SATS :: Volume #15

#1499: Shock academic circle electro-magnet

LSPM academic exchanges forum. LSPM学术交流论坛。 With past what is tranquilly different, today each plate in forum, seems especially lively. 和往日的宁静不同的是,今天论坛里的各个板块,都显得格外热闹。 «The Conceptual model paper that named High energy Explodes Magnetic compressor Current generator Theoretical analysis And Pulse Magnetic field Production Installment» did not have the omen to appear in the LSPM pre- printed book database, with also named that it appeared together A1 pulse magnetic field production installment holographic model. 一篇名为《高能量爆磁压缩电流发生器理论分析与脉冲式磁场生成装置的概念模型》的论文毫无预兆地出现在了LSPM预印本数据库中,与之一同出现的还有一个名为“A1型脉冲式磁场生成装置”的全息模型。 Because former Lu Zhou on has published the reason of paper in «Future», many people 100 years ago scholars of the research that were engaged in produced curiously to this, particularly wants to know these two generations of Controlled Nuclear Fusion research mentalities that he came up with are cracking a joke, therefore established the option of tracing to his academic trends. 由于之前陆舟在《未来》上刊登过论文的缘故,不少人都对这位来自一百年前的学者从事的研究产生了好奇,尤其是想知道他提出的那些二代可控聚变的研究思路是不是在开玩笑,因此对他的学术动态设置了追踪的选项。 The earliest possible time of also therefore, in this paper about pulse magnetic field coming out, the user in entire LSPM forum, no matter the academic member is the amateur scientific amateur, without any exception was shocked. 也正是因此,在这篇关于脉冲式磁场的论文出来的第一时间,整个LSPM论坛上的用户,不管是学术界人士还是业余的科学爱好者,都无一例外的被震惊到了。 fuck, is this...... the Academician Lu paper?!” 卧槽,这是……陆院士的论文?!” „It is not scrawls?” “不是瞎写的吧?” How possibly...... he 30 over, but also does not have the dotard, impossible to crack a joke with own academic prestige again.” “怎么可能……他才三十出头,还没老糊涂呢,再怎么也不可能拿自己的学术声誉开玩笑吧。” 100 years ago the scholar who wakes up can understand the present paper I is not strange, but can make this achievement of seeing that looks , was really inconceivable.” “一个从一百年前醒来的学者能看懂现在的论文我不奇怪,但能够做出这种看的见的成果,实在是太不可思议了。” Before hadn't he published a paper? Has what big startled mobs.” “之前他不是发过一篇论文吗?有什么好大惊小怪的。” Different, the previous paper summarizes the nature, the highlight was is only to propose some possibly realized two generations of Controlled Nuclear Fusion technical idea, but this paper obviously involves the specialized level, not only penetrated in the concrete research subject, what was most essential also makes the achievement of seeing that looked at!” “不一样,上一篇论文只是综述性质的,亮点只是在于提出了一些可能实现二代可控聚变的技术思路,但这篇论文明显是涉及到了专业的层面,不但深入到了具体的研究课题中,最关键的是还做出来了一个看的见的成果!” Whom has to test, that holographic model that he provides really or false?” “有没有谁测试过,他提供的那个全息模型到底是真的还是假的?” Is doing! My teacher had related the Jinling high technology and new technology campus that side and our laboratory cooperation enterprise a moment ago, if were about most latter Ming dynasty day to be able to deliver to our the sample!” “正在做了!我的导师刚才已经联系金陵高新技术园区那边和我们实验室合作的企业了,如果快的话最晚明天应该就能将样品送到我们这!” Must say that the scientific research of 22 centuries were more than anything's words the 21 st century, that probably convenience in fast confirmation. 要说22世纪的科研比21世纪多了些什么的话,那大概就是在快速验证方面的便利了。 3 D printing device that each and every family finds at everywhere, the custom-made industrial sector that each IM enterprise unveils, lets the distance between brain hole and reality is close to zero infinitely. 无论是家家户户随处可见的3D打印设备,还是各个智能制造企业推出的定制化工业服务,都让脑洞和现实之间的距离无限接近于零。 Naturally, the premise is the payment enough credit point. 当然,前提是支付足够的信用点。 