SATS :: Volume #16

#1510: Commitment long ago

People who the residents in broad cold city, the crew of space station, these stand bravely.” “广寒市的居民们,空间站的船员们,那些勇敢站出来的人们。” Is your courage, protected our homeland.” “是你们的勇气,守护了我们的家园。” „The powerful official on capital and Earth of these evils, for their dirty benefits, attempts to take the price of their evil experiment our lives, earns bloody bill.” “那些罪恶的资本和地球上的权贵,为了他们肮脏的利益,企图将我们的生命作为他们邪恶实验的代价,去赚取血淋淋的钞票。” For Earth, our people of father's generation and we had sacrificed were too many, but now they must squeeze out our last value, only to fill up their such as black hole general inflation desire for material welfare!” “为了地球,我们的父辈和我们已经牺牲了太多,而现在他们还要榨取我们最后一点价值,只为了填满他们那如黑洞一般膨胀的物欲!” No one will agree, anybody cannot!” “没有人会同意,任何人都不会!” We cross is very good, in the hundred years is very good, in the future, we will not so need Controlled Nuclear Fusion, does not need their laughable sympathies and help!” “我们过的很好,这一百年来都很好,未来也会如此,我们不需要可控聚变,更不需要他们那可笑的同情和帮助!” History will remember on the day of! Remembers this great awakening!” “历史会记住这一天!记住这伟大的觉醒!” The blistering broadcast, reverberates in the radio channel of broad cold city. 言辞激烈的广播,在广寒市的无线电频道中回荡。 Almost everyone, heard that sound. 几乎每一个人,都听到了那声音。 Regardless of the nationality and skin color, in this moment they are the residents in broad cold city, they stood for the similar goal, that then opposes two generations of Controlled Nuclear Fusion experiment pile of establishments. 无论国籍与肤色,在这一刻他们都是广寒市的居民,他们都为同样一个目的而站了出来,那便是反对二代可控聚变实验堆的建立。 Runs about to deal with that ebullition the popular feelings, Mayor leaf is almost busy badly battered, tries to comfort the mood of these private group as well as representative, however does not help matters. 疲于应付那沸腾的舆情,叶市长几乎是忙的焦头烂额,试图安抚那些民间团体以及代表的情绪,然而根本无济于事。 All causes because of a paper, but the blasting fuse is the broad cold city and news of East Asian electric power signature cooperation memorandum. 一切的起因是因为一篇论文,而导火索则是广寒市与东亚电力签署合作备忘录的新闻。 As Controlled Nuclear Fusion domain apex big cow, is the publication, in Controlled Nuclear Fusion studies the paper on top Journal, that to the paper that pulse magnetic field exposes, was almost given to present by most people for the truth. 作为可控聚变领域的顶尖大牛,又是刊登在可控聚变研究顶尖期刊上的论文,那篇对“脉冲式磁场”揭露的论文,几乎被绝大多数人给奉为了真理。 Even on the learning, the content of that paper is to be discussed that but most average people actually and do not care about the fact and truth, only cares about the fart. Stock and standpoint. 即便在学术上,那篇论文的内容是有待商榷的,但大多数普通人其实并不在意事实和真相,只在意屁.股和立场。 No one hopes that such a time bomb rests in side of own bed, the idle talk relies on the place of electronic device in Moon this type extremely, in the event of the serious magnetic field overflow accident, paralyzed the air circulation system of broad cold city, even can cancel from the map this 100,000 people of city in a flash directly. 没有人希望这么一颗定时炸弹就这么睡在自己床榻的旁边,更遑论在月球这种极度依赖电子设备的地方,一旦发生了严重的磁场溢出事故,瘫痪了广寒市的空气循环系统,甚至能一瞬间将这座十万人的城市直接从地图上抹去。 In the brain hole of people, these things may happen! 在人们的脑洞中,这些事情都是有可能会发生的! Arrived present this situation, Mayor leaf was also unable to back down. The investment of East Asian electric power is two generations of Controlled Nuclear Fusion projects he is not willing to miss, but impossible for only enterprise from Earth, but stands in the opposite of entire broad cold city entire people. 