SATS :: Volume #17

#1682: Last act

Earth. 地球。 Starry Sky Technology general headquarters office. 星空科技总部的办公室。 Looks at land little Qiao of processing official business, Yang Fangfang cannot bear asks low voice. 看着处理公务的陆小乔,杨芳芳忍不住小声问道。 In departure, what he and you said?” “在离开的时候,他和你说了什么?” He entrusted Starry Sky Technology to me, then made me project on the account of freezing person rights old-age insurance fund bit 100 billion credit points in his account.” “他将星空科技托付给了我,然后让我将他账户里的一千亿信用点打到冷冻人权益保障基金会的账户上。” Yang Fangfang held breath cold air, on the face showed the expression that cannot believe. 杨芳芳倒吸了一口凉气,脸上露出了不敢相信的表情。 100 billion...... he such, this sum of money Quanjuan?” “一千亿……他就这么,把这笔钱全捐了?” Un,” land little Qiao selected gently, he said, money type of thing lives does not bring, refuses stubbornly to take away, since he could not have used, hopes that it can display a bigger value.” “嗯,”陆小乔轻轻点了下头,“他说,钱这种东西生不带来,死不带去,既然他已经用不上了,希望它能发挥出更大的价值。” The work of freezing person rights old-age insurance fund bit is helps freeze dormancy to fit into the current society incessantly fast, but also including some medicine domains investments, as well as to being incapable to pay the aid of freezing dormancy person. 冷冻人权益保障基金会的工作不止是帮助冷冻休眠者快速融入当前的社会,还包括一些医学领域的投资,以及对无力支付冷冻休眠人的援助。 According to his view, he creates the original intention of this technology, to let these should die in the person of this time, obtains the second life the opportunity. 按照他的说法,他创造这门技术的初衷,是为了让那些更应该死在这个时代的人,获得第二次生命的机会。 Irrelevant is poor and wealthy, anybody should have the right that the equality goes on living, this technology should not become the patent of small number of people. 无关贫穷与富裕,任何人都应该有平等活下去的权利,这项技术不应该成为少数人的专利。 In fact, more than 100 years, the freezing person rights old-age insurance fund has been fulfilling this point. 事实上,这100多年来,冷冻人权益保障基金会一直在践行着这一点。 Otherwise, it will not take the world's largest social services organization, was invited the attendant to unite the proposal the announcement ceremony. 不然的话,它也不会作为全球最大的公益组织,被邀请参加人联倡议的宣布仪式了。 But, this is 100 billion......” Yang Fangfang somewhat feels regret for own best friend. “可是,这可是一千亿啊……”杨芳芳还是有些替自己的闺蜜感到遗憾。 After all, this great sum of money, should inherit by her. 毕竟,这笔巨款,本来应该由她来继承的。 However hears these words, land Xiaoqiao actually smiles, not care said. 然而听到这句话,陆小乔却只是莞尔一笑,毫不在意地说道。 No matter 100 billion are 1 trillion, that is his property, how he wants to control, that is his right. As his younger generation, only then inherits his ideal that I can make......, although is not powerful like him, but always some things are I can achieve.” “不管是一千亿还是一万亿,那都是他的财产,他想如何去支配,那是他的权利。身为他的后人,我所能做的也只有将他的理想传承下去……虽然不像他那么强大,但总有一些事情是我能做到的。” For example, follows his last wish, letting Starry Sky Technology becomes home of an enterprise that helps the society , to continue to lead the human civilization to forward toward the more remote world. 比如,遵循他的遗愿,让星空科技成为一家有益于社会的企业,继续引领人类文明朝着更遥远的世界向前。 Although is different from him, oneself are not a great scholar, but as an entrepreneur who has the social responsibilities, she believes that still had a lot, is can do. 虽然和他不一样,自己并非一名伟大的学者,但作为一名有社会责任感的企业家,她相信仍然有很多事情,是自己能够去做的。 After processing the official business, stretches oneself by land little Qiao in office chair. 处理完公务之后,靠在办公椅上的陆小乔伸了个懒腰。 In her lazy stands up from the office chair, is preparing goes to the cafeteria in company to have a lunch the time, meets the mail of council from the freezing person rights old-age insurance fund, actually floated in her mailbox exactly. 就在她慵懒的从办公椅上站起,正准备去公司的食堂吃个午饭的时候,一封来自冷冻人权益保障基金会理事会的邮件,却是恰好飘进了她的邮箱里。 „Does S level encryption project lift a ban?” “s级加密项目解禁?” Sees this line of strange writing, land Xiaoqiao the eyebrow raised an interested curve. 看到这行奇怪的文字,陆小乔的眉毛扬起了一丝饶有兴趣的弧度。 Because of related to issues of patents as well as some sensitive research, even as the social services organization, the freezing person rights old-age insurance fund will still hold enterprise secret that” part only opens internally. 因为涉及到专利以及一些敏感研究的问题,即便作为公益组织,冷冻人权益保障基金会仍然保有一部分只对内开放的“企业机密”。 