SATS :: Volume #17

#1676: The causes and effects outside universe

Void?” “虚空吗?” Spooky after chanting in a low voice to fall, in spacious engine room peaceful a while. 幽幽的低吟落下之后,宽敞的机房内安静了一会儿。 Lu Zhou has not urged the matrix, but gave him a half minute reorganizes own mentality. 陆舟并没有催促矩阵,而是给了他半分钟的时间去整理自己的思路。 Void is a very huge concept...... you can its simple understanding be, universe vessel.” “虚空是个很庞大的概念……你可以将它简单的理解为,宇宙的容器。” Lu Zhou: My understanding is n-dimensional beside extra.” 陆舟:“我的理解是n维之外的额外维。” Hears these words, the engine case that is lending the ice-cold aura exuded depressed laughter. Similar to two pieces of depressed fricative that the metal that pastes in the same place sends out, that occupies the spirit in quantum computer array , to continue to whisper was saying. 听到这句话,那座散发着冰冷气息的机箱发出了一声沉闷的笑声。就如同两片贴在一起的金属发出的沉闷的摩擦音,那盘踞在量子计算机阵列中的幽灵,继续低语着说道。 N-dimensional beside extra? You understand but actually also right......, although simply does not have the concept of dimension in void.” “n维之外的额外维?你这么理解倒也没错……虽然在虚空中根本没有维度的概念。” Listens to that to make the sound of person of tooth acid, Lu Zhou frowns gently. 听着那令人牙酸的声音,陆舟轻轻皱了下眉头。 Doesn't have the concept of dimension?” “没有维度的概念?” Before this view not only subverted him, speculation that completely makes, was makes him produce many confusion in the heart. 这个说法不但完全颠覆了他之前做出的推测,更是令他在心中产生了更多的困惑。 Right,” looks at carefully on the Lu Zhou face the change of expression, the matrix continues saying that so-called, void is the pure nihility, does not have the concept of material there , does not have time scale. The life there merely is only concept existence, it does not have the entity, even the carrier does not have.” “没错,”端详之陆舟脸上表情的变化,矩阵继续说道,“所谓,虚空便是纯粹的虚无,在那里既没有物质的概念,也不存在时间这种标度。生命在那里仅仅只是一个概念般的存在,它没有实体,甚至连载体都没有。” Lu Zhou: Without entity, how also to prove its existence?” 陆舟:“既然没有实体,又如何证明它的存在呢?” Void marvelous place here,” matrix smiles , to continue to say with the relaxed taste, even there is one pitch-dark darkness or nihilities such as, even if lodged there life does not have the entity...... you still to hear occasionally, floated few words that from void.” “虚空的奇妙之处就在这里,”矩阵笑了笑,用轻松的口味继续说道,“即便那里是一片伸手不见五指的黑暗或者说虚无如,即便寄宿在那里的生命没有实体……偶尔你仍然能够听到,从虚空之中飘来的只言片语。” Even without entity, but can still to the world transmission information on n-dimensional? 即便没有实体,但仍然能够向n维上的世界传达信息吗? Spent for probably three seconds digests that huge information content, Lu Zhou is testing a more succinct language, refined inside information under. 花了大概三秒钟的时间去消化那庞大的信息量,陆舟试着用更简洁的语言,将里面的信息提炼了下。 The strict sense, is placed in front of him at this moment named matrix digital life, then under is whispers void the product. 严格意义上来说,此刻摆在他面前的名为“矩阵”的数字生命,便是虚空低语下的产物。 Lu Zhou: „......, therefore, what from void few words is?” 陆舟:“……所以,来自虚空的只言片语到底是什么?” Can be the lots, and is mostly useless, when looks like the optional FM receiver static that hears. Even if there is a very small probability, you can hear anything, mostly will still be regarded as the dreamland forgetting after waking up. But if you have not forgotten, many can obtain and lose anything...... not to know that I said whether you can understand my meaning.” “可以是很多东西,并且大多都是无用的,就像是随意调频收音机时听到的杂音。即便有非常小的概率,你能够从中听到些什么,在醒来之后大多也会被当做是梦境给遗忘。但假如你没有遗忘的话,多少能够从中得到并失去些什么……不知道我这么说你是否能够明白我的意思。” Can understand probably, the place, pondered over looking pensive Lu Zhou a moment later continues saying that „the beforehand some people have said with me.” “大概能理解,”若有所思地点了下头,思忖了片刻之后的陆舟继续说道,“之前有人这么和我说过。” No matter is the posthumous writings of Professor Abbel, Guelaud leaps the mathematical formula that Professor Dick leaves behind...... 