SATS :: Volume #14

#1377: Top-secret document

Going to the capital. 上京。 magnificence Kuwait Institute Math Research institute. 华科院数学研究所。 Does not calculate that in spacious conference room, dense pushed one group of people. 一间不算宽敞的会议室里,黑压压的挤了一群人。 Most of them are the members of domestic major public mathematical research agencies, as well as each big or small school of thought most prestigious scholar. 他们之中大部分人都是国内各大公立数学研究机构的一把手,以及各个大小学派最具声望的学者。 Why will sit as for them here...... 至于他们为什么会坐在这里…… In fact, they do not know. 事实上,他们自己也不知道。 How the summit agenda does not have.” “怎么连个会议议程都没有。” Looks that on the board stands alone there mineral spring thermo, king Shicheng frowns. 看着会议桌上孤零零地立在那里矿泉水瓶,王诗成皱了下眉头。 Is preparing on him asks the staff to ask, together the familiar sound, suddenly from side passed on. 就他正准备找个工作人员问问的时候,一道熟悉的声音,忽然从旁边传了过来。 king Shicheng? haha, was your old fogy also invited?” “王诗成?哈哈,你这个老家伙也被请来了?” Hears this sound, king Shicheng the expression looks askance to look disgruntledly, saw only Scholar Xiang to smile to walk, sat in oneself nearby position. 听到这声音,王诗成表情不悦地侧目看去,只见向院士正满脸笑容地走了过来,在自己旁边的位置上坐了下来。 Our Yanda (Yanshan University) number Kuwait Research institute good and evil is also the domestic top mathematical research agency, how can't I come?” “我们燕大数科研究所好歹也是国内顶尖的数学研究机构,我怎么不能来了?” Hi, looked at your saying saying that I was not that meaning, I was a little surprised,” looked at the surroundings, Scholar Xiang lowered the sound, said in a soft voice, I observed, not only probably the members of major research agencies, the apex big cow of domestic theory of numbers direction were invited...... not to know this congress must discuss was anything.” “嗨,瞧你这话说得,我又不是那个意思,我只是有点儿惊讶,”看了周围,向院士放低了声音,轻声说道,“我观察了下,好像不只是各大研究机构的一把手,国内数论方向的顶尖大牛都被请过来了……也不知道这大会要讨论的到底是什么事情。” No.” “没。” No?” Gawked slightly, to southern China some too did not understand that visits him. “没?”微微愣了下,向华南有些不太理解地看着他。 Has not gone to look at Scholar Xiang, king Shicheng lifts the eyelid to look at a conference room, said lightly. 没有去看向院士,王诗成只是抬起眼皮看了一眼会议室,淡淡说道。 Speaking of the expert of theory of numbers domain, a person has not come.” “说到数论领域的专家,还有一个人没来。” You say Academician Lu?” “你是说陆院士?” Yes,” selected, king Shicheng said confidently, theory of numbers, if he called second, no one dares to call first. Since is the scholar who convenes the theory of numbers direction, but he that skillful here, I cannot only guess, the most that this can open is related with him.” “是的,”点了下头,王诗成坦然说道,“数论这一块,若是他称第二,没人敢称第一。既然是召集数论方向的学者,而他又那么巧的不在这里,我只能猜测,这会开的多半是和他有关。” Although he especially does not like that young people, but regarding the mathematical achievement of that person, he quite admires. 虽然他并不是特别喜欢那个年轻人,但对于那个人的数学成就,他还是相当佩服的。 Is speaking, the middle-aged man who wears the formal dress arrived on the platform of conference room front. 正说话间,一位穿着正装的中年男人走到了会议室前方的讲台上。 As of that man coughs gently, the voice in conference room gradually peaceful. 随着那个男人的一声轻轻咳嗽,会议室里的声音渐渐安静了下来。 Although he is not the academic circle, but as the second in command of technical department, will sit most scholars here is not strange to him. 虽然他不是学术界的,但作为科技部的二把手,坐在这里的绝大多数学者对他都不会陌生。 It seems like this conference is not simple.” “看来这次会议不简单。” Hears to the low voice whisper of southern China, king Shicheng has not spoken, was only the silent place under. 听到向华南的小声嘀咕,王诗成没有说话,只是沉默地点了下头。 „The entire industry conference that” is managed by the technical department seconds in command...... 由科技部二把手主持的“全行业会议”…… This can also simple? 这还能简单的了吗? Made a long story short.” After coughing lightly, stands that man before platform, soon had the serious expression to enter the subject, what will soon contact was the national top secret, the security rank establishes provisionally top-secret, without other changes, keeping secret the effectiveness were 30 years. After the conference ended, forbids to discuss in secret conference relevant question, forbids to publicize or disclose the relevant information of any related conference.” “长话短说。”