SSAT :: Volume #6

#593: Must play plays in a big way!

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What?” “什么?” One that Demon Fiend Sect branch, big branch master leaps stands, unbelievable say/way: All Times Sect almost Extreme Cold Palace extinguishing?” 魔煞宗分舵,大舵主腾的一下站起来,难以置信道:“万古宗差点把极寒宫给灭了?” Yes, big branch master!” subordinate/under the hand said. “是的,大舵主!”手下道。 Big branch master sat directly, on the face full is inconceivable! 舵主直接坐了下来,脸上满是不可思议! According to the information that he learns, Jun Changxiao only led about thousand disciples, does this strength also energy balance point destroy completely tens of thousands Fourth Rate sect gate? 根据他获知的情报,君常笑只带了千名左右弟子,就这点力量也能差点灭掉一个好几万的四流宗门 And. 而且。 That is others domain Ah! 那是人家的地盘 Who does not know, cultivates Ice Class martial cultivator, in the world of ice and snow environment, the battle efficiency is extremely strong, almost destroys completely by thousand celebrities, simply fantasy story! 谁不知道,修炼冰系武修,在冰天雪地环境下,战斗力极其强势,靠千名人差点灭掉,简直天方夜谭! The impossible matter, Jun Changxiao and his disciple achieved. 不可能的事情,君常笑和他的弟子做到了。 At this moment, news that related Extreme Cold Palace fights, just like the violent storm, sweeps across in entire Falling Star Great Continent. 此刻,有关极寒宫一战的消息,犹如狂风暴雨般,在整个星陨大陆席卷。 After many influences learn, stares the big eye all. 诸多势力获知后,无不瞪大眼睛。 Especially also knew, before Jun Changxiao leaves, shouted that in the vaults of heaven- suspect my All Times Sect, although must execute! 尤其还得知,君常笑离开前,在苍穹间喊出了那句-犯我万古宗,虽远必诛! Warning. 警告。 The warning of scarlet fruits! 赤果果的警告! Goes to others domain, shouted that this grade of words, is rampant! 去别人地盘,喊出这等话,是何等嚣张! All Times Sect?” 万古宗?” Some indistinct such as on the mountain peak of smoke, divine poise and sagelike features old man caresses the beard saying: A little meaning.” 某飘渺如烟的山峰上,一名风仙道骨老者抚着胡须道:“有点意思。” sect master.” 宗主。” A middle-aged person said respectfully: Recently, this Southwest Yang Province sect gate, made many to let the matter that the person was unexpected, the crest of wave was unmatched.” 一名中年人恭敬道:“最近,这个西南阳州宗门,做了很多让人始料未及的事情,风头一时无两。” old man said with a smile: Each potential sect gate birth, can such as the gravel fall in the water to start the ripples, but can base on the world truly, but is very few, does not need to care.” 老者笑道:“每一个有潜力的宗门诞生,都会如石子落入水中掀起涟漪,但真正能立足于世的,不过少之又少,无须去在意。” Let alone.” “更何况。” His paused, wields single-handed, in the skinny finger the emerging out of thin air board game piece, places on the checkerboard gently, said: Present Falling Star Great Continent seems dead situation, needs this full of vigor and vitality influence, shakes the world pattern.” 顿了顿,单手一挥,枯瘦的手指中凭空出现棋子,轻轻放在棋盘上,道:“现在的星陨大陆好似一潭死水,需要这种朝气蓬勃的势力,来撼动天下格局。” The middle-aged person complexion changes, said: „Does sect master favor All Times Sect very much?” 中年人脸色微变,道:“宗主很看好万古宗?” Favors or not, is unimportant.” “看好与否,不重要。” old man twittering said: Also must look at it good fortune.” 老者呢喃道:“还得看它自身造化。” ...... …… In the past, the state county martial artist meeting first few words ate, now hears? 以往,州郡武者见面第一句话是吃了没,现在是听说了没? If who asked, what hears? Will definitely be despised, regards as the different kind. 如果谁问,听说啥?肯定会被鄙夷,视为异类。 The All Times Sect restless that big matter, spreads over Falling Star Great Continent, almost everyone was discussing, everyone is disseminating, has seriously to ‚the world who does not know the trend that Monarch rhythm walks! 万古宗闹腾的那么大事情,传遍星陨大陆,几乎人人都在议论,人人都在传播,当真有向‘天下谁人不识君’节奏走的趋势! Has to think rampantly. 有认为嚣张。 Has to think the dashing spirit of fearless young people. 有认为初生牛犊不怕虎。 In brief. 总而言之。 To All Times Sect this sect gate , like author writing a book, is more impossible much the high praise, unavoidably can by the various provinces martial artist hinderland unstated criticism. 万古宗这个宗门,就和作者写书一样,绝不可能得绝对好评,难免会被各州武者背地腹诽。 I can the acceptance for honor. 我可以接受荣誉。 