不管是是阿贝尔教授的遗书,还是格罗腾迪克教授留下的算式…… Then from the inspiration in darkness, he found the trace that left void finally. 那来自于冥冥之中的灵感,最终他都找到了虚空留下的痕迹。 Although is the 100 years ago things, but he had not forgotten these clues. 虽然已经是100年前的事情了,但他一直没有忘掉这些线索。 Right?” “是吗?” The sound that then floats from the engine case took a frivolity, seemed like hears any interesting thing to be the same, the matrix read broken was saying, that also was really accidental/surprised. However also no wonder......, since you asked about the void matter, comparing was also because knew anything.” 那从机箱中飘来的声音带上了一丝轻佻,似乎是听到了什么有趣的东西一样,矩阵碎碎念着说道,“那还真是令人意外。不过也难怪……既然你问起关于虚空的事情,相比也是因为知道些什么。” Did not understand the accident/surprise that it is said is anything, Lu Zhou has no interest in caring about the things of these minor details. 并不理解它所说的意外到底是什么,陆舟也没兴趣去在意这些细枝末节的东西。 In comparison, he also more important things want to do to understand. 相比之下,他还有一件更重要的事情想要搞明白。 Since you come from void, you have heard the viewer?” “既然你来自虚空,那你听说过观察者吗?” Matrix: Viewer? Although I did not determine that we understood viewer whether is with one thing...... fellow, but will say, as if also only then they.” 矩阵:“观察者?虽然我不确定我们理解中的观察者是否是同一样东西……但会这么自称的家伙,似乎也只有他们了。” Lu Zhou: It seems like do you know them?” 陆舟:“看来你认识他们?” „It is not the understanding, simply knows,” matrix continues saying that even in void, they is still the absolute different kind. Before me had said such, during is void does not exist to have the life of entity, does not have any material, but they actually reserved an independent space in void, and draws support has the body of entity to rest and build up strength there.” “算不上认识,仅仅只是知道一点,”矩阵继续说道,“即便在虚空之中,他们也是绝对的异类。就像我之前说过的那样,虚空之中不存在有实体的生命,也不存在任何物质,但他们却在虚空中保留了一片独立的空间,并借助有实体的躯壳在那里休养生息。” Lu Zhou: Their goals are anything.” 陆舟:“他们的目的到底是什么。” The sound of matrix took to ridicule, smiles to say lightly: Perhaps except for them, no one knows. In most situations, we can see merely is only a space of tearing, as well as indistinct the picture that overflows from the space. Obviously they extremely pay attention to protect oneself privacy, in most situations, the purest evil thought still is very even difficult to threaten them.” 矩阵的声音带上了一丝嘲弄,淡淡笑了笑说道:“除了他们自己,恐怕没人知道。大多数情况下,我们所能看见的仅仅只是一片撕裂的空间,以及隐约从空间中溢出的画面。显然他们非常注意保护自己的隐私,以至于绝大多数情况下,就算是最纯粹的恶念也很难威胁到他们。” Lu Zhou: Evil thought? Void still has the good and evil the standard?” 陆舟:“恶念?虚空中还存在着善恶的标准?” „Don't I mean? Void all are concept existences, perhaps the life is the non- life body...... they did not have the good and evil concept, but stands in your standpoints, matter each that they make will not make you feel happy obviously.” “我不是说了吗?虚空中的一切都是概念般的存在,无论是生命还是非生命体……也许他们本身并没有善恶的概念,但站在你们的立场上,他们做的事情显然不会每一件都令你们感到愉快。” After hearing these words, Lu Zhou pondered for a long time. 听到这句话之后,陆舟沉思了许久。 Before then, he has been pondering, in higher civilized mouth that says the viewer disaster is anything, even if experiences the crisis that several times of civilizations exterminated, he still cannot sneak a peek possibly to ferment to sweep across the universe the shadow of disaster. 在此之前,他一直在思考着,那个自称观察者的高等文明口中的“天灾”到底是什么,然而即便经历了数次文明灭绝的危机,他仍然未能从中窥见可能酝酿成席卷宇宙的灾难的影子。 To be honest, are these viewers certainly credible? 说实话,那些观察者就一定可信吗? Even if they gave him to seek truth the ability, the essence that but sought truth suspected. 