:“本座的问题,你必须一五一十说出来,没有拒绝的权利。” Devils! 魔鬼! Big branch master the hot feeling of enduring the fierce ache and forehead transmits, the complexion is fierce: Jun Changxiao, you, if dares to kill me, is and Demon Fiend Sect for the enemy!” 舵主忍着剧烈的疼痛和额头传来的烫感,脸色狰狞道:“君常笑,你若敢杀我,便是与魔煞宗为敌!” This is a ruthless person. 这是个狠人。 Today plants in his hands, can live is leaving was very perhaps difficult, about dies in any case, why not to display the man to select! 今天栽在他手里,能活着离开恐怕很难了,反正左右都是死,何不表现爷们点儿! Jokes aside.” “说真的。” Jun Changxiao said: this throne really wants to make you go on living, how witnessing Demon Fiend Sect is extinguished by my All Times Sect.” 君常笑道:“本座真想让你活下去,亲眼目睹魔煞宗是怎么被我万古宗灭的。” But......” “但是……” Bang ----- 嘭----- Touches off the trigger, penetrates the big branch master head directly, said: „To work as the dauntless man, definitely helps.” 扣动扳机,直接穿透大舵主脑袋,道:“想当硬汉,肯定成全。” On treating enemy, Jun Changxiao is really not softhearted! 在对待敌人上,君常笑是真的一点都不心慈手软! What a pity Ironbone Unyielding big branch master, originally man of but symbol, if Sect Master Jun plays to select method, definitely hands over the arms immediately, finally two inquiry opportunities do not give, opened fire directly! 可惜了铁骨铮铮的大舵主,本来只是象征的爷们一下,如果君宗主玩点手段,肯定马上缴械投降,结果连二次询问机会都不给,就这么直接开枪了! On road to Hades. 黄泉路上。 He is definitely crying to shout: Big brother, can we play a card according to the repertoire next time!” 他肯定在哭着大喊:“大哥,咱下次能不能按套路出牌!” Hall Master Li.” 黎堂主。” Jun Changxiao takes back Desert Eagle, passes on the sound said: Investigates Demon Fiend Sect and Grand Kun Sect competes for the spirit stone mineral lode the position, the quicker the better.” 君常笑收回沙漠之鹰,传音道:“调查魔煞宗太坤宗争夺灵石矿脉的位置,越快越好。” Yes.” “是。” Li Luoqiu relates various Southwest Yang Province city information footholds by Sound Transmitting Technique. 黎洛秋传音术联系西南阳州各城池情报据点。 The informers will make the mistake in Northeast Lu Province, in own boundary, once revolves, definitely will not have any mistake. 眼线在东北泸州会出现失误,在自家地界一旦运转起来,绝对不会有任何差池。 We walk.” “我们走。” Jun Changxiao stepped over from the big branch master corpse. 君常笑从大舵主尸体上迈过。 Just went out of great hall, the disciple walks to go forward, threw over the mink coat on him, then took Dazzling Sunglasses, stepped outside eight steps is leaving swaggering. 刚走出大厅,弟子走上前,将貂皮大衣披在他身上,然后带上炫光墨镜,迈着外八步大摇大摆离开。 Jie Jie Jie!” “桀桀桀!” Outside Demon Fiend Sect branch, lunatic same Zhen Dejun of covers the face to smile strangely, then detonates Thunder Array directly. 魔煞宗分舵外,疯子一样的甄德俊掩着脸怪笑起来,然后直接引爆雷阵 Bang ---- 轰隆---- After a loud sound, establishes Southwest Yang Province about hundred years of Demon Fiend Sect branch to be razed to the ground. 一声巨响过后,建立西南阳州近百年的魔煞宗分舵被夷为平地。 No!” “不!” Jun Changxiao turns around suddenly, looks to be exploded gulf ruins, bites the finger collapse saying: „The treasure in branch also confiscates Ah!” 君常笑突然转过身来,看着被炸出一个深坑的废墟,咬着手指崩溃道:“分舵里的宝物还没收走!” sect master.” 宗主。” Li Qingyang said in a low voice: Disciple came in the first matter is plunders the finance, the full dress in the space ring.” 李青阳低声道:“弟子进来第一件事就是搜刮财务,全装在了空间戒指里。” Originally desperate Sect Master Jun one hear, restores acting cool character immediately, and patted the second disciple shoulder, gratified say/way: Is deep my heart, is deep my heart.” 本来绝望的君宗主一听,顿时恢复装逼范儿,并拍了拍二弟子肩膀,欣慰的道:“深得我心,深得我心。” ...... …… Bang--- 嘭--- The Murdering Deity Hall front door, was ruptured drives out, several member pain fall fall on the ground. 弑神殿大门,被爆裂轰开,数名成员痛苦摔落在地上。 Discussing official business Elder Zhan and Guo Degang hear the sound, quickly walks from great hall, the vision flood kills intent saying: Who dares to scatter in my Murdering Deity Hall branch......” 正在议事的詹长老郭德罡听到动静,急忙从大厅走出来,目光泛起杀意道:“何人敢在我弑神殿分舵撒……” The wild character has not said. 野字并没说出口。 Because Jun Changxiao walks surrounded by disciple, invisible passes the domineering imposing manner of sending, immediately makes their each and every one be afraid! 因为君常笑在众弟子簇拥下走进来,无形透发的强势气势,顿时让他们一个个不寒而栗起来! Eradicates Demon Fiend Sect in Southwest Yang Province’s branch, this Murdering Deity Hall branch must certainly eradicate. 铲除魔煞宗西南阳州的分舵,这弑神殿分舵肯定也要连根拔起。 Before life and death arena . 生死擂台前。 Elder Bai from Murdering Deity Hall headquarters, once rampant say/way: Today, Ironbone School must remove on Jianghu.” 来自弑神殿总部的白长老,曾嚣张道:“今天,铁骨派必须在江湖上除名。” At that time, Jun Changxiao was angry very much, but sect did not have the strength, can only choose to swallow an insult, finally depended on Old Wei to bluster, was startled to draw back that fellow. 那时候,君常笑很生气,但门派没实力,只能选择忍气吞声,最后还是靠着魏老虚张声势,才将那家伙惊退。 Until now, this throne and disciple had the strength, once old debt must today calculate that the gate is clear! 时至今日,本座和弟子有了实力,曾经的旧账必须在今天算门清! Sect Master Jun!” 君宗主!” Elder Zhan sinking sound said: What do you mean?” 詹长老沉声道:“你这是什么意思?” Bang ----- 嘭----— Xiao Zuiji touches off the trigger, the bullet passes through void, will hang directly on great hall inscribes the smashing that Murdering Deity Hall signboard strikes. 萧罪己扣动扳机,子弹穿过虚空,直接将悬在大厅上刻有‘弑神殿’牌匾击的粉碎。 Hasn't understood? 还不懂? All right. 没事。 Jun Changxiao raises the hand, told them in the straightforwardest spoken language: Extinguished.” 君常笑扬起手,用最直白的言语告诉他们:“灭了。”
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