SDRAW :: Volume #20

#1912: Is the flavor of money

With tasting red braised pork Garland, the mood is also somewhat complex. 跟着尝了一块红烧肉加兰,心情也是有些复杂。 They come with the lofty ideal of attacking the sellers of fake and low-quality goods, discussed many attacking the sellers of fake and low-quality goods repertoires on the road, even has thought that the title of article, thinks Eating All and Eating Well must depend on this issue of attacking the sellers of fake and low-quality goods article to rise again, is stepping on Vegetarianism and Carnism, becomes the universe's first gourmet food magazine. 他们怀着打假的崇高理想而来,在路上讨论了诸多打假套路,甚至已经想好了文章的标题,想好了食全食美要靠着这一期打假的文章再次崛起,踩着素食主义肉食主义,成为宇宙第一美食杂志。 After may arrive at Mamy Restaurant, all imagine with them complete different. 可来到麦米餐厅后,一切都和他们想象的完全不同。 Does not have the fish actually to exceed "fish-flavored" eggplant in garlic sauce of fish really to exist, falls to the enemy with the red braised pork indeed delicious letting person who the fatty streaky pork makes. 没有鱼却胜过鱼的鱼香茄子真的存在,用肥腻的五花肉做成的红烧肉的确美味的让人沦陷。 As a senior gourmet food magazine editor-in-chief, he is not worse than Milo regarding the opinion of gourmet food, even the vision compared with him must higher several points. 作为一名资深的美食杂志主编,他对于美食的见解不比迈洛差,甚至眼界比他还要更高几分。 Mamy Restaurant indeed is his career, or in the middle of the entire life meets most special restaurant. 麦米餐厅的确是他职业生涯,或者说整个人生当中遇见最特别的餐厅 If not you are fabricated, throws filthy water, cannot write what fault-finding article absolutely. 如果不是你无中生有,强泼脏水,是绝对写不出什么找茬文章来的。 Is red braised pork is not fragrant? Does "fish-flavored" eggplant in garlic sauce insufficiently get food down? 红烧肉不香吗?还是鱼香茄子不够下饭? The matter that the comfortable dining environment, the harmonious dining atmosphere, the beautiful woman waiter gentle and appropriate service, serving food of space Magic Caster, common restaurant is difficult to achieve, it achieved completely. 舒适的用餐环境,和谐的用餐氛围,美女服务员温柔而恰当的服务,空间魔法师的上菜,寻常餐厅一条都难做到的事情,它全部做到了。 Such restaurant, only if against one's conscience, how otherwise do you look for his stubble? 这样的餐厅,除非昧着良心,不然你怎么去找他的茬? Milo said right, when according to embarking first thought that they were defeated, moreover defeats collapses to spread. 迈洛说的没错,如果按照出发时的初心来看,他们是失败了,而且败的一塌涂地。 Failure is impossible to be defeated, tastes to such delicious food, is the biggest success.” On the Garland face showed the smile quickly, to Milo flutteringly blinked. “失败是不可能失败的,品尝到这样美味食物,便是最大的成功。”加兰脸上很快露出了笑容,冲着迈洛眨了眨眼睛 Milo stares slightly, at once suddenly, since has arrived here from afar, attacks the sellers of fake and low-quality goods inadequately, can't transform the mentality to turn searches the shop? 迈洛微微一愣,旋即恍然,既然已经万里迢迢来到这里,打假不成,难道就不能转换思路变成探店吗? Takes the writing as one as the fresh person, this degree of adjustment is the basic accomplishment. 作为一个以文字为生的人,这种程度的变通是基本素养。 Read and this, the Milo mentality immediately changed. 一念及此,迈洛的心态立马就变了。 How from the beginning intertwined to look for trough and finds fault, turns enjoyed gourmet food, and unearthed not by the point that Dairick and Randy wrote about, conducted two creations again. 从一开始纠结着如何去找槽点和找茬,变成了享受美食,并且从中挖掘出没有被戴里克兰迪写到的点,再进行二次创作。 Naturally, his goal is not to mount on a dead horse, but is the plan makes an issue of confirmation issue. 当然,他的目的不是为了炒冷饭,而是打算做一期验证文章。 In specific idea his mind has a general idea, although jokes compared with attacking the sellers of fake and low-quality goods slightly will be weaker, but can rub wave of Vegetarianism and Carnism heat degree, in addition his characteristics, want to come also to be a good hot article. 