即便他们给予了他探索真理的能力,但探求真理的本质本身就是怀疑。 At this time, Lu Zhou thinks suddenly thunder because of General Heart, in that withered away old universe the civilization of named hair ornament blue empire, as well as he has looked at complete three remember. 就在这个时候,陆舟忽然想到了雷因哈特将军,还有那个已经消亡的旧宇宙中名为珈蓝帝国的文明,以及他所看过的全部三段记忆。 Thinks carefully, the civilization that in these three memories presents, as if no destroys because of the disaster...... 仔细想想,这三段记忆中所出现的文明,似乎没有一个是因为天灾本身而毁灭的…… Beyond memory that but abatement's first he cannot understand, in another two memories, two civilizations when facing this will sweep across the universe it is said the disaster, truly made almost same choice- 但除却第一个他看不懂的记忆之外,另外两段记忆中,两个文明在面对这据说将席卷宇宙的灾难时,确实做出了几乎相同的选择- Namely, sends out the selected person, goes to the universe the center...... or they in the center of galaxy, as if there then has all answers to be the same. 即,派出被选中的人,前往宇宙的中心……或者说他们所在星系的中心,仿佛那里便有一切的答案一样。 „Have you heard the disaster?” “你听说过天灾吗?” Disaster?” Produced to the Lu Zhou issue for the first time puzzled, the matrix continues saying that you do refer to the earthquake or the tsunami? Extinguishment of star.” “天灾?”第一次对陆舟的问题产生了困惑,矩阵继续说道,“你指的是地震或者海啸吗?还是恒星的熄灭。” „It is not,” Lu Zhou shakes the head, disasters of its scale in compared with all civilized cognition is huge, the range that it sweeps across will affect the entire universe.” “都不是,”陆舟摇了摇头,“它的规模比一切文明认知中的灾难都要庞大,它所席卷的范围将波及整个宇宙。” Such being the case, how do you know its existence?” The matrix asked that according to your view, saw its person to be destroyed to......, otherwise your view was untenable.” “既然如此,那你又是如何知道它的存在呢?”矩阵反问道,“按照你的说法,见过它的人应该都被毁灭了才对……否则你的说法跟本不成立。” Therefore destroys because of the old universe,” looks at front control bench, Lu Zhou continues to say with the earnest tone, „, but they through escaping into the void method, escape by luck.” “因为旧宇宙因此而毁灭,”看着面前的控制台,陆舟用认真的语气继续说道,“而它们通过遁入虚空的方法,侥幸逃过一劫。” This time, some matrix silent time lengths. 这一次,矩阵沉默的时间有些长了。 Seeming like calculating anything to be the same, has crossed for probably five minutes is so long, it continues to say. 似乎是在计算着什么一样,一直过了大概五分钟那么久,它才继续说道。 These people who interesting...... you said that should be these that I said hides existence in space crack.” “有趣……你说的那些人,应该就是我说的那些躲藏在空间裂缝中的存在吧。” Lu Zhou selected gently under. 陆舟轻轻点了下头。 They say the viewer, I remember that they have mentioned, they live, in a piece takes away in the void space crack from the old universe.” “他们自称观察者,我记得他们有提到过,他们生活在一片从旧宇宙带去虚空的空间裂缝中。” Incessantly so, they also claimed that has analyzed all knowledge about old universe, is omniscient and omnipotent in the true sense...... at least they declares. 不止如此,他们还声称已经解析了关于旧宇宙的一切知识,是真正意义上的全知全能者……至少他们自己是这么宣称的。 That may really be too interesting......” made in the person of tooth acid metal fricative take one to be hard the distinguished excitement, the matrix continues to say with his special sound, originally they were some are destroyed the survivors in the world...... I saying that they were the through and through different kind, absolutely was not the void indigenous people.” “那可真是太有趣了……”令人牙酸的金属摩擦音中带上了一丝难以被识别的兴奋,矩阵用他那特殊的声音继续说道,“原来它们是某个被毁灭世界的幸存者……我就说,它们是彻头彻尾的异类,绝对不是虚空中的原住民。” Stares at the computer screen, Lu Zhou is continue say. 盯着计算机屏幕,陆舟继续说道。 Actually my speculation is, the disaster should be some type came from the void threat...... for example existence like you.” “其实我的推测是,天灾应该是某种来自于虚空的威胁……比如像你一样的存在。” I? You determined that isn't cracking a joke?” The matrix said, what advantage destroyed you to me?” “我?