SATS :: Volume #16

#1580: Less than 3% success ratios

The Pan-Asian technical department, in a conference room in building, is one piece is bustling and filled with people at this moment. 泛亚科技部,一楼的会议室里,此时此刻正是一片人头攒动。 Is getting more and more near from the time of conference, however sits in board first Academician Ge Huaizhi, had not announced the plan that slightly the conference starts, merely once for a while is cutting in the watches and entrance these two places the vision back and forth. 距离会议的时间越来越近,然而坐在会议桌首位的葛怀志院士,却是丝毫没有宣布会议开始的打算,仅仅只是时不时地将目光在手表和门口这两个地方来回切换着。 Saw must be the time immediately, sat in his nearby assistant, has not calmed down eventually, the low voice opens the mouth reminded one to say. 见马上就要到时间了,坐在他旁边的助理,终究还是没有沉住气,小声开口提醒了一句说道。 Academician Ge...... must start immediately.” “葛院士……会马上就要开始了。” I know, did not return to one patiently, Academician Ge will look at the entrance again, spoke thoughtlessly saying that Academician Lu? Can't he come?” “我知道,”不耐烦地回了一句,葛院士再次将目光投向了门口,随口说道,“陆院士呢?他到底来不来?” On the face of assistant floated off wiped the forced smile, lowered the sound to say. 那助理的脸上浮起了一抹苦笑,压低着声音说道。 He...... in replying our mails said that can consider our invitations, but had not said probably explicitly certainly will come.” “他……在回复我们的邮件中表示会考虑我们的邀请,但好像并没有明确说一定会来。” What is this fellow doing? 这家伙在搞什么? Such important conference, as the adviser comes not to come unexpectedly. 如此重要的会议,身为总顾问居然来都不来。 Although knows that is also not enough to criticize that big shot by own academic status, but Ge Huaizhi cannot bear for his is far-fetched sighs layer on layer/heavily. 虽然知道以自己的学术地位还不足以批评那位大佬,但葛怀志还是忍不住为他的不靠谱重重叹了口气。 Considers? Looked that this point...... his will not come probably,” looked at the person who in a conference room was filled with, Academician Ge silent a moment later, lowered the sound, still did not lose heart said to own assistant, outside you went to a revolution of revolutions, if he could not find the place...... you to lead him to come.” “考虑考虑吗?看这个点儿……他那大概是不会来了,”看了一眼会议室里坐满的人,葛院士沉默了片刻之后,压低了声音,仍然不死心的对自己的助理说道,“你去外面转转,万一他是找不到地方……你就带他过来。” Hears these words, on the face of assistant floated off wiped the forced smile, has not said anything, but selected , then walked toward the conference room outside. 听到这句话,助理的脸上浮起了一抹苦笑,却也没说什么,只是点了下头,然后便朝着会议室外走去了。 Gazes after back that the assistant is departing, closes to the front door of conference room, Academician Ge will sigh, looks at the bustling conference room. 目送着自己助理离去的背影,一直到会议室的大门重新关上,葛院士才叹了口气,将视线投向了熙熙攘攘的会议室。 Stretches out the knuckle made an effort to knock the table peacefully, after the waiting conference room some, he with the serious tone says. 伸出指节用力敲了敲桌子,等待会议室安静了些许之后,他才用严肃的语气开口说道。 Conference compendium has sent, here I made a long story short.” “会议提纲已经发下去,这里我就长话短说。” This conference is very essential, hopes that everyone hits 120 points of spirit.” “这场会议很关键,希望大家打起120分的精神。” Now, the conference starts.” “现在,会议开始。” It is well known, the name of space elevator, although has the elevator two characters, but actually and people often understood that elevator is not quite same. This type of elevator does not construct from bottom to top, but constructs from top to bottom. 众所周知,太空电梯的名字虽然带着电梯两个字,但却和人们常理解中的那种电梯不太一样。这种电梯并非是从下往上建的,而是从上往下建的。 Namely, first chooses a geological activity relatively stable region to take the anchoring zone in the ground, then makes a space station on the above synchronous orbit in this stretch of anchoring zone. 即,先在地面上选择一片地质活动相对稳定的区域作为锚地,然后再在这片锚地的上方同步轨道上建造一座空间站。 Then from this space station, ladder bit by bit puts downward, finally falls in the anchoring zone. 然后再从这座空间站上,将“梯子”一点一点的往下放,最终落在锚地上。 Also therefore, this is located in the synchronous orbit above space station, it can be said that besides ladder, the most important part. 