SATS :: Volume #16

#1586: Who can solve it, I gives who promulgates

In the suburbs of Jinling. 金陵郊区。 Lu Zhou that just now sneezes, put out a hand to rub the nose, stared is projecting after front total information image pondered a while, suddenly said. 方才打了个喷嚏的陆舟,伸手揉了揉鼻子,盯着投射在面前的全息图像沉思了一会儿之后,忽然开口说道。 Perhaps I should please an assistant.” “也许我该请个助手了。” „??? Couldn't Xiao Ai have satisfied the master???(??)” “诶???小艾已经满足不了主人了吗???(??)” Lu Zhou spoke thoughtlessly a saying, has not thought that actually caused the flurry of some not too intelligent ai accidentally/surprisingly. 原本陆舟只是随口一说,没想到却是意外引起了某位不太聪明的ai的慌乱。 Looks jumps to oneself front Xiao Ai pitiful, Lu Zhou sighs. 看着可怜兮兮跳到自己面前的小艾,陆舟叹了口气。 Because of your always this appearance, therefore I need a normal point assistant.” “就是因为你总是这个样子,所以我才需要一个正常一点的助手。” Xiao Ai: But but...... qaq 小艾:“可是可是……qaq” Lu Zhou sighed saying: Good, I do not mean you to be useless, but some topic truly not too suitable ai to do. Especially related to that part of blurring operation, possibly was too to you difficult.” 陆舟叹了口气说道:“好了好了,我不是说你没用,只是有些课题确实不太适合ai来做。尤其是涉及到模糊运算的那一部分,对你来说可能太难了。” Xiao Ai: How doesn't try to know?( =? w?)” 小艾:“不试试怎么知道?(=?w?)” I spoke frankly, under I planned to simplify the z granule attraction wave equation, to the result that had makes a more precise prediction through the z granule jump effect of method of math, and established mathematical model between more precise z granule vibration frequencies and time and space curvatures...... you also has is listening?” “那我就直说好了,我打算精简下z粒子的引力波动方程,通过数学的方法对z粒子跃迁效应产生的结果进行更精确的预测,并建立更加精确的z粒子震动频率与时空曲率之间的数学模型……你还有在听吗?” Xiao Ai: „......(????)” 小艾:“……(????)” Lu Zhou: „......” 陆舟:“……” ...... …… In a century ago, Lu Zhou once on has published named «z Granule Jump Effect in arxiv and « Future» to the time and space Curvature Influence » paper. 早在一个世纪之前,陆舟就曾在arxiv和《未来》上刊登过一篇名为《z粒子跃迁效应对时空曲率影响》的论文。 But the mathematical physical equation of most core in this paper quotes, z granule attraction wave equation that is completed by health/guard Hong, Professor Deiwick. 而这篇论文中引用的最核心的一条数学物理公式,则是由卫宏、戴维克教授完成的z粒子的引力波动方程。 How this equation found, said that was also a story. 这一方程是如何发现的,说起来也算是一段曲折的故事了。 However, now obviously does not discuss these grown past events time. To open a stable hyperspace channel, must find the exact relationship between frequencies and time and space curvatures that the z granule shakes. 不过,现在显然不是谈那些成年往事的时候。想要打开一条稳定的超空间通道,就必须找到z粒子震荡的频率和时空曲率之间的精确关系。 In fact, this matter Lu Zhou should do, because had many matter at that time, causing this to work is repeatedly delayed, to a century later cannot complete...... 事实上,这件事情陆舟早就该做了,然而因为当时发生了许多事情,导致这项工作被一拖再拖,以至于到了一个世纪之后都没能完成…… Jinling University number institute. 金陵大学数院。 In some activity rooms in experiment building, two young men are standing before a blank slate of total information projection, such seems like pondering anything. 实验楼的一些活动室里,两位年轻的男人正站在一面全息投影的白板前,那样子似乎是在思考着什么。 Very interesting issue.” “很有意思的问题。” Stared at that several lines of mathematical formulas on blackboard to look for a long time, Professor Sun Jingwen pushed the total information eye on bridge of the nose gently, the place of hitting gave the appraisal saying that superficially this was a physical problem, issue that but involved in the final analysis actually centralized in the world of mathematics.” 盯着黑板上的那几行算式看了许久,孙景文教授轻轻推了推鼻梁上的全息眼睛,一语中的的地给出了评价说道,“从表面上看这是一个物理问题,但归根结底涉及到的问题却集中在数学领域。” Right, therefore I will find you,” Lu Zhou looked at his one eyes, asked that what good idea had?” “没错,所以我会找到你,”陆舟看了他一眼,问道,“有什么好的想法吗?” Regarding this Professor Sun, he compares the favorable impression, will otherwise not find him to discuss this issue especially. 对于这位孙教授,他还是比较有好感,否则也不会特地找到他商量这个问题了。 