SSAT :: Volume #16

#1510: Combustion, Ahniu!

First has sect master to protect the disciple strongly, now has senior apprentice brother to protect junior apprentice sister strongly. 先有宗主强势护弟子,今有师兄强势护师妹 At that moment. 那一刻。 Ye Xingchen inherited the Jun Changxiao’s doting parent character, does not allow anybody to injure own same side! 夜星辰继承了君常笑的护犊子性格,绝不允许任何人去伤害自己的同门! Master...... senior apprentice brother......” stands after behind Yao Mengying is covering the head, the look is limpid from time to time, from time to time falls into scarlet, said difficultly: I...... could not control the body...... I...... to be good to fear......” “师……师兄……”站在身后的姚梦莹捂着头,眼神时而清澈,时而陷入赤红,艰难道:“我……控制不了身体……我……好怕……” Do not fear.” “别怕。” Ye Xingchen said: Has senior apprentice brother, no one want to injure you.” 夜星辰道:“有师兄在,谁也别想伤你。” !” “呼!” The whole body energy covers, the unparalleled war-god wrap/sets puts in the body, the vision twinkle like buffalo cold severe. 周身能量笼罩,无双战神套穿在身上,目光闪烁如野牛般的冷厉。 Come! 来! Left with me shouted together the star scud is loose, right shouted sun and moon ginseng/partake Chen with me together! 左边儿跟我一起喊星飞云散,右边儿跟我一起喊日月参辰! Boy!” “小子!” Is the black robe mask person sinking sound said of head: You are delaying a very great and sacred matter.” 为首的黑袍面具人沉声道:“你正在耽误一件非常伟大而又神圣的事情。” During the speeches, however raises hand lightly. 说话间,轻然扬手。 shuā! 刷! shuā! 刷! subordinate/under the hand that several outlined the design flushed rapidly, under cultivation base erupted, strength all over 56 revolutions! 几名勾勒图案的手下迅速冲过来,修为爆发下,实力全在五六转以上! If the but restricted area monster beast, the issue is not perhaps big, now is real Human Race martial artist, moreover from passing sends the aura clearly to belong to demon cultivator, this, only then four revolutions of Ye Xingchen, without doubt is a test. 如果只是禁地妖兽,问题或许不算大,如今全是货真价实人族武者,而且从透发气息来看明显属于魔修,这对只有四转的夜星辰来说,无疑是个考验。 Did not fear! 不怕! War! 战! Ye Xingchen holds up Sky Piercing Halberd suddenly, coldly said: Laozi/father, no matter any sacred matter, anybody dares to injure my junior apprentice sister, finally must die.” 夜星辰猛然举起方天画戟,冷然道:“老子不管什么神圣事情,任何人敢伤我师妹,结果都必须死。” The aggressive side leaks, brutal Ahniu. 霸气侧漏,无情阿牛 These people pass the aura that sends, since is very gloomy, possibly with controlling Yao Mengying is related, wants to make her thoroughly break out of the fetter, the best way was...... all kills. 这些人透发的气息既然很阴森,可能和控制姚梦莹有关,想让她彻底摆脱束缚,最好办法就是……全杀了。 Trades to make Jun Changxiao, may be overcautious and indecisive to consider, after all will not pay attention to be approved slightly cruelly by the reader, but Ye Xingchen will not care, because will not be the lead, will make the any mistake, will have sect master to be a scapegoat in any case. 换做君常笑,可能会瞻前顾后考虑考虑,毕竟稍不留神就会被读者批残忍,但夜星辰不在乎,因为又不是主角,就算做错什么,反正有宗主来背锅。 Death!” “死!” Brings this thought that Ahniu to push out Yao Mengying, covers by qi wall, then by having Sky Piercing Halberd, making a move is sets at the person in the deathtrap style! 带着这种念头,阿牛姚梦莹推出去,以气墙笼罩,然后论起方天画戟,出手就是置人于死地的招式! „It is not good!” “不好!” Several black-clothed person who encircle quickly retrocede. 围上来的几名黑衣人急忙后退。 From the strength, this young people as if are about four revolutions, the strength that vigorous domineering of why erupting? 从实力来看,这年轻人似乎不过四转,为何爆发出的力量那么浑厚强势? Because of equipping, because of bloodlines. 因为装备,因为血脉。 