SATS :: Volume #16

#1512: Mutual help

Sorry, matter will turn into this is really not my original intention.” “抱歉,事情会变成这样真不是我的本意。” I...... had not planned to publish that paper, but never expected that my student acted is really quick. Yesterday I related that side 585, has removed the paper, but is probably useless.” “我……本来没打算发那篇论文的,但没想到我的学生动作实在是太快了。昨天我联系了585所那边,已经将论文撤下来了,但好像已经没什么用了。” The telephone, is the Tyumen auspicious academicians hits. 电话,是秋明瑞院士打来的。 In that sound filled exhausted and rebukes oneself. 那声音中充满了疲惫和自责。 Lu Zhou can hear, matter will turn into this is not his original intention, he has not thought that this about the academic argument, will be regarded a political instrument by the person with high aspirations unexpectedly. 陆舟能够听得出来,事情会变成这样并非是他的本意,他也没有想到这场关于学术的争论,居然会被有心人当成一件政治工具。 Sees the old person in video window, Lu Zhou comforts one to say. 看着视讯窗口中的老人,陆舟安慰了一句说道。 This matter does not blame you, even without your paper, should come must come after all.” “这件事情不怪你,就算没有你的那篇论文,该来的总归还是要来。” Like without sound of gunfire of Sarajevo, will erupt finally fights to be the same, Lu Zhou does not think the foundation that hides in the hidden place will let off itself, thinks so that helplessly the project of two generations of Controlled Nuclear Fusion research starts. 就像没有萨拉热窝的枪声,最终还是会爆发一战一样,陆舟不认为那个躲在暗处的基金会会放过自己,就这么眼睁睁地看着二代可控聚变研究的项目上马。 No matter out of the long standing grudge a century ago, is the conflicts of interest of new century, was placed them in the position of opposite. 不管是出于一个世纪前的旧怨,还是新世纪的利益冲突,都将他们摆在了对立面的位置。 Thanks, you can understand my difficulties......” “谢谢,你能理解我的苦衷……” Looked at Lu Zhou one grateful, Tyumen auspicious hesitant under must say that matter, but thinks that person's final warning, bore finally. 感激地看了陆舟一眼,秋明瑞犹豫了下要不要将那件事情说出来,但想到那个人最后的警告,最终还是忍住了。 After all, he is just a scholar. Even if the academician, merely were still more than of the average person a dazzling academic halo, front the true the threat of powerful official and death at all was not anything. 毕竟,他只不过是一名学者罢了。即便身为院士,也仅仅只是比普通人多了一层耀眼的学术光环,在真正的权贵和死亡的威胁面前根本不算什么。 Let alone, the ginseng/partake gathered to their plots in...... 更别说,参合到他们的阴谋中去了…… This, I have an important conference......, if you have any recent clue, telephones to relate with me again.” “就这样吧,我还有个重要的会议……如果你有什么新的线索,再和我打电话联系。” Looked at time in total information Windows, Lu Zhou was supposing sits is impatient in board opposite Li Guangya, therefore then ended the topic that waited, hung up the telephone. 看了一眼全息视窗上的时间,陆舟估摸着坐在会议桌对面的李光亚已经等的不耐烦了,于是便结束话题,挂断了电话。 Although there are to have a premonition that this old person also has anything not to tell itself, but in fact this is not very important. 虽然有预感这位老人还有什么事情没有告诉自己,但事实上这已经不是很重要了。 When the disorder in broad cold city just happened, he has then told Xiao Ai, is staring at that side the Tyumen auspicious academicians with emphasis. Although does not think that this unrest is related with Academician autumn, but is in the public opinion vortex after all the center, moreover is an uncertain board game piece, without the people of truth that foundation will not contact with him. 早在广寒市的乱象刚刚发生的时候,他便吩咐过小艾,重点盯着秋明瑞院士那边。虽然不认为这场骚乱和秋院士有关,但毕竟身在舆论漩涡的中心,而且又是一颗充满变数的棋子,没道理那个基金会的人不会联系他。 In some sense, own behavior is also one type protects in disguised form. 从某种意义上而言,自己的行为也算是一种变相保护。 But if as expected, that fish that hides in the hidden place, should start to nip the hook. 而不出意外的话,那条躲在暗处的鱼儿,应该已经开始咬钩了。 Is the big fish or the small fish, he only needs to wait for the result patiently well...... 