SSAT :: Volume #16

#1511: Tenth Innate Demon Body

The shampoo quality that because All Times Sect uses is very good, Yao Mengying has not fallen the hair, therefore Jing Zhixiao in No. 66 mecha does not need to jump down. 因为万古宗用的洗发水质量很好,姚梦莹没掉头发,所以66号机甲中的静知晓也就没必要跳下来了。 However. 但是。 Without falling the hair, did matter end? 没掉头发,事情就完了? Very sorry, Jun Changxiao has remembered Burying Moon Pavilion, already in innermost feelings most deep place. 很抱歉,君常笑已经记住葬月阁了,已经记在内心最深处了。 With the Gousheng (Dog Remains) character, so long as were kept thinking on, light then becomes the cash machine, heavy removes on Jianghu, thinks that it pays silent tribute. 狗剩的性格,只要被惦记上,轻则成为提款机,重则在江湖上除名,所以为它默哀吧。 sect master......” 宗主……” The Yao Mengying difficult opens the mouth said: I...... I...... cannot control my body......” 姚梦莹艰难开口道:“我……我……还是控制不住自己的身体……” More than 100 Burying Moon Pavilion members were all solved, the disciple is proficiently licking the package, but has the energy of her within the body not to relieve, obviously contains errors with the guess of Ye Xingchen, both have no relation. 一百多名葬月阁成员全被解决掉了,弟子正在熟练舔包,但存在她体内的能量始终没解除,显然和夜星辰的猜测有误,两者没任何联系。 this throne helps you reduce and solve the body.” 本座来帮你化解体。” Jun Changxiao buckles in the Yao Mengying wrist/skill, after an investigation, has no discovery. 君常笑扣在姚梦莹手腕上,一番探查后没任何发现。 Strange! 奇怪! How what also? 怎么什么也没有? Such being the case, why is the body uncontrolled? 既然如此,身体为何不受控制? roll on the ground black robe old man sneers saying: „The summon will from my ancestor, and other mortals can reduce and solve can it be that!” 躺在地上的黑袍老者冷笑道:“来自吾祖的召唤意志,岂是尔等凡人能化解的!” Jun Changxiao entrains him, said: What do you mean?” 君常笑将他拽来,道:“什么意思?” ha ha ha!” 哈哈哈!” That black robe old man complexion fierce dissoluteness laughs, said: This girl has Innate Demon Body, being doomed to resurrect to offer sacrifices for my ancestor, this is the life that no one is able to prevent!” 那名黑袍老者脸色狰狞的放肆大笑起来,道:“这女娃先天魔体,注定要为吾祖复活而献祭,这是谁都无法阻止的命!” Bang!” “轰!” A Jun Changxiao fist bang in the past, sank his face bang, the anger however said: I assign/life your Sir!” 君常笑一拳轰过去,把他脸都轰凹了,怒然道:“我命你大爷!” sect master......” 宗主……” Yao Mengying holds the head, the pain was saying: I...... could not control myself quickly, I...... wanted to enter the vortex......” 姚梦莹抱着头,痛苦道:“我……快控制不住自己了,我……想要进入漩涡……” She can also maintain the reason now, thought that but the force leads the way like irresistible order. 她现在还能保持理智,但强迫前行的念头就像不可抗拒的命令。 Blockade!” “封锁!” Jun Changxiao shouted: Do not let her move!” 君常笑喝道:“别让她动弹!” Yes!” “是!” Before Li Qingyang and Xiao Zuiji and the others quickly arrive at the junior apprentice sister body, forms various barrier limit actions. 李青阳萧罪己等人急忙来到师妹身前,形成各种结界限制行动。 Black robe old man said with a smile strangely: My ancestor's summon will cannot be disobedient, you prevented her to handle the great matter forcefully, waits to explode the body to perish!” 黑袍老者怪笑道:“吾祖的召唤意志不可忤逆,尔等强行阻止她去做伟大的事情,就等着爆体而亡吧!” Bang!” “嘭!” Bang!” “嘭!” Ye Xingchen lifts starts to trample toward his face on crazily fiercely, said: Laozi/father first makes you die!” 夜星辰抬起脚疯狂朝他脸上猛踹,道:“老子先让你死!” I must go in...... I to go in......” “我要进去……我要进去……” Was stranded the Yao Mengying double pupil in barrier to be gradually red, the last reason also by some strength control, seems changes to the good-for-nothing. 被困结界内的姚梦莹双眸逐渐赤红,最后一丝理智也被某种力量控制,好似化作行尸走肉。 motherfucker!” 妈的!” The Jun Changxiao complexion is ugly. 君常笑脸色难看。 Although he a little questioned words that black robe old man spoke, but definitely does not dare to bet, therefore can only look at the vision to the distant place vortex, immediately steels one's heart saying: this throne must have a look but actually, in this is anything!” 虽然他有点质疑黑袍老者说的话,但肯定不敢去赌,所以只能将目光看向远处漩涡,顿时心一横道:“本座倒要看看,这里面是什么!” Remove barrier, making Mengying go in!” “撤掉结界,让梦莹进去!” sect master......” 