SATS :: Volume #16

#1505: Selected location

Broad cold city. 广寒市。 Mayor's office. 市长办公室。 Front looks at the translucent total information screens, on the mayor face of broad cold city floated off a strange expression. 看着面前半透明的全息屏幕,广寒市的市长叶赫脸上不禁浮起了一丝怪异的表情。 Two generations of Controlled Nuclear Fusion pile of selected locations?” “二代可控聚变堆选址?” At this moment in swayed before him, a proposal from East Asian electric power. 此刻在摆在他面前的,是来自东亚电力那边的一份项目书。 In the proposal, the East Asian electric power expressed simply the power supply system that hopes to the broad cold special economic zone conducts the idea of promotion systematically, simultaneously planned one, even if seems like still the suitable science fiction today cislunar energy corridor concept map. 在项目书中,东亚电力简单地表达了希望对广寒经济特区的供电系统系统进行升级的想法,同时规划了一条即便是在今天看起来也相当科幻的“地月能源走廊”概念图。 Actually regarding East Asian electric power giant enterprise, they want to come the broad cold city investment the words, his is the mayor naturally is 10,000 welcome. After all such big enterprise comes on Moon to invest, not only can solve employment problems of the residents, can improve the energy supply system that at present the broad cold city is unable to withstand the load. 其实对于东亚电力这种巨型企业,他们想来广寒市投资的话,他这个做市长的当然是一万个欢迎。毕竟这么大的企业来月球上投资,不但能够解决广大市民们的就业问题,更能够改善目前广寒市不堪重负的能源供应系统。 Especially the latter, to present this stage, the shortage of energy had almost become biggest barrier that limits the broad cold city special zone further development. 尤其是后者,到了现在这个阶段,能源短缺几乎已经成为了限制广寒市特区进一步发展的最大障碍。 However...... 然而…… The issue is also here. 问题也正是在这里。 Is puzzling reads the proposal in total information Windows, Mayor leaf thought aloud that whispered. 百思不得其解地看着全息视窗中的项目书,叶市长自言自语地嘀咕了一句。 Why may be able on Moon......” “可为什么会是在月球上……” The issue that because the heat piles up, the Controlled Nuclear Fusion technology has not always been popularized on Moon, even if the imcrc lunar surface collider uses is the solar power supply. 因为热堆积的问题,一直以来可控聚变技术在月球上都没有得到普及,就算是imcrc的月面对撞机用的都是太阳能供电。 Two generations of Controlled Nuclear Fusion technologies sound like very happy, but he is not really clear, has no way to popularize on Moon including one generation of Controlled Nuclear Fusion technologies, why to two generations instead? 二代可控聚变技术听起来似乎很美好,但他实在不明白,连一代可控聚变技术在月球上都没法普及,为什么到了二代反而可以? Although he is not this expert in aspect, but the good and evil is to also hear, the reaction condition of two generations of fusion technologies will be harsher than one generation, particularly temperature, upturned dozens times in 100 million degrees foundation. 虽然他不是这方面的专家,但好歹也是听说过一点的,二代聚变技术的反应条件会比一代更为苛刻,尤其是温度这一项,更是在一亿度的基础上翻了几十倍。 So high heat, let alone in the vacuum environment, constructed in the coastal area of atmospheric environment, will pile up in reactor nearby heat very much difficultly proliferating. 如此高的热量,别说是在真空环境中了,就是建在大气环境的沿海地区,也很难将堆积在反应堆附近的热量给扩散掉。 Looks that on the face writes all over awkward Mayor leaf, secretary king enter of standing, proposed said. 看着脸上写满为难的叶市长,站在旁边的秘书王进,提议说道。 My suggestion is, if you cannot make up mind, might as well looks for expert consultant.” “我的建议是,您如果拿不定主意的话,不妨找个专家咨询一下。” I also think that this specialized issue gives the professional to appraise will be quite good,” nods, said simply, who can the issue be is quite appropriate?” “我也是这么想的,这种专业的问题还是交给专业人士评价会比较好,”叶赫点了点头,简单地说道,“可问题是谁比较合适?” This gadget is the projects of tens of billions investments, driven is 100 billion and even the industries of 1 trillion ranks. 这玩意儿可是上百亿投资的项目,带动的更是千亿乃至万亿级别的产业。 If the East Asian electric power really solves the broad cold special economic zone energy issue hopefully, regarding the development the stagnant quick 30 years of broad cold cities, without doubt is a huge good news. 如果东亚电力真有希望解决广寒经济特区的能源问题,对于发展已经停滞快三十年的广寒市而言,无疑是一件天大的喜讯。 But if this project finally rotten tail, or after making, trouble that turns into a tail greatly, regarding the broad cold city also without a doubt will be a disaster...... 