到了如今这个地步,叶市长也是骑虎难下了。无论是东亚电力的投资还是二代可控聚变工程他都不愿错过,但也不可能为了区区一家来自地球的企业,而站在整个广寒市全体人民的对立面。 Although the angry people are insufficient to tear into shreds him, but makes from the position of mayor him, is no issue...... 愤怒的民众虽然不至于将他撕碎,但将他从市长的位置上弄下来,还是没什么问题的…… ...... …… In Shanghai. 沪上。 In the chairman office in East Asian electric power general headquarters building, atmosphere some slightly stiff. 东亚电力总部大厦的董事长办公室内,气氛有些略微的僵硬。 Switched off float the total information screens on desktop, will report read on the Lu Zhou face of tail to bring exhausted that does not seem to been resting from the beginning, put out a hand to pinch own forehead. 关掉了悬浮在桌面上的全息屏幕,将报告从头读到尾的陆舟脸上带着仿佛一宿没睡的疲惫,伸手捏了捏自己的眉心。 Even if does the misdemeanor, still needs a pompous reason, let alone was does good...... this matter truly is I neglects.” “就算是干坏事,也是需要一个冠冕堂皇的理由的,何况是做好事……这件事情确实是我疏忽了。” Perhaps...... I worried,” sighed, sits Lu Zhou on office chair, stared is hanging that portrait on chairman office wall pondered for a long time, said that this picture has not shot, can I trade one?” “……或许我太着急了,”叹了口气,坐在办公椅上的陆舟,盯着挂在董事长办公室墙上的那张画像沉思了许久,开口说道,“这张照片没拍好,我可以换一张吗?” bell Ziyu the expression said bitterly and astringently. 钟子瑜表情苦涩地说道。 „The present was to say this time?” “现在是说这个的时候吗?” Stands, the Morinaga Yuan without opened the mouth, coughed to say gently. 站在旁边,一直没有开口的森永元,轻轻咳嗽了一声说道。 My suggestion is, best does a thorough investigation to the risk assessment of two generations of Controlled Nuclear Fusion technologies, does not need such worry to make the project start. If it truly exists to harm the broad cold city all resident life and health and property safety risk...... to avoid presenting a bigger trouble, the project stops quite well.” “我的建议是,最好是对二代可控聚变技术的风险评估做一次彻底的调查,没必要这么着急让项目上马。如果它确实存在危害广寒市全体居民生命健康以及财产安全的风险……为了避免出现更大的麻烦,项目还是停掉比较好。” bell Ziyu has not spoken, but the meaning on face is very obvious. 钟子瑜没有说话,但脸上的意思已经很明显了。 Stands in the standpoint of Pan-Asian people's common fate group, AIIB is impossible to brave to offend the risk of broad cold city all residents. Let alone the sovereignty of broad cold city belongs to China, was they of whole family is more impossible to do that. 站在泛亚人民命运共同体的立场上,亚投行不可能冒着得罪广寒市全体居民的风险。更何况广寒市的主权属于华国,身为一家人的他们更不可能这么做了。 Lu Zhou: Two generations of Controlled Nuclear Fusion technologies naturally are risk-free, the high-intensity magnetic field will only appear in the central area of reactor merely......, but fears me, even if said that still without many uses.” 陆舟:“二代可控聚变技术当然是无风险的,高强度的磁场仅仅只会出现在反应堆的中心区域……但恐怕我就算这么说了,也没多少用吧。” Morinaga Yuan forced smile said: You said that definitely is useless, but I thought that...... looks for the third party organization to make this risk to appraise, should be effective?” 森永元苦笑说道:“您自己说肯定是没用,但我觉得……找个第三方机构来做这个风险性评估,应该是管用的吧?” Does not exist,” Lu Zhou shakes the head, in fact, I and That side Academician autumn have telephoned, his paper is the student publication, moreover in he goes to Moon in that period. After he returns to Earth, related 585 that side expressions to remove the manuscript the wish, but these flatter his person now, started in turn to he fastened taking a firm stand and for powerful official platform the hat.” “不存在,”陆舟摇了摇头,“事实上,我和秋院士那边打过电话,他的那篇论文是学生发表的,而且是在他前往月球的那段期间内。在他返回地球之后,就联系过585所那边表达撤稿的意愿了,但现在那些吹捧他的人,又开始反过来给他扣上了‘立场不坚定’、‘为权贵站台’的帽子。” bell Ziyu knits the brows to say. 钟子瑜皱眉说道。 