轻咳一声之后,站在讲台前的那个男人,很快带着严肃的表情进入了正题,“诸位即将接触到的是国家最高机密,保密级别暂定绝密,如果没有其他变动,保密时效是三十年。会议结束之后,禁止在私下里讨论会议相关问题,禁止公开或泄露任何有关会议的相关信息。” Naturally, the concrete top-secret content, has no relations with your me. For expansion of work, here I will select the main point to say as far as possible.” “当然,具体的绝密内容,和你我都没有任何关系。为了方便工作的展开,这里我会尽量挑要点讲。” , That man selected toward nearby staff, hints him to turn on the projecting apparatus. 顿了顿,那个男人向着旁边的工作人员点了下头,示意他打开投影仪。 Quick, as the projecting apparatus open, ppt of black on white presented on the theater curtain. 很快,随着投影仪打开,一张白底黑字的ppt呈现在了幕布上。 When sees this line of issues the instance, in the conference room spreads immediately the discussion of talking in whispers. 当看到这行问题的瞬间,会议室里立刻传开了窃窃私语的议论声。 On the faces of almost all people, wrote all over the unexpected expression. 几乎所有人的脸上,都写满了意外的表情。 abc Conjecture!?” abc猜想!?” This is plans to do, how I a little could not understand.” “这到底是打算干什么,我怎么有点看不懂了。” Is planned evidently summoned everyone solves the mathematical difficult problem.” “看样子是打算号召大家求解数学难题。” Talked nonsense simply, was this matter that focused on being able to complete?” “简直扯淡,这是集中力量就能办成的事情吗?” Is hearing the sound of ear discussion, opens mouth to southern China academician, some little time looked to sat in nearby Academician king Shicheng, the expression said strangely. 听着耳边议论的声音,向华南院士张了张嘴,好一会儿才看向了坐在旁边的王诗成院士,表情古怪地说道。 old king, how you sees.” “老王,你怎么看。” On the face also writes is compelling two characters ignorant, king Shicheng separated to push for a long time a few words from the mouth. 脸上同样写着懵逼两个字,王诗成隔了好久才从嘴里挤出来一句话。 „...... Does not know, do not ask me.” “……不知道,别问我。” abc Conjecture...... abc猜想…… Although does not know that this gadget and state secret have anything necessarily to relate, but the reason told him, this gadget did not convene to meet the domestic top expert to be able the problem solve. 虽然不知道这玩意儿和国家机密到底有什么必然联系,但理智告诉他,这玩意儿不是把国内顶尖专家召集起来开个会就能把问题解决的。 This is mathematics problems, believes that at level, should not need me to explain, here I only said the key point,” looks at the conference room that discusses spiritedly, the expression on that male face has no change , to continue saying that technical department established an years budget quota is 100 million Yuan special research spending.” “这是一道数学题,相信以诸位的水平,应该不需要我多做说明,这里我只说重点,”看着议论纷纷的会议室,那个男人脸上的表情没有任何变化,继续开口说道,“科技部成立了一笔年预算额度为一亿元的专项科研经费。” Who can solve this problem, this funds turn over to anyone.” “谁能够解决这个问题,这笔经费就归谁。” Who can be solved turns over to who?! 谁能解决就归谁?! When hears these words the instance, the previous second was still discussing people, held breath as if by prior agreement cold air. 当听到这句话的瞬间,前一秒还在议论着的众人,纷纷不约而同地倒吸了一口凉气。 Has retired many years of king Shicheng, could not bear follow hiss. 就连已经退休多年的王诗成,都忍不住跟着“嘶”了一声。 100 million research spending?! 一亿科研经费?! Moreover every year hundred million...... 而且还是每年一个亿…… This special was insane? 这特么是疯了吗? Regarding certain specialized engineering course academicians, hundred million funds possibly are not anything, acquires the money of two equipment. Especially makes the scientific researchers of rocket and type of Sun regarding these, let alone was one hundred million, turned one time to be not enough to spend. 对于某些专业的工科院士而言,一个亿的经费可能不算啥,也就添置两台设备的钱。尤其是对于那些造火箭、种太阳的科研人员来说,别说是一个亿了,翻一倍都可能不够花。 However, regarding mathematical poor division/discipline, one hundred million is astronomical figures. 然而,对于数学这种贫穷的学科而言,一个亿已经是一个天文数字了。 If really some so many funds, only feared that also how must worry should spend every year. 真要是有那么多经费,只怕还得发愁每年该咋花。 Exactly was anything had anything, being worth the technical department flower such big price......” frowning, sat in nearby to southern China academician, is whispering with the tone unbelievable low voice. “到底是什么发生了什么,值得科技部花这么大的代价……”皱着眉头,坐在旁边的向华南院士,用难以置信地语气小声嘀咕着。 