SATS :: Volume #17

#1678: Future that he expects

The human alliance officially is founded! 人类联盟正式成立! That forceful sound, along the antenna of network, proliferated each corner of Earth civilization, spread to the ear of everyone along with the intermittent cheers. 那铿锵有力的声音,沿着网络的触角,扩散到了地球文明的每一个角落,伴随着阵阵的欢呼声传入每一个人的耳中。 On some well-known video site, is watching this celebration live netizens through the brand-new image technology, burst into the cheers of accumulation in abundance, and with sitting in people who the surrounding skin color varied, is sharing joy and excitement in this moment heart. 某知名视频网站上,通过全新影像技术观看着这场庆典实况的网友们,纷纷爆发出了积累的欢呼声,并和坐在周围的肤色各异的人们,分享着此刻心中的喜悦与激动。 Person association long live!” “人联万岁!” Has tears streaming down the face...... has not thought that can in the lifetime, see the reconstruction of human alliance.” “泪流满面……没想到能在有生之年,看到人类联盟的重建。” Feeling , since Academician Lu wakes up, every day is witnessing the history......” “感觉自从陆院士醒来之后,每一天都在见证历史……” What relations this gadget and do Academician Lu have? He is not a person of joint high level.” “这玩意儿和陆院士是有啥关系?他又不是人联高层。” Joke, without the star gate technology, without the super velocity of light engine, you thought that several region alliances do reach the agreement so to be refreshed?” “笑话,没有星门技术,没有超光速引擎,你觉得几个区域联盟达成共识会有这么爽快?” You said that this later world unified, everyone in the community of this human destiny, but also needs army gadget?” “你说这以后全球都统一了,大家都在这人类命运的共同体里面了,还需要军队这玩意儿吗?” How probably not to need, the contradiction in Solar System was solved, outside Solar System. So long as our star ships start is far enough, the thing that should meet, will meet one day!” “怎么可能不需要,太阳系内的矛盾解决了,还有太阳系外的呢。只要咱们的星舰开的够远,该遇到的东西,总有一天会遇到的!” No matter the Pan-Asian cooperation, is people of other region alliances, stands in for the standpoint of human, speech that fills people with enthusiasm from that felt the same ferventness. 不管是泛亚合作,还是其他区域联盟的人们,站在同为人类的立场上,都从那振奋人心的演讲中,感受到了同样的慷慨激昂。 The poverty eradication and war, finished all oppressing and enslaving, is this not just in the world the general public, the lifetime ideals of all proletarians? 消除贫穷与战争,结束一切压迫与奴役,这不正是全世界普通大众们、所有无产者们的毕生理想吗? No matter all these whether finally can realize, they had at least seen the dawn of arrival of that day. 不管这一切最终是否能够实现,至少他们已经看见了那一天到来的曙光。 Incessantly is on the common social media, players in the virtual reality network, uses own way, celebrates this historical time. 不止是一般的社交媒体上,就连虚拟现实网络中的玩家们,也都纷纷用自己的方式,来庆祝这一历史性的时刻。 In the hair ornament blue empire game, the players gathered at the surroundings of Pan- world spontaneously, exhibited the icon of alliance flag with the star ship on the map. 珈蓝帝国游戏中,玩家们自发的聚集在了环世界的周围,用星舰在地图上摆出了联盟旗的图标。 Making to be confused by this crowd of players bewildered actions, almost does npc in game to mobilize all fleets of nearby air zone, is ready in full battle array in the surroundings of Pan- world, the player who for fear that these did not fear death was competent anything out of the ordinary...... 被这群玩家们莫名其妙的举动给弄得一头雾水,搞得游戏里的npc们几乎调动了附近空域的所有舰队,在环世界的周围严阵以待着,生怕这些不怕死的玩家能干出什么出格的事情…… But in place outside the network world, the people in reality is also same. 而在网络世界之外的地方,现实中的人们也是一样。 In the vault in heavenly palace city, projected the brilliant total information light shadow, like light corpuscle that the fireworks blooms generally, reflected a world map that included Earth, Moon and sparks/Mars domain. 天宫市的穹顶上,投射了绚烂的全息光影,如同烟花一般绽放的光粒,折射出了一张囊括地球、月球与火星版图的世界地图。 On this map, the luminous spot of each sparkle, is corresponding a city, but the brilliance of that sparkle, is indicating the person of life in this city...... 