SATS :: Volume #16

#1501: Implants the righteousness body

Outside the institute in villa. 别墅的院外。 Is crowding the weeping and wailing of disorderly sound of footsteps and woman. 拥挤着杂乱的脚步声和女人的哭喊。 A stretcher crashed in the courtyard quickly, was towed from the villa by two biological person ambulance personnel quickly, rushes in the direction of ambulance. 一台担架很快冲进了院子里,又很快地被两名仿生人救护人员从别墅中拖了出来,朝着救护车的方向奔去。 Two police vehicles stop in the institute entrance, pulls up the blockade warning line, while is comforting family members of victim's mood. 两辆警车停在院门口,一边拉起封锁现场的警戒线,一边安抚着遇难者家属的情绪。 Probably before 5 minutes. 大概就在五分钟前。 Manager Song Yang Wei who strikes awe the capital, was discovered died in own family/home. 扬威资本的老总宋杨威,被发现死在了自己的家中。 Has not come under any attack on his body the trace, in the blood has not discovered any fatal toxin. If is not the expression that dies with injustice unredressed, few will suspect that this is only an accident/surprise. 在他的身上没有受到任何打击的痕迹,血液中也没有发现任何致命的毒素。若非是那死不瞑目的表情,几乎没有人会怀疑这只是一场意外。 In brief, matter unusual is sudden, suddenly has not reacted to everyone with enough time, even the tiny bit protection does not have. 总之,事情发生的非常突然,突然到所有人都没有来得及作出反应,甚至连一丝一毫的防备都没有。 It is not right in nearby detective discovery until the deployment, related Song Yang Wei that side confirmation on own initiative, discovered that the person has died. 直到部署在附近的探员发现情况不对劲,主动联系宋杨威那边确认情况,才发现人已经死了。 Stands in side of warning line, Xing side fished out the electronic smoke from the pocket, after attracting the mouth, smoke stopper. 站在警戒线的旁边,邢边从兜里摸出了电子烟,吸了口之后,又将烟塞了回去。 Looks toward history enter who oneself walks, his sinking sound said. 看着向自己这边走来的史进,他沉声说道。 How person dies.” “人怎么死的。” history enter has not spoken, but silently hand in that sample sack that is depositing the chip, handed the front of team leader. 史进没有说话,只是默默地将手中那个存放着芯片的样品袋,递到了队长的面前。 In instance of chip seeing that sample sack deposited, near punishment look gradually dignified. 在看到了那个样品袋中存放的芯片的瞬间,刑边的眼神渐渐凝重了起来。 Crossed some little time, his tone heavy saying. 过了好一会儿,他语气沉重的说道。 Implants the righteousness body?” “植入义体?” Yes, Song Yang Wei's body had to implant the artificial heart, was switched off before a half hour......” “是的,宋杨威的身上有植入人工心脏,不过在半小时前被关掉了……” history Jindian , the look on face also wrote all over dignifiedly. Stopped a moment later, his tone continues to say complex. 史进点了下头,脸上的神色同样写满了凝重。停顿了片刻之后,他语气复杂地继续说道。 We possibly had troublesome.” “我们可能有麻烦了。” ...... …… Great Northwest. 大西北。 Far away from the nature reserve of habitation, a four rounds all-terrain vehicle, is speeding away on the road of nobody left. 远离人烟的自然保护区,一辆四轮的越野车,正疾驰在空无一人的公路上。 Looked at positioning system on the vehicle, Wang Peng looked at out of the window that rows of airtight woods, on the face inscribed a shocking expression. 看了眼车上的定位系统,王鹏将视线投向了窗外那一排排密不透风的树林,脸上不由写上了一丝震撼的表情。 Has not thought that a century passed by, the wilderness Great Northwest had turned into a forest.” “没想到一个世纪过去了,大西北的荒漠已经变成了一片森林。” Long before was this, this was also one of heritages Academician Lu left behind, although mostly was his younger generation arrives for...... us who he realized.” “很早以前就是这样了,这也算是陆院士留下的遗产之一,虽然大多是他的后人替他去实现的……我们到了。” Through the sentry post of road fork, the vehicle after the alley continued one, stops before a map did not have the labelling military base gate. 通过了岔路口的哨卡,车子沿着小路继续开了一阵之后,停在了一处地图上没有标注的军事基地门前。 To be honest, these buildings cultivate/repair does not have the feeling of military installation. 老实说,这几栋建筑修的一点儿也没有军事设施的感觉。 But can one come out shortly here is the military base, purely is because once was an intuition of serviceman. 而之所以能一眼看出来这里是军事基地,纯粹是因为曾经身为一名军人的直觉。 Opened the vehicle door from the driving position, that man of driving narrowed the eye, is looking at present military base, with having some tones of longing was saying. 