Does not know that......” Academician king Shicheng the expression shakes the head dignifiedly, „, but I can affirm, this back responsibility is perhaps big.” “不知道……”王诗成院士表情凝重地摇了摇头,“但我敢肯定,这背后的干系恐怕不小。” ...... …… In fact, including Academician king Shicheng, conference room the premonitions of many scholars is correct. 事实上,包括王诗成院士在内,会议室现场的许多学者的预感都是正确的。 A report from sparks/Mars, not only made the entire 128 projects change Class A to be secret, was makes entire manned ascend the high level of hot office to be critical situation. 一篇来自火星的报告,不但让整个128项目摇身一变成了甲级机密,更是让整个载人登火办公室的高层如临大敌。 Outside civilization...... 地外文明…… One day ago, this sounds seems like a remote concept. 在一天之前,这听起来还像是一个遥远的概念。 However now, this has actually become the issue that everyone has had to face. 然而现在,这却已经变成了所有人都不得不面对的问题。 When almost the leadership of entire country all public math research institutes were shouted magnificence Keyuan met, was separated by not very far Chang'an Avenue, a ministerial close-door meeting, is also held. 就在几乎全国上下所有公立数学研究所的领导都被喊去华科院开会了的时候,相隔不算很远的长安街,一场部长级的闭门会议,同样在进行着。 „...... Resulted to the international community simply directly publicly, no matter and these do not know the income of whether having, this inside risk was really big! If all smooth but actually good, if it is not dealt with properly, the achievement that even may make our for dozens years the effort and achieves have all efforts wasted, the infamy of criminal but must conduct the back the entire human race.” “……干脆直接向国际社会公开得了,且不管那些不知道是否存在的收益,这里面的风险实在是太大了!如果一切顺利的话倒还好,如果处理不好,甚至有可能让我们数十年来的努力和取得的成就付之东流,还得背上全人类的罪人的骂名。” I approved that the viewpoint of Minister king, like the global climate action, this is not the issue that our country faces, but is the issue that the entire human race faces together. Even top-secret, most still on security 30 years, faces universal condemnation with it the risk embraces on us, might as well conduct the limited degree public.” “我赞成王部长的观点,就像全球气候行动一样,这已经不是我们一个国家所面临的问题,而是全人类共同面对的问题。就算是绝密,最多也就保密三十年,与其冒天下之大不韪将风险揽在我们自己身上,不如进行有限程度的公开。” I opposed, at least before confirming security, we should guarantee all options in our hands!” “我反对,至少在确认安全之前,我们应该确保所有的选项都在我们手上!” Seconds the motion! If useful but actually, how useless publicized even can? Besides the quarrel, you can also count on that who helps inadequately? These Americans?” “附议!如果有用倒也罢了,没用的话就算公开了又能怎样?除了争吵之外,你还能指望谁来帮忙不成?那些美国佬吗?” I do not approve publicly, but does not approve now this. We can definitely the reservation public partial information, under the premise of relative control dialog channel, establish an international organization to discuss the countermeasure together. Not only this helps us enhance the international influence, can exempt the risk of confidence crisis. Otherwise once disclosed a wee bit rumors, or enabled other countries to grasp us alone outside the evidence of civilized contact with the place, likely made our relations with the international community fall into very awkward aspect.” “我不赞成公开,但也不赞成现在这样。我们完全可以有所保留地公开部分信息,在相对控制对话渠道的前提下,成立一个国际性的组织来共同商讨对策。这不但有助于我们提升国际影响力,更可以免去信任危机的风险。否则一旦走漏了一丁点儿风声,或者让其他国家掌握了我们独自和地外文明接触的证据,很可能让我们与国际社会的关系陷入非常尴尬的局面。” Truly...... wants to keep secret completely for ten years 20 years, moreover that a wee bit rumors do not divulge, was really difficult!” “确实……想要完全保密十年二十年,而且还是一丁点儿风声都不泄露的那种,实在是太难了!” At any time, outside the civilized contact with the place is a matter that was full of the risk. 无论是在任何时候,与地外文明接触都是一件充满了风险的事情。 Not only this risk came from beyond the remote light year, originates from the close Earth neighbor. 这种风险不只是来自于遥远的光年之外,更是来源于近在咫尺的地球邻居。 If some country outside the civilization with the place starts visits and discussions alone, means that he grasped including declaring war, peace talks all outside civilized diplomatic the power with the place, but other countries can only become all the passive receivers of dialogue result. 