Do not look that Ahniu just now enters into four revolutions now, but after the writing special effect stimulates, strength promotes especially obviously, let alone awakened the Green Bull bloodlines. 别看阿牛现在才刚迈入四转,但文字特效激发后,实力方面提升尤为明显,更别说又觉醒了青牛血脉。 Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” Domineering energy burst, ray shining mountain valley. 强势能量爆发,光芒照耀山谷。 Although several black-clothed person avoid ahead of time, but was still inevitable resisted strength of the halberd hardly, was shaken in abundance one after another retrocedes, what a pity, bringing the mask is unable to see clearly on their faces the expression. 几名黑衣人虽然提前躲开,但仍然不可避免硬抗了一戟之力,纷纷被震得接连后退,可惜,带面具无法看清他们脸上表情。 Is person of didn't expect head, four revolutions are so unexpectedly strong, immediately shouted: Quickly snatches that woman!” 为首之人没想到,一个四转竟如此强势,当即喝道:“赶快把那女人抢过来!” Above this crucial point fight time, cannot complete mission that gives quickly, takes away the body of owner ninth Heavenly Demon is good. 这个节骨眼可不是打架时候,必须赶快完成上面交给的任务,将第九个天魔之体拥有者带走才行。 !” “呼!” !” “呼!” Ye Xingchen wields Sky Piercing Halberd, protects before the Yao Mengying body, greatly good gatekeepers, the ten thousand potentials of cow not opening. 夜星辰挥动方天画戟,护在姚梦莹身前,大有一牛当关,万牛莫开之势。 Snatches? 抢? If Laozi/father today cannot protect junior apprentice sister, the former generation Sect Master Wang surname writes! 老子今天如果护不住师妹,前任王掌门姓倒写! shuā! 刷! shuā! 刷! In the meantime, many mask martial artist fly from the hidden place, the population is gradually raised to over a hundred, fortunately the strength is not too high, mostly in one revolution Revolving Core Realm. 就在此时,更多的面具武者从暗处飞出来,人数逐渐提升到上百个,所幸实力不算太高,大多都在一转转丹境 Was troublesome.” “麻烦了。” Just established flag Ye Xingchen, the brow wrinkles tightly. 刚立下flag的夜星辰,眉头紧皱起。 So many martial artist, combines several 56 revolutions, oneself want to protect junior apprentice sister a little to be perhaps difficult. 这么多武者,其中混杂好几名五六转,自己想保护师妹恐怕有点困难了。 News passes on is so long, how not to have seen the person to support!” “消息传过去那么久,怎么还不见人来支援!” Although Ye Xingchen is annoyed at heart, but can only depend on itself at this moment, therefore shakes hand tightly Sky Piercing Halberd, the vision locks the pressing on step by step 110 black-clothed person stubbornly. 夜星辰虽然在心里懊恼着,但事到如今只能靠自己,于是紧握手中方天画戟,目光死死锁定正在步步紧逼的百十名黑衣人。 He cannot initiate an attack, because the opposite party definitely snatches Yao Mengying, therefore the aspect is passive. 他不能主动出击,因为对方肯定抢姚梦莹,所以局面非常被动。 On!” “上!” hū hū!” 呼呼!” Shortly, dozens black-clothed person throw. 顷刻间,数十名黑衣人扑过来。 Under various dark attributes erupt, terrifying of mountain valley exaggeration! 各种黑暗属性爆发之下,将山谷渲染的更加恐怖! Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” Ye Xingchen wields Sky Piercing Halberd crazily, martial artist that will press in all directions drives back all, but was also attacked by fish slip through inevitably, can only retrocede step by step, within the body blood tumbles fiercely. 夜星辰疯狂挥动方天画戟,将四面八方压来的武者尽数逼退,但也不可避免遭到漏网之鱼攻击,只能一步步后退,体内血液剧烈翻滚起来。 realm suppresses, population suppression. 境界压制,人数压制。 Because must protect Yao Mengying to fall into passively, the Ahniu situation is not very wonderful. 又因为要保护姚梦莹而陷入被动,阿牛情况很不妙。 Do not waste the time!” “别浪费时间!” Is first black robe martial artist shouts loudly: Quickly killed the fellow who this was in the way, carried off that woman!” 为首黑袍武者大声喝道:“赶快把这碍事的家伙杀了,将那女人带走!” Yes!” “是!” The people must the command, press crazily. 众人得令,疯狂压来。 