推开车门从驾驶位上走了下来,开车的那个男人眯了眯眼睛,望着眼前的这座军事基地,用带着些怀念的口吻说道。 Here is Pan-Asia biggest special forces training base, why was also the world's most advanced training base...... said as for me, after you went, knew.” “这里是泛亚洲最大的特种部队训练基地,同时也是全球最先进的训练基地……至于我为什么这么说,等你进去以后就知道了。” Wang Peng: „Is security bureau the special forces?” 王鹏:“安全局算是特种部队?” Does not calculate, but most people graduate from here,” stands in side of vehicle door, the man who on that face writes all over the wind and frost under the corners of the mouth, continued saying that „, no matter before you, what training has undergone, here is the new start. Hopes you can forget these obsolete technologies, earnestly through inspection.” “不算,但绝大多数人从这里毕业,”站在车门的旁边,那个脸上写满风霜的男人咧了下嘴角,继续说道,“不管你以前接受过什么样的训练,这里都是新的开始。希望你能将那些过时的技术忘掉,认真通过考核。” Wang Peng smiled lightly under said. 王鹏淡淡笑了下说道。 Although this is the new start, but something will not be obsolete.” “虽然这是新的开始,但有些东西是不会过时的。” That man shrugs the arm, without speech. 那个男人耸了耸肩膀,没有说话。 Looked at his one eyes curiously, Wang Peng continued to say. 好奇的看了他一眼,王鹏继续说道。 Said, your has not told me all the way you are what name.” “说起来,你这一路上都没有告诉我你是什么名字。” Hunter, the friends of mine called me, you can also call me,” and Wang Peng grasped starting, that man grinned to smile , to continue saying that in any event, good luck, if you can through the inspection, we should soon to see smoothly again.” “猎手,我的朋友们都这么称呼我,你也可以这么称呼我,”和王鹏握了下手,那个男人咧嘴笑了笑,继续说道,“无论如何,祝你好运,如果你能顺利通过考核的话,我们应该不久就能再见到。” Taking advantage of your auspicious words.” “借你吉言。” After shaking hand loosens, Wang Peng will look at the base in not far away, spoke thoughtlessly to ask the sentence said. 握了握手之后松开,王鹏将视线投向了不远处的基地,随口问了句说道。 I can ask, how long training time probably. Or does the inspection that you said that when start probably?” “我可以问一下,训练时间大概多久吗。或者说,你说的考核,大概是什么时候开始?” Hunter haha said: Had started, when as for passes, that must look when you can reach the average standard of security bureau detective.” 猎手哈哈笑着说:“已经开始了,至于什么时候通过,那得看你什么时候能够达到安全局探员的平均标准。” Wang Peng: My meaning is this standard is anything.” 王鹏:“我的意思就是这个标准是什么。” That you seek.” “那得你自己去寻找。” Abandoned a significance unclear reply, after that man made the hand signal of farewell, then turned around to move toward that all-terrain vehicle. 扔下了一个意义不明的回答,那个男人打了个告别的手势之后,便转身走向了那辆越野车。 The sound that as the engine starts resounds, the quick that car(riage) then turned the road, vanished in the Wang Peng field of vision. 随着引擎发动的声音响起,很快那辆车便拐上了公路,消失在了王鹏的视野中。 Connection job requirement do manage? 交接工作需要自己去办吗? Gazes after that car(riage) to go far away, when Wang Peng is so thinking, transmitted suddenly sound that shouted him the name. 目送着那辆车远去,就在王鹏如此想着的时候,身后忽然传来了喊出他名字的声音。 Wang Peng?” 王鹏?” Turns around then to look, the direct strange man stands there, but on his left wrist is floating a leaf of total information screen. 转身回头看去,直接一个陌生的男人站在那里,而他的左手腕上漂浮着一扇全息屏幕。 Although could not see directly what the screen demonstrates is what kind of writing, but he can guess correctly probably, that should be own personal history or the status information and so on gadget. 虽然看不到屏幕正面显示的是怎样的文字,但他还是大概能猜到,那应该是自己的履历或者身份信息之类的玩意儿。 Yes.” “是的。” Wang Peng thinks that person will get to the bottom inquires his information, actually without thinking after checking name, he looked at then to receive float the total information screens in wrist/skill. 王鹏原本以为那个人会刨根问底地将他的信息打听个遍,却没想到在核对完名字之后,他只是看了一眼自己便收起了悬浮在手腕上的全息屏幕。 Compared with estimate in comes earlier, came with me.” “比预想中的来的稍早了点,跟我来吧。” Abandoned these words, he then turned around then to walk in the direction of military base. 扔下了这句话,他便转身回头朝着军事基地的方向走了过去。 Looks back that this person leaves, Wang Peng hesitant is not very long, is carrying the suitcase in hand then with. 