First these honors that he obtains proved his strength, this fellow dared to challenge Riemann hypothesis this centurial difficult problem, to face directly second to touch him for these buried treasures courage that the mathematics circles left behind generally in the past. 一来是他所获得的那些荣誉证明了他的实力,二来是这家伙敢于挑战广义黎曼猜想这一世纪性的难题、直面自己当年为数学界留下的那些宝藏的勇气打动了他。 Although also missed some durations and degrees of cooking in the knowledge, but Lu Zhou does not think that this is any major problem. 虽然在学问上还差了些火候,但陆舟并不认为这是什么大问题。 He is also in any case hopeless the difficulty that this Professor Sun can directly solve him to face, he anticipates is this fellow can stand in another angle merely, provides mentality that he has not considered. 反正他也没指望这位孙教授能直接解决他所面临的困难,他期待的仅仅是这家伙能够站在另外一个角度,提供一条他没有考虑到的思路。 However, this Professor Sun response, actually fell short of the anticipation of Lu Zhou. 然而,这位孙教授的反应,却是辜负了陆舟的期待。 Sees only facing him of blank slate, on the face revealed wiped the forced smile, does not know that should should do said. 只见面对着白板的他,脸上露出了一抹苦笑,不知该如何是好地说道。 What clue even you do not want to come out, how do I possibly have what good idea?” “连您都没想出来什么头绪,我怎么可能有什么好的想法?” Hears these words, in the Lu Zhou heart somewhat is slightly disappointed, sighs to say. 听到这句话,陆舟心中略微有些失望,叹了口气说道。 If you think, when I have not given regards.” “如果你是这么想的话,那当我没问好了。” If did not have the thorough ponder to start to set limit, in the subconscious thinks that this difficult problem is invincible, that basically did not need to try. 如果还没深入思考就开始自我设限,在潜意识上认为这个难题是不可战胜的,那基本上也不用去试了。 Even if tried, 80% will not have any good result. 就算试了,八成也不会有什么好结果。 Perhaps on disappointed expression by the Lu Zhou face stimulating, Professor Sun Jingwen clenches teeth, braces oneself to say. 或许是被陆舟脸上失望的表情给刺激到了,孙景文教授咬了咬牙,硬着头皮说道。 Waits for can...... give me an opportunity?” “等一下……可以给我个机会吗?” Naturally,” the place, Lu Zhou took a look at that several lines of mathematical formulas in blank slate calmly , to continue saying that I plan this issue as together the public proposition, issues at the lspm forum.” “当然,”若无其事地点了下头,陆舟瞅了一眼白板上的那几行算式,继续说道,“我打算将这个问题作为一道公共命题,发布在lspm论坛上。” If who can solve it, in my opinion a Lu Zhou math prize definitely cannot be inescapable.” “如果谁能解决它,在我看来一个陆舟数学奖肯定是跑不了的。” Although at that time for issuing the proof of abc Conjecture, but to today, lspm has developed an open academic forum now. 虽然当时只是为了方便发布abc猜想的证明,但到了今天,lspm现在已经发展成了一个开放性的学术论坛。 Now mathematics circles many well-known big cows, have the account number of that forum. 当今数学界不少知名的大牛,都拥有那个论坛的账号。 Believes if issues in one's own name, should have many people to participate. 相信如果是以自己的名义发布的话,应该会有不少人参与进来。 Hears the Lu Zhou math prize, Professor Sun Jingwen in the heart was fiery immediately. 一听到陆舟数学奖,孙景文教授心中顿时火热了。 That is the highest honor of current mathematics circles, indisputable mathematics circles chalice! Every year only evaluates one time, only confers one person one time, and only issues to contribute the most prominent scholar! 那可是当今数学界的最高荣誉,无可争议的数学界圣杯!每年只评选一次,一次只颁给一人,并且只发给贡献最突出的学者! Since the 1950s since, many people have arranged dozens years of team, has not obtained looking upon with favor of this medal. 从上个世纪50年代开始至今,不少人都已经排了好几十年的队了,都没获得这枚奖牌的垂青。 Even if he to not win to study the math, purely is because will deeply love this division/discipline to stand here, but this glory will suspend here, should still let look up at its Sun Jingwen sufficiently, felt choked up with emotions. 即便他不是为了获奖而研究数学,纯粹是因为热爱着这门学科才会站在这里,但这份荣耀摆在这里,也足以让仰视着它的孙景文,感觉到心潮澎湃了。 Looks at the expression on this young scholar face, Lu Zhou nods with a smile, has not given any appraisal. 看着这位青年学者脸上的表情,陆舟笑着点了点头,也没给出任何评价。 Always felt before his body saw is very long. 总感觉在他的身上看到了很久以前的自己。 In the strength and mentality, he who has not grown, but also was short of some accumulations slightly...... 只是在实力和心态上,尚未成长起来的他,还稍稍欠缺了一些积累罢了…… After leaving the activity room, Lu Zhou returned to own office directly. 