SATS :: Volume #17

#1677: In this great day

The first weekend of July. 七月的第一个周末。 Regarding the life the people on sparks/Mars, this absolutely is unusual a day. 对于生活在火星上的人们而言,这绝对是非同寻常的一天。 Because on this day, East Asia Communication Corporation announced a blockbuster news suddenly. 因为就在这一天,东亚通讯公司忽然宣布了一件重磅消息。 After innumerable day and night relapse debuggings, quantum communication network processor officially starting operation situated in Yangtze Delta urban cluster. 经过无数个日夜的反复调试,位于长三角城市群的量子通信网络处理器正式开机运行。 As the first host server of quantum communication network, with completion of this server, the information flowrate of global network will reach an unprecedented altitude, even did not say exaggeratingly, will be higher than the entire dimension compared with the past network pattern in the efficiency. 作为量子通讯网络的第一台主服务器,随着这台服务器的建成,全球网络的信息交换效率将达到一个前所未有的高度,甚至于毫不夸张的说,将比过去的网络模式在效率上高出整整一个维度。 Within the framework of Lu distributed computing model, each bit information can in the shortest time, pair with Bits who it corresponds, not only, the security of information will also so rise a stair again. 在陆氏分布式计算模型的框架下,每一比特的信息都能够在最短的时间内,与它相对应的比特进行配对,并且不只是如此,信息的安全性也将再上升一个台阶。 The previous information engineering domain has the so important news, a century ago the first seabed quantum fiber optics are completed time. But after 100 years, people found finally can with „” software that this set hardware matches. 上一次信息工程学领域发生如此重大的新闻,还是一个世纪前第一条海底量子光缆竣工的时候。而经过了100年的时间,人们总算是找到了能够与这套“硬件”相匹配的“软件”。 Also does not know is the coincidence, is the inevitability of some history, the root of this two kinds technological breakthrough, unexpectedly is because same person...... 也不知是巧合,还是某种历史的必然性,这两样技术突破的根源,居然都是因为同一个人…… Naturally, surprised of scholars compares the information engineering, as well as about inconceivable that this set Lu distributed computing model feels, lets eat the melon people interested excitedly...... even, is another matter. 当然了,相比起信息工程学的学者们的惊讶,以及对这套“陆氏分布式计算模型”感到的不可思议,更让吃瓜群众们感兴趣……甚至于兴奋的,还是另外一件事。 That is this by again the big net of knitting, not only held the world, expanded the antenna beyond the earth-moon system, integrated in the colonizing cities on sparks/Mars its domain. 那便是这张被重新编织的大网,不仅仅将全球容纳了进去,更是将触角扩张到了地月系统之外,将火星上的殖民市们也都纳入到了它的版图中。 From now on, the people on sparks/Mars do not need to communicate to endure dozens minutes of delay for on the relatives and friends with Earth again. 从今往后,火星上的人民将再也无需为和地球上的亲朋好友通信而忍受数十分钟的延迟。 In star gate technology and under the help of total information image technology, they not only can on Earth same have a good swim with the citizens of life in the same splendid network, even can be away from over a hundred million kilometers distance and relatives and friends exchanges face-to-face. 在星门技术和全息影像技术的帮助下,他们不但能够和生活在地球上的公民们一样畅游在同一个精彩的网络上,甚至能够隔着上亿公里的距离和亲朋好友们面对面的交流。 The Asia star on Yangtze Delta urban cluster coastline, in this in giant stadium that is overlooking Pacific Ocean, at this moment is a being bustling and filled with people scene. 位于长三角城市群海岸线上的亚洲之星,在这座俯瞰着太平洋的巨型体育馆内,此时此刻正是一片人头攒动的景象。 After several months of discussion, under the joint consultations of various region alliances, the charter of human alliance is to draft finally. 经过数个月的洽谈,在各区域联盟的共同协商之下,人类联盟的宪章总算是起草完毕。 But today, in this important time, as Li Guangya of Pan-Asian cooperation director, not only the represent entire human destiny community collective, announced 而今天,在这个重要的时刻里,身为泛亚合作理事长的李光亚,不但将代表整个人类命运共同体集体,宣布 If must evaluate two 12 th century greatest four inventions, he occupied two.” “如果要评选二十二世纪最伟大的四件发明,他一个人就占了两个。” Wu Shuhua: Which two?” 