SATS :: Volume #16

#1511: Big fish that surfaces

Tyumen auspicious recently some big. 秋明瑞最近有些头大。 He has not thought, an expert of oneself research nuclear engineering, became the spiritual leader in broad cold city people mind unexpectedly. 他怎么也没想到,自己一个研究核工程的专家,竟然成了广寒市人民心目中的精神领袖。 Although sees own paper to have so huge influence very much happily unexpectedly, but he has not thought oneself paper can be the fire has beyond circle in this manner. 虽然很高兴地看见自己的论文居然有如此庞大的影响力,但他从来没有想过自己的论文会是以这样的方式火出“圈外”。 What has not thought that this paper will initiate the so giant mighty waves on the public opinion field unexpectedly! 更没有想到的是,这篇论文竟然会在舆论场上引发如此巨大的波澜! Let alone that paper does is also not own name that hangs, he enrolls in the position of communication author very much low-key. 何况那篇论文的一作挂的还不是自己的名字,他只是很低调地在通讯作者的位置上挂了个名。 Finally now, the local media of several broad cold cities not only drew the opposite him and Lu Zhou forcefully, publicizes the liberator of broad cold city people him directly, wholeheartedly for people big of hero, as well as dared to say the person of truth truly. 结果现在,几家广寒市的本地媒体不但把他和陆舟强行拉了个对立面,更是直接将他宣扬成了广寒市人民的救星,一心为民的侠之大者,以及真正敢于说真话的人。 Although listened to the wind is the rain pins the dunce cap to others is also the time-honored tradition, but this crest elevation hat was really heavy, Tyumen auspicious felt oneself really could not wear. 虽说听风就是雨地给别人扣高帽子也算是历史悠久的传统了,但这顶高帽子实在是太重,秋明瑞觉得自己实在是戴不起来。 Even if there is opposing opinion on the viewpoint of Lu Zhou, he does not think that oneself academic success can with Academician Lu put together places on a par. In other words, his what virtue what can draw opposite with Lu Zhou, no matter both sides the ability or the influence are completely not coordinated. 哪怕是对陆舟的观点持反对意见,他也不认为自己的学术成就能够和陆院士放在一起相提并论。换句话说,他何德何能和陆舟拉一个对立面,双方不管是能力还是影响力都完全不对等。 One yard normalizing code, the past matter was in the past, had said like Lu Zhou „the Lu Zhou life has not blindly believed in the authority, you do not need to blindly believe in that he such, he did not favor the reason of that pulse magnetic field to say. 只是一码归一码,过去的事情是过去,就像陆舟自己曾经说过的“陆舟一生没有迷信过权威,你们也不必迷信他”那样,他只是将自己不看好那个脉冲式磁场的理由说了出来。 From beginning to end, he believes, this is only an academic on debate, but cannot support does not have the sound that the fool of brain cries out to be always biggest, moreover craves in the discuss politics that the non- sub-field gathers. 自始至终,他都认为,这只是一场学术上的辩论,但架不住没脑子的傻逼叫唤的声音总是最大,而且热衷于不分场合的讨论政治。 Once such person are many, gave his paper to catch the political color naturally. 这样的人一旦多起来,自然而然就给他的论文染上了政治色彩。 Realized that the matter becomes serious, felt oneself were being put up in Tyumen auspicious that in the fire roasts, immediately relates that side 585, proposed application that removes the manuscript. 意识到事情变得严重起来,感觉自己正被架在火上烤的秋明瑞,立刻联系了585所那边,提出了撤稿的申请。 But 585 that side also suitable coordination, they also realized obviously that controversial paper, probably brings the trouble to oneself, therefore after receiving communication author's request, removed that paper quickly. 而585所那边也相当的配合,显然他们也意识到了那篇充满争议的论文,可能给自己带来麻烦,于是在收到了通讯作者的要求之后,很快将那篇论文撤了下来。 After seeing the manuscript removes, Tyumen auspicious finally relaxes, in own virtual reality personal web page issued a clear statement, thought that this matter passed. 眼看着稿件撤下之后,秋明瑞总算是松了口气,在自己的虚拟现实个人主页上发表了一个澄清的声明之后,觉得这件事情就这么过去了。 However what made him not think, oneself were too naive. 然而令他没想到的是,自己还是太天真了。 Since his paper becomes starting from that moment of blasting fuse that lights this storm, the trend of matter is not his only scholar can control. 自从他的论文成为点燃这场风暴的导火索的那一刻开始,事情的走向已经不是他区区一介学者能够控制的了的了。 