SATS :: Volume #16

#1514: Buck private -1 of returning safe and sound

Total information image! 全息影像! From the beginning comes is not the person, this special is the matter that the person does?! 从一开始进来的就不是人,这特么是人干的事儿吗?! Realizes this point, Morinaga Yuan almost does not have an old blood to spurt. 意识到这一点,森永元差点没一口老血喷出来。 However, does not have the time to be in a daze to him. 然而,已经没有时间给他发呆了。 That ice-cold on the sound of reply, awakened from the dumbfoundedness him. 那冰冷的应答声,将他从目瞪口呆中惊醒了过来。 Yes, Commander.” “是,指挥官。” Ling's neck moved slightly , the red pupil bloomed the scarlet ray. 玲的脖子微微动了下,红色的瞳孔绽放出了猩红色的光芒。 With the instance of that pupil to line of sight, Morinaga Yuan does not know why the heart trembles gently. Had a premonition he who danger shouted kills it. Then cannot choose the exact way because of flurry rushed to the side gate of living room. 和那瞳孔对上视线的瞬间,森永元不知为何心脏轻轻一颤。预感到危险的他大喊了一声“干掉它”。然后便慌不择路地奔向了客厅的侧门。 dá dá- 哒哒哒- Almost just rushed to the instance of living room in his front leg, the scalding hot air wave from transmits behind. Sees is only hanging one on ceiling the automatic weapon, is similar to the flare that lightens instantaneously, the concentrated fire has the flame. 几乎就在他前脚刚刚奔出客厅的瞬间,灼热的气浪从身后传来。只见悬挂在天花板上的一把把自动武器,瞬间如同点亮的火把,攒射出火焰。 Everywhere hail of bullets drops from the clouds, pa pa hit on Ling's body. 漫天弹雨从天而降,噼噼啪啪地打在了玲的身上。 Cloud of smoke float over of explosion, the entire living room looks like the typhoon transit general, only leaves behind place in confusion. The tea table of that wrap/sets precious genuine leather sofa and superior lumber had been ripped the fragment thoroughly, complete components could not find. 爆炸的硝烟弥漫,整个客厅就像是台风过境一般,只留下一地的狼藉。那套名贵的真皮沙发和上等木料的茶几已经被彻底撕成了碎片,连个完整的零件都找不到。 Then looked at one behind, saw the center of living room even unable to find a complete floor tile. 回头看了一眼身后,见客厅的中央甚至找不到一块完整的地砖。 In the heart concluded that biological person is unable to live absolutely from this Metal Storm, in Morinaga center of circle relaxes slightly, the footsteps also cannot help but stopped. 心中料定那台仿生人绝对无法从这场金属风暴中活下来,森永元心中稍稍松了口气,脚步也不由自主地停了下来。 However when he prepares returns to the living room to have a look at the situation, his heart suddenly one tight, the pupil contracted a point instantaneously. 然而就在他准备返回客厅看看情况的时候,他的心脏忽然一紧,瞳孔瞬间收缩成了一个点。 Seeing only stands in that biological person of firepower center, was torn into shreds besides outside skin, the skeleton under skin has almost not received any substantive damage. 只见站在火力中心的那台仿生人,除了外面的皮肤被撕碎了之外,皮肤之下的骨架几乎没有受到任何实质性的损伤。 The whole person is like the person of being all right! 整个人就和没事儿的人一样! Looked on a ceiling these bullets to hit the spatial automatic weapon, Ling walked in Morinaga Yuan direction unemotionally, 看了一眼天花板上那些子弹打空的自动武器,玲面无表情地朝着森永元的方向走了过去, On the face cannot see the expression that accomplishes a task with ease again, Morinaga Yuan retreats in the direction of porch panic-stricken, and shouted loudly. 脸上再也看不到游刃有余的表情,森永元惊恐地向着门廊的方向撤退,并且高声大喊了起来。 Blocks it! Blocks it to me!” “拦住它!给我拦住它!” Heard master's order, biological person servants go down from the staircase, goes out from the gatekeeper, in the hand takes the excellent weapon, aims Ling who just overstepped the living room side gate, deducted the trigger without hesitation. 