看着这个人离开的背影,王鹏没有犹豫很久,拎着手中的行李箱便跟了上去。 Sentry post before across gate, when he follows the footsteps of that strange man to step into the flash of base, the present all suddenly see the light instantaneously. 穿过门前的哨卡,当他跟着那个陌生男人的脚步踏入基地的一刹那,眼前的一切瞬间豁然开朗。 Also this flash, he understood finally, detective who that says is the fox-hunt, why will say that here is the world's most advanced training base. 也正是这一瞬间,他总算是明白了,那个自称是猎狐的探员,为什么会称这里是世界上最先进的训练基地。 Seemed like notices the expression on his face, then looked at a he that man, smiled was saying. 似乎是注意到了他脸上的表情,回头看了他一眼的那个男人,微笑着说道。 Seeming like you are somewhat surprised?” “看起来你有些惊讶?” „Very surprised,” observed the situation this spacious hall, Wang Peng continued saying that „, if has not known where here was, I may be unable to produce any mental association it and military base.” “是挺惊讶的,”环视了一眼这空旷的大厅,王鹏继续说道,“如果不是已经知道这里是什么地方,我可能无法把它和军事基地产生任何联想。” Although without visiting the military installations in this time other countries, but his present all, have renovated him the understanding of the military base. 虽然没有参观过这个时代其他国家的军事设施,但就他眼前的一切,已经刷新了他对军事基地的理解。 Here most common does not put on the soldier of military uniform, but puts on the scientific researchers of white coat, thing that he sees, the proportion between both even surpassed 1 : 1. 在这里最常见的不是穿着军服的士兵,而是穿着白大褂的科研人员,就他所看到的东西而言,两者之间的比例甚至超过了1:1。 These strange science and technology, make one unable to feel the mind all the way the small gadget, making people be hard to imagine here is a military compound, what replaces it is looks like a laboratory. 一路上那些稀奇古怪的科技,还有一些让人摸不着头脑的小玩意儿,让人难以想象这里是一座军营,取而代之的是更像一座实验室。 Read out surprised on Wang Peng face, that man smiles slightly , to continue to say. 读出了王鹏脸上的惊讶,那个男人微微笑了笑,继续说道。 In present this time, most military conflicts happened in far away from the outer space of ground, as well as remote sparks/Mars colony. Even if had the military conflict, the collision of flesh and blood still mostly did for somebody by ai.” “在如今这个时代,绝大多数的军事冲突都发生在远离地面的太空,以及遥远的火星殖民地。而且即便是发生了军事冲突,血肉之躯的碰撞也大多被ai代劳。” But, some were still not suited the work that completes by ai. My name was forest Feng, was your leading, if there is any not clear place, can consult me.” “不过,仍然有一些不适合由ai来完成的工作。我叫林丰,是你的导员,如果有什么不明白的地方,可以向我咨询。” Looks that passes through a master reach that to see the man of obvious metal skeleton to the skin that under exaggerating, has not painted completely from side, Wang Peng cannot bear open the mouth to ask. 看着从旁边走过的一名手臂长到夸张、未完全涂装的皮肤下面可以看到明显的金属骨骼的男人,王鹏忍不住开口问道。 That imitates the living person soldier?” “那是仿生人士兵吗?” Strict sense, we do not have the pure living person soldier, first violates the human relations, second does not need. In the frontal battlefield, the unmanned aerial vehicles of different model and adapt to the remote control vehicle of entire terrain more reliable than the person soldiers of two legs. But in the non- frontal battlefield, the memory of biological person is unable to achieve perfect adapting to changing circumstances, now this is also most ai procedures lacks.” “严格意义上来说,我们没有纯粹的仿生人士兵,一来是违反人伦,二来是没有必要。在正面战场上,不同型号的无人机和适应全地形的遥控载具会比两条腿的人型士兵更加可靠。而在非正面战场中,仿生人的记忆体又无法做到完美的随机应变,这也是当今绝大多数ai程序所缺乏的。” Stopped the moment, forest Feng continues to say. 停顿了片刻,林丰继续说道。 As for that thing that you see, its name was called to implant the righteousness body.” “至于你看到的那个东西,它的名字叫植入义体。” Wang Peng: „...... Implants the righteousness body?” 王鹏:“……植入义体?” forest Feng nods. 林丰点了点头。 