SATS :: Volume #16

#1504: Having no ideological problems weighing on the mind

The gate opened quickly. 门很快打开了。 A roughly liuqishi-year- old person, is smiling glowing with health, walked from outside. 一位约莫六七十岁的老人,红光满面地笑着,从外面走了进来。 Academician Lu, greeting on first meeting greeting on first meeting! Before I early, wants to visit you, what a pity did not have the opportunity, now was to see you finally.” 陆院士,久仰久仰啊!我老早之前就想来拜访您了,可惜一直没有机会,现在总算是见到您了。” Academician stretch/open was polite, comes to speak quickly.” “张院士客气了,快进来说话吧。” Polite exchanging greetings, Lu Zhou Academician stretch/open from threshold to buddhism welcome to living room, and told that Xiao Ai took one cup of hot tea for the guest but actually. 一番客气的寒暄,陆舟将张院士从玄关请到了客厅,并且吩咐小艾为客人倒上了一杯热茶。 A time of tea, the issue of two people pulse magnetic field started the detailed discussion. 一盏茶的功夫,两人就脉冲式磁场的问题展开了详细的讨论。 To be honest, before then Lu Zhou, although has a general understanding of his disciplinary power, but his level came as a surprise to own. 说实话,在此之前陆舟虽然对他的学术能力已经有了一个大概的了解,但他的水平还是出乎了自己的意料。 Especially what makes Lu Zhou not think, after reading own that paper, he can extrapolate unexpectedly finds out so many to have the constructive academic viewpoint. 尤其让陆舟没有想到的是,在看了自己的那篇论文之后,他居然能举一反三地想出这么多有建设性的学术观点。 But these constructive academic viewpoints, to a certain extent, had certain inspiration to Lu Zhou. 而这些建设性的学术观点,在某种程度上,对陆舟自己也产生了一定的启发。 Also because of this point, lets Lu Zhou to the impression of this time scholars, had some new faces. 也正是因为这一点,让陆舟对这个时代学者们的印象,产生了些许的改观。 Matter of East Asian electric power is only a case, but he also carries the flag of two generations of Controlled Nuclear Fusion research. 东亚电力的事情只是个例,而偏偏他又扛着二代可控聚变研究的大旗。 Although the research of this for a century two generations of Controlled Nuclear Fusion truly has no significant progress, but not everyone, is also like Liu Sihai. 虽然这一个世纪来二代可控聚变的研究确实没什么重大进展,但也并不是所有人,都和刘四海一样的。 Works earnestly, wholeheartedly pursue academic person, exists. 认真做事,一心追求学术的人,还是存在着的。 Listened to Academician stretch/open to high power pulse the theoretical analysis model of magnetic field to plasma perturbation research peacefully, as well as constructed the conception of this reactor on Moon, in the Lu Zhou heart raised a feeling sorry not to have met sooner feeling. 安静地听完了张院士对大功率脉冲式磁场对等离子体扰动研究的理论分析模型,以及在月球上建造这座反应堆的构想,陆舟心中不由升起了一种相见恨晚的感觉。 Makes this reactor on Moon, it can be said that from him also when studies one generation of Controlled Nuclear Fusion technologies, has been fermenting conception. 在月球上建造这座反应堆,可以说是从他还在研究一代可控聚变技术的时候,就已经在酝酿着的构想了。 These things that...... you said I am interested, does not know whether you are interested in joining my team?” “……你说的那些东西我非常感兴趣,不知道您是否有兴趣加入我的项目组?” Speaking of the leap of exciting place, one patted under the knee, said excitedly. 说到了兴奋之处的张飞跃,一把拍了下膝盖,激动地说道。 I am having this intent!” “我正有此意!” Sees is so quick, Lu Zhou that he complies did not need to stare slightly, immediately teased the sentence to say with a smile. 见他答应的这么快,陆舟不用微微愣了下,随即笑着调侃了句说道。 „Didn't you ask the treatment and condition?” “你都不问待遇和条件吗?” stretch/open Feiyue smiles to say. 