SATS :: Volume #15

#1500: The bait has not swallowed the bait

Academician stretch/open Feiyue in heart excited regardless of the time being. 张飞跃院士心中的激动暂且不论。 Compared to the engineers of study electro-magnet, the scholars who these are engaged in two generations of controllable fusion research, regarding that pulse magnetic field production application prospect of installment that Academician Lu proposed in two generations of controllable nuclear fusion directions, the opinion actually has very big difference. 相对于钻研电磁体的工程师们而言,那些从事二代可控核聚变研究的学者们,对于陆院士提出的那个脉冲式磁场生成装置在二代可控核聚变方向上的应用前景,意见其实是存在很大分歧的。 The viewpoints of some scholars are like Academician stretch/open, think that pulse magnetic field concept that Lu Zhou put forward, possibly became solves the key that two generations of controllable fusion research magnetic field restriction strength were insufficient. 一部分学者的观点和张院士一样,认为陆舟提出的那个脉冲式磁场概念,可能成为解决二代可控核聚变研究磁场约束力不足的关键。 Let also some scholars believe, restrains billions degrees high-temperature with this unstable magnetic field the fusion reactant, is one not only high-risk and impractical matter. 让也有一部分学者认为,用这种不稳定的磁场来约束几十亿度高温的聚变反应物,是一件既充满危险又不切实际的事情。 For example, similarly is the Pan-Asian academy of science. 比如,同样是泛亚科学院。 Some senior professor after seeing that pre- printed book paper and was attached to the holographic model in paper, not only the attitude was clearly opposite, the given opinion was also completely different. 某位老教授在看到了那篇预印本论文和附在论文中的全息模型之后,不但态度截然相反,给出的意见也是完全不同。 Pulse magnetic field?” “脉冲式磁场?” Deliberately creates trouble simply!” “简直是胡闹!” 10,000 Tesla magnetic fields of...... by the diamagnetic characteristics of human body interior hydrone, violent. The reveal in so huge magnetic field environment, the somatic cell will decompose directly! You planned where produces this reactor?” “一万特斯拉的磁场……以人体内部水分子的反磁性特征,暴.露在如此庞大的磁场环境下,体细胞将会直接分解!你打算上哪儿造这台反应堆去?” Do not say that the entire magnetic field constantly is still changing! I looked, if really used this technology above two generations of Controlled Nuclear Fusion installments, made also certainly was not the reactor, but was an EMP weapon!” “更不要说整个磁场还在不断变化!我看要是真把这技术用在了二代可控聚变装置上面,造出来的也一定不是什么反应堆,而是一台电磁脉冲武器!” Not only similar argument happened at the lspm forum, the laboratory of the major university and in research institute is also repeatedly obviously. 类似的争论不只是发生在lspm论坛上,各大高校和研究所的实验室里也是频频可见。 Actually, will produce disputed that is also indisputable, after all the science then goes forward in the dispute. 其实,会产生争议也是无可厚非,毕竟科学本身便是在争议中前进的。 However what is quite interesting, is unceasing compared to the dispute of academic circle, regarding the Lu Zhou latest research results, the view of capital market is actually unexpected highly consistent. 然而比较有意思的是,相对于学术界的争议不断,对于陆舟的最新研究成果,资本市场的看法却是出人意料的高度一致。 Almost the second day that the paper comes out, in " Lujiazui Daily » headline then published named «Two Generations of Controlled Nuclear Fusion Technologies To present the Crucial Breakthrough» article. 几乎就在论文出来的第二天,《陆家嘴日报》的头条上便刊登了一篇名为《二代可控聚变技术出现关键性突破》的文章。 Again, on the same day stock market opening, the stock of East Asian electric power then straightly pull-up, rising out of control...... 