SSAT :: Volume #6

#595: Angers the numerous

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Extinguished. 灭了。 The simple two characters, the arrogance is how rampant. 简单两个字,气焰何其嚣张。 Murdering Deity Hall branch master and two elder complexions are exceptionally ugly. 弑神殿舵主和两名长老脸色异常难看。 branch since Southwest Yang Province was established, that some people dare the frank and upright belt/bring person to kill! 分舵西南阳州成立以来,那有人敢光明正大的带人杀过来! Demon Fiend Sect branch same no one dares to provoke. 魔煞宗分舵同样没人敢招惹。 Now. 现在呢。 Had not been razed to the ground! 还不是被夷为平地! Sect Master Jun is very strong, but not necessarily dares now with third-class evil sect Yinggang, but tidies up these branch mixed fish! 君宗主很强势,但未必现在就敢和三流邪宗硬刚,但收拾这些分舵杂鱼还是可以的! Jun Changxiao!” 君常笑!” Guo Degang cold sound said: You must declare war to my Murdering Deity Hall!” 郭德罡冷声道:“你是要向我弑神殿宣战吗!” It can be considered as such.” 可以这么认为。” Jun Changxiao raises hand, the disciple swarms. 君常笑扬手,身后弟子一拥而入。 The Guo Degang vision twinkle kills intent, at once Martial King cultivation base full, carries the heavy/thick potential to fall on Martial Arts Field. 郭德罡目光闪烁杀意,旋即将武王修为全开,携带厚重之势落在演武场 However, just fell, Ye Xingchen steps on Wrapping Cloud Step to appear before him, a hand raises, coldly said: Death.” 然而,刚刚落下来,夜星辰踩着纵云步出现在他面前,一只手扬起,冷然道:“死。” xiū ---- ----” Seven Mysterious Red Clouds Light Break condenses instantaneously, and from the palm blowout light beam, carries extremely powerfully, brutally penetrates the chest of Guo Degang, and presents opening with amazement. 七玄霞光破瞬间凝聚,并从掌心喷出光束,携带万钧之力,无情穿透郭德罡的胸口,并呈现出骇然的豁口。 Overbearing. 霸道。 Without the sentiment! 没得感情! You......” “你……” Before the consciousness disappears, the Guo Degang vision exudes panic-stricken. 意识泯灭前,郭德罡目光泛起惊恐。 Once went to Ironbone Mountain, he and Elder Guo once and Jun Changxiao has fought, now facing this sect gate disciple actually by direct instant kill! 曾经去铁骨山,他和郭长老曾和君常笑交过手,如今面对这宗门弟子却被直接秒杀 Elder Guo!” The Elder Zhen anger however loudly exclaimed. 郭长老!”甄长老怒然大吼道。 Along with him goes to the hell together.” “随他一起去地狱吧。” Ye Xingchen raises the hand, the burning hot flame howls, changes explodes together cuts the light, by , but on chops! 夜星辰扬起手,炙热火焰呼啸而出,化作一道爆裂斩光,由上而上劈下来! Bang! 轰! Under glare of the public eye, Elder Zhen was cut two halves by Scarlet Firmaments Raging Flame Cut directly, great hall was also rumbled a giant opening by cutting of flame. 在众目睽睽之下,甄长老赤霄烈焰斩直接斩成两半,身后大厅也被火焰之斩轰出一个巨大豁口来。 Two Martial King, two moves of instant kill! 两名武王,两招秒杀 Breaks through the Martial King’s Ye Xingchen strength to explode simply! 突破武王的夜星辰实力简直爆炸! Was shaken the Murdering Deity Hall branch branch master vision that flies to exude by the burning hot tide with amazement. 被炙热浪潮震飞出去的弑神殿分舵舵主目光泛起骇然。 At this moment, he can do, witnesses, the disciple member was brutally slaughtered by the All Times Sect disciple, then one by one falls down. 此刻,他能做的,就是亲眼目睹,门下成员被万古宗弟子无情杀戮,然后一一倒在地上。 Art stems from the explosion!” “艺术源于爆炸!” Zhen Dejun stands outside the Murdering Deity Hall branch base, launches both hands, the complexion is fierce: Please heartily appreciates!” 甄德俊站在弑神殿分舵基地外,展开双手,脸色狰狞道:“请尽情的去欣赏!” Bang!” “轰隆!” Glitters, the land vibrates! 雷芒闪烁,大地震动! Under everywhere dust, Jun Changxiao leads the disciple to leave. 漫天尘土下,君常笑率弟子离开。 Just like him comes in a hurry, in a hurry however goes, has not carried off clouds, only carried off the opposite party countless treasure. 正如他匆匆而来,匆匆而去,没带走一片云彩,只带走了对方数之不尽的宝物。 sect master.” 宗主。” The ear broadcasts the Li Luoqiu sound: Found the Demon Fiend Sect spirit stone mineral lode!” 耳边传来黎洛秋声音:“找到魔煞宗灵石矿脉了!” The Jun Changxiao corners of the mouth raise sneer lightly, subsequently transfers the position, leading thousand disciples to obtaining the mineral lode position line goes. 