Even can say, his removing manuscript not only has not become turning point that subsides the broad cold city residents angry, instead becomes the intensified contradictory new blasting fuse. 甚至于可以说,他的撤稿非但没有成为平息广寒市居民愤怒的契机,反而成为了激化矛盾的新的导火索。 Almost sends out to remove the second day of manuscript statement in «Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research development», the spearhead of public opinion transferred the muzzle to aim at him suddenly. 几乎就在《可控聚变研究进展》发出撤稿声明的第二天,舆论的矛头忽然调转枪口指向了他。 Those who made Tyumen auspicious be unexpected, these couple days ago also to the broad cold city resident who he flattered wantonly, now actually starts to his denouncing in word and in writing. 令秋明瑞始料未及的是,那些前几天还在对他大肆吹捧的广寒市居民,如今却是开始了对他的口诛笔伐。 The person who the person who perhaps holds and scolded was not the same group of people, but after the matter rose to the altitude of community, personally in ** behavior is not so actually important. 也许捧的人和骂的人不是同一批人,但当事情上升到群体的高度之后,个人在**中的行为其实已经不那么重要了。 Tyumen auspicious thinks so helplessly how these people pushed up the shrine him initially, how now is to fall him on the ground. 秋明瑞就这么眼睁睁地看着,那些人当初是怎么将他推上了神坛,如今又是如何将他摔在了地上。 Looks that under the news these said that he is not good academician and has not studied and will only give the powerful official platform and already by East Asian electric power buy the commentary, in his heart does not know whether to laugh or cry. 看着新闻下方那些说他是“无良院士”、“没有学品”、“只会给权贵站台”、“已经被东亚电力收买”的评论,他的心中一阵哭笑不得。 Although he confessed that the level truly is inferior to Academician Lu, but is insufficient to degenerate to by the degree of Academician Lu buy. 虽然他自认水平确实不如陆院士,但怎么也不至于堕落到被陆院士收买的程度。 That being concerned only about profit person, but definitely is not he. 那种唯利是图的人,但肯定不是他。 However to present this share, he is a hundred mouths cannot explain it away. 然而到了如今这个份上,他已经是百口莫辩了。 Most people only speak the fart. The stock was unreasonable, hung the logic on mouth, many also for looked for a reasonable explanation to oneself brain remnantly. Also does not understand anything is the science, does not understand anything is the scientific development concept, cannot understand the logical expression, when only reread machine can give high chao oneself bewilderedly. 大多数人是只讲屁.股不讲道理的,挂在嘴上的逻辑,多数也只是为了给自己的脑残找一个合理的解释。既不懂什么是科学,也不懂什么是科学发展观,更听不懂人话,唯独当复读机的时候能莫名其妙把自己给高chao了。 But you must with this hooligan debate, that be rational, became you not to manage. 但你要和这种流氓辩论,那再有理,都成你没理了。 Some people dig up, he has met on Moon and Lu Zhou, then also some rumors said again his research team received one 10 million credit donation. 紧接着又有人扒出来,他在月球上和陆舟见过一面,再然后又有谣言说他的研究团队收到了一笔一千万信用点的“捐款”。 Hears these rumors, Tyumen auspicious does not know that should cry or should smile. 听到这些谣言,秋明瑞不知道是该哭还是该笑。 If he truly collected this sum of money, also comforted his injured mind. 如果他确实收了这笔钱也就罢了,也算是安慰了一下他受伤的心灵。 However the issue no one gives him radically money! 然而问题是根本没人给他钱啊! In a dilemma in him, does not know this/should should do time, suddenly received an account transfer reminder from bank, prompted him to receive 1 million credit large account transfers. 就在他左右为难,不知道该如何是好的时候,忽然收到了一条来自银行方面的转账提醒,提示他收到了一笔一百万信用点的大额转账。 Receives this message Tyumen auspicious, almost the heart disease not frightening, inquired the account of remitter hastily, plans to go back money to retreat. However that side the bank told him, hit the funds account registration in sparks/Mars, refunding money is unable to initiate unilaterally. 收到这条消息的秋明瑞,差点没被把心脏病给吓出来,连忙查询了寄款人的账户,打算将钱退回去。然而银行那边却告诉他,打款账户注册于火星,退款无法单方面发起。 Attains this 1 million Tyumen auspicious, only feels restlessly. 拿到这一百万的秋明瑞,只感觉如坐针毡。 