SSAT :: Volume #16

#1509: senior apprentice brother protects junior apprentice sister strongly

Demon Ancestor resurrecting nears, Yao Mengying does not know the trace, definitely has the connection with it, therefore Jun Changxiao, even if not want to participate, must overtake, after all the disciple is bigger than the day in him. 魔祖复活在即,姚梦莹不知所踪,肯定与之有关联,所以君常笑纵然不想参与,也必须赶过去,毕竟弟子在他心里大于天。 Normally, the phenomenon just raised shortly , the girl uses Seven Colours Radiant Light Wings not to fly is too far even, finally pursued for a long time not to pursue very much. 按说,异象刚升起没多久,丫头就算动用七彩炫光翼也不会飞太远,结果追了很久愣没追到。 „It is not right!” “不对!” Jun Changxiao frowns. 君常笑皱起眉头来。 The Connecting Ancient Warship speed opens, spiritual sense always fills the air, suddenly had not found Yao Mengying, this is really passing strangely, only if...... she has not gone along the normal route, or goes is not the West. 通古战船的速度开启,灵念始终弥漫,竟然没有找到姚梦莹,这实在透着奇怪,除非……她没沿着正常路线前往,又或者去的不是西方。 Hall Master Li.” 黎堂主。” Jun Changxiao passes on the sound said: Quickly sends the Drizzle Hall member to seek along the different positions.” 君常笑传音道:“赶快派遣细雨堂成员沿不同方位寻找。” Receives.” “收到。” The people receive after All Times Sect’s Li Luoqiu passes message, immediately assigns Li Shangtian and the others to depart All Times Immortal Mountain, seeks for missing Yao Mengying. 人在万古宗的黎洛秋接到传音后,当即调派李上天等人飞出万古仙山,寻找失踪的姚梦莹 Jun Changxiao has not changed the direction , to continue hurries to the West, in him always thinks that departure of disciple is inevitably related with this thing, so long as achieves the destination, can perhaps find. 君常笑没改变方向,继续向西方赶去,在他心里始终认为弟子的离开必然和这玩意有关,只要达到目的地,兴许就能找到。 ...... …… Treads!” “踏!” Does not have beyond the restricted area of name, the Ye Xingchen stride all walks from inside, because of side effect reason, skin as before red like blood. 一处不配有名字的禁地外,夜星辰大步从里面全走出来,因为副作用缘故,皮肤依旧通红如血。 „Is supreme treasure born?” 至宝出世么?” Raised the head, discovered the phenomenon that the West soars to the heavens black light, the vision glitters stimulated. 抬头,发现西方黑光冲天的异象,目光闪烁一丝亢奋。 Leaves sect gate for experience, since now has the peculiar circumstance to appear, Ahniu naturally came the interest. 离开宗门是为了历练,如今既然有特殊情况出现,阿牛自然就来了兴趣。 shuā! 刷! Seven color wings launch, change to the flowing light to fly. 七彩羽翼展开,化作流光飞过去。 Everyone longs for obtaining the chance, proud tender Ye Xingchen is no exception. 每个人都渴望获得机缘,傲娇的夜星辰也不例外。 However, after flying several double-hour, the accident/surprise discovers together extremely familiar seven color rays in the vaults of heaven, therefore quite said startled: Junior Apprentice Sister Yao?” 不过,在飞行了几个时辰后,意外在苍穹间发现一道极其熟悉的七彩光芒,于是颇为愕然道:“姚师妹?” No mistake. 没有错。 Line in front Yao Mengying. 行在前面的正是姚梦莹 She does not go toward the western line of black light soaring to the heavens, but is western North Korea travels southward, no wonder Jun Changxiao had not found, after all the route is greatly different. 她并不是朝黑光冲天的西方行去,而是朝西南行去,难怪君常笑没找到,毕竟路线大不同。 How she?” Ye Xingchen brow slightly wrinkle. “怎么就她一个人?”夜星辰眉头微皱。 Yao Mengying belongs to Little Apprentice Sister that the same side most loves in All Times Sect, moreover just soon inherited Body of Innate Holy Demon, was regarded as the beloved daughter by sect master, how to allow to come out. 姚梦莹万古宗属于同门最疼爱的小师妹,而且刚不久又继承先天圣魔之体,被宗主视为掌上明珠,怎么准许独自一人出来呢。 It is not right! 不对! The situation is not right! 情况不对! At this moment, the Ahniu intelligence quotient gets online, quickly accelerates to fly, successfully blocks Yao Mengying, said: junior apprentice sister, where do you want to go?” 这一刻,阿牛智商上线,急忙加速飞行,成功将姚梦莹拦下,道:“师妹,你要去什么地方?” xiū!” !” People from bountiful in the past. 人从身边饶过去。 „......” “……” The Ye Xingchen brow wrinkles was tighter. 夜星辰眉头皱的更紧了。 Yao Mengying bypasses from the side, he clearly catches, the double pupil twinkle red glow, seemed given the control by some strength! 