君常笑嘴角扬起淡淡冷笑,继而调转方位,带千名弟子向获得的矿脉位置行去。 spirit stone mineral lode. 灵石矿脉。 Calculates the Demon Fiend Sect bills due the interest. 魔煞宗欠账的利息吧。 ...... …… On this day. 这一天。 Two third-class evil sect branch were razed to the ground, the news travels, entire Southwest Yang Province vibrates immediately! 两个三流邪宗分舵被夷为平地,消息传开,整个西南阳州顿时为之震动! What?” “什么?” After obtaining the information, Yi Tianhang startled say/way: Demon Fiend Sect and Murdering Deity Hall was branch extinguished by All Times Sect?” 得到情报后,易天行惊道:“魔煞宗弑神殿分舵万古宗灭了?” not wrong!” 不错!” Elder Zhou corner of the mouth twitches said: „The branch foothold was also razed to the ground!” 周长老嘴角抽搐道:“分舵据点还被夷为平地!” Acted unreasonably!” Yi Tianhang knits the brows to say. “太乱来了!”易天行皱眉道。 Elder Zhen bitter and astringent say/way: This boy , if not act unreasonably, how dare to go to Northeast Lu Province to wreck the Extreme Cold Palace’s event!” 甄长老苦涩道:“这小子如果不乱来,岂敢去东北泸州极寒宫的场子!” Continue like this, perhaps will annoy the popular anger!” Elder Zhou is worried to say. “如此下去,恐怕会惹众怒!”周长老担心道。 Although the Northeast Lu Province matter comes to the end temporarily, but the opposite party will not give up, now provokes itself two third-class evil sects again, Jun Changxiao must compel Ah toward the dead end in! 东北泸州事情虽然暂时告一段落,但对方绝不会善罢甘休,如今再招惹两名三流邪宗,君常笑是要把自己往绝路上逼 However. 然而。 They do not know, the Sect Master Jun’s meaning is- wants the hammering before it's too late, plays plays in a big way! 他们并不知道,君宗主的意思是-趁热要打铁,玩就玩大的! My God!” “我的天!” Two evil sect branch were extinguished by All Times Sect!” “两个邪宗分舵万古宗灭了!” This is flagrantly is provoking, Demon Fiend Sect and Murdering Deity Hall!” “这是在公然挑衅,魔煞宗弑神殿!” I have the premonition, soon, will have the innumerable experts to kill to Southwest Yang Province!” “我有预感,不久之后,将会有无数高手杀至西南阳州!” „, This also with premonition? Will definitely come!” “靠,这还用预感?肯定会来的!” ...... …… Boundless icy seas. 无垠冰海。 Extreme Cold Palace palace master kneels in a ice valley, everywhere wooden chair say/way: Extreme Cold Palace almost exterminated an entire family by Jun Changxiao, but also asked Grand Elder to go out to uphold the justice!” 极寒宫宫主跪在一处冰谷内,满目木椅道:“极寒宫差点被君常笑灭门,还请太长老出关主持公道!” Bang!” “轰!” Glacier blasting open of ice valley, white glow grazes together, fell before him. 冰谷的冰川炸裂,一道白芒飞掠而出,落在了他面前。 That is a 70-year-old senior, full white hair, the whole body condenses is letting ice cold aura that the person is afraid, sound coldly said: So rampant junior, the old man will meet a meeting!” 那是一名古稀老人,满头白发,周身凝聚着让人不寒而栗的冰冷气息,声音冷森道:“如此嚣张的小辈,老夫必要去会一会!” shuā! 刷! white glow passed through day, the cold air swept across the surrounding area thousand li (500 km), making the numerous raw and cold trembles! 白芒贯日,寒气席卷方圆千里,让众生冷得瑟瑟发抖! This aura......” “这气息……” Mysterious Spirit Sect sect master detects, startled say/way: half step Martial Saint!” 玄灵宗宗主察觉到,惊道:“半步武圣!” Certainly is Extreme Cold Palace Grand Elder, implication such anger, feared that must go to Southwest Yang Province to look for All Times Sect to do accounts!” High Cold Sect sect master knits the brows to say. “一定是极寒宫太长老,蕴含如此怒意,怕是要去西南阳州万古宗算账了!”上寒宗宗主皱眉道。 Their these Fourth Rate sect gate, have the older generation powerhouse, but the choice closes up all, wholeheartedly when pursue higher Martial Way, non- sect gate danger, usually in rarely comes. 他们这些四流宗门,都有老一辈强者,但无不选择闭关,一心追求更高武道,非宗门危难之际,平日里很少现身。 Extreme Cold Palace by this disaster, the almost extinguished sect, Grand Elder that closes up, if also sits by and does nothing, surely did not have the truth! 极寒宫遭此大难,差点被灭宗,闭关的太长老如果还坐视不理,肯定没道理了! but. 只是 The All Times Sect disciple has Token of the Ice Emperor, looks All Times Sect to be troublesome, perhaps is inappropriate. 