Like the S level encryption project, is only then the directors of foundation sign, can approve the encryption the top secret. 像这样的s级加密项目,便是只有基金会的理事长签名,才能核准加密的最高机密。 Generally only if to the lifting of embargo time, or arrived at the special unlocking condition, will otherwise not lift a ban. 一般除非到了解禁时间,或者到达特殊的解锁条件,否则是不会解禁的。 Sealing the storehouse time in 2025 did...... seal was so long?” “封库时间2025年……封存了这么久吗?” Words that she did not remember incorrectly, the freezing person rights old-age insurance fund is will almost establish in the 2020s? 她没记错的话,冷冻人权益保障基金会差不多是21世纪20年代才成立的吧? Thinks that this possibly is the secret that Director first generation leaves behind, in land Xiaoqiao the heart was more curious. 想到这可能是初代理事长留下的秘密,陆小乔的心中不禁更加好奇了。 No longer hesitant, she selects the icon of unlocking immediately. 不再犹豫,她立刻选中了解锁的图标。 However what came as a surprise to her, appeared before him is not any earth-shaking big secret, but was a special freezing dormancy agreement. 然而出乎了她意料的是,出现在他面前的并非是什么惊天动地的大秘密,而是一份特别的冷冻休眠协议。 Reason that said is special ; first, because of this agreement not specific end dormancy time, but the Solar System colonizes the beginning of activity as relieving the time point of dormancy outside. 之所以说是特别,一是因为这份协议没有特定的结束休眠时间,而是将太阳系外殖民活动的开端作为解除休眠的时间点。 As for its two, then because of the name of this person, is that named great nation scholar female main character in documentary film, that person who made her once the paternal great-grandfather never forget...... 至于其二,则是因为这个人的名字,正是那部名为大国学者的纪录片中的女主角,正是那个令她曾曾祖父念念不忘的人…… Is looking at the freezing dormancy agreement in hand, thinks before Lu Zhou, bygone days warehouse five reasons, in land Xiaoqiao the heart gave birth to light move. 看着手中的这份冷冻休眠协议,想到陆舟前往天仓五的理由,陆小乔的心中不由生出了一丝淡淡的感动。 Spanned the distance of time, even spanned the life and death. In this strange time, rushes to each other two people on the different tracks, unexpectedly reunion marvelously. 跨越了时间的距离,甚至跨越了生死。在这个陌生的时代,在不同的轨道上奔向彼此的二人,居然奇迹般的重逢了。 However, perhaps this is also necessity in some sense. 不过,或许这也是某种意义上的必然。 Deeply inspires, on her face floated off a gratified smile. 深深吸了口气,她的脸上浮起了一丝欣慰的笑容。 „Really was this also...... score a lucky hits?” “这还真是……歪打正着了吗?” Is this love that people of that time have? 这就是那个时代的人们所拥有的爱情吗? Always feels romantic...... 总觉得好浪漫…… Always to her who the love does not hold any interest, suddenly somewhat envied. 从来对恋爱不抱任何兴趣的她,忽然有些羡慕了。 ...... …… Many years later, recalls the passing life, Lennard always cannot bear remember the name of that person. 许多年后,回忆自己过往的一生,伦纳德总是忍不住想起那个人的名字。 In that forces in him to capture the fossil, subverted archaeological community's sparks/Mars several billions years ago cognition thoroughly, but when departure, he told his address, unveiled sparks/Mars civilization in a veil of mystery for the world...... 那块塞进他兜里的化石,彻底颠覆了考古学界对于火星数十亿年前的认知,而在离开之时,他告诉他的那个地址,更是为世界揭开了火星文明神秘的面纱…… Gently about in beginning the academic work, Lennard's index finger rubs that to fill the heavy/thick sense of reality boasting title page gently, in the muddy pupil caught a recollection color. 轻轻合上了手中的学术著作,伦纳德的食指轻轻摩擦着那充满厚重质感的牛皮封面,浑浊的瞳孔中染上了一丝回忆的色彩。 50 years...... the time really passed quickly.” “五十年了……时间过得真快。” The index finger stopped in the name of author, because of split, but the lip of sand buckle opened gently, verbose reading aloud is reading words that only then he himself can hear. 食指停在了著作者的名字上,那因为干裂而起皮的嘴唇轻轻开,絮絮叨叨的诵念着只有他自己才能听见的话语。 50 years...... were lucky your help, I completed father's last wish finally, making the School of Professor Vernal exist forever in this world does not extinguish, but as that person of conducting the task, although I have not experienced that mammoth time, but compared historically should also have to be my one page......” “五十年了……多亏了您的帮助,我总算是完成了父亲的遗愿,令弗纳尔教授的学派在这个世上长存不灭,而作为承前启后的那个人,虽然我未经历过那个波澜壮阔的时代,但相比在历史上也应该有属于我的一页……” At this moment, outside of study room heard the lively sound of footsteps suddenly, when are not many gate was then shoved open. 就在这时,书房的外面忽然传来了轻快的脚步声,不多时门便被推开了。 The face that writes all over the young blood, the leaper stood in his front. 