吴淑华:“哪两个?” Li Guangya: Super velocity of light technology, quantum communication network.” 李光亚:“超光速技术,还有量子通讯网络。” As for other difference/two kinds, imitates the living person to be selected in one of them probably, another is not quite good to appraise, including the magnetic suspension automobile, the spare option that can be accepted to is really many. 至于另外两样,仿生人大概能够入选其中之一,另一个不太好评价,包括磁悬浮汽车在内,可以入围的备用选项实在是太多了。 However at this time, Li Guangya realized suddenly, the strict sense the biological person as if also a little relates with him. 不过就在这时候,李光亚忽然意识到,严格意义上来讲仿生人似乎和他也有点关系。 Although this is technology that during his deep sleep is born, but funds the enterprise of this technical research and development, is actually Starry Sky Technology of earliest period, as well as its affiliated subsidiary company Zhongshan green wood. 虽然这是在他沉睡期间诞生的技术,但资助这项技术研发的企业,却是最早时期的星空科技,以及其旗下的子公司中山新材。 Space elevator? Also is he completes.” “太空电梯呢?也是他完成的吧。” „Is that thing the invention? I am willing to call it to be similar it to the Great Wall, or pyramid one thing...... they are the miracles in engineering history.” “那个东西算是发明吗?我更愿意将其称之为类似于万里长城,或者金字塔一样的东西……它们是工程学史上的奇迹。” Hears these words, looks at Li Guangya Wu Shuhua, on the face inscribed a strange expression suddenly. 听到这句话,看着李光亚的吴淑华,脸上忽然写上了一丝怪异的表情。 She still remembered one year ago that day, they just heard Academician Lu also living when news, the present fellow said us to need a mascot this words. 她还记得一年前的那天,他们刚刚听闻陆院士还活着的消息时,自己眼前的这家伙可是说出了“我们需要一个吉祥物”这种话。 However who can think, this once in their eyes mascot, not only without funny performance being incompatible with this time, even later today one year, completely changed their life style, and even the whole world. 然而谁能想到,这个曾经他们眼中的“吉祥物”,非但没有滑稽的表现出与这个时代的格格不入,甚至就在一年后的今天,彻底改变了他们所有人的生活方式,乃至整个世界。 Past that because of his human alliance that was missing to disintegrate, birth again in the stage of international community. 昔日那个因他的失踪而分崩离析的人类联盟,再一次的诞生在了国际社会的舞台上。 Even if he has not spoken a few words for this alliance, but all these are actually born because of his existence...... 即便他未曾为这个联盟说过一句话,但这一切却都是因为他的存在而诞生…… Really is unbelievable, originally in our plans, this year we should under sparks/Mars the ownership issue of Mount Olympus with other region alliance thorough settlements, who can think that...... we become the common fate group that shares weal and woe.” “真是难以相信,原本在我们的计划中,今年我们应该与其他区域联盟彻底解决下火星的奥林匹斯山的归属问题,但谁能想到……我们重新成为了荣辱与共的命运共同体。” No one thinks, does not want the scientist a century ago to wake up in my term like me,” sighed gently, Li Guangya said with the sigh with emotion tone, perhaps, like me in a year ago that speech in such that said.” “谁也不会想到,就像我从来没想一个世纪前的科学家能够在我的任期内醒来一样,”轻轻叹了口气,李光亚用感慨的口吻说道,“也许,就像我在一年前的那场演讲中说的那样吧。” Wu Shuhua: What that...... said.” 吴淑华:“……说的什么。” Destiny.” “天命。” The brow twitched, Wu Shuhua slanting his eyes, how does not know should tsukomi these words. 眉头抽搐了下,吴淑华斜了他一眼,不知道该如何吐槽这句话。 With looking at the movement of table disregarded his smelly fart with no trace, Wu Shuhua cleared throat , to continue to say. 用看表的动作不着痕迹地无视了他的臭屁,吴淑华清了清嗓子,继续说道。 When we chatted here, was only left over for ten minutes from the press conference...... director comrade, did you prepare?” “就在我们在这里闲扯的时候,距离新闻发布会只剩下十分钟了……理事长同志,你准备好了吗?” Only remained for 10 minutes? That was really good, this long waiting ended finally.” “只剩十分钟了?那真是太好了,这漫长的等待总算是结束了。” Stood from the chair, arrived at Li Guangya before mirror to smile, put out a hand to put in order the collar. 从椅子上站了起来,走到镜子前的李光亚微微笑了起来,伸手整了整衣领。 With the relaxed and self-confident tone, he said briefly and to the point. 用轻松而自信的口吻,他言简意赅地说道。 