And the brain hole is tenable. 以及脑洞本身是成立。 Therefore, after Lu Zhou gave that A1 pulse magnetic field production installment the total information composition and detailed parameter, the related laboratory that is engaged in the electro-magnet research much, conducts the confirmation to this/should model immediately. 因此,在陆舟给出了那个“A1型脉冲式磁场生成装置”的全息构图和详细参数之后,不少从事电磁体研究的相关实验室,都立刻对该模型进行了验证。 But finally, naturally also came as a surprise to everyone. 而结果,自然也是出乎了所有人的意料。 The magnetic field total quantity that although this A1 pulse magnetic field production installment provides is not very big, but truly achieves such that in the paper described, can enlarge dozens times according to the 50 Hz frequency the magnetic field! 这个A1型脉冲式磁场生成装置虽然提供的磁场总量不是很大,但确实做到了论文中描述的那样,能够按照50Hz的频率将磁场放大数十倍! Not only so, what is most surprising, knows the business a point person to look slightly, this equipment also has big improvement space! 不只是如此,最让人惊讶的是,稍微懂行一点的人都能看出来,这套装置还具有很大的改进空间! Not only can also further enlarge in the magnitude of volume and magnetic field, including thermal energy input port a series of designs, customizes for two generations of Controlled Nuclear Fusion installments! 不但在体积和磁场的量级上还能进一步放大,包括“热能输入端口”在内的一系列设计,更是为二代可控聚变装置量身定做的! Engineers who are engaged in the electro-magnet direction research much, after seeing this paper, had the feeling of suspicion life as if by prior agreement. 不少从事电磁体方向研究的工程师们,在看到了这篇论文之后,都不约而同地产生了怀疑人生的感觉。 At the subject development speeds of 22 centuries, the average person wants to study the domain knowledge oneself to have a thorough understanding completely, and catches up with most front the research results, does not have ten years 20 years is impossible. 以22世纪的学科发展速度,一般人想要将自己所学领域的知识完全吃透,并且追上最前沿的研究成果,没有个十年二十年的时间是根本不可能的。 No one is able to believe that 100 years ago the scholar who wakes up not only had not dropped out by the train of time thoroughly, merely is only the short dreariness, then made the unprecedented research results in an entirely new domain! 谁也无法相信,一个从一百年前醒来的学者不但没有被时代的列车彻底抛下,仅仅只是短暂的沉寂,便在一个全新的领域做出了突破性的研究成果! Before many people were also guessing, Academician Lu had lost to the academic interest, like the choice that Newton made in the past, gave up continuing on the learning to climb a higher mountain peak, 之前还有不少人在猜测,陆院士已经失去了对学术的兴趣,就像牛顿当年做出的选择一样,放弃了继续在学术上攀登更高的山峰, But joined in the financial arena. 而是投身到了金融领域。 Finally now looks like, the fact as if estimates with people clearly opposite. 结果现在看来,事实似乎和人们预想中的截然相反。 Moreover what most show is, left academic circle later Newton to speculate in the stock market to compensate more than 20 yearly wages, but has not left the academic circle Academician Lu, speculated in the stock market also gains probably? 而且最骚的是,离开学术界之后的牛顿炒股赔了二十多年工资,而没有离开学术界的陆院士,炒股好像还赚了? Moreover, but also gained many appearances...... 而且,还赚了不少的样子…… Pan-Asian academy of science. 泛亚科学院。 Looks float in front total information screen, sat Academician stretch/open Feiyue in office, on the face was convinced an interested expression. 看着悬浮在面前的全息屏幕,坐在办公室里的张飞跃院士,脸上不禁服气了一丝饶有兴趣的表情。 „...... Magnetic storm compress technique -based pulse magnetic field?” “……基于磁暴压缩技术的脉冲式磁场?” Interesting.” 有点意思。” As a scholar who is engaged in the plasma physics direction research, although he has to be engaged in two generations of Controlled Nuclear Fusion project related research, the domain that but excels at is actually not the design of electro-magnet. 