但如果这个项目最后烂尾,或者弄出来之后变成一个尾大不掉的麻烦,对于广寒市来说也毫无疑问将是场灾难…… Academy of science or academy of engineering's that side research institute has scholar who is engaged in the related direction research much, so long as we choose with the East Asian electric power try not to have the academician of cooperation, should be able the suggestion of relative neutrality.” “科学院或者工程院那边的研究所有不少从事相关方向研究的学者,我们只要尽量选择和东亚电力没有合作关系的院士,应该能够得到相对中立的建议。” Perhaps thinks, after listening to the words of secretary, Mayor leaf the decision makes the decision immediately. 或许原本就是这么想的,在听完秘书的话之后,叶市长立刻拍板做了决定。 That line, this matter gave you, I contacted with the East Asian electric power that side, strove to handle earlier this matter.” “那行,这件事情就交给你了,我和东亚电力那边接触一下,争取早点将这件事情办下来。” ...... …… Pan-Asian academy of engineering. 泛亚工程院。 Nuclear physics research institute. 核物理研究所。 Sits the Tyumen auspicious academician in office, to the total information screens that filled the dense and numerous writing are penting up anger. 坐在办公室里的秋明瑞院士,正对着排满了密密麻麻文字的全息屏幕生着闷气。 Three days ago, he wrote a paper probably, stands in an angle of nuclear engineering domain expert, appraised that pulse magnetic field in two generations of Controlled Nuclear Fusion domains application prospect. 大概在三天前,他写了一篇论文,站在一名核工程领域专家的角度,评价了那个“脉冲式磁场”在二代可控聚变领域的应用前景。 He acknowledged that truly is a very interesting design idea, but its use certainly not on reactor, but on some large-scale emp weapon. 他承认,那确实是一个很有意思的设计思路,但它的用处一定不是在反应堆上,而是在某个大型emp武器上。 This type of dangerous gadget makes to the society, not only does not have the least bit value, will also bring the countless troubles to this society. 这种危险的玩意儿造出来对社会非但没有半点价值,还会给这个社会带来数不尽的麻烦。 But this is also he stands in the angle of critique, reason that writes that paper. 而这也是他站在批判的角度,撰写那篇论文的原因。 Although is not the reliable channel, because he had heard some unusual news from friend there, a1 pulse magnetism production installment model that because Lu Zhou and that pre- printed book emit together, globally the research agency that has the military background much, has aimed at the related design and technology conducts the project research. 虽然不是什么可靠的渠道,但因为他已经从朋友那里听到了一些不寻常的消息,就因为陆舟和那篇预印本一起放出的a1型脉冲式磁生成装置模型,全球范围内不少有军事背景的研究机构,都已经针对相关的设计和技术进行立项研究了。 What as for research is anything, believes that is coming out that individual can guess. 至于研究的是什么,相信是个人都能猜的出来。 Tyumen auspicious hopes that own that paper can bring to somebody's attention, making him realize that own mistake, and does through own influence on this world useful thing. 秋明瑞希望自己的那篇论文能够引起某个人的注意,让他意识到自己的错误,并通过自身的影响力去做一些对这个世界有用的东西。 However...... 然而…… He was disregarded. 他被无视了。 Moreover thorough that. 而且还是彻底的那种。 Although his paper caused big discussion at the lspm forum, the peer who approves his viewpoint also stood came out to give him to select to approve or the platform, even the Pan-Asian scientific column also sent out the invitation of discussion program to him...... 虽然他的那篇论文在lspm论坛上引起了不小的热议,很多认同他观点的同行也都站了出来给他点赞或者站台,甚至泛亚科学栏目还向他发出了座谈节目的邀请…… But Lu Zhou oneself seem like have not actually seen to be the same, simply has not been serious his paper probably. 陆舟本人却像是没有看见一样,就好像根本没把他的那篇论文当一回事儿。 But this kept his some from enduring. 而这就让他有些无法忍受了。 Retrieves the relevant area research results can be said as a daily operation of research worker, so long as Lu Zhou is engaged in two generations of Controlled Nuclear Fusion studying, inevitably impossible not to have seen his paper! 检索相关领域的研究成果可以说是一名科研工作者的日常操作,只要陆舟正在从事二代可控聚变研究的话,就必然不可能没有看到他那篇论文! In his opinion, Lu Zhou have not given an appraisal to his paper, purely is only because does not dare to reply that his issue, but selectively disregarded his whip pioneer/monarch Ruli writing. 在他看来,陆舟之所以没有对他的论文给出一个评价,纯粹只是因为不敢回答他的问题,而选择性地将他那些鞭辟入里的文字无视掉了。 As an academician of academy of engineering, moreover in the industry of research nuclear engineering top big cow, he has not thought by like this treatment! 作为一名工程院的院士,而且还是研究核工程的行业内顶尖大牛,他从来没有想过自己会受到这样的对待! Does not dare the sound of formal response question, simply a shame as scholar!” “不敢正面回应质疑的声音,简直是身为一名学者的耻辱!” Is saying indignantly, the Tyumen auspicious ten fingers are moving on the operation panel, in that new paper to the total information screens made some simple revisions. 