听到了主人的命令,一台台仿生人仆人从楼梯上走下,从门房内走出,手中拿着精良的武器,对准了刚刚踏过客厅侧门的玲,毫不犹豫地扣下了扳机。 The orange red flame twinkle, the concentrated fire bullet almost lit the air. 橙红色的火光闪烁,攒射的子弹几乎点燃了空气。 However compares the previous round that Metal Storm, this fine rain is not worth mentioning, even delays stands cannot achieve in the storm center Ling's step. 然而相比起前一轮的那场金属风暴而言,这点毛毛雨根本不值一提,甚至连拖延站在暴风雨中心的玲的步伐都做不到。 Arrived was away from front of a oneself recent biological modeling person, Ling put out a hand to press firmly between the fingers its neck, then grasped moderately, then saw that head to seem like sheared was the same, drags to entrain one string of electric wires and bodies divides family property. 走到了距离自己最近的一台仿生人面前,玲伸出手捏住了它的脖子,然后不轻不重地一握,紧接着便看见那头颅就像是被剪断了一样,拖拽着一串电线和身体分了家。 Completely disregarded hit in oneself bullet, Ling took that from its hand the assault rifle that the barrel gave off heat, then lifted the muzzle unemotionally, aimed at these to the living person soldier who it is divulging the firepower, roll-call deducted the trigger. 完全无视了打在自己身上的子弹,玲从它的手中拿下了那把枪管发热的突击步枪,接着面无表情地将枪口抬起,对准了那些对着它宣泄火力的仿生人士兵,点名似的扣下了扳机。 The style of entire battlefield is quite strange. 整个战场的画风相当诡异。 Is one group of people besieges a person obviously, however on besieged that person, actually could not find a wee bit distressed traces. 明明是一群人围攻一个人,然而被围攻的那个人身上,却找不到一丁点儿狼狈的痕迹。 It seems like these like the regiment common combat by biological person who the alpha virus infects, probably was surrounded in turn was the same, was punched in an extremely difficult situation by a Ling person. 反倒像是那些如同军团一般作战的被alpha病毒感染的仿生人,像是被反过来包围了一样,被玲一个人揍得狼狈不堪。 The last bullet in cartridge clip has the chest cavity, then crack the sound of gunfire also stands still like the firecrackers finally, looked at a last biological person soldier who fell to fall from the second floor arm rest place, Ling then looked at a rifle that hit the spatial cartridge clip, then threw this toy in conveniently one side. 弹夹中的最后一颗子弹出膛,那如鞭炮般炸响的枪声也终于停歇,看了一眼从二楼扶手处摔落下来的最后一名仿生人战士,玲接着又看了一眼打空弹夹的步枪,便随手将这件玩具扔在了一边。 At this time, its resounded the electric current behind suddenly buzz the cry, one roughly has the plasma cutter bar of old style vacuum cleaner size to glitter the scalding hot ray, poked toward its back. 就在这时候,它的身后忽然响起了电流的嗡鸣,一把约莫有老式吸尘器大小的等离子体切割器闪烁着灼热的光芒,朝着它的背后戳了上来。 Ling who hears the sound turns around, puts out a hand to hold toward the plasma jet that oneself puncture, looks toward that person. 听到动静的玲转过身去,伸手一把抓住了朝着自己刺来的等离子体射流,朝着那人看去。 Sees only this cutter bar grasps in the hand is not others, previously for the senior steward who two people carried the tea. What accidental/surprised is, obviously is human, but that in pupil that does not have the sentiment, actually wrote all over frantically, as well as with other biological person not different being unafraid of death. 只见将这把切割器握在手中的不是别人,正是先前为两人端上茶水的老管家。让人意外的是,明明是人类,但那颗没有感情的瞳孔中,却写满了狂热,以及与其他仿生人无异的视死如归。 