是大鱼还是小鱼,他只需要耐心地等待结果就好…… After making the call, Lu Zhou extended the index finger from the sky to delimit, switched off the total information window. 打完了电话之后,陆舟伸出食指在空中划了下,关掉了全息窗口。 Saw that he finished finally, sits in board opposite Li Guangya, spoke thoughtlessly to ask the sentence said. 看到他总算是忙完了,坐在会议桌对面的李光亚,随口问了句说道。 Whose telephone?” “谁的电话?” Academician autumn.” “秋院士。” That Tyumen auspicious?” “那个秋明瑞?” Yes.” “是的。” As if did not have the topic to be the same, interrupt that two people's dialogues stopped suddenly. 仿佛是没有了话题一样,两个人的对话就这么戛然而止的中断了。 Is dumbfounded with Lu Zhou looks mutually, the expression on Li Guangya face cannot see anything, at heart is actually the headache. 陆舟大眼瞪小眼地互相看着,李光亚脸上的表情看不出什么,心里却是头疼的很。 No matter to subside the resentment of broad cold city resident squares the attitude, as the director of Pan-Asian cooperation, talking the East Asian electric power is the matter that he must handle. 不管是为了平息广寒市居民的怨气还是摆正态度,作为泛亚合作的理事长,约谈东亚电力都是他必须做的事情。 However after the person made, should discuss anything, to be honest he does not know that should discuss anything. 然而把人约过来了之后该谈什么,说实话他也不知道该谈些什么。 To put it bluntly, this gadget has something to discuss. 说白了,这玩意儿有什么可谈的。 What sits opposite of him is 100 years ago the greatest scholar, if oneself are capable of that questioning him on the learning, will not go to be what director. 坐在他对面的是一百年前最伟大的学者,自己要是有那个能力在学术上质疑他,也不会去当什么理事长了。 Looks at aloof Lu Zhou, Li Guangya sighs, said tactfully. 看着无动于衷的陆舟,李光亚叹了口气,委婉地说道。 Since so many people oppose you, we first do take is not good the space elevator?” “既然这么多人反对你,咱们先把太空电梯拿下来不行吗?” Heard this unexpected words, Lu Zhou gawked slightly, for a short time has not made clear relations. 听到这句意料之外的话,陆舟微微愣了下,一时半会儿没有搞清楚其中的关系。 Calms down, he says. 定了定神,他开口说道。 The thing that space elevator that type of thing...... involves are too many, I most, only then 30% assurances. However two generations of Controlled Nuclear Fusion, after 100 years of research, are mature to the present time.” “太空电梯那种东西……涉及到的东西太多,我最多只有30%把握。然而二代可控聚变,经过了一百年的研究,到现在时机已经成熟。” Conditions be ripe turn over to the time to be mature, the issue is you must consider what everyone wants is anything,” Li Guangya has a headache saying that „at least in my opinion, one generation of fusion technologies are completely sufficient, even if withstand/top 50 years of no issue again. We cannot first solve the present issue, then considered that this type can choose the option that does not choose is not good?” “时机成熟归时机成熟,问题是你得考虑大家到底想要的是什么,”李光亚头疼说道,“至少在我看来,一代聚变技术完全够用,就算是再顶个五十年都没什么问题。咱们就不能把眼下的问题先解决了,然后再去考虑这种可选可不选的选项不行吗?” In my opinion, this is the present issue, after” silent a while, Lu Zhou continues saying that two generations of Controlled Nuclear Fusion technologies are the premises of interplanetary navigation. Only depends upon one generation of Controlled Nuclear Fusion technologies we many only to be able in the Solar System to cruise, but if mastered two generations of Controlled Nuclear Fusion technologies, we even can advance to the world beyond number light year the trail.” “在我看来,这就是眼下的问题,”沉默了一会儿之后,陆舟继续说道,“二代可控聚变技术是星际航行的前提。只依靠一代可控聚变技术我们最多只能在太阳系内巡航,但如果掌握了二代可控聚变技术,我们甚至可以将足迹迈向数光年之外的世界。” Li Guangya: Hasn't resulted in discussed?” 李光亚:“没得商量?” Lu Zhou shakes the head. 陆舟摇了摇头。 „It is not really good, at the worst I think again some means that for example go to the Lagrange point space base or have sparks/Mars of big piece open land to do this experiment.” “实在不行,大不了我再想个别的办法,比如去拉格朗日点空间基地或者拥有大片荒地的火星上去做这个实验。” Although this is not a right choice, but this as a spare option, seriously had been truly considered by Lu Zhou, the trouble that but these two spare options possibly have is also big. 