再紧接着,当天股市开盘,东亚电力的股票便直线拉升,涨的一发不可收拾…… All these seemed to be also complying with Newton's those words- 这一切似乎也正应了牛顿的那句话- I can calculate the law of motion of heavenly body, computation humane crazy......” “我能计算出天体的运动规律,也计算不出人性的疯狂……” ...... …… Several like several to worry, some people like then some people to worry. 几家欢喜几家愁,有人欢喜便有人忧。 The East Asian electric power turbulent rising trend makes these have its shareholders are wild with joy at the same time, the person who also makes these miss the opportunity has not boarded to regret, was lets these letters the shorting report of Yang Wei capital and follows to hang to betray the single person heart pain not able together to breathe. 东亚电力汹涌的涨势让那些持有它的股东们欣喜若狂的同时,也让那些错过的机会没有上车的人后悔不已,更是让那些信了杨威资本的做空报告并跟着一起挂出卖单的人心痛到无法呼吸。 Especially Yang Wei capital. 尤其是杨威资本。 After seeing East Asian electric power stock that turbulent rising trend, Yang Wei of capital manager Song Yang Wei, almost no old blood spurted. 在看到东亚电力股票那汹涌的涨势之后,杨威资本的老总宋杨威,差点没一口老血喷出来。 Just came back him from the police station, connects the cushion of vehicle he went home not to get warm, then heard this sad news. 刚刚从局子里回来的他,连接他回家的车子的坐垫都没坐热,便听到了这个噩耗。 Looks in the video window, trembling to the investment manager who oneself report the work, he air/Qi has almost not extracted downward to fall the wisdom expert link. 看着视讯窗口中,战战兢兢地向自己汇报工作的投资经理,他气的差点没把智能手环拔下来摔了。 Increase 10 points?! How possibly!” “涨幅十个点?!怎么可能!” What that special is the East Asian electric power, market value several hundred thousand hundred million energy giants! 那特么的可是东亚电力,市值几十万亿的能源巨头! This gadget is not the market value dozens hundred million small companies, even if 1 increase, can grow 100 billion market values baseless the listed company. 这玩意儿可不是市值几十个亿的小公司,哪怕是一的涨幅,都能凭空长出一家千亿市值的上市公司。 Deeply inspires, Song Yangwei made itself calm. 深深吸了口气,宋杨威让自己冷静了下来。 Crossing for probably 5 minutes was so long, he seems is determined to resemble, says. 过了大概五分钟那么久,他仿佛是下定决心似的,开口说道。 And other stock prices called back time, returns removes part.” “等股价回调的时候,回撤一部分吧。” Hears the voice of chairman, the investment manager look of telephone that head immediately one gloomily, the mood also followed to sink together. 听到董事长的声音,电话那头的投资经理神色顿时一黯,心情也跟着一起沉了下来。 Although stemming from reducing the consideration of loss, does that also has no recourse, but such result makes him be hard to accept. 虽然出于减小损失的考虑,这么做也是迫不得已,但这样的结局着实还是让他难以接受。 He has been waiting for the boss to play that so-called card in a hand, however does not have to the present 1 : 00 thing. 他一直在等老板打出那张所谓的底牌,然而到现在一点东西都没有。 Will pound in high spatial meets only...... 在高位将砸出去的空单接回…… This was equal to that has admitted defeat. 这等于是已经认输了。 According to his estimate, the loss of this wave of Yang Wei capital at least must have 3 billion credit points, 根据他本人的估计,这一波杨威资本的损失至少得有三十亿信用点, Year-end bonus anything, looked like does not need to count on this year...... 年终奖什么的,今年看来是不用指望了…… ...... …… The matter that shorts does not want to think for the time being, after going home, Song Yangwei takes a bath, changed the body clean clothes, then telephones to the security bureau that side, reports own position. 做空的事情暂且不想去想,回到了家中之后,宋杨威洗了个澡,换了身干净的衣服,便给安全局那边打了个电话过去,汇报自己的位置。 