在这张地图上,每一颗闪耀的光点,都对应着一座城市,而那闪耀的光辉则寓意着生活在这座城市里的人…… But at the same time, in some residents in Beijing , Tianjin , Hebei urban cluster. 而与此同时,京津冀城市群的某间民宅内。 Sits the old person before total information television, looks at the colored ribbon of that floating full conference site, that is rocking various countries' national flags, in the eye revealed one to be charmed, as well as to passing recollection. 坐在全息电视前的老人,看着那漂满会场的彩带,还有那晃动着的各色各样的各国国旗,眼中不由流露出了一丝神往,以及一丝对过往的回忆。 Human alliance...... was really a good remote glossary.” “人类联盟啊……真是个好遥远的词汇了。” Heard the words in grandfather mouth, lay manipulates the child of intelligent toy to lift the head on the rug, threw the curious line of sight to the old person. 听到了爷爷口中的话,趴在地毯上摆弄着智能玩具的小孩子抬起了头,向老人投去了好奇的视线。 Grandfather, Grandfather, had you also presented the human alliance at that time?” “爷爷,爷爷,你们那时候也出现过人类联盟吗?” haha, has certainly appeared, that gadget may earlier probably much than the words that the Pan-Asian cooperation...... I had not remembered incorrectly, at that time subordinated in the Earth defense army of human alliance, is about 50-60 ages time, because probably the funds issue dismissed.” 哈哈,当然出现过,那玩意儿可比泛亚合作早得多了……我没记错的话,当时还有隶属于人类联盟的地球防卫部队吧,不过50-60年代的时候,好像因为经费问题解散了。” Actually, by that age of old person childhood, the human alliance had arrived at the disintegrating edge, according to his grandfather's view is, he just witnessed a end of magnificent time. 其实,到了老人小时候的那个年代,人类联盟早就已经到了分崩离析的边缘了,按照他爷爷的说法便是,他刚好见证了一个辉煌时代的结束。 However the old person did not feel that magnificent time had ended. 不过老人并不觉得,那个辉煌的时代已经结束了。 After the 50's economic crisis ended, the Pan-Asian cooperation in recovery solved the contradiction that on a time left behind, was regrouping after a defeat based on this established a more prosperous civilization. 50年代的经济危机结束之后,复苏中的泛亚合作不禁解决掉了上个时代遗留下来的矛盾,更是重整旗鼓的在此基础上建立了更加繁荣的文明。 He still remembers oneself in childhood, the Sirs frequently worry for the issue of wages and house. 他还记得自己小时候,大人们常常为工资和房子的问题发愁。 But now, by that age that his child grew up, they who have been in the social zy middle stage, as if then do not need to worry for the thing on material again, will not exalt money and rich person blindly, gradually starts to pursue the sublimation of energetic domain, and learned kindly treats own compatriot...... 但如今,到了他的孩子长大成人的那个年代,已经进入社会zy中级阶段的他们,似乎便已经不用再为物质上的东西发愁了,更不会盲目地追捧金钱与富人,逐渐开始追求精神领域的升华,并学会善待自己的同胞…… Dismissed?” On the face of child showed expression looking pensive, appeared to understand but not really understand pounded under the small head, that was really is a pity.” “解散了?”小孩子的脸上露出了若有所思的表情,似懂非懂地砸了下小脑袋,“那真是太可惜了。” It’s nothing was a pity all things that in this world are born, have it to have the mission in this world, when its historical mission was completed, goes to a peaceful place rest, keeps watch his younger generation to grow, might as well be a good deed.” “没什么可惜的,这个世界上诞生的一切事物,都有它存在于这个世界上的使命,而当它的历史使命完成了,去一个安静的地方休息,守望着他的后人们成长,未尝不是一件好事。” Although once human alliance dismissed, the heritage that but it leaves, makes us form the collective that a ratio passing united, perhaps these things also too, waited for your long First Year point to you early, naturally can understand.” “虽然曾经的人类联盟解散了,但它留下来的遗产,却让我们形成了一个比过往更加团结的集体,这些东西对你来说还太早了,或许等你长大一点,自然就能明白了。” Was saying to be saying, on old person's face brings back the smile that wiped to envy suddenly, put out a hand to make an effort to rub grandson's small head. 说着说着,老人的脸上忽然勾起了一抹羡慕的笑容,伸手使劲揉了揉孙子的小脑袋。 Your boy, really lived in a good time.” “你小子,真是生在了一个好的时代啊。” The eyes of child transferred the revolutions, said delightedly. 小孩子的眼睛转了转,喜笑颜开地说道。 