虽说这并不是一个合适的选择,但这确实是作为一个备用的选项,被陆舟认真考虑过的,只不过这两个备用选项可能存在的麻烦也不小。 Moves to the reactor the space station does not cause the dispute easily, but will increase the maintenance cost and security risk of reactor. The autonomous management of heavenly palace city unlimited liability system and centralization will be more convenient than the broad cold special zone, let alone the risk non- risk, dies both people unable to calculate the news on sparks/Mars, the weapon that but the valiant common social practice and is in flood will actually possibly have the unpredictable influence on the experiment progress. 将反应堆搬到空间站上是最不容易引发争议的,但会增加反应堆的维护成本和安全风险。天宫市无限责任制和集中化的自治管理可能会比广寒特区更加方便一些,别说风险不风险,在火星上死两个人都不能算新闻,但彪悍的民风和泛滥的武器却可能会对实验进度造成不可预知的影响。 Another also has free time the clever threat...... 再一个还有空贼的威胁…… Only if as a last resort, he does not want to send to this danger zone oneself researcher. 除非是万不得已,他是不希望将自己的研究员送去这种危险地带的。 But if, the cost will be very in this case high,” Li Guangya touches the chin, said looking pensive, I heard, the fuel of two generations of fusions is the helium three and deuterium, these two things respectively can get so far as on Moon and Earth.” “但如果这样的话,成本会很高吧,”李光亚摸了摸下巴,若有所思地说道,“我听说,二代聚变的燃料是氦三和氘,这两件东西分别在月球和地球上才能弄到。” Looks at Li Guangya, Lu Zhou some were not quite suddenly clear he actually to do. 看着李光亚,陆舟忽然有些不太明白他到底想干什么了。 „...... Right . Moreover the energy need on sparks/Mars does not have huge of earth-moon system, my original idea constructs one month of base two generations of fusion reactors on Moon, then transmits on the electrical energy with the high power laser electric transmission technology the repeater of earth-synchronous orbit, then transports to the Earth electrical network, builds a cislunar energy corridor.” “……没错,而且火星上的能源需求没有地月系统的庞大,我原本的想法是在月球上建造一个月基二代聚变堆,然后用高功率激光输电技术将电能传输到地球同步轨道的中继器上,进而输送到地球电网,打造一条地月能源走廊。” , Lu Zhou shrugged to continue to say. 顿了顿,陆舟耸了耸肩继续说道。 But looking back now, my idea possibly truly neglected the feeling of broad cold city resident.” “但现在看来,我的想法可能确实忽略了广寒市居民的感受。” Li Guangya: You have not truly considered, in your eyes only then your research and papers, you forgot them are the living person! The people will certainly be afraid, because is afraid is stirred up, only if the disaster happened in others' head! I decide however so will not be direct, for example the space elevator, I first past reason of forming in one's mind sounds says, then tries to arrange a mascot, making people believe me, or believes them, producing this elevator is the belief, the time gives their mission!” 李光亚:“你确实没有考虑过,在你的眼里只有你的那些研究和论文,你忘了他们都是活生生的人!人当然会害怕,也会因为害怕被煽动,除非灾难发生在别人的头上!如果是我的话,我定然不会这么直接,比如太空电梯,我会先构思一个听起来说的过去的理由,然后再设法安排一个吉祥物,让人们相信我,或者说相信他们自己,造好这座电梯是信仰,时代赋予他们的使命!” Like the war, you must first give them facing the courage and honor of death, can make them not fear the death. You can only pull out their fart with the whip. The stock, compelling them to charge, but you think that this was two 12 th century, this possibility!” “就像战争,你得先给他们面对死亡的勇气和荣誉,才能让他们不惧怕死亡。或者你就只能拿鞭子去抽他们屁.股,逼着他们去冲锋,但你想想这都是二十二世纪了,这可能吗!” Lu Zhou frowns. 陆舟皱了下眉头。 Mascot figure?” “吉祥物?” cough cough...... my meaning is to set up several brilliance is typical, how don't you always listen to the key point?” Li Guangya coughed, shifted the topic forcefully , to continue saying that we make the pen transaction, I help your, you also help my. The mutual help, is good to us, we can historically leave a good name.” 