姚梦莹从身边绕过的时候,他清晰捕捉到,双眸闪烁红芒,仿佛被某种力量给操控了! Do not look that Ahniu was called the All Times really fragrant emperor, but the basic intelligence quotient has, immediately affirmed the situation is not right, therefore pursues again, crazy Heyte: junior apprentice sister, you how!” 别看阿牛被称之为万古真香帝,但基本智商还是有的,顿时更加肯定情况不对,于是再次追上去,疯狂艾特:“师妹,你怎么了!” Yao Mengying had not only answered, instead the flying speed speeds up. 姚梦莹不仅没回话,反而飞行速度加快。 Has the strangeness! 有古怪! Blocks her! 拦住她! xiū ---- ----” Ye Xingchen quickly accelerates to go forward, after exceeding Yao Mengying, sets up the body road which must be taken, said: junior apprentice sister, returns to sect gate with me!” 夜星辰急忙加速前进,在超越姚梦莹后,立身必经之路,道:“师妹,跟我回宗门!” Go away!” “滚开!” hū hū shouted!” 呼呼呼!” cold severe the palm wind presses suddenly. 冷厉的掌风突然压过来。 Bang!” “轰!” Ye Xingchen staggers to fall on the ground, the expression gradually becomes dignified. 夜星辰踉跄落在地上,表情逐渐变得凝重。 Goes away two characters saying that passes is sending gloomy and cold and heavy/thick, obviously is not the junior apprentice sister’s sound, obviously might be given the control by what strength! 滚开两个字说出,透发着阴冷和厚重,明显不是师妹的声音,显然有可能被什么力量给操控了! Is it possible that...... are some people controlling the junior apprentice sister body? 莫非……有人在操控师妹身体? wèi wèi.” 喂喂。” Ye Xingchen quickly by the Sound Transmitting Technique relation nearby Drizzle Hall member, said: I am Ye Xingchen, quickly informed sect gate, junior apprentice sister Yao Mengying to be as if controlled the mind by what strength, a person went to the southwest position!” 夜星辰急忙以传音术联系就近细雨堂成员,道:“我是夜星辰,赶快通知宗门,师妹姚梦莹似乎被什么力量控制了心神,正一个人前往西南方位!” Delivers the news time, he had pursued. 送消息的时候,他已经追了上去。 On having strength, Ahniu is stronger than Yao Mengying, can control and bring back to sect gate her forcefully, but feared like this can injure to the opposite party, therefore behind can only first follow watches changes quietly. 论起实力,阿牛姚梦莹强,可以强行将她控制并带回宗门,但这样怕会伤到对方,所以只能先跟随后面静观其变。 The Drizzle Hall intelligence agency in returning not wrong that these years develops, the nearby member attains layer upon layer the progressive delivers to All Times Sect the news, after Li Luoqiu learned, immediately informs Jun Changxiao. 细雨堂的情报机构在这几年发展的还不错,附近成员获层层递进的将消息送到万古宗,黎洛秋获知后,马上通知君常笑 How in southwest?” “怎么在西南?” xiū ---- ----” The Connecting Ancient Warship change route, southwestern North Korea position extreme velocity flies. 通古战船改变航线,朝西南方位极速飞去。 Although Gousheng (Dog Remains) wants to pass to look at Demon Ancestor to resurrect, perhaps has the opportunity to obtain the remoulding mortal body, but since now knows the disciple position, certainly must first guarantee that her security, Ahniu has said after all, seemed controlled the mind by what strength. 狗剩虽然很想过去看一看魔祖复活,兴许有机会得到重塑的肉身,但如今既然知道弟子位置,肯定首先要保证她的安全,毕竟阿牛说过,似乎被什么力量控制了心神。 And. 而且。 This phenomenon raises, alarms that demon cultivator, perhaps the situation opens compared with Land of Demon Fate also seriously, therefore orders the War Riders Hall advance regiment to send out immediately. 此次异象升起,又惊动那么魔修,情况恐怕比魔缘之地开启还严重,所以当即命令战骑堂先锋团出动。 Set!” “集合!” shuā! shuā! shuā! 刷!刷!刷! The arrangement that outside War Riders Hall, the advance regiment members are ready and waiting, and under regimental commander Zhong Yi director summons Diablo, the audience to act the uniform entry cockpit. 战骑堂外,先锋团成员整装待发的排列,并在团长钟义指挥下纷纷召出暗黑破坏神,全场动作整齐划一的进入驾驶舱。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Buzz!” “嗡!” Thousand mecha start instantaneously, the vision twinkle radiant ray, various energies fold put together, immediately forms layer upon layer the air wave. 千架机甲瞬间启动,目光闪烁璀璨光芒,各种能量叠加在一起,顿时形成层层气浪。 The special effect brain makes up, is disinclined to describe. 特效自行脑补,懒得去描述。 