也正是因此,这座位于同步轨道上方的空间站,可以说是除了梯子本身之外,最重要的一个部件了。 Considering the importance of this space, space elevator project office the design of this space station in form of public bid, to Pan-Asian cooperation domestic academic circle and industrial collection design proposal. 考虑到这个空间的重要性,太空电梯项目办公室将这座空间站的设计以公开招标的形式,面向泛亚合作境内的学术界与产业界征集设计方案。 Considering the investment scale and strategic significance of this/should project, Pan-Asian cooperation within the boundaries almost all units or the enterprises that are engaged in the space station design or the space engineering research direction, almost participated in the bid of this/should project. 考虑到该工程的投资规模与战略意义,泛亚合作境内几乎所有从事空间站设计或者航天工程研究方向的科研单位或者企业,几乎都参与到了该项目的投标。 As for the goal of this conference, naturally is to these design proposal of research agency as well as enterprise conducts the appraisal is also the so-called expert evaluation of tenders link. 至于这场会议的目的,自然是对这些研究机构以及企业的设计方案进行评议也就是所谓的专家评标环节。 The expert team of evaluation of tenders is led by Academician Ge personally, the core researchers of almost entire space elevator team, participated in this appraisal link. 评标的专家团队由葛院士亲自带队,几乎整个太空电梯项目组的核心研究人员,都参与到了这个评议环节。 The conference enters the subject quickly. 会议很快进入正题。 First was demonstrated that is the design proposal of Peking University space technology Research institute. 首先被展示的,是燕京大学航天科技研究所的设计方案。 As a roughly 40-year-old man arrives at the center of ring-like conference room, placed situated on a cassette of thumb size the conference room central projector equipment. 随着一名约摸40岁的男人走到环形会议室的中央,将一张拇指大小的卡带放在了位于会议室中央的投影设备上。 The quick deep blue light beam presented in the center of conference room, roughly half person of high, two wide ring shape space stations, presented in everyone's front. 很快湛蓝色的光束呈现在了会议室的中央,一座约莫有半人高,两步宽的圆环状空间站,呈现在了所有人的面前。 Although is an average not wonderful face, but sits the space industry expert here, will teach to this middle aged will not be strange. 虽然是一张平平无奇的脸,但坐在这里的航天领域专家,对这个中青年教授却不会陌生。 As space engineering domain expert, this Professor vermilion who Haiqing teaches at Yanda (Yanshan University) had participated in the design of Atlantis space station, in the industrial field in the academic circle was the known big cow. From the title of academician, difference merely is only some qualifications and accumulations. 作为航天工程领域的专家,这位任教于燕大的朱海清教授曾经参与过亚特兰蒂斯号空间站的设计,无论是在产业界还是在学术界都算是小有名气的大牛了。距离院士的头衔,差的仅仅只是一些资历和积累而已。 The nested design plan that this Yanda (Yanshan University) space research institute said that the research team that is led by this Professor vermilion is completed. 这次燕大航天研究所推出的这套设计方案,正是由这位朱教授带领的研究团队完成的。 This is the design proposal of our Yanda (Yanshan University) space research institute.” “这是我们燕大航天研究所的设计方案。” „The design of reference day of boat number space station, we were divided into the housings, businesses and industrial three regions the entire space station, from inside to outside in turn distribution.” “参照天舟号空间站的设计,我们将整个空间站分成了居住、商业、工业三个区域,从内到外依次分布。” Situated in the space station central counterweight pole is the core of entire design proposal, considering, as the space station mass variation, the space elevator center of gravity high and low will fluctuate in the synchronous orbit, such design can guarantee that the center of gravity of space elevator is in the rightful position forever.” “位于空间站中央的配重杆是整个设计方案的核心,考虑到随着空间站质量变化,太空电梯重心将在同步轨道上下浮动,这样的设计能够保证太空电梯的重心永远处在合适的位置。” When told that this nested design plan, on the face of man has the self-confident smile. 在讲述这套设计方案的时候,男人的脸上带着自信的笑容。 Listened to his explanation, in the conference room to spread talked in whispers intermittently. 听着他的讲解,会议室里传开了阵阵窃窃私语。 