Similarly will also accept to slander and rail. 同样也会接受一切诋毁和谩骂。 However. 但是。 With the Jun Changxiao character, will not accept to slander and rail, otherwise the minute minute copies the fellow to do the frame. 君常笑性格,绝不会接受诋毁和谩骂,不然分分钟抄家伙干架。 All Times Sect comments in the various provinces wind is poor. 万古宗各州风评不怎么好。 In Southwest Yang Province, actually by innumerable martial cultivator is the idol and hero. 西南阳州,却被无数武修为偶像和英雄。 Through the ages, many external sect gate enters the domain to pick a quarrel stirs up trouble, now makes the state gate, is oppressive the Fourth Rate influence blood of others family/home, this is absolutely exciting! 古往今来,多少外来宗门杀入自家地盘寻衅滋事,如今打出州门,把别人家的四流势力血虐,这绝对大快人心! Suddenly. 一时间。 The All Times Sect reputation achieves the apex in Southwest Yang Province, becomes the Martial Way sacred place that the youngster young girl most yearns for! 万古宗名声在西南阳州达到顶点,成为少年少女最向往的武道圣地! Father, mother!” “爹,娘!” Child resolves, in the future must become the All Times Sect disciple!” “孩儿立志,将来一定要成为万古宗弟子!” This words two years ago, will resolutely be opposed by the guardians, now not only the gratified child grows up finally, will also encourage, insists on own dream. 这种话在两年前,会被家长们坚决反对,如今不仅欣慰孩子终于长大了,还会去鼓励,坚持自己的梦想。 When sect gate had enough prestige, will impact the surrounding life and even the culture. 当一个宗门有了足够威望,会冲击周围的生活乃至文化。 The Qingyang Commandery eight cities, curl up wind of All Times Sect. 青阳郡八座城池,卷起一股万古宗之风。 First, does to reform in the clothes, dresses up solid is abandoned, gradually changes to the All Times Sect school uniform like that to be brief and vigor emerging clothing. 首先,在衣服做上进行改革,严严实实装扮被摒弃,逐渐改为万古宗校服那般简约而又活力的新兴服饰。 This putting on transformation, especially is most popular in the upper society people. 这种穿着上的变革,尤其在上层人士中最普及。 Visits friends or holds the grand banquet, the male wears the shirt, performs obviously succinctly, female many by short skirt appearance, the stature will show. 走亲访友或举办盛大宴会,男性穿短衫,尽显简练,女性多以短裙打扮,将好身材展现出来。 Xie Guangkun also carries out the resolute reform on the clothing, the choice has no ideological problems weighing on the mind, the person also had the vigor compared with the past. 谢广昆也在着装上进行大刀阔斧改革,选择轻装上阵,人也比以往更有精气神。 Attacks by city lord and upper society people, the new clothing tidal current starts the thorough common people. 城主和上层人士冲击,新型服饰潮流开始深入普通百姓。 The Falling Star Great Continent’s traditional clothing a depressed feeling, by the inspiration of All Times Sect school uniform, gradually was transferred colorfully, flowers blooming. 星陨大陆的传统服饰给人一种沉闷感觉,受万古宗校服的启发,逐渐转为五颜六色,百花争艳。 Walks in the Qingyang City main street, looks at various clothing color different pedestrians, feels like entering the modern and contemporary city. 以至于,走在青阳城主街道,看着服饰颜色各不同的行人,感觉就像进入近现代城市。 This atmosphere, is gradually corroding the peripheral cities, even spreads to other counties. 这种风气,在逐渐侵蚀着周边城镇,甚至向其他郡蔓延。 Believes soon, entire Southwest Yang Province by this atmosphere substitution, thus becomes young and is more vital. 相信用不了多久,整个西南阳州会被这种风气替代,从而变得更年轻、更充满活力。 ...... …… As the instigator of cultural transmission, after Jun Changxiao returns to sect gate, always considers an issue. 作为文化传输的始作俑者,君常笑返回宗门后,始终考虑一个问题。 sect promotes sect gate, first repels West Yun Province five sect gate, Extreme Cold Palace tidying up, gained enough prestige, why no longer plays greatly! 门派提升宗门,先击退西运州五个宗门,又把极寒宫给收拾一顿,获取了足够威望,为何不再玩大一点! Also made in any case noisily, makes more people understand simply, my All Times Sect cannot provoke, cannot provoke!” “反正闹也闹了,索性就让更多的人明白,我万古宗不能招惹,不许招惹!” The thought once rose, cannot press completely. 念头一经升起来,完全压不下去。 Sect Master Jun called Zhen Dejun, oneself idea will say, asks: Old Zhen, under intent how?” 君宗主召来甄德俊,将自己想法说出,问道:“甄老,意下如何?” !” !” Zhen Dejun pounds on the table, said: Also with saying, must play plays in a big way, must explode explodes!” 