一张写满青春活力的脸,跳跃者站在了他的面前。 Father!” “爸!” That is his child. 那是他的孩子。 Just like the choice of his father, he devoted the youth to long ago academic, but to the old age through the way of artificial culture dish, created own descendant. 和他父亲的选择一样,早年他将青春奉献给了学术,而到了晚年则通过人工培养皿的方式,创造了属于自己的后代。 Sometimes he will often sigh with emotion, although the science and technology cannot solve the human fundamentally all contradictions, but can actually provide many choices to their lives. 有时候他时常会感慨,虽然科技并不能从根本上解决人类的一切矛盾,但却能够给他们的人生提供更多的选择。 Looks that the whole face crashed in the young people in study room excitedly, on Lennard's face took a gentle smile, said with the relaxed tone. 看着满脸兴奋冲进自己书房的年轻人,伦纳德的脸上带上了一丝慈祥的笑容,用轻松的口吻说道。 What's wrong? Any matter makes you so happy.” “怎么了?什么事让你这么开心。” I attained Starry Sky Technology offer! Next month must go to the day warehouse five colonies to report!” “我拿到了星空科技的offer!下个月就要去天仓五的殖民地报道了!” Lennard selected with a smile, said in a soft voice. 伦纳德笑着点了下头,轻声说道。 Remembers the attention security, I heard that there active different star lifeform, on the animal like Earth is not friendly.” “记得注意安全,我听说那里活跃的异星生物,可不像地球上的动物那么友好。” Our these different star zoologists, to not solve this matter exist?” “我们这些异星动物学家,不就是为了解决这件事情而存在的吗?” Patted striking one's chest proudly, on the face of young people revealed wiped to be full of the smile of sense of mission. 自豪的拍了拍胸脯,年轻人的脸上露出了一抹充满使命感的微笑。 Looks that own child can have so comes to understand now, on Lennard's face showed the gratified smile. 看着自己的孩子能有现在这般觉悟,伦纳德的脸上露出了欣慰的笑容。 Looks at the smile on father face, the young people continues to say with the self-satisfied tone. 看着父亲脸上的笑容,年轻人用得意的口吻继续说道。 You will not blame me, has not inherited your mantle , to continue the research of archaeology?” “您不会怪我,没有继承你的衣钵,继续考古学的研究吧?” How can? My theory does not need to inherit by some specific person, it starting from that moment of birth, had left behind the indelible mark in this world,” Lennard said in a soft voice, what I do not need you to come for me to shoulder, you only need to follow your interest, chooses the life that oneself wanted to be OK...... human type of thing, was not for this reason living?” “怎么会?我的学说不需要靠某个特定的人来继承,它从诞生的那一刻开始,就已经在这个世界上留下了不可磨灭的印记,”伦纳德轻声说,“我不需要你来替我背负什么,你只需要遵循自己的兴趣,去选择自己想要的人生就可以了……人类这种东西,不就是为此而活着的吗?” I do not want to listen to you to talk about these major principles,” on face made a helpless expression, the young people continue saying that your child must take a long journey immediately, can't we chat other happy things?” “我不想听你讲这些大道理,”脸上做了个无奈的表情,年轻人继续说道,“你的孩子马上就要远行了,咱们就不能聊点其他愉快的事情吗?” Lennard: For example?” 伦纳德:“比如?” For example about day warehouse five things!” On the face of young people writes all over the exciting expression immediately, looks the own old father continues saying that I always hear, had you had happening together with Academician Lu?” “比如关于天仓五的事情!”年轻人的脸上立刻写满了兴奋的表情,看着自己年迈的父亲继续说道,“我总是听人说起,您曾经和陆院士有过交集?” On Lennard's face appeared wiped the strange smile, crossed smiled some little time, spoke the sentence meaningful words in a soft voice. 伦纳德的脸上浮现了一抹古怪的笑容,过了好一会儿才笑了笑,轻声说了句令人意味深长的话。 Not only happened together?” “岂止是交集?” That respectable Academician Lu, is he digs from the ruins...... 那位令人尊敬的陆院士,就是他从废墟里挖出来的…… That says with me about his matter quickly,” sat on the sofa, saying of young people face anticipation, how achieves the person joint unification including him, including day warehouse five expeditions! Day...... his life simply like legend.” “那快和我讲讲关于他的事情吧,”在沙发上坐了下来,年轻人一脸期待的说道,“包括他是如何促成人联的统一,包括天仓五的远征!天啊……他的一生简直就像传奇一样。” Person's joint unification and day warehouse five expeditions?” “人联的统一和天仓五的远征吗?” Is chewing these words, in Lennard's eyes floated off a profound recollection. 嘴嚼着这句话,伦纳德的眼中浮起了一丝深邃的回忆。 Long time later, he quite sigh with emotion light sighed one, is similar to with that recites Poet roaming the common tune, opens the mouth gently. 良久之后,他颇为感慨的轻叹了一声,用那如同吟游诗人一般的腔调,轻轻开了口。 I dearest person, that was a very for a long time very long beforehand story......” “我最亲爱的人儿啊,那是个很久很久以前的故事了……”
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