假如某个国家单独与地外文明进行接触,就意味着他掌握了包括宣战、和谈在内的一切与地外文明外交的权力,而其他国家只能成为一切对话结果的被动接受者。 The advantage all made others occupy, oneself actually must follow to take the risk together, even was also kept in the dark, changes into anyone is not glad. If can keep secret but actually good, but obviously this is impossible. 好处全让别人占了,自己却得跟着一起承担风险,甚至还被蒙在鼓里,换成谁也不会乐意。如果能够一直保密倒还好,但显然这是不可能的。 Looks conference room that debates unceasingly, sat the big elder before board silent a while, looked that asked to Lu Zhou. 看着争论不休的会议室,坐在会议桌前的大长老沉默了一会儿,看向陆舟问道。 That abc Conjecture, can't you solve?” “那个abc猜想,您解不出来吗?” Although this issue seems like with the summit agenda has nothing to do, but asked on the most essential idea in fact. 虽然这个问题看起来和会议议程毫不相干,但事实上却问到了最关键的点子上。 Can untie this mathematical problem, seems and outside that place the premise of civilization dialog. 能够解开这个数学问题,似乎才是和那个地外文明对话的前提。 Gradually started to realize this point, the sound of discussion subsided gradually, everyone in conference room was peaceful, is waiting for his reply peacefully. 逐渐开始意识到了这一点,讨论的声音渐渐平息,会议室里的所有人都安静了下来,安静地等待着他的回答。 Does not know, faces one both to look to own line of sight, Lu Zhou shakes the head, the expression said rigorously, this matter, only then after having tried, knows...... . Moreover the intuition told me, even if can solve to come out, perhaps must spend a big time.” “不知道,”面对着一双双看向自己的视线,陆舟摇了摇头,措辞严谨地说道,“这种事情只有试过了之后才知道……而且直觉告诉我,就算能解出来,恐怕也得花不小时间。” The old person pondered a while, nods. 老人沉思了一会儿,点了点头。 Temporarily does not consider not to have the situation of answer, now supposed that you had opened this exercise key, you thought that goes to one is quite good by whom.” “暂时不考虑没有答案的情况,现在假设您已经将这道题解开了,您觉得由谁去一趟比较好。” From the sincerity perspective, naturally is the person who unties the issue goes is quite good.”, Lu Zhou continued saying that „, if were I...... rather than others solved this problem finally, I am willing to go to a sparks/Mars.” “从诚意的角度来讲,自然是解开问题的人去比较好。”顿了顿,陆舟继续说道,“如果最终是我……而不是其他人解决了这个问题,我愿意去一趟火星。” The big elder knits the brows to say. 大长老皱眉道。 Can't the long-distance dialogue?” “不能远程对话吗?” „Very difficult,” Lu Zhou shakes the head saying that „, let alone was sparks/Mars, even Earth, the radio signal could not pass to that deep underground. Only if constructs a communication base depot in the ground, gets down the fiber optics shop again. However by the sparks/Mars scientific research facilities present condition, wants to achieve this point, is almost impossible.” “很困难,”陆舟摇头说道,“别说是火星了,就算是地球,无线电信号也传不到那么深的地下。除非在地面建一个通讯基站,再将光缆铺下去。然而以火星科研基地现在的条件,想要做到这一点,几乎是不可能的。” Stopped the moment, looks at others in conference room, Lu Zhou continues to say. 停顿了片刻,看着会议室内的其他人,陆舟继续说道。 Let alone, I also very want to pass to have a look, that so-called alien, long what appearance.” “何况,我也挺想过去看看,那个所谓的外星人,到底长什么样子的。” I thought that was too risky,”, although by spirit of Lu Zhou selfless contributions being moved, but Chief Li cannot bear say, that is sparks/Mars several million kilometers away...... this, if which link has problems, is not jokes.” “我觉得还是太冒险了,”虽然被陆舟无私奉献的精神给感动到了,但李局长还是忍不住说道,“那可是几千万公里之外的火星……这要是哪个环节出了点问题,可不是闹着玩的。” Science is risky, when I had said I am joking?” Looks that on the face writes all over the concerned old friend, Lu Zhou said calmly, „, if all smooth, this meeting takes to our influence possibly bigger than Controlled Nuclear Fusion.” “科学本身就是冒险,我什么时候说过我是在闹着玩的?”看着脸上写满关切的老朋友,陆舟心平气和地说道,“如果一切顺利的话,这次会面带给我们的影响可能比可控聚变还要大。” Stands in the country, in the standpoint of human considered.” “无论是站在国家,还是人类的立场上考虑。” I have go to one personally there necessity!” “我都有亲自去一趟那里的必要!” …… …… ( Has the book friend of WeChat to be able under attention my public number ~ searched my pen name morning star ll to be OK in the public number page!) (有微信的书友可以关注下我的公众号吗~在公众号页面搜索一下我的笔名“晨星ll”就可以了!)
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