Looks that manipulator starts to melt under cutting of high temperature plasma jet flow distorts, in the heart of senior steward immediately one happy. He who sees the hope, the gap between teeth that closed tightly from that squeezed out a few words. 看着那只机械手在高温等离子体射流的切割下开始融化变形,老管家的心中顿时一喜。看到希望的他,从那咬紧的牙缝中挤出了一句话。 Dies!” “去死吧!” Saying, he makes an effort to advance the plasma cutter bar in hand. 说着,他用力将手中的等离子体切割器向前推去。 However the next second, the expression on his face then solidified there. 然而下一秒,他脸上的表情便凝固在了那里。 The manipulator who sees only that melting such as he hope has not changed to the iron waterdrop on the ground, but like having the liquid of consciousness spreads forward, blocked the injection port of cutter bar directly. 只见那融化的机械手并没有如他所愿地化作铁水滴在地上,而是像有意识的液体一样向前蔓延,直接堵住了切割器的喷射口。 The plasma of spraying is unable to release, was deadlocked in the heating chamber, the steward even also loosens the button that presses down without enough time, then looks helplessly cutter bar inflated plasma melt in own hand destroyed, explodes the fragment. 喷射的等离子体无法释放,被锁死在了加热室内,那管家甚至还来不及松开按下的按钮,便眼睁睁地看着自己手中的切割器被膨胀的等离子体熔毁,炸成了碎片。 „!” “啊啊啊!” The plasma of instantaneous release almost lit the air. 瞬间释放的等离子体几乎将空气都点燃了。 Feels that high temperature gas flow to fire the pain of skin, that person cannot control sent out the pitiful yell. 感受着那高温气流灼烧皮肤的痛楚,那人不可控制地发出了惨叫。 Looks that is rolling up the steward who falls down, does not know Ling who when the arm has restored the original design, moved out of the way the line of sight from him unemotionally, will then look at Morinaga Yuan escaping direction. 看着蜷缩着倒在地上的管家,不知何时手臂已经恢复原样的玲,面无表情地从他身上挪开了视线,接着将目光投向了森永元逃跑的方向。 Danger, eliminates.” “危险,清除。” Continue, pursuit.” “继续,追击。” ...... …… Escapes from the villa, which hurries to crash in Morinaga Yuan of garage even to choose to escape without enough time, then sat to run to his recent that magnetic suspension sedan in a hurry. 从别墅中夺路而逃,慌忙冲进车库的森永元甚至来不及挑选开哪一辆逃亡,便匆匆坐上了离他最近的那台磁悬浮轿跑。 His status already violent. Dew. 他的身份已经暴.露了。 Once makes the security bureau the person know that he and foundation the relations , and position at foundation, his latter half of life basically did not need to want from the firmness to come out, these glory, splendor, riches and honor will also change to the bubble. 一旦让安全局的人知道他和基金会的关系,以及在基金会中的地位,他的下半辈子基本上不用想从牢里出来了,那些荣华富贵也都将化作泡影。 He the only means of livelihood are to then escape from beyond the border the Pan-Asian cooperation now, best is goes to North Sea Alliance or South American Alliance's such place, then borrows the space station to flee to sparks/Mars with the quickest speed. 他现在唯一的活路便是逃出泛亚合作境外,最好是去北海联盟或者南美联盟这样的地方,然后再用最快的速度借到空间站逃往火星。 Only then on sparks/Mars, has security in the true sense. 只有在火星上,才有真正意义上的安全。 Damn! How unable to start!” “该死!怎么发动不了!” Looks at the paralysis the self-piloting system, manual driving pattern that as well as cannot start, on Morinaga Yuan face inscribed wiped flurriedly. 看着瘫痪的自动驾驶系统,以及怎么也启动不了的手动驾驶模式,森永元的脸上写上了一抹慌乱。 Does not know that actually what happened, his love car(riage) looked like round of emp to paralyze equally thoroughly, how regardless of he summoned not to start. 不知道究竟发生了什么事儿,他的爱车就像是中了一发emp一样彻底瘫痪掉了,无论他如何呼唤也启动不了。 Grass!” “草!” Cursed angrily one, Morinaga Yuan hurried jumped down from the vehicle, exchanged another cross country. 