张飞跃爽朗一笑说道。 Can participate in this concerning to the human civilization future big project, does this minor matter also need to raise? Brings the dry rations, I also want!” “能参与到这种关乎到人类文明未来的大项目,这点小事还需要提吗?就是自带干粮,我也愿意!” Bringing dry rations? Such stingy matter I may be unable to do,” Lu Zhou smiles saying that felt relieved, does the experiment with me together, the funds affirmation manages enough!” “自带干粮?这么抠门的事儿我可干不出来,”陆舟笑了笑说道,“放心吧,跟着我一起做实验,经费肯定管够!” ...... …… Regardless of the research of two generations of Controlled Nuclear Fusion for the time being, the circle of financial circle really somewhat were recently turbulent. 二代可控聚变的研究暂且不论,最近金融界的圈子着实有些动荡。 the second day that Song Yangwei is murdered, spread about his death news finally. 就在宋杨威遇害的第二天,关于他的死讯最终还是传开了。 At first some people see to stop in his entrance ambulance and police vehicle, then some people said that lives in his family/home nearby neighbor, personally saw him to lie down on the stretcher brought in the ambulance. 起初是有人看见停在他门口的救护车和警车,紧接着便有人自称是住在他家附近的邻居,亲眼看见他躺在担架上被抬进了救护车。 Again then, the staff according to hospital said that when he brought in the hospital has not been mad, brought in the morgue directly. 再然后,据医院的工作人员说,当他被抬进医院的时候已经没气了,直接被抬进了停尸间。 About his cause of death, the discussion also has wide divided opinions. 关于他的死因,外界的议论也是众说纷纭。 Some people said that he was persecuted, because shorted the East Asian electric power the matter to offend should not the person of offending. 有人说他是遭到了迫害,因为做空东亚电力的事情得罪了不该得罪的人。 Also some people said that is secret disease that he loose clean kept long ago, making him long ago have the old ailment, but this attack that shorted the failure, became crashed his last straw spiritually. 也有人说是他早年风流倜傥留下来的隐疾,让他很久以前就落下了病根,而这次做空失败的打击,成了在精神上压垮他的最后一根稻草。 Also some people had been close to the truth infinitely, guessed that can be implants the righteousness body to have the breakdown, after all the rich man like him, does not trade a more durable organ is really unfair to own family property. 还有人已经无限接近了真相,猜测会不会是植入义体出现了故障,毕竟像他这样的有钱人,不换个更耐用的器官实在是对不起自己的家产。 However, no one thinks eventually can be the virus. 然而,终究没有人想到会是病毒。 Because this sounds is really extremely in unthinkable. Enters the memory of biological person in 22 centuries black or implants the control chip of righteousness body, compared with enters Ali's server also to want difficult innumerable times in the 21 st century black. 因为这听起来实在是太过于匪夷所思。在22世纪黑入仿生人的记忆体或者植入义体的控制芯片,比在21世纪黑进阿里的服务器还要困难无数倍。 The former is the difficulty in procedure/program significance, but the latter is in the physics significance. 前者是程序意义上的困难,而后者是物理意义上的。 In brief, Song Yang Wei died. 总而言之,宋杨威就这么死了。 Although his experience does not have the chairman of willow tree excited this East Asia electric power to be like that legendary, but he and his Yang Wei capital in Investment was also reputation resounding existence. 虽然他的经历没有柳正兴这位东亚电力的董事长那般充满传奇色彩,但他和他的杨威资本在投资界也算是名声响当当的存在了。 That that especially a while ago issued 10 billion that shorts the report and pounds one after another, was makes him attract the attention of the world peers, suddenly the scenery did not have two. 