离开了活动室之后,陆舟径直返回了自己的办公室。 He who temporarily returns to the campus life, these days is not preparing a lesson, is patching his hyperspace theory, or occasionally under direction Academician Ge Huaizhi they. 暂时回归校园生活的他,这段时间不是在备课,就是在修补他的超空间理论,亦或者偶尔指点下葛怀志院士他们。 However after returning to the office, his stool has not gotten warm, counts that senior chief in institute, ran his here string a gate. 然而回到了办公室之后,他的凳子都还没坐热,紧接着数院的那位老院长,又跑来他这里串了个门。 Knocked the gate of office, looks to sit Lu Zhou before desk, counts chief Qinchuan academician in institute to walk up with smile on the face, cared said. 敲开了办公室的门,看着坐在办公桌前的陆舟,数院的院长秦川院士面带笑容的走上前来,关心了一句说道。 What kind of? 100 years later, our gold/metal big study haven't the younger brother study younger sisters disappointed you?” “怎么样?时隔100年了,咱们金大的学弟学妹们没有让您失望吧?” The current leader as Lu Zhou school of thought that this ancestor's matter, he forever is most careful. 身为陆舟学派的现任学术带头人,这位老祖宗的事情,他永远都是最上心的。 For serveral days so long as is idling being all right, will then run over to inquire after the well being. 这些天来只要闲着没事儿,便会跑过来嘘寒问暖。 How I possibly am disappointed about my study younger brother study younger sister,” Lu Zhou smiles, saw they are so hard-working, I somewhat was actually ashamed.” “我怎么可能对自己的学弟学妹感到失望,”陆舟笑了笑说,“看到他们这么勤奋好学,倒是我有些惭愧了。” Dean Qin said: haha, you may not say, if they can have the diligence of your half, various kind of award items of our school only fear double.” 秦院长笑着说:“哈哈,您可千万别这么说,他们要是能有你一半儿的勤奋,咱们学校的各类奖项只怕得翻一番。” Lu Zhou: Scientific research is not the competition, prize is next, they can learn the thing, in my opinion is very outstanding.” 陆舟:“科研不是比赛,获不获奖是其次的,他们能够学到东西,在我看来就已经很优秀了。” Qinchuan: Did not say that the matter of student, you are also familiar with?” 秦川:“不说学生的事情了,您自己这边还习惯吗?” Lu Zhou smiles saying: My words you did not need to worry, if really had what opinion, I was not that type have the person who the matter hid is not saying at heart.” 陆舟莞尔道:“我的话你就不用操心了,如果真有什么意见的话,我也不是那种心里有事儿藏着不说的人。” Heard your words I to feel relieved,” Dean Qin smiles, „, if you had the place that anything needs to help, please must greet with me, so long as were the place that we can add on, we did certainly utmost to manage!” “听到您这句话我就放心了,”秦院长笑了笑说,“如果您有什么需要帮忙的地方,请务必和我打声招呼,只要是我们能帮得上的地方,我们一定竭尽全力去办!” I first said that the sound thanked.” “那我就先说声谢谢了。” Lu Zhou selected, will say anything, however made a sound in this time telephone. 陆舟点了下头,正要说些什么,然而就在这时候电话响了起来。 Saw with own eyes Lu Zhou the telephone, Dean Qin smiles to say immediately knowingly, 眼见陆舟这边电话,秦院长顿时心领神会地笑了笑说道, Since you also has the matter, I do not disturb.” “既然你这边还有事情,那我就不打扰了。” Then, when comes he in a hurry, turned around to leave quickly. 说完,来时匆匆的他,很快又转身走掉了。 The gate of office closes, in the room secure calms down again. 办公室的门关上,屋内重新安静了下来。 Looks at strange phone call, Lu Zhou was supposing is that side the Pan-Asian academy of science hits to ask itself to discuss the space elevator relevant issue probably, therefore not hesitant, then pressed down the button of connection conveniently. 看着陌生的来电,陆舟估摸着大概是泛亚科学院那边打来找自己商议太空电梯相关事宜的,于是也没犹豫,随手便按下了接通的按钮。 However what has not thought to him, telephone that transmitting is actually together the familiar sound. 然而离他没想到的是,电话那头传来的却是一道熟悉的声音。 Hello, I am land Xiaoqiao, your...... in brief probably is a granddaughter.” “您好,我是陆小乔,您的……总之大概算是孙女。” Why strange in Xiaoqiao calls oneself suddenly, some Lu Zhou accidents/surprises asked the sentence said. 奇怪于小乔为何突然打电话给自己,陆舟有些意外地问了句说道。 What matter has?” “有什么事情吗?” „...... In the telephone is not quite possibly convenient, in brief, did you have free time recently?” “……电话里可能不太方便,总之,您最近有空吗?” Is has.” “算是有吧。” Telephone that made a deep breath, said with the earnest tone. 电话那头做了个深呼吸,用认真的语气说道。 „...... If possible, can ask you to come one to go to the capital?” “……如果可以的话,能请您来一趟上京吗?”
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