Both eyes are looking straight ahead that float the total information blueprint in light beam, sits in Ge Academician nearby Professor stretch/open, asked with his low voice whisper. 双目直视着那悬浮在光束中的全息蓝图,坐在葛院士旁边的张教授,同他小声耳语了一句问道。 How do you feel this plan?” “你觉得这套方案如何?” Fair,” Academician Ge touches the chin, hesitated a moment later , to continue saying that words that only thinks so, I cannot view any issue actually.” “中规中矩吧,”葛院士摸了摸下巴,沉吟了片刻之后,继续说道,“单是这么看的话,我倒是看不出来啥问题。” Professor stretch/open said: What issue even you cannot view, wasn't that steady?” 张教授笑着说:“连您老人家都看不出来啥问题,那不是稳了?” Do not say, space elevator type of new gadget, no one has seen truly, past experience was also far from experience. We cross the river while feeling the stones, no one is wiser than whom,” stopped the moment, in Academician Ge's made a symbol in hand form, does not make any appraisal to continue saying that looks at several plans again.” “千万别这么说,太空电梯这种新玩意儿,谁都没有真正见过,过去的经验也根本谈不上经验。咱们都是摸着石头过河,谁也不比谁高明,”停顿了片刻,葛院士在手中的表格上做了个记号,不做任何评价地继续说道,“还是再看几套方案吧。” With for of a Professor stretch/open appraisal committees selected , the approval said. 同为评审委员会之一的张教授点了下头,认同说道。 Said is also.” “说的也是。” Completed the final explanation, standing in the conference is central Professor vermilion Haiqing, toward arriving at conference room the committee members of appraisal committee bows slightly, later then had own plan to leave appraisal. 完成了最后的讲解,站在会议是中央的朱海清教授,朝着走到会议室里的评审委员会的委员们微微鞠躬,随后便带着自己的方案离开了评审现场。 Then what mounts the stage is Academician Liu of Binrui Jinling Higher Research institute space technology Research institute. 接下来上台的是金陵高等研究院航天科技研究所的刘缤瑞院士。 This Academician Liu is also a serious big cow, although 60 years old, but still enlivens on the aerospace engineering research first line. And is different from Yanda (Yanshan University) Professor stretch/open, he has considerable rich SJ experience regarding the design of large space station. 这位刘院士也是位不得了的大牛,虽然已经60岁高龄,但依然活跃在航天工程学研究的第一线上。并且不同于燕大的张教授,他对于大型空间站的设计有着相当丰富的经验 Including the Pan-Asian cooperation Lagrange point space base, and orbital stopover station of new service sky over heavenly palace city, has his research results in inside. 包括泛亚合作的拉格朗日点空间基地,以及新服役于天宫市上空的轨道中转站,都有他的研究成果在里面。 What although appraises is the plan, rather than the qualifications of bid unit with project leader's academic personal history, but has to acknowledge, the achievement that big ox Menna in these industries come out, joins in the fun probably same compared with these by the design proposal that the last stage research agency delivers, truly wants outstanding many. 虽说评审的是方案,而不是投标单位的资历和项目负责人本身的学术履历,但不得不承认,这些行业内的大牛们拿出来的成果,比起那些像是凑热闹一样被末流研究机构送过来的设计方案,确实要优秀的多。 Plan that after seeing Academician Liu put forward, Academician Ge the expression on face even more intertwined. 在看到刘院士提出的方案之后,葛院士脸上的表情愈发的纠结了。 It is not because the plan is not good. 不是因为方案不好。 But because two seem like good, he does not know suddenly should make what Xuanze to be good. 而是因为两个看起来都不错,以至于他一时间不知道该做何选择好了。 First crosses one all plans......, when makes the choice finally.” Made a symbol in the form, Academician Ge looked around Professor stretch/open , to continue to ask, matrix that side preparation? The application managed.” “先把所有的方案都过一遍吧……等到最后再做选择。”在表格上做了个记号,葛院士看了旁边的张教授一眼,继续问道,“矩阵那边准备的怎么样了?申请办下来了吗。” Professor stretch/open selected under. 张教授点了下头。 That side technical department already has related through the director and military, they agreed that we use matrix 12 hours.” “科技部那边已经通过理事长与军方联系过了,他们同意我们使用‘矩阵’十二小时。” The so-called matrix, then the quantum computer array that seizes from these awakening hands. 所谓矩阵,便是从那些觉醒者们手中缴获来的量子计算机阵列。 