尤其是前段时间发布的那份做空报告和陆陆续续砸出去的100亿,更是让他吸引了全世界同行们的眼球,一时间风光无两。 But now, he such inexplicable death, was everyone has not thought. 而如今,他就这么不明不白的死了,是所有人都没有想到的。 When letting the person sobbed, those who made people covet being he leaves that huge heritage. 而在让人唏嘘之余,更让人们眼热的是他留下来的那笔庞大的遗产。 Especially strikes awe the capital. 尤其是扬威资本。 In the eyes of countless person, in the eyes of peers, looks like fat to be the same particularly simply. 在无数人的眼中,尤其是同行们的眼中,简直就像是一块肥肉一样。 Regarding family member who in his ordinary days receives his kindness, even his first seven have not waited, then started competition that conspires the right of inheritance. 对于他那些平日里受过他恩惠的亲人而言,连他的头七都没等过,便开始了密谋继承权的争夺。 Regarding the bystander, one strikes awe the capital the business to conspire directly, has become the plan on innumerable family/home investing enterprise table. 对于外人而言,一场直接扬威资本的商业密谋,已经成了无数家投资企业桌上的预案。 Lu Zhou...... I will not let off you!” 陆舟……我不会放过你!” In the prison, hears the sad news that outside transmits, puts on Liu Sihai double fist pinching tightly of stubbornly prison uniform, both eyes are red. 监狱中,听到外面传来的噩耗,穿着囚服的刘四海双拳死死的捏紧,双目通红。 He biggest was also precisely only relying upon dies. 他最大的也且是唯一的仰仗死了。 Although the view of hospital was the natural death, but he does not believe that with that Lu Zhou not relations. 虽然医院的说法是自然死亡,但他怎么也不相信,和那个陆舟没有一点关系。 Since that surnamed Lu after on the board of directors seizes power, bad news then one after another. 自从那个姓陆的在董事会上夺权之后,坏消息便一个接一个。 As if aiming at him to be the same, first was he fed in the police station, then was his father-in-law. 就仿佛是在针对他一样,先是他被送进了局子里,再然后又是他的老丈人。 Now, Song Yang Wei several other children jumped, started to competition of family property. His wife is calls in the prison to complain tearfully seeking help to him, what to do asked him should. 如今,宋杨威另外几个孩子又跳了出来,开始了对家产的争夺。他的老婆更是打电话到狱中向他哭诉着求助,问他应该怎么办。 Is facing being in a dilemma, Liu Sihai is also two grasps blindly, does not know that should should do. 面对着进退维谷的局面,刘四海也是两眼抓瞎,不知道该如何是好。 If he if is really a shrewd schemer, is insufficient to meet the blending now this, even was thrown into the classroom. 如果他真要是那么工于心计,也不至于会混成现在这样,甚至被丢进班房了。 While this month few visiting relatives time, he who has been used the network permission, immediately before the telephone hits, by dog-leg that he follows the lead- is also that Yang Xiaofeng. 趁着这个月为数不多的探亲时间,得到使用网络许可的他,立刻将电话打给了以前以他马首是瞻的狗腿-也就是那个杨晓峰。 However came as a surprise to his, this telephones does not inquire after the well being is not the comfort of having same problem trades, is actually a bad breath right in the face. 然而出乎了他的意料,这通电话换来的不是嘘寒问暖也不是同病相怜的安慰,却是一顿劈头盖脸的嘴臭。 Cao Nima! It is not your mud does not hold the thing of wall to mess things up in the research institute all day, father now as for mixing such miserably? The work of East Asian Electric power Research and development Department! In the past to force in oneself, you knew father family/home the big time! My father knows that I was caught up, almost father's leg breaking!” “曹尼玛!不是你个烂泥扶不上墙的东西整天在研究所里胡搞,老子现在至于混得这么惨吗?东亚电力研发部门的工作啊!当年为了把自己塞进去,你知道老子家里费了多大功夫吗!