Or...... two generations of do Controlled Nuclear Fusion consider as finished? Now the time time is not quite truly appropriate, I suggested that at least the cold treatment said some time again.” “要不……二代可控聚变还是算了?现在时机的时机确实不太合适,我建议至少冷处理一段时间再说。” Impossible......” “不可能……” The line of sight went to out of the window, in the eye of Lu Zhou flashed through complex of difficult word rarely. 视线投向了窗外,陆舟的眼中罕见地闪过了一丝难言的复杂。 With sound that only then can hear, he whispered low voice. 用只有自己才能听见的声音,他小声地嘀咕了一句。 This goes to the day warehouse five only means.” “这是去天仓五的唯一办法。” Heard anything indistinctly, but has not listened is too clear, bell Ziyu frowns, said puzzled. 隐隐约约听到了什么,但没有听的太清楚,钟子瑜皱了下眉头,困惑说道。 What...... are you saying?” “……你在说什么?” No, is only a very long beforehand commitment , there is nothing to do with you.” “没什么,只是一个很久以前的承诺,和你们无关。” The Adam's apple moves gently, the look on Lu Zhou face restored firmly, looks to stand two people before desk , to continue to say one word at a time, I not because this resistance will withdraw, two generations of Controlled Nuclear Fusion technologies must be completed! I acknowledged that I have the selfishness, but it not only for I...... the entire Pan-Asia, and even the human destiny community, will profit!” 喉结轻轻动了动,陆舟脸上的神色重新恢复了坚定,看着站在办公桌前的二人,一字一顿地继续说道,“我不会因为这点阻力就退后,二代可控聚变技术必须完成!我承认我有私心,但它不只是为了我……整个泛亚洲,乃至人类命运共同体,都将从中受益!” Morinaga Yuan said distressfully: But...... one generation of fusion technologies are completely sufficient, at least uses 50 years of no issue again. Why can make now this two generations of Controlled Nuclear Fusion technologies?” 森永元愁眉苦脸地说道:“可是……一代聚变技术已经完全够用了,至少再用个五十年都没什么问题。为什么非得现在就把这个二代可控聚变技术弄出来?” Because that is we go to the key of more remote world, be only two generations of Controlled Nuclear Fusion energy density, can satisfy the interplanetary navigation the energy need!” “因为那是我们前往更遥远世界的关键,只有二代可控聚变的能量密度,才能满足星际航行的能源需求!” Not only issue of interplanetary navigation...... 不只是星际航行的问题…… However at this time, on the desktop glittered suddenly the green communication icon. 然而就在这时候,桌面上忽然闪烁起了绿色的通讯图标。 After seeing the name of phone call person, Lu Zhou deeply inspires, returned to normal by own mood. 看到来电人的名字之后,陆舟深深吸了口气,让自己的情绪平复了下来。 I answer a telephone, can under you first go out?” “我接个电话,你们可以先出去下吗?” Stood two people before desk exchanged a line of sight. 站在办公桌前的两个人交换了一下视线。 Finally, was bell Ziyu broke silent, said. 最后,是钟子瑜打破了沉默,开口说道。 I under relation that side Pan-Asian academy of science, no matter is useful...... must think under means saving,” hesitant a moment later, he continues saying that I am certainly believe your, but...... we must other also to believe.” “我去联系下泛亚科学院那边,不管有没有用……还是得想想办法挽救下,”犹豫了片刻之后,他继续说道,“我当然是相信你的,但……我们也得让其他人也相信。” Lu Zhou beckons with the hand. 陆舟摆了摆手。 Goes to go.” “去吧去吧。” In departure, bell Ziyu closes conveniently. 在离开的时候,钟子瑜顺手关上了门。 As the gate of office closes, in entire room finally peaceful. 随着办公室的门关上,整个房间里终于安静了下来。 Put out a hand to press down on the desk, the pale blue total information Windows fluttered quickly, appeared in Lu Zhou at present. 伸手在办公桌上按下了,淡蓝色的全息视窗很快飘出,浮现在了陆舟的眼前。 Looks to present Li Guangya in video window, he says. 看着出现在视讯窗口中的李光亚,他开口说道。 What matter?” “什么事?” „Had you had free time recently?” “你最近有没有空?” Does.” “干什么。” Li Guangya sighed to say. 李光亚叹了口气说道。 Chats face to face.” “当面聊聊。”
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