Unit two reactor, takes place.” “二号机,就位。” „No. 3 machine, takes place.” “三号机,就位。” „......” “……” After hearing subordinate/under the hand reports one after another, Zhong Yi in No. 1 machine from the cockpit saw that outside several members wield the music director stick on the runway, immediately since pushes the throwout lever, shouted: set off!” 听到手下相继汇报后,一号机里的钟义从驾驶舱看到外面几名成员在跑道上挥动指挥棒,当即推起推杆,喝道:“出发!” !” “呼!” !” “呼!” The back two similar turbine drive equipment spout the ray immediately, Diablo paste slides, until slipping into the runway end drags to entrain the arc to fly the vault of heaven, then simultaneously opens Seven Colours Radiant Light Wings! 背后两个类似涡轮驱动装置顿时喷出光芒,一架架暗黑破坏神贴地滑行,直至滑到跑道尽头拖拽弧线飞上苍穹,然后齐齐打开七彩炫光翼 mecha and Mall item good integration. 机甲商城道具完美结合。 xiū!” !” xiū!” !” Shortly, the streams light/only carry seven color rays to depart from All Times Immortal Mountain together, the picture that presents seems the locust to transit. 顷刻间,一道道流光携带七彩光芒从万古仙山飞出,呈现出的画面好似蝗虫过境。 „Did the War Riders Hall advance regiment send out?” 战骑堂的先锋团出动了?” Had the important matter to happen!” “有大事发生了!” many outer door disciple looks at the picture that the sky presents, the vision appears to envy the gloss immediately. 很多外门弟子看着上空呈现的画面,目光顿时浮现羡慕光泽来。 This is a traditional Martial Way world, but in Jun Changxiao gradually brings, they raised up the man to open the mecha thought all! 这是一个传统的武道世界,但在君常笑逐渐带偏下,他们无不竖起了男人就该开机甲的念头! I go!” “我去!” So many monsters!” “这么多怪物!” Thousand Diablo have flown from the vaults of heaven, the formed momentum is big, immediately alarmed nearby martial artist. 千架暗黑破坏神从苍穹间飞过,形成的声势非常大,顿时惊动了附近的武者 Before similar picture, has seen, but presents the so many first time now! 类似的画面以前也见过,但如今出现那么多还是第一次! ...... …… Southwest position. 西南方位。 After Yao Mengying flew half double-hour, falls into one to leave uncultivated inside the valley. 姚梦莹飞了半个时辰后,落入一处荒废山谷里。 Here ground by the flagstone upholstery, above is standing eight black robe people, their simultaneously lowers the head, being able to see clearly is male is a female. 这里地面由石板铺垫,上面站着八名黑袍人,他们齐齐低头,看不清是男是女。 Come is little too late.” “来的有点晚。” The darkness goes out of several to wear the black robe to wear martial artist of mask similarly. 黑暗处走出几名同样身穿黑袍戴面具的武者 Demon Ancestor resurrecting nears, we cannot waste the time, quickly arranges restriction array.” A black-clothed person opens the mouth saying that the sound slightly is gloomy and vicissitudes. 魔祖复活在即,我们不能浪费时间,赶快布置禁阵吧。”一名黑衣人开口道,声音略显阴森和沧桑。 Yes!” “是!” Several other people separate rapidly, stand in the different positions, starts to unite the strange strength to outline the design in the finger on the flagstone. 另外几人迅速分开,站在不同位置,开始凝聚古怪力量于手指在石板上勾勒图案。 wēng wēng buzz!” 嗡嗡嗡!” Shortly, similar array barrier presents, and gradually gathers the vortex entrance in the dead ahead. 顷刻间,类似阵法结界呈现,并在正前方逐渐汇聚漩涡入口。 You.” “尔等。” Sound old black-clothed person lightly said: Goes.” 声音苍老的黑衣人淡淡道:“进去吧。” Treads!” “踏!” Stands lifts the step in the vortex place most black robe person near the top the line, the entire process always lowers the head, felt a bit like the good-for-nothing. 站在漩涡处最靠前的黑袍人抬步而行,整个过程始终低着头,感觉有点像行尸走肉。 . 一个。 Two. 两个。 Three...... 三个…… Waits for eight people to go, waits for Yao Mengying to prepare to start, suddenly was built by a big hand on the shoulder, keeping it from moving. 等八人全进去,等姚梦莹准备起步,突然被一只大手搭在肩膀上,使其无法移动。 Un?” “嗯?” Several black-clothed person looked at the past. 几名黑衣人纷纷看过去。 Ye Xingchen does not know when has stood in Yao Mengying behind, first entrains forcefully her, then of bang Sky Piercing Halberd in the under foot, murderous aura horizontally flood Heavenly Way: Is who gives your courage to dare to control my junior apprentice sister?” 夜星辰不知何时已经站在姚梦莹身后,先强行将她拽回来,然后轰的一声把方天画戟横在脚下,杀气滔天道:“是谁给你们的勇气敢来操控我师妹?” Domineering, brutal! 强势,无情!
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