SDRAW :: Volume #20

#1913: The soft food eats hardly

Cup Buddha Jumps Over the Wall gets into the stomach, does not have including trash remaining, Garland puts out along the towel of belt/bring, wiping oneself fully is sweat bald head, hit a satisfied belch. 一盅佛跳墙下肚,连一点渣渣都没有剩下,加兰拿出随身带的毛巾,抹了一把自己满是汗水的光头,打了一个满足的饱嗝。 Carefree! 畅快! Garland thought that this is most carefree food that in the past two years has, wears cup Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, is his whole life has eaten most delicious soup and broth, does not have one. 加兰觉得这是近两年来吃的最为畅快的一顿饭,着一盅佛跳墙,更是他这辈子吃过最美味的汤羹,没有之一。 You...... did your hair really grow?!” Milo swept a head of Garland, actually stared in a big way eyes all of a sudden, is pointing at his skull surprised say/way. “你……你的头发真的长出来了?!”迈洛扫了一眼加兰的脑袋,却是一下子瞪大了眼睛,指着他的脑壳惊讶道。 Really?” Milo one startled, puts out a hand to touch own head, the top of the head of light not smooth autumn, touched to have the feelings of some careful downs at this time. “真的?”迈洛一惊,伸手摸了摸自己的脑袋,原本光不溜秋的头顶,此时摸起来却有了一些细细的绒毛的感觉。 Milo approached to look, is nodding saying: Grew the little careful down to come out, the quantity were very many, I thought that can be good.” 迈洛凑近看了看,点着头道:“长了一点点细细的绒毛出来,数量还挺多的,我觉得能行。” Milo and Garland acquaintance more than ten years, look with own eyes his head from sending the border line rises to Mediterranean Sea day by day expands gradually, because finally really looks like the river child, can only compromise to turn into bald head. 迈洛加兰相识十多年,是亲眼看着他的脑袋从发际线日益上升到地中海渐渐扩大,最后因为实在是太像河童,只能妥协变成光头 This process is irreversible, sees only the hair to fall, never sees it to be long. 这个过程是不可逆的,只见头发掉,从未见它长。 But his above bald head, grows the hair now unexpectedly, moreover central bald region. 可现在他的光头之上,竟然重新长出了头发,而且还是中央秃头地带。 Do not trace, one will trace owed bare.” Milo wipes out the hand of Garland routine women's hairdo, takes up that bright silver ladle, your oneself have a look. “别摸了,一会摸秃了就亏了。”迈洛打掉加兰习惯性盘头的手,拿起那个明亮的银色勺子,你自己看看。 Garland took the ladle to look met the angle, finally saw oneself shiny bald head in the ladle, down that as well as above bald head that visibled faintly. 加兰拿着勺子找了一会角度,终于在勺子中看到了自己铮亮的光头,以及光头之上那隐约可见的绒毛。 This may really be a lanugo thin down, good, good! My bald head wanted the rebirth finally!” Garland weeps, two lines of old tears uncontrolled falling, live image 60-year-old baby. “这可真是胎毛一眼细的绒毛啊,好,好啊!我的光头终于要重生了!”加兰喜极而泣,两行老泪不受控制的滑落,活像个60岁的婴儿。 Mag hears sound in kitchen looked at one outward, the corners of the mouth rose slightly, gourmet joyful then so arid. 厨房里的麦格闻声向外看了一眼,嘴角微微上扬,美食家的快乐便是如此的枯燥。 I said that I have not deceived you.” Randy said with a smile, Mapo Tofu had finished eating by him, got rid of two bowls of rice and two roujiamo while convenient, red braised pork is one does not remain. “我就说我没有骗你吧。”兰迪笑着说道,麻婆豆腐已经被他吃完了,顺便干掉了两碗米饭和两个肉夹馍,红烧肉也是一块不剩。 Garland is happy, pats the shoulder of Randy saying: „The Randy little brother, you may really be my benefactor, if later Cahill is not good to you, you come here to come, I am covering you.” 加兰喜形于色,拍着兰迪的肩膀道:“兰迪小兄弟,你可真是我的恩人啊,以后卡希尔要是对你不好,你就到我这里来,我罩着你。” Un???” Some Randy doubts looks at Garland. “嗯???”