宗主……” Li Qingyang and Xiao Zuiji and the others started to speak but hesitated, can only obey the order remove to tie up junior apprentice sister’s barrier. 李青阳萧罪己等人欲言又止,只能听从命令撤掉捆缚师妹的结界 After gaining the freedom, line that Yao Mengying does not return to vortex place, the scarlet double pupil is even more radiant, obviously has any great power to summon her. 获得自由后,姚梦莹头也不回的行向漩涡处,赤红双眸愈发璀璨,显然有什么强大力量在召唤她。 You are waiting here.” “你们在这里等着。” Jun Changxiao said: this throne goes in along with her.” 君常笑道:“本座随她进去。” Brother!” “老哥!” The Gu Zhaoxi station, said: Perhaps inside bad risk extremely, I accompany together......” 顾朝夕站出来,道:“里面或许凶险万分,我陪一起……” Remains.” “留下来。” Jun Changxiao had followed Yao Mengying, said: This is the order.” 君常笑已经跟上了姚梦莹,道:“这是命令。” „......” “……” Gu Zhaoxi did not speak. 顾朝夕不语。 In high-level and disciples visual, Jun Changxiao and Yao Mengying step by step good to the vortex of implication demon qi extremely, all around the atmosphere also become very serious. 在高层和众弟子目视下,君常笑姚梦莹一步步行向蕴含极魔气的漩涡,周遭气氛也变得非常严肃。 Salutes!” “行礼!” Zhong Yi shouted loudly. 钟义大声喝道。 shuā! shuā! 刷!刷! Thousand Diablo stiff bodies, respect the highest specification etiquette to sect master, felt that like seeing off for the hero, this makes Jun Changxiao almost unable to bear turn around to kick this crowd of sand sculptures. 千架暗黑破坏神挺直身子,向宗主敬最高规格礼仪,感觉就像在为英雄送行,这让君常笑差点忍不住转身把这群沙雕全踢飞出去。 ...... …… !” “呼!” !” “呼!” The vortex, a darkness, the cold wind howls to blow, seems shrieks and howls wildly. 漩涡内部,一片黑暗,冷风呼啸而吹,好似鬼哭狼嚎。 Treads!” “踏!” Jun Changxiao walks, steps in the heavy/thick flagstone. 君常笑走进来,踩在厚重石板上。 He does not have to inquire nearby environment with enough time, Yao Mengying that because comes in later has gone toward the front line, therefore can only follow quickly, and time is vigilant, preventing the disciple to have what accident/surprise. 他没来得及去打探附近环境,因为随后进来的姚梦莹已朝前方行去,于是只能快步跟上,并时刻警惕,防止弟子有什么意外。 Wū wū!” “呜呜!” Wū wū!” “呜呜呜!” The frequency that the cold wind blows speeds up, seems some strange language on first hearing. 冷风吹来的频率加快,乍一听好似某种古怪语言。 Naturally. 当然。 In the dark environment also has extremely intense demon qi attribute, trades to make others' words, possibly has appeared ill, but two spirit bodies in body, once experienced demon qi to enter the body in Land of Demon Fate, Jun Changxiao not only nothing, instead had the spirit more and more. 黑暗环境里也存在着极其强烈的魔气属性,换做别人的话,可能早就出现不适,但有两个灵体在身,又曾在魔缘之地经历魔气入体,君常笑非但没什么事情,反而越来越有精神了。 Girl?” “丫头?” Gousheng (Dog Remains) walks while passes message. 狗剩一边走一边传音。 Yao Mengying had not replied, obviously had been controlled thoroughly. 姚梦莹没回答,显然已经彻底被操控。 motherfucker!” Jun Changxiao is grasping the fist, is cursing angrily at heart: „If the manual control, waited to find the instigator, Laozi/father must make him live to might as well die!” 妈的!”君常笑握着拳头,在心里怒骂道:“如果是人为控制的,等找到始作俑者,老子必让他生不如死!” Un?” “嗯?” Gousheng (Dog Remains) suddenly discovered that the front darkness assumes weakly luminous, as more walks is nearer, the ray is also getting bigger and bigger. 狗剩忽然发现前方黑暗处呈微弱光亮,随着越走越近,光芒也越来越大。 That is a circular stone platform, all around has rows of candles to burn, the flagstone outlined the complex design, looked very gloomy. 那是一个圆形石台,四周有一排排蜡烛在燃烧,石板勾勒复杂图案,看上去非常阴森。 At this moment, eight black robe martial artist stand in the different positions, they lower the head, hold their palms together, was making the prayer like the devout follower. 此刻,八名黑袍武者立在不同位置,他们纷纷低着头,双手合十,像极了虔诚信徒在做祷告。 What is this?” “这是什么?” The Jun Changxiao brow wrinkles. 君常笑眉头皱起来。 system said: Probably is an ancient altar, is it possible that related with resurrecting Demon Ancestor?” 系统道:“好像是一种古老祭坛,莫非和复活魔祖有关?” „Doesn't Demon Ancestor resurrect in the West?” Jun Changxiao said puzzled: Therefore is it possible that arrange/cloth deceptive battle array? Attracts the Ten Great Immortal Sects powerhouse, real resurrecting actually here?” 