身为一名从事等离子体物理方向研究的学者,虽然他有从事与二代可控聚变项目相关的研究,但擅长的领域却并非是电磁体的设计。 In comparison, his research is partial in the level of theory, particularly in of plasma in view of reactor. 相比之下,他的研究更偏向于理论的层面,尤其是针对反应堆内等离子体的这一块。 Therefore, after attaining this holographic model, he does not have the means to give a credible appraisal immediately, can only entrust the friend in academy of engineering, consults the expert in electro-magnet design. 因此,在拿到了这个全息模型之后,他也没办法立刻给出一个靠谱的评价,只能委托在工程院中的朋友,咨询电磁体设计方面的专家。 Although has not completed to the confirmation of model, but according to his in academy of engineering the view of friend, the realized possibility is very big. 虽然对模型的验证还没做完,但根据他那位在工程院的朋友的说法,实现的可能性还是很大的。 If can chat with Academician Lu face to face is good.” “如果能和陆院士当面聊聊就好了。” Brushed again the paper, Academician stretch/open Feiyue could not bear send out heartfelt acclaiming. UU reads 将论文再次刷了一遍,张飞跃院士忍不住发出了一声由衷的赞叹。UU看书 Regardless of the design idea of that electro-magnet, whether can open a front door of leaf of new world for the research of two generations of Controlled Nuclear Fusion, this paper writes quite splendid. 无论那个电磁体的设计思路,是否能为二代可控聚变的研究推开一扇新世界的大门,这篇论文本身都是写的相当精彩的。 Should say that worthily is the 21 st century's first scholar? 该说不愧是21世纪第一学者么? That he had enlivened time, but also really made one yearn...... 那个他曾经活跃过的时代,还真是令人向往…… Hears that feeling of teacher, sits the student in office, with instigating the tone said. 听到导师的那声感慨,坐在办公室里的学生,用怂恿的口吻说道。 Now the electro-magnet research lab of East Asian electric power is short of manpower, if the teacher you pass, believes that Academician Lu will certainly be glad to invite you very much, joins to his two generations of Controlled Nuclear Fusion projects in?” “现在东亚电力的电磁体研究实验室这么缺人,老师要是您过去的话,相信陆院士一定会很乐意邀请您,加入到他的二代可控聚变项目中的吧?” Was difficult saying that” Academician stretch/open Feiyue shakes the head, said that Academician Lu was strange, was not easy to be together, no one knows that he actually wants to do.” “难说,”张飞跃院士摇了摇头,“都说陆院士性情古怪,不是那么容易相处,谁也不知道他到底想干什么。” Although on the mouth is saying, but in his heart was actually some meanings moves. 虽然嘴上这么说着,但他的心中却是有些意动了。 Can be declined to discuss separately, tries to might as well after all. 会不会被拒绝另说,试一试总归无妨。 If Academician Lu is earnest, and really plans to lighten two generations of Controlled Nuclear Fusion ray...... 如果陆院士是认真的,并且真的打算将二代可控聚变的光芒点亮…… Oneself brushed past with the opportunity of going down in history, were some pity? 自己就这么与名垂千古的机会擦肩而过,岂不是有些太可惜了? After hesitant for a long time, Academician stretch/open Feiyue clenches teeth, finally cannot put down this matter at heart, therefore turns on the computer to operate the total information contact surface, edited a mail, sent to Lu Zhou in the mailbox that in that pre- printed book keeps. 犹豫了许久之后,张飞跃院士咬了咬牙,最终心里还是放不下这件事儿,于是打开电脑操作着全息界面,编辑了一封邮件,发到了陆舟在那篇预印本中留出的邮箱上。 After a morning waiting. 经过了一上午的等待。 When he is preparing to set out goes to the cafeteria to solve the lunch, only then the mails of three words appear in his mailbox. 就在他正准备起身前往食堂解决午饭的时候,一封只有三句话的邮件出现在了他的邮箱里。 However also this short three words, making his mood flash then change to the uncontainable excitement. 然而也正是这短短的三句话,让他的心情一瞬间便化作了难以克制的激动。 I am Lu Zhou.】 【我是陆舟。】 I have read your paper, is interested in the research of high energy plasma domain to you.】 【我看过你的论文,对你在高能等离子体领域的研究非常感兴趣。】 【If there is time, facilitates chats face to face?】 【如果有时间的话,方便当面聊聊吗?】
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