SATS :: Volume #16

#1587: Century later reunion

„Are you...... really his granddaughter?” “您……真的是他的孙女吗?” Looks to stand near the hospital bed, the woman who the appearance and Lu Zhou somewhat are an excellent likeness, Vera opens mouth dumbfoundedly, on the face 1 time does not know that should make what expression. 看着站在病床边上,模样和陆舟有几分神似的女人,薇拉目瞪口呆地张了张嘴,脸上一时间不知该做何表情。 Her appearance was really easy to understand, land Xiaoqiao the baby shoe first guessed, she misunderstood anything, therefore did not know whether to laugh or cry rushes to explain said. 她那副样子实在是太好懂了,以至于陆小乔童鞋第一时间就猜了出来,她到底误会了些什么,于是哭笑不得地赶忙解释说道。 Although we really have the blood relationship, but should not be you imagines such.” “虽然我们确实有血缘关系,但应该不是你想象中那样的。” Grabs was tighter, Vera who both hands of bed sheet accumulate said the sentence weakly low voice: „...... I will not mind.” 抓着被单的双手攒的更紧了,薇拉弱弱地小声说了句:“……我不会介意的。” I said that is not you imagines that appearance,” somewhat troublesome is pressing the forehead, land Xiaoqiao tsukomi in the heart under that dishonest ancestor, sighed later continues saying that in brief, I probably am his collateral branch descendant, from land Xiao Tong that.” “我都说了,不是你想象中的那个样子,”有些伤脑筋的按着眉心,陆小乔在心中吐槽了下自己那个不老实的老祖宗,叹了口气之后继续说道,“简而言之,我大概算是他的旁系后代,来自陆小彤那一支。” Xiao Tong......” 小彤吗……” land Xiaoqiao confident place under. 陆小乔坦然地点了下头。 Yes.” “是的。” Accumulated the small hand of tight bed sheet to loosen slowly, but pinched tightly quickly. 攒紧被单的小手缓缓松开了,但又很快地捏紧。 Never expected that she already not in...... 没想到她已经不在了…… Although this is the inevitable matter, but in Vera's heart is somewhat is slightly desolate. 虽然这是必然的事情,但薇拉的心中还是稍微有些落寞。 Possibly because are that peaceful type, therefore regarding that lively girl, she has the favorable impression. 可能因为自己是那种安静的类型,因此对于那个活泼的女孩,她还是相当有好感的。 Especially when Princeton is the professor, two people relations are very good that. 尤其是在普林斯顿担任教授的时候,两人的关系一直都算是很不错的那种。 Let alone because of somebody's relations, always, she regarded own younger sister to treat her. 更何况因为某个人的关系,一直以来,她都是将她当成了自己的妹妹来对待。 Reads out expression that Wei had a long face, roughly guessed correctly anything's land little Qiao, said in a soft voice. 读出了薇拉脸上的表情,大致猜到了些什么的陆小乔,轻声说道。 Please should not be sorry for her, according to my father and grandfather's view, she is a very good person, in the time that in she lives passed the happy and happy life. The life is a finishing what one starts journey, since starts, will certainly have the conclusion, all are inevitable.” “请不要为她感到难过,根据我父亲和爷爷的说法,她是一位很善良的人,在她所生活的时间里度过了幸福而美好的一生。生命本身就是一段有始有终的旅程,既然有开始,就一定会有结束,一切都是不可避免的。” „...... I am only, a little cannot control own mood.” “……我只是,有点控制不住自己的情绪。” Deeply inspires, in moved the mood by own heart returned to normal several points, showed wiped still has some reluctant smiling faces. 深深吸了一口气,让自己心中伤感的情绪平复了几分,重新展现了一抹仍然带着些勉强的笑容。 Comfort thank you...... can cultivate you such good child, believes that she certainly is before death happy.” “谢谢您的安慰……能够培育出您这样善良的孩子,相信她生前一定非常幸福。” On land Xiaoqiao the face showed the shy smile, somewhat said embarrassed. 陆小乔的脸上露出了腼腆的笑容,有些不好意思地说道。 Actually fortunately......, although I have not seen her, but always listens to the grandfather to mention her matter.” “其实还好啦……虽然我也没有见过她,只是总听爷爷说起她的事情。” At this time, the gate of hospital ward opened suddenly, puts on money show who the nurse takes to walk. 就在这时候,病房的门忽然打开了,穿着护士服的钱秀秀走了进来。 Vera, some outside people visits you, are you now convenient?” “薇拉,外面有人探访你,你现在方便吗?” Who...... is?” “……是谁?” money show said grinningly: Probably is a big celebrity, calls Lu Zhou, although many people called him Academician Lu.” 钱秀秀笑嘻嘻地说道:“好像还是个大名人,是叫陆舟吧,虽然很多人都叫他陆院士。” In a flash, by Vera in pillow, sat excitedly straight. 一瞬间,靠在枕头上的薇拉,激动地坐直了起来。 „, Convenient! Can please he come in a bit faster?” “方,方便!可以请快点他进来吗?” Perhaps is the response intense reason, this short two characters read the footstep. 也许是反应过于强烈的原因,以至于这短短的两个字都念走音了。 