Walks, making us start a new time.” “走吧,让我们去开始一个新的时代。” ...... …… As the hand arrived at the position of integral point, Li Guangya who wears the formal dress, in an applause arrived. 随着时针走到了整点的位置,穿着正装的李光亚,在一片掌声中走到了台前。 All these to him, are it can be said that familiar and easy. Innumerable has stood under similar situation he, was clear compared with anybody how should work up the mood of people, how should make people raise the arm to cheer for his ideal. 这一切对他而言,可以说是轻车熟路。早已无数次站在同样场合下的他,比任何人都清楚,该如何调动人们的情绪,该如何让人们为他的理想振臂欢呼。 Is facing microphones, he clears throat, with proceeding in an orderly way, but the forceful intonation, opens the mouth to speak. 面对着一支支话筒,他清了清嗓子,用循序渐进而铿锵有力的语调,开口宣讲道。 Walks the slash-and-burn cultivation from the erectness, from the Yangtze River Yellow River to the Euphrates River and bottom Lys River, from ignorant dark age to ancient feudal dynasty...... and even today, in these several tens of thousands years, we created the prosperous culture, established the magnificent civilization on this lands.” “从直立行走到刀耕火种,从长江黄河到幼发拉底河与底里斯河,从蒙昧的黑暗时代到古老的封建王朝……乃至今日,在这数万年的时间里,我们创造了繁荣的文化,也在这片土地上建立了辉煌的文明。” However like shadow always and bright closely associated, in these several tens of thousands years of years, we also withstood the hunger, disease, war and poor memory similarly.” “然而就像阴影总与光明如影随形一样,在这数万年的岁月中,我们同样也承受了饥饿、疾病、战争以及贫穷的记忆。” Fortunately, they have not defeated us.” “所幸的是,它们并没有将我们打败。” „The misery memory makes us grow, making us unite, is more powerful. And makes us profoundly understand, eliminates the exploitation and oppression, ends the war and hunger, liberates the enslaved compatriot...... is the most important goal of our civilization, but all hinder us to realize existence of this great ideal, will be our common enemies.” “苦难的记忆让我们成长,让我们更加团结,更加强大。并让我们深刻的认识到,消除剥削与压迫,终结战争与饥饿,解放被奴役的同胞……是我们文明的首要目的,而一切阻碍我们实现这一伟大理想的存在,都将是我们共同的敌人。” This is crosses the alliance of bloodlines and national boundary, regardless of the nationality and belief, in the face of this common ideal, our destinies closely has unified in one, our will share weal and woe in the future.” “这是跨越血脉与国界的联盟,无论民族与信仰,在这共同的理想面前,我们的命运已经紧密的结合在了一起,我们的未来将荣辱与共。” In hundred years time, we used the action to prove, the peaceful rise was a feasible way. Even the most difficult time, we still maintained the biggest restraint, has not resorted to own misery to the violence of others.” “这100年的时间里,我们用行动证明了,和平崛起是一条可行的路径。即使是最困难的时刻,我们依然保持了最大的克制,未曾将自身的苦难诉诸于对旁人的暴力。” However now, we hope our experience and cultures one, with share.” “而现在,我们愿将我们的经验与文化一并,与诸位共同分享。” At this point, Li Guangya observed the situation this broad conference site. 说到这里,李光亚环视了一眼这广阔的会场。 Is restraining in the excitement and heroics that in the chest cavity almost soon overflows, his deep inspiration, enhanced the voice, using the forceful intonation to say loudly. 克制着在胸腔中几乎快要溢出的激动与豪迈,他深深的吸了口气,提高了嗓音,用了铿锵有力的语调高声说道。 Until now, stands fortunately here, with man of insight, will reach the agreement about our civilization future common subject.” “时至今日,有幸站在这里,与诸位有识之士,在关于我们文明未来的共同议题上达成共识。” Also unusual being honored, can announce by me, the coming of this honorable time.” “也非常的荣幸,能够由我来宣布,这一光荣时刻的到来。” A vision of both anticipation focused on the stage. 一双双期待的目光聚焦在了台上。 Is responding to anticipation in that vision, he non-stop in a minute, said loudly. 回应着那目光中的期待,他片刻不停,高声说道。 Starting today-” “从今日起-” „The region alliance that my represent world 233 countries and areas, as well as form based on this announced!” “我代表全球233个国家与地区,以及在此基础上建立的区域联盟宣布!” Human alliance, officially is founded!” “人类联盟,正式成立!”
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