Naturally, must live the belt/bring to go back because of Yao Mengying behind, therefore their very big degree was also limited, otherwise has released the big move to finish up together. 当然,因身后姚梦莹务必活着带回去,所以他们也很大程度被限制,否则早就一起释放大招完事了。 Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” Ye Xingchen holds Sky Piercing Halberd with raiding martial artist slaughters, throughout is steady near junior apprentice sister, without letting them jumps over perimeter/thunder pool half step, as the price, is trades by bombardments! 夜星辰方天画戟与袭来的武者厮杀,始终稳在师妹附近,没让他们越雷池半步,作为代价,便是换来被一次次轰击! Thinks All Times Sect carefully since establishment, but also did not have the disciple to sacrifice, for a closer reality, was inferior...... 仔细想想万古宗自建立以来,还没有弟子牺牲,为了更加贴近现实,不如…… hū hū!” 呼呼!” In the meantime, the people encircle the region suddenly twinkle golden color ray that kills, punctured large quantities of black clothes martial artist closes eyes the retreat! 就在此时,众人围杀上来的区域突然闪烁金色光芒,刺的大批黑衣武者纷纷闭目后退! shuā! 刷! Ye Xingchen stands as before the Yao Mengying body, was attacked the unparalleled war-god wrap/sets of breakage already by the shining armor substitution, coordinating that callous face, the whole person to lead the new thing altitude instantaneously! 夜星辰依旧立在姚梦莹身前,原本被攻击到破损的无双战神套已被金闪闪铠甲替代,配合那张冷酷脸庞,整个人瞬间帅出新高度! Gold/Metal shining Saint armor?!” “金耀圣甲?!” In the first black robe mask person voice has unbelievable. 为首黑袍面具人声音中有着难以置信。 shuā! 刷! Ye Xingchen raises the hand, stands vanishes in Sky Piercing Halberd of under foot baseless, at once presents a similarly shining long spear/gun. 夜星辰扬起手,立在脚下的方天画戟凭空消失,旋即出现出一柄同样金灿灿的长枪。 Golden Glory Holy Spear!” 金耀圣枪!” Is the first black robe mask person at heart the secretly thought: These two equipment obviously are Jin Hao, why will present in his hands, is it possible that the fellow to be killed? Equipped supreme treasure also to be robbed?” 为首黑袍面具人在心里暗道:“这两件装备明明是金昊的,为何会出现在他手中,莫非那家伙被杀了?装备至宝也被抢走了?” In this quite dangerous moment, many eats the melon people to wait for the Ye Xingchen stimulation bloodlines to change to big Green Bull, finally actually summons two divine tools close to 'Immortal' Character level. 在这个比较危险的关头,很多吃瓜群众都在坐等夜星辰激发血脉化作大青牛,结果却将两件接近仙字级的神器召出来。 What is a divine tool? 何为神器? Is the unusual god! 就是非常神! When Ye Xingchen puts on Saint armor of shining, grasps the shining Saint spear/gun, each meridians, each pore seemed stimulated, the thought that wants to fight to be even more intense thoroughly! 夜星辰披上金闪闪的圣甲,手持金灿灿的圣枪,每一条经脉,每一个毛孔仿佛被彻底激发,想要战斗的念头愈发强烈! You......” “你们……” Ahniu raised the head, said: Must die!” 阿牛抬头,道:“都要死!” hū hū!” 呼呼!” Golden special effect instantaneous in addition holds the whole body, as if changed to the golden Saint warrior! 金色特效瞬间加持周身,仿佛化作了黄金圣斗士! Ahniu! 阿牛 Combustion microcosm! 燃烧小宇宙吧! At this moment, is your ray, is your glory, will certainly illuminate entire Upper Realm! 这一刻,属于你的光芒,属于你的荣耀,必将照亮整个上界 xiū!” !” xiū!” !” In the meantime, the distant place hears the broken wind sound/rumor. 就在此时,远处传来破风声。 In the vaults of heaven appears the dense and numerous seven color flowing light, assumes alternating expression to fly, the special effect high putting on Ye Xingchen of vestment is stronger. 苍穹间浮现出密密麻麻的七彩流光,呈交错式飞过来,特效之高比穿圣衣的夜星辰还强。 Junior Apprentice Brother Ye!” 夜师弟!” The Li Qingyang sound conveys: We came!” 李青阳声音传来:“我们来了!” „......” “……” The Ye Xingchen expression is splendid. 夜星辰表情精彩起来。 I was ganged up on you do not come, opens the big move of time to catch up, this does not clarify against the wind the head! 