我爹知道我被赶了出来,差点把老子的腿给打断!” Is compelled by a face that oneself once lackey scolded ignorant, on Liu Sihai face wrote all over pale. 被自己曾经的狗腿子骂的一脸懵逼,刘四海脸上写满了铁青。 You...... you took the wrong medicine!” “你……你是不是吃错药了!” Father takes the wrong medicine, father ate uncooked your mother! Grass!” “老子是吃错药了,老子生吃你妈!草!” As if to do to lick the resentment of dog these years to release completely, Yang Xiaofeng after once boss unscrupulously bad breath, then bi hung up the telephone. 仿佛是为了把这些年做舔狗的怨气全部释放出来,杨晓峰对着自己曾经的老板肆无忌惮地嘴臭了一顿之后,便哔的一声挂断了电话。 Looks at the empty total information screens, in Liu Sihai eyes can never believe that turned into the hatred, gradually turned into a deep despair from the hatred. 看着空荡荡的全息屏幕,刘四海的眼中从不敢相信变成了仇恨,又从仇恨渐渐地变成了一片深深的绝望。 Perhaps was he is truly wrong...... 或许确实是他错了…… Did not say impartially honestly, even if he restrains a point slightly, is insufficient to develop today's this. 不说秉公廉洁,哪怕他稍微收敛一点的话,都不至于发展到今天这样。 However, even if thinking, his was still full of the grievance at heart. 然而,即便如此认为着,他的心里也是充满了委屈。 This does not put in great inconvenience because of own obsessed, because to unfair of heaven. 这份委屈不是因为自己的鬼迷心窍,而是因为对上天的不公。 It is not only then he does that why did this fall the blade on his body? 又不是只有他一个人这么做的,为什么这把刀偏偏落在了他的身上? Entire East Asian electric power, which department also there is really to stay out...... 整个东亚电力上上下下,又有哪一部门真的能够置身事外呢…… ...... …… East Asian electric power general headquarters building. 东亚电力总部大厦。 The office of scientific research manager. 科研主管的办公室。 Looks to stand in front Lu Zhou, on the face of Manager Wu wrote all over awkward expression. 看着站在面前的陆舟,吴主管的脸上写满了为难的表情。 What is placed in front of him is one leaves job to apply. 摆在他面前的是一份离职申请。 Is placed this agreement in his front, the meaning of Lu Zhou is very obvious, that is makes him get the hell out. 将这份协议摆在他的面前,陆舟的意思已经很明显了,那便是让他滚蛋。 However Wu Qing has not thought, such matter will happen on oneself. 然而吴青还是没有想到,这样的事情会发生在自己身上。 The sound took to plead, the old person said with the trembling tone. 声音带上了一丝恳求,老人用颤颤巍巍的语气说道。 Can like this?” “一定要这样吗?” On the face does not bring any pitying, Lu Zhou aloof saying: You thought that also has the leeway that discussed?” 脸上不带任何的怜悯,陆舟无动于衷的说道:“你觉得还有商量的余地吗?” In the eye appeared to entreat, the old person said timidly. 眼中浮现了一丝哀求,老人唯唯诺诺地说道。 I was also worked for the East Asian electric power conscientiously for dozens years, even if did not have the merit still to have the efforts.” “我为东亚电力也算是兢兢业业的工作了几十年,就算没有功劳也有苦劳。” This is a truth. 这是一句实话。 Although is ten years ago scientific research manager who becomes, but since he enters the duty to the present, has worked for more than 40 years in East Asian Shop. 虽然是十年前才当上的科研主管,但从他入职到现在,算起来已经在东亚店里工作四十余年了。 These for 40 years he has to exploit power, but compared to others, but also compares of restraining. 这四十年来他不是没有以权谋私过,但相对于其他人来说,还算是比较收敛的那种了。 Because carries out the Golden Mean, in the spirit of the safe/without matter has not then had principle, in his incumbent these ten years, the East Asian electric power has not truly had any big problem, occasionally gave rise to some small problems also to be processed by him very much smoothly passes. 