魔祖复活不是在西方吗?”君常笑不解道:“莫非故布疑阵?将十大仙宗强者吸引过去,真正复活点其实在这里?” If so, sent 110 one revolution martial artist protections, Burying Moon Pavilion also rather to pull rank?” system said. “如果是这样的话,就派百十名一转武者守护,葬月阁也未免太托大了吧?”系统道。 Can be so long with the Realm Hall fight, is extended the mysterious organization that by Reckless Demon Clan, definitely does not lack the expert, if this place is really the Demon Ancestor resurrecting point, has not sent the Seeking Truth Realm rank to assume personal command, the brain is definitely sick! 能和界堂斗那么久,由魔妄族延伸出来的神秘组织,肯定不缺高手,如果此地真是魔祖复活点,没派寻真境级别坐镇,脑子肯定有病呀! Treads!” “踏!” In the meantime, Yao Mengying steps onto stone platform, stands in the similar array eye strange design, lowers the head changes to the devout follower about ten. 就在此时,姚梦莹走上石台,站在类似阵眼奇怪图案上,低头合十化作虔诚信徒。 The Jun Changxiao careful observation, discovers nearby There’s another one vacancy, therefore there are to mediate to decide, said: Without guessing wrong, these eight person and dream Yao same has Innate Demon Body.” 君常笑仔细观察,发现旁边还有一个空位,于是有了断定,道:“如果没猜错的话,这八人和梦瑶一样都有先天魔体。” According to that Burying Moon Pavilion branch master said, ten Innate Demon Body can trigger second Demon Ancestor resurrecting plan, now nine all arrive, then also only remained one, moreover as if was also ascension. 根据那名葬月阁舵主说,十个先天魔体才能触发魔祖复活计划之二,如今九个全部到位,那么也就仅剩一个了,而且似乎也是飞升者。 Can be the acquaintance?” “会不会是熟人?” system said: Can come from Falling Star Great Continent?” 系统道:“会不会来自星陨大陆?” „......” “……” Jun Changxiao speechless say/way: Without is so skillful?” 君常笑无语道:“没这么巧吧?” Because Yao Mengying stands in stone platform, as without receiving any injury, therefore he also stands outside the altar waits, ranking ten Innate Demon Body appear. 因为姚梦莹站在石台上,似乎没受到任何伤害,所以他也就站在祭坛外等待,等第十个先天魔体出现。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Buzz!” “嗡!” After half double-hour, on the flagstone the mark line starts to glitter, forms streams light/only and nine people involves. 半个时辰后,石板上纹线开始闪烁,形成一道道流光和九人牵扯起来。 Can start?” “要开始了?” Jun Changxiao said startled: Doesn't miss one?” 君常笑愕然道:“不是还差一个吗?” Buzz! Buzz!” “嗡!嗡!” Stands the body shivers in Yao Mengying and the others definitely slightly, because as if the vacancy place is unable to collude, is unable to form some fusion, the under foot design glitters frequently, as if warning reminder. 站在阵决内的姚梦莹等人身体轻微颤抖,似乎因为空缺的地方始终无法勾连,无法形成某种融合,脚下图案频繁闪烁,仿佛警报提醒。 „It is not good!” “不好!” system startled say/way: Yao Mengying life symptom is dropping suddenly!” 系统惊道:“姚梦莹生命体征在急剧下降!” shuā! 刷! The Jun Changxiao hurried stride overruns, just put out a hand to entrain the disciple, then seems encounters some electric shock, the whole person was shot to fly immediately. 君常笑急忙大步冲过去,刚伸出手将弟子拽下来,便好似遭到某种电击,整个人顿时被弹飞出去。 Hateful!” “可恶!” Gousheng (Dog Remains) stands difficultly, the whole body transmits the numbness. 狗剩艰难站起来,全身传来麻木感。 system said: Their nine people of whole body implication barrier extremely, are unable to break by host cultivation base.” 系统道:“他们九人周身蕴含极结界,以宿主修为根本无法破掉。” motherfucker!” 妈的!” Jun Changxiao roared: How tenth Innate Demon Body has not caught up!” 君常笑咆哮道:“第十个先天魔体怎么还没赶过来!” From the design frequent twinkle, he roughly guesses, this should be some ceremony starts, because lacks a person, therefore is unable to be connected thoroughly, thus involved another nine. 从图案频繁的闪烁,他大致猜出来,这应该是某种仪式开始,但因为缺少一个人,所以无法彻底关联,从而牵连了另外九个。 Life symptom has dropped to 60, if lower than 20, even if will be out of danger still to have the irretrievable permanent injury!” system said. “生命体征已降至60,如果低于20,就算脱离险境也会出现不可挽回的永久伤害!”系统道。 Treads!” “踏!” Swiftly, Jun Changxiao takes a step directly. 倏然,君常笑直接迈步而出。 He has not gone to touch Yao Mengying, but stands, in decides in the vacancy, exclaimed: I make the tenth person, I compose the head!” 他没去触碰姚梦莹,而是站在阵决空缺上,吼道:“我来做第十人,我来组成头部!”
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