愤愤不平地说着,秋明瑞十指在操作面板上动着,对全息屏幕中那篇新出炉的论文进行了一些简单的修改。 This paper is the supplement of his previous paper. 这篇论文算是他上一篇论文的补充。 And compared to previous paper, this paper in expression and turn of expression is more tactless. If that Lu Zhou continues to deal with this arrogant attitude, that made him continue to get down arrogant. 并且相对于上一篇论文而言,这篇论文在措辞和表达方式上会更加的不委婉一些。如果那个陆舟继续用这种傲慢的态度来应对,那就让他继续傲慢下去好了。 Some words did not say, he always felt suffocated. 有些话不说出来,他总觉得心里堵得慌。 At this moment, outside the office resounded the knock. 就在这时,办公室外响起了敲门声。 The movement in hand stops slightly, Tyumen auspicious looked at entrance direction one, flung a few words unemotionally in the past. 手中的动作微微停顿,秋明瑞看了门口的方向一眼,面无表情地甩了一句话过去。 Come.” “请进。” The gate opened. 门开了。 A roughly 30 over postgraduate candidate walked from outside. 一名约莫三十出头的博士生从外面走了进来。 Noticed the look on teacher face to be not quite right, just student who walked from the gate, rushed to restrain on the face the happy expression, probed one to say. 注意到了导师脸上的神色不太对劲,刚刚从门外面走进来的学生,赶忙收敛了脸上愉快的表情,试探了一句说道。 Academician autumn......” “秋院士……” Tyumen auspicious is putting on a serious face to say. 秋明瑞板着脸说道。 What's wrong?” “怎么了?” Looks on the face teacher of one dark clouds, was very afraid is swallowed a saliva by that student of venting anger, continued to say trembling. 看着脸上一片乌云的导师,深怕被迁怒的那学生咽了口唾沫,战战兢兢地继续说道。 „...... That side the broad, broad cold city public corporation sent in an invitation to you.” “……广,广寒市市政机关那边给您发来了一封邀请函。” Invitation?” Gawked slightly, Tyumen auspicious frowns , to continue to pursue asks, what invitation?” “邀请函?”微微愣了下,秋明瑞紧接着皱起了眉头,继续追问道,“什么邀请函?” He one does not bump the politics, the topic that secondly studies does not touch on slightly with Moon, he really cannot think, that side the broad cold city holds true by inviting oneself. 他一来不碰政治,二来研究的课题也和月球不沾边,他实在是想不出来,广寒市那边有什么理由邀请自己。 Because probably that side the East Asian electric power planned that to two generations of fusion reactor selected locations...... that side the broad cold city planned looks for under the expert consultant to the project the opinion, in the concrete situation invitation has not written, I am not very clear.” “好像是因为东亚电力那边打算给二代聚变堆选址……广寒市那边打算给项目找个专家咨询下意见,具体的情况邀请函上没写,我也不是很清楚。” Selected location on Moon?” “在月球上选址?” Tyumen auspicious is not known by the face of these words air/Qi on the ignition, is smiling. 秋明瑞被这句话气的脸上已经不知道是在发火,还是在笑。 My goodness...... 好家伙…… This already, not only disregarded, the words that but has not said him are completely serious. 这已经不只是无视了,而是完全就没将他说的话当回事儿。 Constructs the experiment pile on Moon, ratio this absurder matter? 在月球上建实验堆,还有比这更荒唐的事情吗? My this goes to a broad cold city,” stood from the office chair, Tyumen auspicious said with the steadfast tone, helps me scheduled recent one go to that side flight!” “我这就去一趟广寒市,”从办公椅上站了起来,秋明瑞用坚定不移的口吻说道,“帮我预定最近一趟前往那边的航班!” The student nods hastily. 那学生连忙点头。 Good......” “好……” Right, this paper.” “对了,还有这篇论文。” Looked on the total information screens that basic already the paper that completes, is thinking immediately can not care about this type of thing with Lu Zhou confrontation Tyumen auspicious face to face, therefore spoke thoughtlessly to say. 看了眼全息屏幕上那篇基本已经完成的论文,想着马上就能和陆舟当面对质的秋明瑞也不在意这种东西了,于是随口说道。 „Under you inspect the typesetting for me, then looks for this industry area Journal to publish. Does to write your name on the line, hangs the communication author my name.” “你替我检查下排版,然后找个本行业的一区期刊发表一下。一作写你的名字就行,把我名字挂通讯作者。” The student stares slightly, immediately said joyfully. 那学生微微一愣,随即欣喜说道。 Good teacher!” “好的老师!” Has not gone to manage the student to think anything at this moment, Tyumen auspicious looked at out of the window, the corners of the mouth tore wiped light sneering. 没有去管自己学生此刻在想些什么,秋明瑞将视线投向了窗外,嘴角扯开了一抹淡淡的冷笑。 As if these words saying specially to somebody listens, he pushed these words from the gap between teeth. 仿佛这句话是特意说给某个人听的一样,他从牙缝里将这句话挤了出来。 I must have a look but actually.” “我倒要看看。” This time, can you also install not to see calm!” “这一次,你还能不能淡定地装没看见!”
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