我被群殴的时候你们不来,开大招的时候赶来,这不摆明抢风头吗! To turn over to think, Ahniu relaxes, promptness that after all they come, moreover...... I go, opened so many to put up Diablo unexpectedly, Junior Apprentice Sister Yao surely does not have the danger! 想归想,阿牛还是松了一口气,毕竟他们来的及时,而且……我去,竟然开了那么多架暗黑破坏神,姚师妹肯定没危险了! Trash.” “垃圾。” Ye Xingchen resists the spear/gun, coldly said: You can die.” 夜星辰将枪抗起,冷然道:“你们可以去死了。” In the close-up, vault of heaven mecha carry seven color flowing light extreme speeds to fly, then falls in the mountain valley slowly. 特写镜头中,身后苍穹一架架机甲携带七彩流光极速飞来,然后徐徐落在山谷内。 This on behalf of what? 这代表了什么? When on behalf of Ahniu encounters the danger, the mighty force, like the ancestors has not fought single-handedly, even finally was been cloudy no one to love dearly. 代表阿牛遇到危险时,身后还有千军万马,不像上辈子孤军奋战,甚至最后被阴死了都没人心疼。 Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” The ground transmits the vibration frequently. 地面频繁传来震动。 Slightly, large quantities of Diablo stand in Ye Xingchen behind. 稍许,大批暗黑破坏神立在夜星辰身后。 Their both eyes are glittering the gloss, as if hungrily very long monster beast locking that group of trembling black robe mask people. 它们双目闪烁着光泽,仿佛饥饿很久的妖兽般锁定那群瑟瑟发抖的黑袍面具人。 Hundred one revolution many? 一百一转很多 Very sorry, in the All Times Sect disciple dictionary, most does not fear fought in groups! 很抱歉,在万古宗弟子字典里,最不怕的就是打群架了! xiū!” !” Connecting Ancient Warship flies, stops sky over valley entrance, Jun Changxiao sits in the bow lights cigarette, the facial expression: Advance regiment obeys orders, all extinguished to me them.” 通古战船飞过来,停在谷口上空,君常笑坐在船头点燃一根烟,面部表情道:“先锋团听令,把他们全给我灭了。” Yes!” “是!” Zhong Yi shouted: Attacks!” 钟义喝道:“出击!” hū hū!” 呼呼!” hū hū shouted!” 呼呼呼!” Thousand physiques are huge, the strength tyrannical Diablo half step walks, encircles No. 110 child like one group of adults in the minimum range, either raises the steel fist, either lifts the foot of steel to open up the rainstorm pear flower offensive! 千架体格巨大,实力强横的暗黑破坏神快步走上去,如同一群成年人将百十号小孩子围在极小范围内,要么举起钢铁拳头,要么抬起钢铁之脚展开暴雨梨花般攻势! Several 45 revolutions of powerhouses are not necessarily able to dread this mecha, but they at this moment step on one by Gu Zhaoxi and a Black and White Rakshasa person, is testing the floor thickness with the face crazily. 几名四五转强者未必会忌惮这种机甲,可他们此刻正被顾朝夕黑白罗刹一人踩一个,用脸疯狂测试着地板厚度。 ...... …… Slightly . 稍许后。 More than 100 black robe people were all solved, leaves behind that to take the lead only, when unties their mask, then the discovery forehead inscribes the crescent moon design. 一百多名黑袍人全被解决,唯独留下那名领头的,当解开他们面具,便发现额头均刻有月牙图案。 Brother!” “老哥!” Gu Zhaoxi knits the brows: Is the Burying Moon Pavilion person!” 顾朝夕皱眉道:“是葬月阁的人!” Jun Changxiao falls to step in that complexion gloomy black robe old man face, coldly said: Dares to operate to control my All Times Sect’s disciple, believes the Laozi/father next second to make Burying Moon Pavilion the history?” 君常笑落下来一脚踩在那名脸色阴森的黑袍老者脸上,冷然道:“敢操纵控制我万古宗的弟子,信不信老子下一秒就让葬月阁成为历史?” After arriving at Upper Realm, Gousheng (Dog Remains) is low-key throughout, but does not represent to turn a new leaf, becomes a good-hearted person. 来到上界狗剩始终低调,但不代表改邪归正,成为了一个老好人。 If Yao Mengying had not been blocked promptly by Ye Xingchen, if there is little accident/surprise, for example falls a hair, will definitely destroy completely this and enemy for the mysterious organization of enemy recklessly! 如果姚梦莹没被夜星辰及时拦下,如果发生一点点意外,比如掉根头发,肯定会不顾一切灭掉这个和敌人为敌的神秘组织!
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