怒骂了一声,森永元匆忙从车上跳下,换上了另一辆越野。 However...... 然而…… Finally is the same. 结果还是一样。 When he is thrown into confusion prepares to try third, sits in driving him suddenly saw that form that presents in the garage entrance, as well as does not know four-rotor MICRO-UAV where braves. 就在他手忙脚乱地正准备试第三辆的时候,坐在驾驶位上的他忽然看到了出现在车库门口的那道身影,以及一架不知道从哪儿冒出来的四旋翼小型无人机。 In eye startled changed to the despair of being too deep to see the bottom finally gradually, he is shaking the hand of steering wheel, loosened slowly. 眼中的惊慌最终渐渐地化作了深不见底的绝望,他握着方向盘的手,缓缓松开了。 Why is really?” “真是何必呢?” The deep blue ray projects from under of unmanned aerial vehicle, the Lu Zhou total information image appeared in the garage again. 湛蓝色的光芒从无人机的下方投射,陆舟的全息影像再次出现在了车库里。 Arrived at side of that all-terrain vehicle, looks that lowers on the glass and face to write all over the entreaty the color Morinaga Yuan, Lu Zhou smiles lightly , to continue to say. 走到了那辆越野车的旁边,看着降下车窗、脸上写满哀求之色的森永元,陆舟淡淡笑了笑,继续说道。 „...... These words, I give back to you.” “……这句话,我还给你。” Asked you......” Morinaga Yuan to entreat saying that let off me, I all properties on Earth gave you me!” “求求你……”森永元哀求着说道,“放过我吧,我把我在地球上的所有财产都给你!” Money to me, is only one string of not pleasantly surprised numbers.” “钱对我而言,只是一串毫无惊喜的数字罢了。” By collapse that almost that pressure suffers, Morinaga Yuan is deliberately bad roared: You want anything! Why pursues me not to put!” 被那精神压力折磨的几乎崩溃,森永元自暴自弃似的咆哮道:“你到底想要什么!为什么就是追着我不放!” Pursues is not putting? 追着不放? Lu Zhou somewhat is funny. 陆舟不禁有些好笑。 How this fellow can say such words to come, is who is pursuing who doesn't put? 这家伙怎么能说出这样的话来,到底是谁追着谁不放? However, as the elder, he was also disinclined with this Buddy so many. 不过,作为长辈,他也懒得和这家伙计较那么多了。 Told all that I you knew, spirit foundation about universe, about the alpha virus.” “告诉我你知道的一切,关于宇宙之灵基金会,关于alpha病毒。” Hears these words, in Morinaga Yuan look flashed through a flurry, dodges the line of sight to say. 听到这句话,森永元的眼神中闪过了一丝慌乱,躲闪着视线说道。 I do not know that...... I am only the peripheral member.” “我不知道……我只是个外围成员。” Do not install,” at this point, Lu Zhou gives up resembling to result in suddenly sighs , to continue saying that „, the interrogation is not my specialty. Since you do not want to say that that was goes to explain to the professional, I in province wasted the time.” “别装了,”说到这里,陆舟忽然放弃似得叹了口气,继续说道,“也罢,审问本来就不是我的专业。既然你不想说,那还是去对专业人士解释好了,也省的我浪费时间。” Looks to start to dial Lu Zhou of telephone, Morinaga Yuan swallowed a saliva. 看着开始拨电话的陆舟,森永元咽了口唾沫。 Whom are you giving to telephone?” “你在给谁打电话?” Lu Zhou said unemotionally. 陆舟面无表情地说道。 Security bureau.” “安全局。” Interrogated the kb member, they compared to excel.” “审问kb份子,他们比较擅长。” …… …… ( The birthday of compelling king, scattering flowered celebration thanks book friend Luo cluck and „, if I am cold and Wei 0205 and to do grocery shopping the second number that” and audreya , veiro and forget machine wiping volume and has wood wood to have mountain a pledge to enjoy principal!!!) (逼王的生日,撒花庆祝感谢书友“罗咕咕了”、“如果我冷了”、“薇娅0205”、“买菜的第二个号”、“audreya,veiro”、“忘机的抹额”、“枝有木兮木有山”的盟主打赏!!!)
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