In he passed first day the uneasy mood later, next day suddenly received a mysterious anonymous call...... 就在他怀着惴惴不安的心情度过了第一天之后,第二天忽然接到了一个神秘的匿名电话…… Hello, the Tyumen auspicious academician, does not know that your today's mood is whether good.” “您好,秋明瑞院士,不知道您今天的心情是否愉快。” Looks at a piece of fuzzy video window, Tyumen auspicious is frowning saying: Who very bad...... are you? I have not heard your voice, my number where you get so far as.” 看着一片模糊的视讯窗口,秋明瑞皱着眉头说道:“很糟糕……你是谁?我没听过你的声音,你是从哪儿弄到的我的号码。” In this world does not have the wall that does not ventilate, particularly in the information age. We not only know your telephone number, but also knows your bank card number, as well as home address.” “这个世界上没有不透风的墙,尤其是在信息时代。我们不但知道您的电话号码,还知道您的银行卡号,以及家庭住址。” Before the volume, delimited drop of cold sweat, Tyumen Rui had done said calmly. 额前划过了一滴冷汗,秋明瑞强作镇定地说道。 „Who you are, you want to do! Are that 1 million credit points you-” “你们到底是什么人,你们想干什么!那一百万信用点是不是你们-” That is the earnest money,” interrupted the words of Tyumen auspicious academician, that sound smiles to continue saying that who as for us is, this is unimportant. So long as you are willing to handle a not too difficult matter for me, will then have 9 million credit points to project on your account.” “那是定金,”打断了秋明瑞院士的话,那声音笑了笑继续说道,“至于我们是谁,这并不重要。只要你肯替我办一件不算太难的事,接下来还会有九百万信用点打到你的账上。” Tyumen auspicious swallowed a saliva, the tone said difficultly. 秋明瑞咽了口唾沫,语气艰难地说道。 Any matter......” “什么事情……” Matter that continues you to handle from the beginning,” that sound continues to say leisurely, you don't oppose two generations of Controlled Nuclear Fusion technologies? That continued to oppose to get down. No matter for money for the broad cold city resident, we hopes your standpoint to be able firmly.” “继续你一开始做的事情,”那声音慢条斯理地继续说道,“你不是反对二代可控聚变技术吗?那就继续反对下去好了。不管是为了钱还是为了广寒市居民,我们希望你的立场能够更坚定一点。” In the look flashed through one to struggle, the look that but quick that struggled then looked to disappear. 眼神中闪过了一丝挣扎,但很快那挣扎的神色便看不见了。 Deeply inspires, Tyumen auspicious said. 深深吸了一口气,秋明瑞说道。 Sorry, I am only a scholar, your request has gone beyond the category of my ability. If the academic on matter I did not mind that discussed with you, but this matter, asking you do not make my ginseng/partake gather. Your account is many, money I draw back now to you, this matter I do not think that the ginseng/partake gathers......” “抱歉,我只是一介学者罢了,你的委托已经超出了我能力的范畴。如果是学术上的事情我不介意和你讨论,但这种事情,求求你们不要让我参合进来。你的账户是多少,钱我现在就退给你,这件事情我不想参合……” Said this saying time, in the voice of Tyumen auspicious has taken to entreat. 说这话的时候,秋明瑞的声音中已经带上了一丝哀求。 However after hearing his words, that person of telephone that head smiles lightly, said with the leisure tone. 然而在听到了他的话之后,电话那头的那个人只是淡淡笑了笑,用慢条斯理的语气说道。 Doesn't matter, not ginseng/partake not ginseng/partake gathers at earliest convenience.” “没关系,不参合就不参合吧。” Money does not need you to draw back to me, the power was regarded as a gift on first meeting to be good.” “钱不用你退给我,权当做是一份见面礼好了。” Relative, I hope that you can keep sober, knows that what words can say, what words cannot say. If I hear our today's dialogues from other place, I will make you know that does not abide by the price of commitment.” “不过相对的,我希望你能够保持清醒,知道什么话能说,什么话不能说。如果我从别的地方听到我们今天的对话,我会让你知道不信守承诺的代价。” This is...... 这算是…… Seal fee/spent? 封口费吗? Tyumen auspicious opens mouth, just wants to say anything. 秋明瑞张了张嘴,刚想说些什么。 However, the telephone had been hung up...... 然而,电话已经被挂断了…… ...... …… In Shanghai in some small family apartment in suburb. 沪上郊区的某间小户型公寓内。 The man who a stature puts on weight slightly picks the virtual reality helmet, placed on nearby table. 一位身材略微发福的男人将虚拟现实头盔摘下来,放在了旁边的桌上。 