咳咳……我的意思是树立几个光辉典型,你怎么总是不听重点?”李光亚干咳了一声,强行转移了话题,继续说道,“咱们做笔交易吧,我帮你一把,你也帮我一把。互相帮助,对我们都有好处,我们都能在历史上留名。” The history leaves a good name...... 历史留名吗…… The feeling is a good remote glossary. 感觉是个好遥远的词汇。 Although to historically leaves a good name is not interested, but Lu Zhou had an interest in his proposition. 虽然对历史上留名不感兴趣,但陆舟还是对他的提议产生了一丝兴趣。 You hope that what I do help your?” “你希望我帮你什么?” Space elevator,” Li Guangya says, „the matter of broad cold city I will help you level, in return, I hope scientific development adviser who you hold the post of the Pan-Asian cooperation, and chief designer of space elevator! Even if enrolls.” “太空电梯,”李光亚开口说道,“广寒市的事情我会帮你摆平,作为交换,我希望你来担任泛亚合作的科学发展总顾问,以及太空电梯的总设计师!哪怕只是挂名。” In other words, hopes oneself for space elevator plan platform? 也就是说,希望自己为太空电梯计划站台吗? Lu Zhou used for probably a half minute to ponder that this matter, said finally. 陆舟用了大概半分钟去思考这件事情,最后开口说道。 Can yes, perhaps but after I must wait till two generations of Controlled Nuclear Fusion technologies are completed , to set aside the hand.” “可以是可以,但我恐怕得等到二代可控聚变技术完成之后才能腾出手来。” Li Guangya knits the brows to ask. 李光亚皱眉问道。 This two generations of fusion reactor how long can make?” “这个二代聚变堆多久能弄出来?” Lu Zhou thinks to reply. 陆舟想了想回答。 „A year , possibly is two years, my intuition told me to leave the final result is not far.” “一年,也可能是两年,我的直觉告诉我离最后的结果已经不远了。” That first preinstall deadline one year,” Li Guangya continues saying that one year later, scientific development adviser who you hold the post of the Pan-Asian cooperation! No matter you whether participates, I need your enrolling!” “那就先预设期限一年,”李光亚继续说道,“一年之后,你来担任泛亚合作的科学发展总顾问!不管你是否参与,我需要你的挂名!” Deal.” “成交。” Although saw the cunningness of old fox from the eyes of this fellow, but Lu Zhou agreed. 虽然从这家伙的眼中看出了老狐狸的狡黠,但陆舟还是同意了。 For the name for the advantage, finally after all is good. 无论是为了名还是为了利,结果总归是好的。 Said that selfishness words, is individual has the selfishness, even including he himself. 说私心的话,是个人都有私心,甚至包括他自己。 This type of immaterial thing, perhaps also only then the child goes back to haggle over. 这种无关紧要的东西,恐怕也只有小孩子回去计较吧。 At this time, Lu Zhou wore the wrist watch on left wrist, suddenly glittered slightly, springs icon that the telephone prompted. 就在这时候,陆舟戴在左手腕上的腕表,忽然微微闪烁了一下,弹出了电话提示的图标。 Noticed this, on Li Guangya's face showed the speechless expression immediately, sighed to say. 注意到了这一幕,李光亚的脸上顿时露出了无语的表情,叹了口气说道。 Your how so many telephones?” “你怎么这么多电话?” Possibly is because I quite busy...... I go out to meet.” “可能是因为我比较忙……我出去接一下。” Can't and was the same a moment ago meets here?” “不能和刚才一样就在这里接?” Cannot, because this is not quite convenient.” “不能,因为这个不太方便。” After abandoning these words, Lu Zhou set out to go out of the conference room. 扔下了这句话之后,陆舟起身走出了会议室。 Looks at the conference room of nobody left, Li Guangya by the chair, did not wait for patiently for probably two minutes. 看着空无一人的会议室,李光亚靠在了椅子上,不耐烦地等待了大概两分钟的时间。 Finally, the gate opened again, Lu Zhou walked from outside. 终于,门再次打开了,陆舟从外面走了回来。 Noticed on the Lu Zhou face the strange expression, Li Guangya's eyebrow provoked a curious curve, spoke thoughtlessly to ask said. 注意到了陆舟脸上古怪的表情,李光亚的眉毛挑起了一丝好奇的弧度,随口问了一句说道。 What matter?” “什么事?” Returned to the chair to sit down, the Lu Zhou expression spoke thoughtlessly strangely. 回到了椅子上坐下,陆舟表情古怪地随口回了一句。 No, but swallowed the bait a big fish.” “没什么,只是上钩了一条大鱼。” Moreover, lets his unexpected big fish...... 而且,还是一条让他意想不到的大鱼……
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