兰迪有些疑惑的看着加兰 Cahill is the Carnism editor-in-chief, is that daily conducts to urge to him, gives back to him to send the fearful fellow of two meters bit. 卡希尔肉食主义的主编,也是那个日常对他进行催更,还给他寄过两米长的刀片的可怕家伙。 However shortly after he with these two just knew, he had not said is a gourmet matter, how Garland knows Cahill? Moreover can make him follow he to mix? 不过他和这两位刚刚认识不久,他也没有说过自己是一个美食家的事情,加兰又是如何知道卡希尔的?而且还要让他跟着他混? Milo trampled a Garland foot under the table, hints him to pay attention to the expression with the look crazily. 迈洛在桌底下踹了加兰一脚,用眼神疯狂示意他注意言辞。 Garland also soon realized oneself as if somewhat let success go to the head, blurted to say the boast unexpectedly, a thread of conversation revolution, is saying with a smile hastily: „ Aren't you Carnism managing a household gourmet? My family actually in Carnism magazine publisher side, usually has the breakfast the time frequently can meet Cahill that big fatty. 加兰也很快意识到自己似乎有些得意忘形了,竟然脱口说出了大话,连忙话头一转,笑着道:“你不是肉食主义的当家美食家吗?我家其实就在肉食主义杂志社的旁边,平时吃早餐的时候经常能遇见卡希尔那个大胖子。 The fellow is parsimonious, is not the good bird, moreover most liked urging the manuscript, therefore I feared that you suffered hardships, the words that really could not bear, with me went, but furs merchant. ” 那家伙可是吝啬的很,不是什么好鸟,而且最喜欢催稿了,所以我怕你受苦了,实在受不了的话,就跟着我去但皮货商人嘛。” This, you also knew Cahill.” Randy suddenly, shakes the head to say with a smile: Thanks brother's good intention, but now gourmet is not my principal work, but is the interest makes it so for the matter that to like generating electricity.” “这样啊,原来你还认识卡希尔。”兰迪恍然,笑着摇摇头道:“谢谢老哥的好意,不过现在美食家已经不是我的主业了,不过是兴趣使然为爱发电的事情罢了。” Un?” “嗯?” Milo and Garland somewhat accidental/surprised looks at Garland. 迈洛加兰都有些意外的看着加兰 You now not rise? Carnism managing a household doesn't gourmet, how write?” Milo cannot bear ask. “你现在不是正在上升期吗?肉食主义的当家美食家,怎么就不写了呢?”迈洛忍不住问道。 Writing the article is exhausting, is in a precarious state, daily was urged the manuscript, but also often must the sent bit, you racks brains to write, but must be disliked short. “写文多累人啊,朝不保夕的,天天被催稿,还不时要被寄刀片,你绞尽脑汁写出来,还要被嫌短。 Whom looks down upon! Who is short? You figure out, who is short? 看不起谁呢!谁短?你评评理,谁短? Although was short a point, but I was lasting, so many years output continually right. ” Randy sighed. 虽然是短了一点,但我持久啊,这么多年持续输出对吧。”兰迪叹了口气道。 Milo hearing this is also follows to sigh, who did not say that do not look that he attacks to these business heavy blows, may look at that heavy mailbox often , can only call to receive visit of scrap. 迈洛闻言也是跟着叹了口气,谁说不是呢,别看他对那些商家重拳出击,可经常看着那沉甸甸的信箱,也只能叫收废品的上门。 His mentality was fortunately good, depends on sells the bit to pass the most difficult that days, sometimes saw the bit, but also somewhat kind feeling. 还好他的心态不错,靠着卖刀片度过了最艰难的那段日子,有时候看到刀片,还有些亲切的感觉。 Therefore, I change to collect rent now, has a woman, must entangle me, greatly in key stopper my hand, making me help her collect rent, does not receive has not been glad.” Randy tucks in the lower hem corner, revealed one in a big way key, sighing, I was know now, the life of wealthy, was indeed unadorned and arid.” “所以啊,我现在改收租了,有个女人,非得缠着我,大把的钥匙塞我手里,让我帮她收租,不收还不乐意。”