因为奉行中庸之道,本着无事便是无过的原则,在他在任的这十年来,东亚电力确实没有出过什么大问题,偶尔发生些小问题也都被他很圆滑的处理过去了。 He believes, oneself this scientific research manager works as, but also is quite good. 他自认为,自己这个科研主管当的,还算是比较不错的了。 Looks that still does not know where Manager Wu oneself are wrong, Lu Zhou said calmly. 看着仍然不知道自己错在哪儿的吴主管,陆舟语气平静地说道。 What does not do, is an evil, particularly sits in your position.” “什么也不做,也是一种罪恶,尤其是坐在你的位置上。” Your so-called efforts were to tolerate forming cliques for selfish ends of Song Yang Wei these people, turns a blind eye regarding the behavior that they ran amuck, if this were your so-called efforts, you went to rest at the same time, at least do not put to trouble to others.” “你所谓的苦劳就是纵容宋杨威这些人的结党营私,对于他们胡作非为的行为睁一只眼闭一只眼,如果这就是你所谓的苦劳,那你还是去一边歇着吧,至少别给别人添麻烦。” I even can not haggle over in these morals to have the slight defect scholar, so long as they truly made the result, produced the research results of being able to see. However holds the post of these ten years of scientific research manager in you, has the East Asian electric power of over a hundred research institutions, may be once born, even if the achievement of taking acts?” “我甚至可以不计较那些道德上存在瑕疵的学者,只要他们确实做出了成绩,拿出了看得见的研究成果。然而在你担任科研主管的这十年来,拥有上百家研究单位的东亚电力,可曾诞生过哪怕一件拿得出手的成果?” Hears these words, in old person's eyes appeared a bitterness and astringency. 听到这句话,老人的眼中浮现了一丝苦涩。 10 years? 十年? Let alone was 10 years, even if proceeded again for 10 years, changed on him a time did not have. 别说是十年了,就算再往前十年,换他上一任的时候也没有啊。 That the achievement of taking acts, where has is so good to do...... 那种拿得出手的成果,哪有那么好做出来…… Looks at aloof Lu Zhou, Wu Qing hesitant a while, finally sighed, signed own name in front departed agreement. 看着无动于衷的陆舟,吴青犹豫了一会儿,最终还是叹了口气,在面前的离职协议上签下了自己的名字。 Perhaps after a while later, he thinks Director Liu Sihai, perhaps was thought through anything. 过了一会儿之后,他也许是想到了刘四海主任,也许是自己想通了什么。 Is staring at front that digital contract, he whispered to say. 盯着面前的那份电子合同,他嘀咕了一句说道。 Thanks...... lets my dignified departure.” “谢谢……让我体面的离开。” You have the half-day time to pack the thing.” “你有半天的时间收拾东西。” Lu Zhou has not said anything, received that digital contract, after abandoned these words unemotionally, then turned around to leave. 陆舟没有多说什么,收起了那份电子合同,面无表情地扔下了这句话之后,便转身离开了。 The recruitment of new staff has been completed, that more than 2000 fresh blood is waiting for the training employment. 新员工的招聘已经完成,那两千余新鲜的血液正在等待着培训上岗。 Now the decayed wretched creature has also ripped, starting from this moment, the East Asian electric power will have no ideological problems weighing on the mind, by the brand-new appearance facing the challenge that comes newly-arrived, a lot wait for him to be done. 如今腐朽的死肉也已割掉,从这一刻开始,东亚电力将轻装上阵,以全新的面貌面对新到来的挑战,还有很多事情等着他去做。 Thinks of here, the corners of the mouth of Lu Zhou turned upwards a smiling face, the footsteps were also livelier. 想到这里,陆舟的嘴角不禁翘起了一丝笑容,脚步也轻快了许多。 Then needs him to consider that was only left over the sphere of learning issue...... 接下来需要他去考虑的,就只剩下学术领域的问题了…… …… …… ( 4 million characters, scattered flower) (四百万字了,撒花)
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