Looks at Vera's response, money show smiles. 看着薇拉的反应,钱秀秀莞尔一笑。 „The quick families walk also to require the time again.” “再快人家走过来也得要时间呀。” Looks to stand in the entrance nurse surprisedly, land Xiaoqiao looked at a watch, thought aloud that whispered low voice. 惊讶地看着站在门口的护士,陆小乔看了一眼手表,自言自语地小声嘀咕了一句。 Did not say finds time......” “不是说抽空来的吗……” Phone call that this makes in the morning, at noon has not arrived came, gave her really surprisedly. 这上午才打的电话,中午还没到就来了,着实把她给惊讶到了。 After obtaining the approval of patient, money show selected, stepped on the lively step to leave the hospital ward, in a while then had popular design monotonous man of an attire color compared with this world to walk slightly obviously. 得到了病人的准许之后,钱秀秀点了下头,踩着轻快的步子重新离开了病房,没过多久便带着一位衣着色彩比起这个世界的流行款式稍显单调的男人走了进来。 Looks to appear in that person of entrance, in Vera's pupil is rocking the excited mist, that full excitement, changed to such as trickle the running water general twittering. 看着出现在门口的那个人,薇拉的瞳孔中晃动着激动的水雾,那满腔的激动,化作了如涓涓流水一般的呢喃。 I am certainly having a dream......” “我一定是在做梦……” However is not,” looks to sit lies Vera on hospital bed, the Adam's apple of Lu Zhou moves gently, said in a soft voice, „, with be how same, was only the time of a blink I said.” “然而并不是,”看着坐卧在病床上的薇拉,陆舟的喉结轻轻动了动,轻声说道,“怎么样,和我说的一样吧,只是一眨眼的功夫。” Vera: But in fact, I had a very long very long dream.” 薇拉:“但事实上,我做了一个很长很长的梦。” „......?” “……哦?” Vera is blushing saying: Lay down my dream to oneself in the frozen crystal sarcophagus, was away from the dense fog to see a pretty princess, she and I said many words, made me take care of you just before leaving before...... as for other, I was not quite clear.” 薇拉红着脸说道:“我梦到了自己躺在冰封的水晶棺中,隔着迷雾看见了一位漂亮的公主,她和我说了很多话,临走之前让我照顾好你……至于其他的,我记不太清楚了。” Takes care of me...... 照顾好我吗…… Lu Zhou smiles in the heart. 陆舟在心中笑了笑。 He did not feel oneself need to look, she this appearance, very makes people relieved actually now. 他并不觉得自己需要照顾,倒是她现在这副样子,挺让人放不下心的。 That......” “那个……” What's wrong?” “怎么了?” Silent a while, Vera said low voice. 沉默了一会儿,薇拉小声说道。 You, why a change?” “你,为什么一点变化都没?” Later the issue of life span 100 years had been solved? 难道在100年后寿命的问题已经被解决了? But this is also indecipherable, why Xiao Tong will die in bed of old age. 但这又无法解释,小彤为何会寿终正寝了。 She can feel, in these days of own deep sleep, no matter her side is away from she very remote place, had many matter. 她能感觉到,在自己沉睡的这段时间里,不管是她的身边还是距离她很遥远的地方,都发生了许多的事情。 This strange feeling, making her have a faint trace to be terrified, but why did not know, after seeing that familiar face, the relieved feeling actually filled up her whole body. 这种陌生的感觉,让她产生了一丝丝惶恐,但不知为何,在看到了那张熟悉的面庞之后,安心的感觉却又填满了她的全身。 „...... Hundred years had many matter, various aspects came as a surprise to my,” will somewhat look at out of the window troublesome, after Lu Zhou pondered a while , to continue saying that „after you left the hospital, I will pull out a time to tell you all.” “……这100年发生了不少事情,各方面都出乎了我的预料,”有些伤脑筋地将视线投向了窗外,陆舟沉思了一会儿之后,继续说道,“等你出院了之后,我会抽个时间把一切都告诉你。” Not only she requires the time to be ready, he thought that oneself also requires some time. 不只是她需要时间去做好准备,他觉得自己也需要一些时间。 To her, all possibly are only the times of a blink, however in the time of this twinkling, before he has many, had not had the thing. 对于她来说,一切可能都只是一眨眼的功夫,然而在这一眨眼的时间里,他已经拥有了许多之前未曾拥有过的东西。 Originally the kiss before that volume, enough has made him feel own sin gravely( although his original intention is to hope her does not bring regrettable going in the future), the result has not thought that now are also of many a love letter 1 million character. 本来那个额前的吻,就已经够让他感觉自己罪孽深重了(虽说他的初衷是希望她不带遗憾的前往未来),结果没想到现在又多了一本百万字的情书。 He even somewhat regretted, at that time oneself why important criminal that nerve, revisit returned to a Princeton...... 他甚至有些后悔,当时自己为什么要犯那个神经,故地重游的回一趟普林斯顿了…… Looking at steadily looks at Lu Zhou, Vera said with very light sound. 目不转睛的看着陆舟,薇拉用很轻的声音说道。 