具体思路他的脑海里已经有了一个大概,虽然噱头比起打假可能会稍弱一些,但能够蹭一波素食主义肉食主义的热度,再加上他自身的特色,想来也会是一篇不错的热文。 Hello, your Buddha Jumps Over the Wall.” Soon, Yabemiya carries a small cup to walk, placed the Garland front lightly. “你好,你的佛跳墙。”不多久,亚北米娅端着一个小盅走来,轻放在了加兰的面前。 The small cup has the cover, is maintaining certain mystery. 小盅有盖子,保持着一定的神秘感。 Thanks.” Garland expresses gratitude, put down the chopsticks in hand, cleaned a mouth with the napkin, a face devout looks at front small cup. “谢谢。”加兰道了声谢,放下了手中的筷子,又用餐巾擦拭了一下嘴巴,一脸虔诚的看着面前的小盅。 Bare is a very serious topic, but now his front possibly is a perfect head bare solution, not being able to allow him to have disrespects slightly. 头秃是一个非常严肃的话题,而现在他的面前可能是一个完美的头秃解决方案,容不得他有丝毫不敬。 Milo also stops the chopsticks in hand, some similarly anticipations looks at that seemingly plain heavy/thick cup, this dish not has written by Dairick and Randy. 迈洛也是停下手中的筷子,同样有些期待的看着那个看起来古朴厚重的盅,这道菜没有被戴里克兰迪写过。 The deep breath, then Garland put out a hand to turn on the cover of that small cup. 深呼吸,然后加兰伸手打开了那小盅的盖子。 The steam ascends, brings light mist, but rich meat fragrance, also blooms. 热气升腾而起,带起一片淡淡的水雾,而一股浓郁的荤香,也是随之绽放。 Milo smells carefully, the fresh taste of seafood is most prominent, the fragrance of meats is also rich, but the wild mountain Jun fragrance made both's fragrance gentle, is mixing with light wine. 迈洛细细一嗅,海鲜的鲜味最为突出,肉类的香味同样浓郁,而野山菌的香味则让两者的香味变得柔和了一些,其中更夹杂着一股淡淡的酒香。 The distinct sense of depth, the taste of various types of food compete to be the most unusual, as deep as a well, actually also to evoke a curiosity. 分明的层次感,各种食材的滋味争奇斗艳,让人难以捉摸,却也勾起了更强烈的好奇心。 Rumble.” “咕噜。” The throat of Milo could not bear roll, was very difficult to imagine, this unexpectedly was the fragrance that pot soup sent out. 迈洛的喉咙忍不住滚动了一下,很难想象,这竟然是一锅汤散发出来的香味。 Throws actually it whether has a treatment bare effect, but was hearing this fragrance, Milo also wants to come one bowl to taste, actually wants to savor this soup to have what taste personally, actually inside to be hiding many food, what kind of taste also fuses. 抛却它是否有治疗头秃的效果,只是闻着这香味,迈洛也想来一碗尝尝,想要亲自品味一下这汤究竟有着什么样的滋味,里边究竟藏着多少食材,又是融合成了怎样的滋味。 The steam diverges slightly, that cup thick soup is also exposes. 热气稍稍散去,那一盅浓汤也是展露出来。 In thick cooking liquor, but also has all kinds of food, abalone, chicken and shark fin...... naked eye obvious soft rotten, is actually maintaining the original shape as before, because of not stewing to disperse. 浓浓的汤汁之中,还有着各种各样的食材,鲍鱼、鸡肉、鱼翅……肉眼可见的软烂,却依旧保持着原本的形态,没有因为炖煮而散掉。 The cooking liquor is thick, but is not muddy, looks quite attractive. 汤汁浓而不浑,看起来相当诱人。 Is smelling the flavor, I thought that the hair has a broken shell, but impulsion.” Garland swallows the saliva, had taken up the ladle impatiently, scooped up one spoon of brown thick soup, places the mouth to blow, then feeds the mouth. “只是闻着味道,我就觉得头发有种破壳而出的冲动啊。”加兰咽了咽口水,已经迫不及待的拿起了勺子,舀了一勺褐色的浓汤,放在嘴边吹了吹,然后喂到嘴里。 Tasty cooking liquor, slowly infiltration taste bud, the tastiness and meats of seafood mellow...... the taste of all kinds of food, arrives one by one, bloomed impressive delicious on the tip of tongue, in the taste interesting. 鲜美的汤汁,缓缓浸润味蕾,海鲜的鲜美、肉类的醇厚……各式各样的食材的滋味,逐一登场,在舌尖上绽放出了令人惊叹的美味,味中有味。 Rich meat fragrant making widely known like that actually eats meat, but greasily, just right does not make one want then to come one again. 