Although came out from the police station, but does not mean that he fully regained the freedom, but changes slightly comfortable point place to continue to look. 虽然从局子里出来了,但并不意味着他就完全恢复了自由,只是换个稍微舒服点的地方继续看着罢了。 He not only need report every 24 hours one time oneself position, went out the time of activity to be limited in 2 hours. 他不但得每隔24小时汇报一次自己的位置,出门活动的时间更是被限制在了二小时内。 To be honest, Song Yang Wei can be remitted regarding oneself crime despairs. 说实话,宋杨威对于自己的罪行能够被赦免已经绝望了。 Although is not the information technology specialist, but as financial circles, he is clear about the risk of alpha virus compared with anybody. 虽然不是信息技术专家,但身为一名金融界人士,他比任何人都清楚alpha病毒的危险性。 In the present 22 centuries, has not popularized beside the biological person besides several countries of Africa, almost most countries had globally popularized the biological person technology. 在如今的22世纪,除了非洲的几个国家还没有普及仿生人之外,几乎全球范围内绝大多数的国家都已经普及了仿生人技术。 Even several small countries of certain North Sea Alliances were still discussing, gives certain work age the biological person basic civil rights. 甚至于某些北海联盟的几个小国还在商议,赋予一定工作年龄的仿生人基本公民权。 At present the tertiary industry and level of dependency of second industrial to biological people of major economies, once this ai virus spreads, the global economy will suffer the heavy losses. 以目前各大经济体的第三产业和第二产业对仿生人的依赖程度,一旦这种ai病毒扩散开来,全球经济都将遭遇重创。 Therefore, that side the security bureau will not let off him decisively, is impossible to let off him. 因此,安全局那边断然不会放过他,也根本不可能放过他。 Thinks of here, hung up the telephone by chair on Song Yang Wei, sighed in the heart. 想到这里,挂断电话靠在了椅子上的宋杨威,在心中叹了口气。 If we had known will have today, he said that anything will not sign in that document. 早知道会有今天,他说什么也不会在那份文件上签字。 Why must study that virus as for then him, that was a long story. 至于当时的他为何要研究那个病毒,那就说来话长了。 Although at the same time is the foundation that side request, but also has his selfishness at the same time in inside. 虽然一方面是基金会那边的要求,但一方面也有他自己的私心在里面。 Although the economic crisis regarding most people are a disaster, but regarding the small number of people is actually the opportunity! 经济危机虽然对于绝大多数人来说是一场灾难,但对于少数人来说却是机遇! Especially can know in advance regarding these person who the crisis arrives at! 尤其是对于那些能够预知到危机到来的人! Most assets become in the economic crisis period very cheap, so long as before the crisis prepares sufficient, he then can, in the new round wealth shuffles stands in the apex of the world. 绝大多数的资产在经济危机时期都会变得非常便宜,只要在危机发生之前做好充足的准备,他便能够在新一轮的财富洗牌中站在世界的顶点。 Can cause the economic crisis incessantly is the financial measure, Song Yangwei believes, adopts the method of technology also yes. 能够引发经济危机的不止是金融手段,宋杨威相信,通过技术的手段也是可以的。 However...... 然而…… Now thinks that these things are useless. 现在想这些东西已经没用了。 That side the security bureau has warned him, can not spread the news about alpha virus, was equal to confiscating the card in a hand on his hand. 安全局那边已经警告过他,不得散布关于alpha病毒的消息,等于是没收了他手上的底牌。 He the matter of Yang Wei capital does not want to ponder now, in the mind is transferring fast only has a matter. 他现在连杨威资本的事情都不想去思考,脑海里飞快转着的只有一件事情。 For own latter half of one's life also has the opportunity of leaving prison, he must before ruling, finding the way to reduce own crime. 