Right, one type is very common in this time, even has it can be said that become a fashionable thing.” “没错,一种在这个时代很常见,甚至于可以说是已经成为了一种时尚的东西。” Natural organ association/will has all kinds of problems, infects including the virus, functional failure, or pure creates to damage because of certain force majeures, therefore implants the righteousness body to become a new fashion...... naturally, the research of military domain, will actually trace the last century 10-20 ages early early, presented the application case of first case of biological Xueyi body.” “自然的器官总会出现各种各样的问题,包括病毒感染,功能性衰竭,或者纯粹的因为某些不可抗力而造成损坏,因此植入义体已经成为一种新的时尚……当然,军用领域的研究其实会更早一些,最早追溯到上个世纪10-20年代,就出现了第一例仿生学义体的应用案例。” Wang Peng: That person who...... you said I possibly knew.” 王鹏:“……你说的那个人我可能认识。” The past years was because biosphere A encountered the attack of unclear species organization, Li Gaoliang to protect biosphere A lost the both legs. 当年是因为生物圈a遭到不明物种组织的袭击,李高亮为了保护生物圈a而失去了双腿。 At that time the nerve interface technology was on the rise, Academician Lu knows after his situation, then fenced to design a model of bionics artificial limb for him personally. Although he is also heard that moreover said the person of this saying uses tone that boasted, but installed Li Gaoliang of bionics artificial limb, probably was truly same as being all right person, even the leg and foot was more agile than the normal person. 当时神经接入技术方兴未艾,陆院士知道他的情况之后,便亲自操刀为他设计了一款仿生学假肢。虽然他也是听说的,而且说这话的人用的还是吹牛的口吻,但安装了仿生学假肢的李高亮,确实好像和没事儿人一样,甚至腿脚比正常人还灵便。 If he did not remember incorrectly, this in caused one of the people to discuss at that time very much. 如果他没记错的话,这在当时很是引起了人们的一番热议。 After hearing the Wang Peng words, on forest Feng the face showed the surprised expression, immediately said with a smile. 听到王鹏的话之后,林丰的脸上露出了惊讶的表情,随即笑着说道。 I almost forgot, you seem like from that time.” “我差点忘了,你好像是来自那个时代。” Wang Peng: Has an issue I to ask.” 王鹏:“有个问题我想问下。” forest Feng: What issue?” 林丰:“什么问题?” Wang Peng: „Are you biological person?” 王鹏:“你是仿生人吗?” „...... Was discovered by you,” seen through forest gawked abundantly slightly, immediately smiled was selecting, continued saying that this was part of inspection, but never expected that your first day passed. It seems like before you are belongs to see clearly ability the type, I will recommend several appropriate equipment for you.” “……被你发现了,”被看穿的林丰微微愣了下,随即微笑着点了下头,继续说道,“这原本是考核的一部分,但没想到你第一天就通过了。看来你是属于洞察能力较前的类型,我会为你推荐几款合适的装备。” Although is the expected matter, but has not thought of continually new barracks this place, with biological person. 虽然是意料之中的事情,但没想到连“新兵营”这种地方,都用上仿生人了。 Dependency of it seems like that this time on intelligent agent, but also was really exaggerating to him the degree that was inconceivable. 看来这个时代对智能工具的依赖,还真是夸张到了他难以想象的程度。 Shakes the head in the heart, Wang Peng looked by one behind the glass window, the soldier who that accepts the righteousness body periodic inspection and maintenance, spoke thoughtlessly to say. 在心中摇了摇头,王鹏看了一眼旁边玻璃窗背后,那位接受义体定期检查和维护的士兵,随口说道。 Equipment that if you said that refers to that planting into the righteousness body to consider as finished, in comparison I believe myself.” “如果你说的装备,是指那种植入义体的话还是算了,相比之下我还是更相信自己。” forest Feng shrugs the arm. 林丰耸了耸肩膀。 It seems like tenaciously is also one of your characteristics.” “看来固执也是你的特点之一。” It doesn't matter, this is the individual choice, although I recommend you to accept the convenience of this time science and technology, after all this will make you through inspecting is easier.” “不过无所谓,这是个人选择,虽然我更推荐你接受这个时代科技的便利,毕竟这会让你通过考核更容易一些。” Some things do not have the shortcut to walk, these words is a my friend tell me,” Wang Peng smiles lightly , to continue to say with the tranquil tone, leads me to look at the dormitory, after waiting to put the baggage, I also want to look at the training ground.” “有些事情是没有捷径可走的,这句话是我的一个朋友告诉我的,”王鹏淡淡笑了笑,用平静的语气继续说道,“带我去看一下宿舍吧,等放了行李之后,我还想去看一下训练场。” forest Feng smiles slightly, the nod said. 林丰微微笑了笑,点头说道。 Does not have the issue.” “没问题。”
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