甄德俊一拍桌子,道:“还用说,要玩就玩大的,要炸就炸更多的!” Two lunatics came a look to look at each other, at once shakes the shoulder to smile badly. 两个疯子来了个眼神对视,旋即抖肩坏笑起来。 Xue Rengui!” 薛人贵!” The Jun Changxiao’s sound resounds in sect gate towering. 君常笑的声音在宗门突兀响起。 Xue Rengui of drill member is startled, corner of the mouth twitches said: This just came back, will not go to other state to wreck the event!” 正操练成员的薛人贵一怔,嘴角抽搐道:“这刚回来,不会又去别的州砸场子吧!” Selects soldier thousand.” “点兵千名。” The Jun Changxiao’s sound conveys: Along with this throne kills toward Demon Fiend Sect branch!” 君常笑的声音传来:“随本座杀往魔煞宗分舵!” Yes!” “是!” Xue Rengui results in the command! 薛人贵得令! Thousand members who just returned, rode Hurricane Wolf to collect to dash again Ironbone Mountain, position Demon Fiend Sect branch! 刚刚归来的千名成员,再次骑上飓风狼凑飞奔出铁骨山,所去位置正是魔煞宗分舵 Jun Changxiao this time has not ridden Demon Ridge Black Hawk, but trades to make Hurricane Wolf King, on gone road, lightly said: Both capital and interest debt collection time arrived.” 君常笑这次没骑魔岭黑鹰,而是换做飓风狼王,前往的路上,淡淡道:“连本带利收账的时候到了。” ...... …… Demon Fiend Sect branch. 魔煞宗分舵 Big branch master has slept on pins and needles for these days, because All Times Sect almost destroys completely Extreme Cold Palace, then represented this once not popular sect, strong to unimaginable situation! 舵主这几天一直寝食难安,因为万古宗差点灭掉极寒宫,便代表这个曾经不入流的门派,已经强到不可想象的地步! The disciples were bullied to dare ten thousand li (0.5 km) to make a long-range raid to do the frame with others, that Jun Changxiao absolutely is the person of seeking revenge for the slightest grievance! 弟子被欺负就敢万里奔袭去和人家干架,那君常笑绝对是睚眦必报的主儿! In the past sect gate once spied on his Azure Dragon Crescent Moon Sabre, oneself also sent Jiang Xie and the others to go to Ironbone Mountain, once there is a strength, leading the person to kill is not accidental/surprised! 当年宗门曾窥探他的青龙偃月刀,自己还派江邪等人去铁骨山,一旦有了实力,带人杀过来绝不意外! „It is not good!” “不行!” Big branch master sets out, sinking sound said: Must inform the headquarters as soon as possible, hopes that sends the powerhouse to assume Southwest Yang Province branch.” 舵主起身,沉声道:“得尽快通知总部,希望派强者坐镇西南阳州分舵。” Big branch master.” “大舵主。” In the meantime, a subordinate/under the hand incoming telegram: Jiang Xie sees.” 就在此时,一名手下来报:“江邪来见。” Big branch master said startled: He is not the beggar in Jiang Family Town, how to come? Is it possible that was also worried that Jun Changxiao has a grudge to report, doesn't dare to live in the town?” 舵主愕然道:“他不在江家镇做乞丐,怎么来了?莫非也是担心君常笑有仇必报,不敢住在镇子上了?” Yama Jiang walks with long hurried strides, said submissively: Big branch master.” 江阎王大步流星走进来,拱手道:“大舵主。” Un.” “嗯。” Big branch master drank tea, in the foreheads exuded proudly. 舵主喝了一口茶,眉宇间泛起傲然。 Although his strength cannot compare Jiang Xie, but as Demon Fiend Sect branch branch master, the authority is higher. 虽然他的实力比不上江邪,但身为魔煞宗分舵舵主,权位更高。 Big branch master.” “大舵主。” Jiang Xie said: „Did the person who I must find, have the news?” 江邪道:“我要找的人,有消息了吗?” .” 。” Big branch master places on the teacup the table, did not say patiently: Has the news words, this throne will inform you.” 舵主将茶杯放在桌子上,不耐烦道:“有消息的话,本座会通知你。” Jiang Xie sat, vision coldly said: My Jiang Xie is Demon Fiend Sect devotes life to so many years, trades each time is perfunctory, wants to ask, you do have are helping me find the person?” 江邪坐了下来,目光冷厉道:“我江邪魔煞宗效命那么多年,每次换来的都是敷衍,就想问问,你有没有在帮我找人?” Jiang Xie!” 江邪!” Nearby subordinate/under the hand cold sound said: Tone that pays attention to you to speak.” 旁边的手下冷声道:“注意你说话的口气。” Ka! 咔! Jiang Xie stands up, holds up Desert Eagle, bang a spear/gun explodes the head the opposite party directly, coldly said: Today tells you, Laozi/father is not dry.” 江邪站起身,举起沙漠之鹰,嘭的一枪将对方直接爆头,冷森道:“今天来是告诉你,老子不干了。” - -- PS: Thank of beginning several readers to enjoy, thank You take a look at me to do The baby shoe hits alliance chief that enjoys in the beginning directly! PS:感谢起点几名读者的豪赏,感谢【你到底瞅我干哈】童鞋直接在起点打赏的盟主!还有更,还有更!
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