为了自己的后半生还有出狱的机会,他必须在判决出来之前,想办法减轻自己的罪行。 Hesitant several minutes, Song Yangwei set firm resolve finally, puts out a hand to press gently on the desk, started the total information conference system. 犹豫了几分钟,宋杨威最终还是下定了决心,伸手在办公桌上轻轻按了一下,启动了全息会议系统。 As deep blue light beam emerges together, sits on the office chair does not have the man of facial features, appeared slowly in his study room. 随着一道湛蓝色的光束涌现,一个坐在办公椅上的没有五官的男人,缓缓浮现在了他的书房里面。 Does not have the dough figurine. 无面人。 Mr. D. 或者d先生。 Always, Song Yang Wei called him. 一直以来,宋杨威都是这么称呼他。 Although the back of very curious that total information image is hiding how is a person, but regarding his curiosity, the people of foundation does not seem to pay attention. 虽然很好奇那全息影像的背后藏着的到底是怎样一个人,但对于他的好奇心,基金会的人似乎从来没有理会过。 Looks to present no dough figurine before desk, Song Yangwei clears throat, says with the moderate sound. 看着出现在办公桌前的无面人,宋杨威清了清嗓子,用温和的声音开口说道。 For a long time does not see.” “好久不见。” Yes, long time no see.” “是啊,好久不见了。” When said these words, although Song Yang Wei is unable to read out the tiny bit smiling face from the face of that no dough figurine, in sound that but actually floated from that heard several points of meaningful happy expression. 在说出这句话的时候,虽然宋杨威无法从那个无面人的脸上读出一丝一毫的笑容,但却是从那飘来的声音中,听到了几分意味深长的笑意。 Threw this strange feeling after the brain, Song Yang Wei deep breath the one breath, opened the mouth to report to say. 将这奇怪的感觉抛在了脑后,宋杨威深呼吸了一口气,开口汇报道。 Academician Lu has controlled the East Asian electric power, I try the influence on snatch from his hand, but failed very much regrettably.” 陆院士已经掌控了东亚电力,我试图将影响力从他手上抢回来,但很遗憾失败了。” Paper that and since he publishes, two generations of Controlled Nuclear Fusion projects seem like the odds of success to be very big, if he once completed this century project, he will reach the peak in this century prestige without a doubt, even is more astonishing than his prestige a century ago.” “而且从他发表的论文上来看,二代可控聚变项目似乎胜算很大,如果他一旦完成了这一世纪工程,他在本世纪的威望毫无疑问将达到顶峰,甚至比他一个世纪前的威望还要惊人。” Only has no way to defeat him by my strength, I need the help of foundation.” “仅凭我一个人的力量没法打败他,我需要基金会的帮助。” Did not have the dough figurine to look at Song Yang Wei peacefully, waited for him to say the words. 无面人安静地看着宋杨威,等待着他将话说完。 For a long time later, floated laughter gently from that total information image suddenly. 许久之后,从那全息影像中忽然飘来了一丝轻轻的笑声。 Was made to be confused by this laughter, in the heart did not raise gradually well Song Yang Wei of premonition, is preparing to plan that asked he is smiling anything. 被这笑声弄得一头雾水,心中渐渐升起不好预感的宋杨威,正准备打算开口询问他到底在笑什么。 Then at this time, that did not have the dough figurine actually to open the mouth with the tranquil electronic sound. 然后就在这时候,那无面人却是用平静的电子音开口了。 By this time, you remembered own status finally?” “到了这个时候,你才终于想起了自己的身份?” Song Yang Wei: If possible, I do not certainly want to trouble you, but the situation has arrived at us to join up now, suppresses in the influence of East Asian electric power together that Lu Zhou expands unceasingly! Said that over the two days you had the time, did not chat in total information conference room clearly, we might as well chat face to face.” 