Looks at his appearance only the words, to no worthy of mention place. If there is staff or the financial circles East Asian electric power stands here, on the face will certainly reveal the surprise the expression. 单看他面相的话,到没什么值得一提的地方。然而如果有东亚电力的员工或者金融界人士站在这里的话,脸上一定会露出诧异的表情。 The reason does not have him. 原因无他。 Really is inconceivable, one of the Morinaga Yuan SoftBank Group manager and East Asia electric power managing directors, will live in this type unexpectedly almost and low-rent housing has no place of difference. 实在是难以想象,软银集团的经理兼东亚电力常务董事之一的森永元,居然会住在这种几乎和廉租房没什么差别的地方。 However in fact, Morinaga Yuan continuously truly here, here is only his operational base. 不过事实上,森永元并不是真正住在这里,这里只是他的行动基地而已。 Needs to act the foundation chieftains each time time, he will then come here, starts own plan with the anonymous status and address. 每次需要扮演基金会头目的时候,他便会来到这里,用匿名的身份和地址开始自己的计划。 But the similar operational base, he also has many. 而类似这样的行动基地,他还有很多个。 So far, his work proceeds unusual is smooth, is also developing in the direction that he anticipates. 到目前为止,他的工作都进行的非常顺利,所有的一切也都在朝着他期待的方向发展。 Although does not have this board game piece to draw Academician autumn to the chariot of foundation on successfully, but this does not affect anything. After all to present this share , the anger of broad cold city resident had been lit thoroughly, let alone opposes two generations of Controlled Nuclear Fusion, according to this trend develops, only feared that must break off with mother Xing. 虽然没有成功将秋院士这枚棋子拉到基金会的战车上,但这并不影响什么。毕竟到了现在这个份上,广寒市居民的怒火已经被彻底点燃,别说是反对二代可控聚变,照这个趋势发展下去,只怕都要和母星决裂了。 Originally, the society between both is also a condition of long-term separate. Even in this interplanetary navigation the commonly seen age, has lived the Pan-Asian citizen on Earth not to leave Earth much for a lifetime, but these locally born the resident on Moon is also same, since they recorded events their people of father's generation to live here. 本来,两者之间的社会也是处在一个长期割裂的状态。即便是在这个星际航行已经司空见惯的年代,不少生活在地球上的泛亚公民也一辈子没有离开过地球,而那些土生土长在月球上的居民也是一样,从他们记事起他们的父辈就已经在这里生活了。 Sacrificed itself for boom on Earth, regarding most Moon people, this is not unacceptable. 为了地球上的繁荣而牺牲自己,对于绝大多数月球人来说,这都是无法接受的。 In it seems like that legend stands in the human mental peak man is also mediocre.” “看来那个传说中站在人类心智巅峰的男人也不过如此。” Really pitifully.” “真是可惜了。” Somewhat tut tut two, Morinaga Yuan stood from the chair regrettably, arrived on nearby clothes rack to take down the coat, then left the apartment, and locked the gate. 有些遗憾地啧啧了两声,森永元从椅子上站了起来,走到旁边的衣架上取下了外套,然后便离开了公寓,并锁上了门。 In leaving the flash of operational base, he has completed the switch over of role, succeeded to substitute Morinaga Yuan- or SoftBank Group manager in the role and East Asian electric power managing director. 在离开行动基地的一瞬间,他已经完成了角色的切换,成功将自己代入到了森永元-或者说软银集团经理兼东亚电力常务董事的角色中。 However enters the garage in him, sat that flash of own private car, in his heart raised suddenly the vigilance without the origin. 然而就在他走进车库,坐上了自己的座驾的那一刹那,他的心中忽然升起了一丝没由来的警觉。 Is the misconception?” “是错觉吗?” Does not know that is own misconception. 不知道是不是自己的错觉。 He always felt that had an eye to stare at itself...... 他总感觉有一只眼睛盯上了自己…… Although oneself frighten oneself possibility to be bigger, but drives ten thousand years of ship carefully, is discrete. 虽然自己吓自己的可能性更大,但小心驶得万年船,还是谨慎一点好。 Whispered at heart low voice, Morinaga Yuan started the automobile fast, on the intelligent navigation map the establishment destination, forgave a long journey subconsciously. 心里小声嘀咕了一句,森永元快速发动了汽车,在智能导航地图上设置目的地的时候,下意识地饶了一下远路。 However what he does not know, own premonition actually not wrong. 然而他所不知道的是,自己的预感其实并没有错。 All already late. 只是,一切都已经晚了而已。
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