Although has not so far made clear this matrix from where, is because what kind of goal was constructed by whom, but after the research of Pan-Asian academy of science, removed overwhelming majority risks finally 虽然到目前为止还没有搞清楚这个‘矩阵’到底是来自哪里,又是因为怎样的目的被谁建造的,但经过泛亚科学院的研究,总算是排除了绝大部分的危险性 Considering that this Super Computer takes the scientific research use to have the unequalled powerful performance in the computer simulation domain particularly, this time Academician Ge used privilege of the space elevator team in scientific research priority specially, applied to the organization this computer simulation of Super Computer for space elevator design proposal. 考虑到这台超算作为科研用途尤其是在计算模拟领域有着无与伦比强大的性能,这次葛院士特意动用了太空电梯项目组在科研优先级上的特权,向组织申请将这台超算用于太空电梯设计方案的计算模拟。 12 hours?” “十二小时吗?” Academician Ge hesitates a moment later, nods, said inwardly. 葛院士沉吟的片刻之后,点了点头,自言自语似地说道。 Should also enough.” “应该也够了。” ...... …… In fact, uses less than 12 hours so to be long radically. 事实上,根本用不到十二小时那么久。 Most the time of waiting, are the consumption in the long communication distance and in relatively narrow communication band width. 绝大多数等待的时间,都是消耗在漫长的通讯距离与相对狭窄的通讯带宽上。 If only the computation, buries regarding that depth the quantum computer array under asteroid surface, 12 hours are unnecessary. 若只是计算的话,对于那台深埋在小行星地表之下的量子计算机阵列而言,十二个小时根本就是多余的。 For several minutes possibly enough. 短短几分钟可能就够了。 Crossed the complete design proposal finally, after synthesizing team the opinions of other scientific researchers, Academician Ge announced list of acceptance, and to these cannot succeed the research institution of acceptance actively participates to express gratitude. 总算是将全部的设计方案过了一遍,在综合了项目组里其他科研人员的意见之后,葛院士宣布了入围的名单,并向那些没能成功入围的研究单位的积极参与表示了感谢。 Again then, computer simulation confirmation on Super Computer. 再接下来,就是在超算上的计算模拟验证了。 All data were transmitted on Ceres over a hundred million kilometers away, is checked up after there quantum Super Computer array, the staff of space elevator team received the data of feedback from the Pan-Asian academy of science. 所有的数据都被传输到了上亿公里之外的谷神星上,由那里的量子超算阵列进行检验之后,太空电梯项目组的工作人员从泛亚科学院那边接收到了回传的数据。 Looks at the project list of projection in total information screen, Professor stretch/open to sitting threw the line of sight of inquiry in nearby Academician Ge. 看着投影在全息屏幕中的项目列表,张教授向坐在旁边的葛院士投去了询问的视线。 Which from first starts?” “从哪一个先开始?” Academician Ge hesitated a while, says. 葛院士沉吟了一会儿,开口说道。 First starts from the plan of Yanda (Yanshan University) team.” “先从燕大团队的方案开始吧。” Regarding that plan of Professor vermilion, his first sense is quite good, wants to come to be able to attain a good evaluation result. 对于朱教授的那套方案,他的第一感官还是相当不错的,想来应该能拿到一个不错的评估结果。 The first news that if hears is the good news, regarding the morale of entire space elevator team, without doubt will be huge boost. 而若是听到的第一个消息是好消息的话,对于整个太空电梯项目组的士气,无疑将是一次巨大的提振。 Academician Ge, is Professor vermilion Haiqing, was full of confidence with the result of appraisal! 无论是葛院士,还是朱海清教授本人,对评估的结果都是充满了信心! Professor stretch/open nods quickly, ten fingers rapped on the total information keyboards fast several, quick Yanda (Yanshan University) team the analog result of design proposal, presented in the total information light beam. 张教授很快点了点头,十指在全息键盘上快速地敲击了几下,很快燕大团队的设计方案的模拟结果,呈现在了全息光束中。 However in seeing the instance of this result, on almost all faces showed the surprise expression, the mood fell into the valley instantaneously. 然而在看到这个结果的瞬间,几乎所有人脸上都露出了诧异的表情,心情瞬间跌到了谷底。 Estimate the picture of space elevator stable running had not appeared, space trash of scattering that what replaces it is spreads all over on synchronous orbit, with these labelling for red calculation parameter. 原本预想中的中太空电梯稳定运行的画面并没有出现,取而代之的是星罗棋布的散落在同步轨道上的太空垃圾,与那些标注为红色的计算参数。 Especially a that most striking number, stabbing pain everyone's eyeball. 尤其是那最醒目的一个数字,刺痛了所有人的眼球。 Plan success ratio 方案成功率 Only is less than 3! 只有不到三! What ghost?! 什么鬼?!
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