宋杨威:“如果可以的话,我当然不想麻烦你,但现在情况已经到了我们不得不联合起来,一起抑制那个陆舟不断扩大的在东亚电力的影响力!说起来这两天你有时间吗,在全息会议室里聊不清楚,我们不妨当面聊聊。” Chats face to face?” That did not have the dough figurine to smile lightly, then looks you did sell to the security bureau me?” “当面聊聊?”那无面人淡淡笑了笑说,“然后看着你把我卖给安全局?” Song Yang Wei who hears these words, in the heart thump, supports immediately immediately is denying said. 听到这句话的宋杨威,心中顿时咯噔了一下,立刻强撑着否认说道。 How can! Moreover what you are saying, what relations this and does the security bureau have?” “怎么会!而且你到底在说什么,这和安全局有什么关系?” Do not install, where you went to for these days, said anything, I am clear. You think yourself already enough carefully, what is very regrettable you to bump into is I.” “别装了,你这几天去了哪里,又说了些什么,我是一清二楚的。你以为自己已经足够小心,但很遗憾你碰上的是我。” Looking like looking at the prey to be the same, that does not have the dough figurine unemotionally visits him, stopped a moment later, put the sound to continue to say lightly. 就像是在看着猎物一样,那无面人面无表情的看着他,停顿了片刻之后,放轻了声音继续说道。 „...... Makes me guess, people of security bureau gave you what advantage. Money? It is not quite realistic. Is...... some commitment? So long as you can provide to they more valuable clues, they will consider to let off you.” “……让我猜猜,安全局的人大给了你什么好处。钱?不太现实。或者是……某种承诺?只要你能够提供给他们更多有价值的线索,他们就会考虑放过你。” Moreover has delimited drop of cold sweat, Song Yang Wei complexion looks pale that does not have the dough figurine. 而且划过了一滴冷汗,宋杨威脸色铁青地看着那个无面人。 I do not know that you are saying anything......” “我不知道你在说什么……” You do not need to know, because soon finished,” leisure stood from the chair, before that total information image strolls arrived at his desk, overlooks is sitting in the desk following old person, announced with the superficial tone said. “你不需要知道,因为就快要结束了,”慢悠悠的从椅子上站了起来,那个全息影像闲庭信步地走到了他的办公桌前,俯视着坐在办公桌后面的老人,用轻描淡写的语气宣告说道。 You forgot initial vowing, betrayed our enterprise.” “你忘记了当初的誓言,也背叛了我们的事业。” Hell is not enough to punish your crime, void will be your final home to return, is waiting for your soul will be the eternal exile.” “地狱不足以惩罚你的罪,虚空将是你最后的归宿,等待着你的灵魂的将是永恒的流放。” Startled stood from the office chair, Song Yangwei waited for front that not to have the dough figurine fearful and apprehensive, did said calmly. 惊慌的从办公椅上站了起来,宋杨威胆战心惊的等着面前的那个无面人,强作镇定地说道。 „Do you want to do?” “你想干什么?” Although he does not think that is only the fellow of total information image, can be away from the net wire wound to oneself, but thinks that these matter about foundation, in his heart filled scared. 虽然他并不认为只是全息影像的这家伙,能够隔着网线伤到自己,但想到那些关于基金会的事情,他心中还是不禁充满了恐慌。 Saw that on desk that button that closes down the total information conference system, he throws to go forward hastily, must first switch off it. 看到办公桌上那个关闭全息会议系统的按钮,他连忙扑上前去,先要将其关掉。 Stretched out that not to have the right hand of entity, looks that does Song Yang Wei who is struggling uselessly, in the voice of no dough figurine took a light happy expression, ejected that cruel reply. 伸出了那没有实体的右手,看着做着无用挣扎的宋杨威,无面人的声音中带上了一丝淡淡的笑意,抛出了那句残忍的回答。 Does?” “干什么?” Naturally is the reason rebel.” “当然是情理叛徒。” …… …… ( Attention public number morning star does ll, look at study behind the tyrant story(??????)??) (关注公众号“晨星ll”,看学霸背后的小故事(??????)??)
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