兰迪撩起衣角,露出了一大把的钥匙,叹了口气,“我现在算是知道了,有钱人的生活,的确朴实无华且枯燥。” Milo: „???” 迈洛:“???” Garland: „???” 加兰:“???” Ate, I must collect rent, in the evening went back also to hand over the tax grain, two brothers, see you later.” Randy sets out to pay up to leave, leaves behind two people in the wind disorderly. “吃好了,我又要去收租了,晚上回去还得交公粮,两位老哥,再见了。”兰迪起身结账离开,留下两人在风中凌乱。 Said that most unyielding words, has the softest food, this...... indeed is a talent.” Garland smacks the lips. “说最硬气的话,吃最软的饭,这位……的确是个人才。”加兰咂了咂嘴。 We are sour.” Milo sees the form that Randy goes far away, he does not want to try hard. “我们就酸吧。”迈洛看着兰迪远去的身影,他也不想努力了。 We also walk, today is the harvest a great deal, has not come white/in vain.” Garland sets out, pays up. “我们也走吧,今天算是收获良多,没有白来。”加兰起身,结了账。 Went back?” Goes out, Milo looks at Garland to ask. “就这么回去了?”出了门,迈洛看着加兰问道。 That is not certainly good, I must eat two treatment courses again Buddha Jumps Over the Wall.” Garland shakes the head, smiled saying with a smile: „Our time comes out, but three days, how could it not be a day goes back to waste, naturally must more thorough understanding this restaurant be again good.” “那当然不行,我还得再吃两个疗程的佛跳墙呢。”加兰摇头,又是笑了笑道:“咱们这次出来可是有三天的时间,一天就回去岂不浪费,当然要再更加深入的了解这家餐厅才行。” Our budget also enough?” Milo slanting his eyes. “我们的预算还够吗?”迈洛斜了他一眼。 Budgets this type of thing, pushes always has.” Garland thinks little, „. Moreover, so long as we can write true super to explode the funds, goes back Boss definitely to give the reimbursement completely, let loose ate then it will be alright.” “预算这种东西,挤一挤总是有的。”加兰不以为意,“而且,只要我们能够写出一篇真正的超级爆款,回去老板肯定全部给报销,放开了吃就行。” I also approve of work again for several days, best is from dawn to dusk, all-around understands this restaurant.” Milo nods. “那我也非常赞同再工作几天,最好是从早到晚,全方位的去了解这家餐厅。”迈洛点头。 Now returns to the hotel?” “现在回酒店?” No, transfers, after I want waited for the Mamy Restaurant business to finish, with restaurant Boss chats.” Garland shakes the head. “不,转一圈,我想等麦米餐厅营业结束后,和餐厅老板谈谈。”加兰摇头。 What discussed?” “谈什么?” Garland smiled saying with a smile: This time article, since cannot find fault, we had better be able attain the gourmet food back story, this can with Vegetarianism and Carnism prominent difference, otherwise we and these do not have the small magazine of pursue to have anything to distinguish, the imitation and plagiarism of noisy crowd, can only drink the water for foot-washing eventually.” 加兰笑了笑道:“这次的文章既然不能找茬,那我们最好能够拿到美食背后的故事,这样才能和素食主义肉食主义突出差别,否则我们和那些没有追求的小杂志有什么区别,一窝蜂的模仿和抄袭,终究只能喝点洗脚水。” A Milo slightly thinking, then nods, controls this aspect in the content, Garland acts bashful stubbornly. 迈洛略一思索,便点了点头,在内容把控这方面,加兰拿捏得死死的。 I thought that Hot Pot seems like also good, or will we also try tomorrow?” The Milo attention was captured by the baking special area of next door quickly, looks at that side to eat, at the same time raises head spit fire demon, is funny and interesting, seems like worth trying. “我觉得那火锅看起来也不错,要不明天咱们也试试?”迈洛的目光很快被隔壁的烧烤专区吸引,看着那一边吃,一边仰头喷火的恶魔,滑稽又有趣,看起来非常值得一试。
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