That...... thank you.” “那个……谢谢你。” Does not need to thank me, in fact my anything has not done, I really cannot withstand this to thank-” “不用谢我,事实上我什么也没有做,我实在是承受不起这声谢谢-” How can, you give me the knowledge, warm, as well as I have never thought the courage that I can obtain,” stopped the moment, her pupil rocked gently, supplemented in behind, „, I also think you well.” “怎么会,您给予了我知识,温暖,以及我从未想过我能得到的勇气,”停顿了片刻,她的眸子轻轻晃动了一下,在后面补充了一句,“还有,我也好想你。” Why does not know, this also character always makes him feel strangely, but where he cannot say for a short time strangely. 不知道为什么,这个“也”字总让他感觉怪怪的,但一时半会儿他也说不上来哪里奇怪。 He truly very does not think of false, has investigated about her whereabouts, because old and other all kinds of reasons, had not found about her news. 他确实挺想念不假,也有调查过关于她的去向,只是因为年代久远等各种各样的原因,并没有找到关于她的消息。 Material that from may consult, in she freezes the dormancy in the duration, the time limit that some people changed her hospitalized information, as well as including the freezing dormancy, awakens the procedure/program on own initiative the activation condition many security settings. 从可查阅的资料来看,在她冷冻休眠的持续期内,有人修改了她的住院信息、以及包括冷冻休眠的时限、主动唤醒程序的启动条件等多个安全设置。 Otherwise she even earlier a time 20 years ago should wake up. 否则她早在20年前甚至更早的时间就应该醒来了。 As for is who does that also does that for what reason, was unknown. 至于到底是谁这么做的,又是出于何种目的这么做的,就不得而知了。 Although this is an informationization time, but in the face of the barrier of time, Xiao Ai cannot achieve omniscient and omnipotent in absolute significance even. 虽然这是个信息化的时代,但在时间的屏障面前,就算是小艾也并非能做到绝对意义上的全知全能。 Changed the original topic, Lu Zhou coughed to say lightly. 岔开了原先的话题,陆舟轻咳了一声说道。 „After...... has to think to wake up, which goes?” “……有想好醒来之后去哪吗?” Vera: I do not have the family/home, without other people of understanding...... this world was too to me strange, I do not know that should go.” 薇拉:“我没有家,也没有其他认识的人……这个世界对我来说太陌生了,我也不知道该去哪。” Was sorry...... rashly throws this time you, but in then situation, that was the best way.” “抱歉……不由分说的把你扔到这个时代,但在当时的情况下,那是最好的办法了。” Do not say was sorry, you saved my hero obviously,” Vera smiles gently, hung down slightly the eyelash, somewhat inexplicable happiness, somewhat disturbed low voice supplemented one. “千万不要说抱歉,你明明是拯救了我的英雄,”薇拉温柔地笑了笑,微微低垂了睫毛,有些莫名的开心,又有些忐忑的小声补充了一句。 Therefore, but also please, please shoulder the responsibility......” “所以,还请,请负起责任……” Lu Zhou nods. 陆舟点了点头。 Where if you have not thought to be good temporarily, first lives in my there......” “如果你暂时没想好去哪里的话,就先住我那里吧……” By Vera's ability, seeks the occupation of math professor to have no issue in Jinling University. 以薇拉的能力,在金陵大学谋个数学教授的职业还是没什么问题的。 Even 100 years ago, was possibly a little behind in the research of frontier, but these things of foundation, no matter 100 years ago is 100 years later, will not change. 即便是来自100年前,在前沿领域的研究上可能稍微落后了一些,但基础的那些东西不管是100年前还是100年后,都是不会改变的。 Naturally...... 当然…… Here also has his selfishness in inside. 这里也有他的私心在里面。 Happen to he also lacks the assistant who can help him study the z granule wave equation together, but the professional ability and power of thought two aspect perfect Schoolmate Vera, without a doubt is a right candidate. 正好他还缺一位能够帮助他一起研究z粒子波动方程的助手,而专业能力和思维能力两方面都过硬的薇拉同学,毫无疑问是一位合适的人选。 As for other things...... 至于其他的事情…… He will find right time, and she talks clearly after she freezes the matter. 他会找一个合适的时间,将她冷冻之后的事情和她说清楚。 However, before hearing half a word words, one that Vera's face brushed were red, Lu Zhou also said anything afterward, she heard unclear. 然而,在听到前半句话的时候,薇拉的脸刷的一下就红了,以至于后来陆舟又说了些什么,她都听得不大清楚了。 Stands sighs in nearby land young. 站在一旁的陆小乔叹了口气。 Always felt, here as if did not have the manager anything matter of this freezing person rights old-age insurance fund meeting. 总感觉,这里似乎没她这位冷冻人权益保障基金会的经理什么事了。 In about the issue of freezing person, she is main character is coming obviously...... 明明在关于冷冻人的问题上,她才是主角来着……
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