Doesn't matter, later I where, if goes to play, certainly will take the grandfather!” “没关系呀,以后我要是去哪玩,一定会带上爷爷的!” Old person haha smiles, said with the joking tone. 老人哈哈笑了笑,用开玩笑的口吻说道。 You can a person run all over the place outside, your grandfather estimated that on the lying down bed cannot move.” “等你能一个人在外面乱跑了,你爷爷估计都躺床上动不了了。” When the speech of heart of Asia reaches the last act, in star gate another side sparks/Mars, situated in encirclement track the giant star ship on cuboid, is a being bustling and filled with people scene. 就在亚洲之心的演讲进入尾声的时候,远在星门另一侧的火星,位于环绕轨道上的一艘长方体的巨型星舰内,正是一片人头攒动的景象。 In the broadcast is reverberating unceasingly in the heart of Asia, director's that fervent speech, under staff's guidance, have traded in the aft cabin people of spacesuits, is in the exciting and disturbed mood, as the tide of people wells up in the direction of ramp. 广播中不断回荡着亚洲之心中,理事长的那段慷慨激昂的讲话,在工作人员的引导下,已经换上舱内宇航服的人们,正怀着激动与忐忑的心情,随着人潮向着舷梯的方向涌去。 Here is Yinhe, although also many westerners use Columbus or Magellan's name as its translated name. 这里是银河号,虽然也有不少西方人用哥伦布或者麦哲伦的名字作为它的译名。 It has the significance in this world, like written those words on passage ticket- it and stands at this moment everyone here, sets sail for a greater dream. 它存在于这个世界上的意义,就像被写在船票上的那句话一样-它和此刻站在这里的所有人,都是为了更伟大的梦想而启航。 Underwent the innumerable day and night re-equipping, installs outside the antimatter energy pile of Yinhe of galaxy colonizing unit, the tune fast engine as well as has been ready and waiting, can go to the day warehouses beyond ten light year momentarily five. 经过了无数个日夜的改装,装上外星系殖民单元、曲速引擎以及反物质能量堆的银河号已经整装待发,随时可以前往十光年之外的天仓五。 But before then, 100,000 colonizers will be divided into ten raids, through the special transport vehicle, goes to Yinhe to await orders from space Port in turn. 而在此之前,10万名殖民者将分成十个批次,分批通过特殊的运载设备,从空间港前往银河号上待命。 In there, they will have the two-month knowledge technical training, as well as three months of adaptability training. 在那里,他们将接受为期两个月的知识技能培训,以及三个月适应性训练。 After completing these trainings, they as human alliance colonizer, will open first journey of the human civilization outside world to the Solar System, the civilized fire seed will spread a more remote place...... 等到完成了这些训练之后,他们将以人类联盟殖民者的身份,开启人类文明对太阳系外世界的首次征程,将文明的火种播撒到更遥远的地方…… However, in this exciting moment, is people brings all these Lu Zhou, actually peaceful treating in laboratory, calmly is looking at carefully that test tube on experiment table. 不过,就在这个激动人心的时刻里,为人们带来这一切的陆舟,却是安静的待在实验室中,静静地端详着实验桌上的那支试管。 Is similar, all noise sounds have nothing to do to be the same with him. 就仿佛,外界的一切喧嚣声都与他无关一样。 In fact, his mentality at this moment, has also truly so completed him of many great work, has looked very pale to the glory and wealth type of thing. 事实上,他此时此刻的心态也确实如此,已经完成了许多伟大工作的他,对荣耀和财富这种东西已经看得非常淡了。 Present he, has been close from the truth that he pursues infinitely. 现在的他,距离他所追逐的真理已经无限接近。 On leading to the entire rank lv10 path, when that test tube before him, was the system gives his last duty. 在通往全等级lv10的道路上,待在他面前的那支试管,便是系统交给他的最后一件任务了。 Also is the Lu Zhou plan before heading for the more remote world, leaves the last gift of hometown...... 同时也是陆舟打算在启程前往更遥远的世界之前,留给自己故乡的最后一件礼物…… Entire rank lv10 can the unlocking in the future the option of time......” “全等级lv10就能解锁未来时代的选项吗……” Recalls that segment who sneaks a peek at from that total information screen to describe at first, Lu Zhou smiles gently, pressed down that switch on experiment table. 回忆着最初从那幅全息屏幕上窥见的那段描述,陆舟轻轻地笑了笑,按下了实验桌上的那个开关。 To be honest, this matter, he has not had the too great anticipation only. 老实说,唯独这件事情,他倒没有抱太大的期待。 Because of the future to him...... 因为对他而言的未来…… He has seen. 他早就已经见到了。
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