浓郁的荤香是那般的张扬,却又荤而不腻,恰到好处的让人想要接着再来一口。 The cooking liquor slides into the stomach following the throat slowly, changes to a warm current, slowly the rise, then gathered in the top of the head, the scalp tingles with numbness slightly, presented sweat. 汤汁顺着喉咙缓缓滑入胃中,化作一股暖流,慢慢上升,然后汇聚于头顶,头皮微微发麻,出现了一丝汗水。 Also really has the feeling?!” Garland is pleasantly surprised, although the hair is not long immediately, but he actually felt as if to have anything to break through the top of the head to brave in general, this feeling so real. “还真有感觉?!”加兰又惊又喜,虽然头发没有立即长出来,可他却感受到了似乎有什么想要突破头顶冒出来一般,这种感觉是如此的真实。 What flavor?” Milo had swallowed several saliva secretly, looks at Garland to ask. “什么味道?”迈洛已经偷偷咽了几次口水,看着加兰问道。 Is the flavor of money.” A Garland face earnest nod, then scooped up one spoon of Tang hey/feeds to the mouth, narrows eyes, is enjoying the delicious cooking liquor in the feeling of the lips and teeth flowing. “是金钱的味道。”加兰一脸认真的点头,然后又舀了一勺汤喂到嘴里,眯起眼睛,享受着美味的汤汁在唇齿间流淌的感觉。 This cup soup, subverted him regarding all imagination of cooking liquor. 这一盅汤,颠覆了他对于汤汁的所有想象。 The soup, usually can only treat as the supporting role above the table, or before meals whets the appetite, supplement after food. 汤,在餐桌之上素来只能当做配角,或是饭前开胃,或是饭后的补充。 But this Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, has the overlord in general makings, making all dishes on table somewhat low-spirited. 可这佛跳墙,却有着霸主一般的气质,让桌上的一切菜品都有些黯然。 The food in soup caldron, he can recognize much. 汤锅之中的食材,他能认到不少。 The incomparably fresh seafood means that the expensive price, the precious mountain delicacies are representing scarcely, 10,000 copper coin Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, by these food, then have only exceeded Roe City to depend on sells to laugh uproariously to pull the dish price restaurant. 无比新鲜的海鲜意味着昂贵的价格,珍贵的山珍则代表着稀少,一万铜币一份的佛跳墙,只论这些食材,便已经胜过洛都许多靠着卖噱头拉高菜品价格的餐厅 Let alone Buddha Jumps Over the Wall also has delicious that they are unable to attain. 何况佛跳墙还有着他们根本无法企及的美味 Makes me also taste?” Milo somewhat could not bear, takes the chopsticks, stares at these vegetables/dishes in small cup to be eager to try. “让我也尝尝?”迈洛还是有些忍不住了,拿着筷子,盯着小盅里的那些菜跃跃欲试。 This is the medicine, where can taste casually.” Garland carries the small cup, moved much toward oneself in front. “这是药,哪能随便尝。”加兰端起小盅,往自己面前移动了不少。 I taste one, one.” The Milo vision moves with Buddha Jumps Over the Wall. “我就尝一口,就一口。”迈洛目光随着佛跳墙移动。 „It is not good, can my hair long come out, depends on this small cup Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, you looked, my head felt.” Garland extends the left hand to protect the small cup, the small patch of land is not letting. “一口也不行,我这头发能不能长出来,就靠这一小盅佛跳墙呢,你看,我的脑袋都来感觉了。”加兰伸出左手护着小盅,寸土不让。 Cheapskate.” Milo looked at being sweating profusely Garland, does not know that his head really felt, can only some hidden bitterness picked red braised pork to feed the mouth. “小气鬼。”迈洛看了一眼满头大汗的加兰,也不知道他的脑袋是不是真的来感觉了,只能有些幽怨的夹起了一块红烧肉喂到嘴里。 Un, red braised pork trully aromatic. 嗯,红烧肉真香 Ate several big soup, Garland picked together the sparkling and translucent shark fin, slid the tender shark fin almost to incite to slide then to slip into the mouth, by the shark fin of cooking liquor percolation, has very marvelous taste and wonderful taste, bit seems does not have, making one ascertain airtight , the pleasure was full. 喝了几大口汤,加兰夹起一块晶莹的鱼翅,滑嫩的鱼翅几乎滋溜一下便滑进了嘴里,被汤汁浸透的鱼翅,有着非常奇妙的口感和美妙的滋味,咬起来似有似无,令人捉摸不透,却又乐趣十足。
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