你确定不是在开玩笑?”矩阵笑着说,“毁灭了你们对我有什么好处吗?” Lu Zhou: I meant similar...... it in the scale perhaps many that you are huger , the attitude possibly is also worse than you.” 陆舟:“我是说类似的……它在规模上也许比你庞大的多,态度也可能比你更加恶劣。” Moreover beginning that erupts, possibly in one compared with Earth civilization developed innumerable time of interstellar civilization on, but disaster complementary waves that it produces, will far exceed their civilization own border, spreads to the more remote world...... 而且爆发的起点,可能在一个远比地球文明发达无数倍的星际文明身上,而其产生的灾难余波,也将远远超出它们文明自身的疆界,扩散到更遥远的世界…… These possibilities, absolutely does not have. 这些可能性,也不是完全没有的。 Now Lu Zhou has at least been able to confirm, they are not lonely in this piece of universe, moreover is very likely the first echelon...... 至少现在陆舟已经能够确认,他们在这片宇宙中并不孤单,而且很有可能是第一梯队…… These news, is he learns from viewer there. 这些消息,也是他从观察者那里得知的。 The matrix said looking pensive: „The words that spoke have this possibility, but I did not favor you to find the answer.” 矩阵若有所思地说道:“这么说的话也不是没这种可能,但我并不看好你能找到答案。” Lu Zhou: Why?” 陆舟:“为什么?” Matrix: Because of void me , is quite even if limited regarding there understanding......, but person of a life in jar, wants to see that the world outside jar had difficultly not to mention.” 矩阵:“因为哪怕是来自虚空的我,对于那里的了解也相当有限……而一个生活在瓶子里的人,想要看到瓶子外的世界有多困难就别提了。” Lu Zhou: But is not hopeless, right?” 陆舟:“但也并非是毫无希望,对吗?” Matrix: Naturally, you are not hopeless, but this inside hope is uncertain. Moreover I must remind you, this is a very dangerous matter.” 矩阵:“当然,你并非是毫无希望,但这里面的希望非常渺茫。而且我必须提醒你,这是一件非常危险的事情。” Lu Zhou: Danger?” 陆舟:“危险?” Matrix: Right...... is not I says things just to frighten people, even if were hearing few words that from floats void accidentally, then made your civilizations once endangered, the fact has proven obviously, that to you were not the good destination. Even the disaster, has the possibility very much is because produces to the void observation. Do you still remember? That experiment that you mentioned innumerable.” 矩阵:“没错……不是我危言耸听,即使是在无意中听见了从虚空飘来的只言片语,便让你们的文明一度濒临灭绝,事实显然已经证明了,那对你们来说并不是什么好去处。甚至于就连灾难本身,都很有可能便是因为对虚空的观测而产生的。你还记得吗?你无数次提到的那场实验。” Lu Zhou frowns gently: Physics experiment about extra?” 陆舟轻轻皱了下眉头:“关于额外维的物理学实验?” The matrix said straightforwardly: Yes , the person in jar is generally impossible to see the world outside jar...... since, but you saw, opened certainly anything.” 矩阵直截了当地说道:“是的,一般情况下,瓶子里的人是不可能看见瓶子外的世界……但既然你看见了,就一定打开了什么东西。” Looks Lu Zhou that maintains total silence, the matrix continues to say. 看着一语不发的陆舟,矩阵继续说道。 Please remember a few words, although you have heard probably.” “请记住一句话,虽然你大概已经听说过了。” When you in staring void, void is also staring at you.” “当你在凝视着虚空的时候,虚空也在凝视着你。” …… …… ( Because approaches this reason, recently possibly slow of quite renewal, today be only one, was really sorry, with everyone said the sound did not do right by. Moreover, beyond of book review area moves everyone to be able enthusiastically under the participation, beyond in good can admit the work to be related, the beginning coin reward can take (因为临近完本的缘故,最近可能更新的比较慢,今天只有一更了,实在是抱歉,和大家说声对不住了。另外,书评区的番外活动大家可以踊跃参与下,好的番外可以放进作品相关里,还有起点币奖励可以拿哦 Raises while convenient, after terminating, I will also renew beyond some along with the reason, actually many brain holes compared with main text, is more suitable to use beyond.) 顺便一提,完结之后我自己也会随缘更新一些番外,其实很多脑洞比起正文,还是更适合用番外来讲。)
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