万古宗弟子有冰帝之令,去找万古宗麻烦,恐怕不合适吧。 In Lu Qianqian of Extreme Mysterious Ice Pool cultivation, is feeling the boundless icy seas to have hot tempered cold intent to fill the air, the willow eyebrows wrinkle immediately. 正在极玄冰潭修炼的陆芊芊,感受无垠冰海有暴躁冷意弥漫,柳眉顿时皱起来。 ...... …… Demon Fiend Sect headquarters. 魔煞宗总部。 sect master Yin Shangye vision coldly said: Dares to extinguish my sect in Southwest Yang Province’s branch, Jun Changxiao, your courage is really big!” 宗主殷上野目光冷森道:“敢灭我宗在西南阳州的分舵,君常笑,你胆子真不小!” Report!” “报!” In the meantime, subordinate/under the hand enters the main hall saying: „The Southwest Yang Province’s mineral lode, was wrested away by All Times Sect, thousand disciples were killed completely!” 就在此时,一名手下进入大殿道:“西南阳州的矿脉,被万古宗霸占,千名弟子全部被杀!” Yin Shangye that originally can also endure heard this news, the head explodes immediately! 本来还能忍受的殷上野听到这消息,脑袋顿时炸了! Third Elder and Fourth Elder!” 三长老四长老!” His sinking sound said: Goes to Southwest Yang Province, goes to All Times Sect!” 他沉声道:“前往西南阳州,前往万古宗!” sect master!” 宗主!” An elder quickly said submissively: All Times Sect has Authentication Lodge and Heavenly Edict Academy is protecting, we send for rashly, perhaps is improper!” 一名长老急忙拱手道:“万古宗认证馆天谕学府护着,我们贸然派人过去,恐怕不妥吧!” Was bullied on the face, if this throne does not return the favor, but also there is what qualifications to command entire sect gate!” Yin Shangye angrily said. “被欺负到脸上,本座如果不还以颜色,还有什么资格统领整个宗门!”殷上野怒道 If but branch were extinguished, he can endure, but the mineral lode was wrested away, losing was serious, this tone cannot swallow certainly, must make All Times Sect pay the price! 如果只是分舵被灭,他能忍受,但矿脉被霸占,损失就惨重了,这口气绝咽不下去,必须让万古宗付出代价! shuā! 刷! shuā! 刷! Two Martial Sovereign of Demon Fiend Sect headquarters change to the flowing light to speed away the line, perhaps knows All Times Sect in the Northeast Lu Province actions, sent peak Martial Sovereign! 魔煞宗总部的两名武皇化作流光疾驰而行,也许知道万古宗东北泸州所作所为,派的还是巅峰武皇 great array potential! 大阵势! Meanwhile, the Murdering Deity Hall headquarters also sent the expert. 与此同时,弑神殿总部也派遣了高手。 Although their losses are unable to place on a par with Demon Fiend Sect, but also sent out two peak Martial Sovereign similarly. 虽然他们的损失无法和魔煞宗相提并论,但同样也派出了两名巅峰武皇 Naturally. 当然。 Two evil sect sect master know, if Authentication Lodge and Heavenly Edict Academy insist to guarantee All Times Sect, is not necessarily able to destroy completely it, but must bring the pressure on them. 两个邪宗宗主知道,如果认证馆天谕学府硬要保万古宗,未必能将其灭掉,但必须给他们施加压力。 Four peak Martial Sovereign, are the maximum pressures! 四名巅峰武皇,就是最大压力! Really. 真的。 Great stress! 压力巨大! Yi Tianhang and Situ Haoyun obtain the news, looks distressed all. 易天行司徒浩云得到消息,无不愁眉苦脸。 hū hū!” 呼呼!” In the meantime, in the city lord mansion emerges a boundless heavy/thick potential suddenly, causes two people being startled say/way: City Lord Mu went out!” 就在此时,城主府内突然涌现出一股磅礴厚重之势,使得两人惊道:“沐城主出关了!” This aura......” “这气息……” Situ Haoyun said dignifiedly: He has stepped into the half step Martial Saint level!” 司徒浩云凝重道:“他已经踏入半步武圣层次!” Yi Tianhang unbelievable say/way: Powerhouse who Southwest Yang Province very long has not presented this rank, City Lord Mu worthily is the legend of entire state!” 易天行难以置信道:“西南阳州已经很久没出现这种级别的强者了,沐城主不愧是整个州的传奇!” Father!” “父亲!” In the school, in the Mu Honglian bright eyes has joyfully. 学府内,沐红莲明眸中有着欣喜。 shuā! 刷! A look is dignified, does not get angry, since the middle-aged person of prestige stands is in the vaults of heaven, passes on the sound said: Closes up these days for the father, Southwest Yang Province may be peaceful!” 一名相貌威严,不怒自威的中年人立身在苍穹间,传音道:“为父闭关这段时间,西南阳州可还安宁!” Some Sect Master Jun, are peaceful! 君宗主在,安宁个屁!
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